Unsigned Seniors Class Of 2025
While Some Tennesseans have found a home to continue their athletic careers, others are still looking for their next opportunity. Here is a list of seniors who reached out to be added to this report for visibility. If you would like to be added, you can fill out the form below. It will be updated as time permits.
Updated 3/12
Unsigned Seniors Interest Form
- Aalvinee Torrance - Bartlett | 26.39 - 200m, 59.09 - 400m | aalvinee15@yahoo.com
- Ally Deal - Creek Wood | 12.54 - 100m, 16-11 - 200m | allisondeal1@icloud.com
- Amora Lowe - White Station | 39' 0.5" - Triple Jump, 17' 1.75" - Long Jump | amoralowe91@gmail.com
- Brea Vann - Stewarts Creek | 59.95 - 400m, 2:23.67 - 800m | breavann@gmail.com
- Elise Curley - Wilson Central | 12.58 - 100m, 26.57 - 200m | elise.curley@icloud.com
- Emily Thomae - Boyd Buchanan | 30' 5.25" - Shot, 87' 9.75" - Discus | emilythomae@gmail.com
- Jariel Biney - Wilson Central | 26.68 - 200m, 61.14 - 400m | jarielbiney@gmail.com
- Jaydyn Johnston - Providence Academy | 12.99 - 100m, 7.48 - 55m | cjohnston4139@gmail.com
- Jayla Reed - Bartlett | 12.05 - 100m, 25.08 - 200m | jayla.reed@bartlettpanthers.org
- Kassidy Davis - White Station | 14.66 - 100H, 45.30 - 300H | daviskassidy75@gmail.com
- Mackenzie Egan - Wilson Central | 2:34.03 - 800m, 6:05.87 - 1600m | mackegan@icloud.com
- Madison Rhodes - Germantown | 8.04 - 60m, 57.60 - 400m | matrho07@icloud.com
- Meiah Moss - Upperman | 5' 4" - High Jump, 15.74 - 100mH | mlauricemoss@gmail.com
- Shaniya Hudson - Republic | 12.99 - 100m, 26.40 - 200m | hudsonshaniya26@gmail.com
- Victoria Campos - Wilson Central | victoriacampos1206@gmail.com
- Aidan Ellis - Fairview | 17:41.08 - 5K, 2:02.34 - 800m | ajosephe@myyahoo.com
- Andre Cotten - Lavergne | 11.65 - 100m, 24.36 - 200m | acotten2007@yahoo.com
- Andrew Cowles - Station Camp | 1:58.75 - 800m, 4:36.32 - 1600m | andrewcowles425@icloud.com
- Ben Clotfelter - Anderson County | 2:02.49 - 800m, 4:35.27 - 1600m | benclotfelter@gmail.com
- Brock Riemann - Stewarts Creek | 11.78 - 100m, 45.55 - 300mH | bmanriemann@icloud.com
- Cadence Dolgin - Wilson Central | 14' 0" - Pole Vault, 38' 10" - Triple Jump | cadencedolgin@gmail.com
- Carvarious Bowers - Hunters Lane | 10.93 - 100m, 22.32 - 200m | carvariousbowers@icloud.com
- Clark French - Dyer Co. | 10:27 - 3200m, 16:48 - 5K | clarkdfrench@icloud.com
- Clinton Lee III - Collierville | 10.92 - 200m, 22.15 - 200m | clintonlee3rd@gmail.com
- Cole Chafin - Huntingdon | 54.25 - 400m, 17:55 - 5K | colechafin17@gmail.com
- Co'Ronye Perkins - Wilson Central | coronperkins8@gmail.com
- Darien Humphreys | humphreysdarien@gmail.com
- Gabe Alvarez - White House | 12.90 - 100m, 25.49 - 200m | edgabriel2301@gmail.com
- Gage Slagle - Jefferson County | 4:28.86 - Mile, 16:02 - 5K | gage_slagle22@ayhoo.com
