After a few years of deja vu in this division we may see a new team crowned champion.

See you in Hendersonville the first weekend in November!
The Division II Class AA Boys appears to be Deja Vu. It'll take an upset if the outcome is otherwise.
Two years ago Christopher Knight was not running Cross Country. Now he's looking for hardware at state.
Briarcrest's Emmye Conway earned All-State in 2021 and finds herself in position to do so again this year.
Bella Guillamondegui and the Honey Bears look to defend their titles but it won't be easy.
We've published a lot of articles over the last week in preparation for the state meet. Here's your one stop shop on all the content before Thursday.
Cara Bruce has improved a lot since freshman year and is ready to leave her mark on this year's State Meet. Watch her interview here.
After last season, there may never be a more dramatic state championship in one division but I'm hoping for an encore.
Memphis East is making people pay attention to Region 8 in this classification. Luis Gomez helps us unpack this rise from obscurity.
If you thought last year had drama, wait until the gun goes of at 2:40 on November 4th.
After years of unfortunate events, Conner Carter is making his first and only trip to the Cross Country State Championship and hopes to leave an impression.
This race has multiple contenders on both the individual and team side with familiar faces in each competition.
Sarah Catherine Donovan has more than individual aspirations at stake this year in Hendersonville.
Saving the best for last. This race has well defined favorites and contenders and is set up to be a fast one.
Riverdale's Daniel Martin never broke 17:00 prior to this year and now is on the cusp of All State Honors. He talks about the turnaround here.
It's hard to stand out in the Knoxville high school cross country scene but Karns' Rylee Gifford has found a way to and has lofty goals for state.
Brentwood has a little more breathing room this year as does the individual favorite but there's always drama around Sanders Ferry.
For the second year in a row, everything came up GREEN in Division II Class AA.
There are a couple of ways to define "Most Improved" in reference to the state meet so we look at a couple of them in this report.
There are a couple of ways to define "Most Improved" in reference to the state meet so we look at a couple of them in this report.
McCallie made it four in a row while Luke Thompson captured his first. There's a lot more to unpack from the championship though.
There was less drama this year but the competition was still exciting with a couple of surprise finishers.
Jackson Martin won his final high school race while the Signal Mountain Boys completed the classification sweep.
Abby Faith Cheeseman continued her streak while Westminster made history for the Defenders.
Drew Johnson lived up to preseason expectations while USN staves off field of challengers to retain title.
If you read the preview, you were very prepared for what transpired in this classification.
In a way, both the team and individual champions snapped droughts that lasted for over twenty years each.
Which boy did you think was the 2022 MileSplit Tennessee Performer of the year? Let us know here.
Which girl did you think was the 2022 MileSplit Tennessee Performer of the year? Let us know here.