Highlighting some of the top performers from every corner of Tennessee.
Farragut's Evan Beeler trained through the winter and emerged with two impressive debuts at the East Tennessee Jamboree on March first posting TN #1s in both the 800m and 1600m distances.
Performer Of The Week
Every week this season we will be conducting a poll from beginning Monday and ending Thursday to highlight performances from the previous week. This will give us an opportunity to showcase the best talent in Tennessee. Though some athletes will likely run times every week that are worthy of being in the poll, our goal is to cast a wide net and showcase a vast array of athletes from all parts of the state.
Current TN Boys Leaderboard
This Week's Candidates
- Evan Beeler (Farragut): Evan Beeler defended home track winning both the 800m and 1600m at the East Tennessee Jamboree. He would lower his state leading 1600m time a few days later at HVA 1 with a 4:17.32. That and his 1:56.18 are the current leading performances at both distances.
- Karontae' Cunningham (Tyner) - Last year, Cunningham was the fastest 8th grader in the state. This year, he may just be the fastest high schooler as well... as a freshman. I know that when times like this are seen people have their doubts but I've audited the video and confirmed with the timers and there's no doubt he ran from point A to point B in 10.29. The performance is TN #2 All-Time for All Conditions for 100 meters.
- Lebron Willis (Bartlett) - The junior from Bartlett dipped under 15.00 just once last outdoor season and it was just barely with a 14.97 but through two outings has come close to running under 14.00. His 14.18 and 14.09 are the fastest 110mH times in the state and #7 nationally for the Class of 2026.
- Mason Bates (Boyd Buchanan) - The quote from Mason Bates after he won the Division II Class A State Title in Discus last year was "I just needed something to keep me busy during the spring." The former baseball player transferred that rotational body motion from the batter's box to the little circle and is currently the #1 Discus Thrower in the country for the Class Of 2027 with a 170 flat at his first meet of 2025.