- Gage Whited - Baylor | 22.06 - 200m, 49.26 - 400m | baylortengage@icloud.com
- Garrett Hawkins - Hardin Valley | 15:37.42, 5K, 4:14.50, 1 Mile Run | gih11604@gmail.com
- Garrett Tunks - Beech | 1:55.62 - 800m, 4:27.63 - 1600m | gdtunks06@gmail.com
- Gavin Slagle - Jefferson County | 4:26.97 - Mile, 16:18.56 | gavin.runs18@gmail.com
- Gilbert Stein - Baylor | 40.80 - 300mH, 5938 - Decathlon | gilstein06@icloud.com
- Goi Tuor - Portland | 8.95 - 60mH, 24.63 200m | goituor14@gmail.com
- Hunter Hawkins - West Ridge | 21.82 - 200m, 22' 0.5" - Long Jump | hawkinshunter37@gmail.com
- Jacob Moore - Greeneville | 13' 6" - Pole Vault | jacobmo1307@gmail.com
- Jalan Barnes - Stewarts Creek | 52.13 - 400m, 5' 10" - High Jump | jaybarnes0827@gmail.com
- Janson Eakes - Hunters Lane | 25.76 - 200m, 56.74 - 400m | jansoneakes@icloud.com
- Jaden Hillis - Liberty Creek | 9:26.92 - 2 Mile, 15:16 - 5K | jadenhillis@gmail.com
- Jase McCloskey - Collierville | 2:00.30 - 800m, 4:34.56 - 1600m | jasemccloskey@gmail.com
- Jerciano Johnson - Bartlett | 15.18 - 110mH, 40.66 - 300mH | jercianoj13@icloud.com
- Jerry Behrmann - Elizabethton | 4:49.42 - One Mile, 17:06 - 5K | jerryjacob123123@gmail.com
- Josh Park - Columbia Central | 4:59.08 - 1600m, 17:13 - 5K | joshuapark06@gmail.com
- Kai Mangrum - Stewarts Creek | 22.88 - 200m, 50.07 - 400m | kaimangrum@gmail.com
- Keilan Harris - Stewarts Creek | keilanharris16@gmail.com
- Kyle Jones - Collierville | 11.14 - 100m, 7.15 - 60m | mrkajones06@gmail.com
- Logan Hackett - Watertown | 5:07.52 - 1600m, 18:22 - 5K | loganhackett59@gmail.com
- McKale Hayes - Hardin Valley | 39.26 - 300H, 4798 - Decathlon | hmckale8@gmail.com
- Mgee Ali - Memphis East | 22.92 - 200m, 39.41 - 300H | mdgeali13@gmail.com
- Navaar MacDonald-Risner - Eagleton | 11.48 - 100m, 23.05 - 200m | navaar06@gmail.com
- Palmer Hinote - Memphis University School | 2:02.81 - 800m, 4768 - Decathlon | palmer.hinote@musowls.org
- Silas Fulford - Christian Academy | 13' 0" - Pole Vault, 14.81 - 110H | 25silasf@gmail.com
- Rogeris Stuckey - Southwind | 15.02 - 110mH, 41.95 - 300mH | stuckeyrogeris@gmail.com
- Tanner Coggin - Farragut | 9:28 - 2 Mile, 15:36 - 5K | tannercoggin@icloud.com
- Taylor Pendleton - Lausanne | 22.76 - 200m, 7.23 - 60H | tpendleton25@lausanneschool.com
- Tomontae Morrell - KIPP Nashville | 7.03 - 55M, 47.10 - 300H | aztomontae@gmail.com
- Tristan Rogers - Houston | 11.22 - 100m, 22.89 - 200m | tristianrogers10106@outlook.com
- Ty Durst - Collierville | 9:43.31 - 3200m, 16:00.26 - 5K | tddurst@icloud.com
- Tyler Nunn - Christ Presbyterian | 22.78 - 200m, 48.83 - 400m | tyleranunn1@gmail.com
- Wesley Luisi - Beech | 4:19.69 - One Mile, 15:24.83 - 5K | wes2025@yahoo.com
- William Boehm - Donelson Christian | 11.08 - 100m, 22.79 - 200m | williamboehm2236@icloud.com
- Xavier Johnson - Stewarts Creek | 11.50 - 100m, 23.56 - 200m | zayzoeytj2007@icloud.com