Nashville Track & Field Championships (City Meet) 2024

Nashville, TN

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Faulkner, Daylon Lead Academy
Holbrooks, Jameson Lead Academy
Harmon, Kolbe 10.68 Brentwood Academy
Ezell, Garner 10.70 Lipscomb Academy
Jones, Ryan 10.73 Father Ryan High School
Wilson, Jonathan 10.80 Franklin Road Academy
Ward, Kamarion 10.87 Lipscomb Academy
Richardson, Kayden 10.87 Franklin Road Academy
Sohr, Oden 10.90 Hillsboro High School
Bowers, Carvarious 10.97 Hunters Lane High School
Kalokoh, Jeremiah 11.01 McGavock High School
Usher, Elijah 11.17 East Nashville Magnet School
Drew, Zedrick 11.28 McGavock High School
Hopkins, Justin 11.35 Ensworth
Crump, JoJo 11.36 Father Ryan High School
Frierson, Joey 11.38 RePublic High School
Bean, Brandon 11.38 James Lawson High School
Reed, D'arious 11.42 Pearl Cohn High School
Ikejiani, Michael 11.42 Montgomery Bell Academy
Cooke, Braden 11.42 Ensworth
Reames, Giovanni 11.44 Hillsboro High School
Davis, Brooklen 11.45 Montgomery Bell Academy
Coleman, Matthew 11.49 John Overton High School
Alford, Kingston 11.51 Martin Luther King High School
Harp, Dorrian 11.58 Hunters Lane High School
Franklin, Cameron 11.58 Antioch High School
Cabell, Owen 11.60 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Clifton, Neo 11.60 Brentwood Academy
McCray, Jamonte 11.62 RePublic High School
Coffee, Koby 11.65 Antioch High School
Hunter, Ladamion 11.67 Pearl Cohn High School
Russell, DeMarco 11.68 Cane Ridge High School
Allison, Keyonte 11.71 James Lawson High School
Williams, Ja'Quis 11.73 Martin Luther King High School
White, Chris 11.75 John Overton High School
Davis, Braylin 11.80 University School of Nashville
Sain, Demtrius 11.86 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Taylor, Jason 11.88 Christ Presbyterian Academy
McKnight, Jayden 11.89 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Grigsby, Kaden 11.98 Nashville Christian School
Holbert, NaShaun 11.99 Stratford High School
Harris, Michael 12.04 Glencliff High School
Mitchell, Marquis 12.04 Stratford High School
Nottage, Latrell 12.50h Glencliff High School
Burgess, Kris 12.64 East Nashville Magnet School
Tate, Gabe 12.86 Nashville Christian School
Radford, Akil (William) 14.07 University School of Nashville
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horton, Spessard McGavock High School
Becker, Charlie 14.50 Father Ryan High School
Whitefield, Bennett 15.52 Lipscomb Academy
Perry, Jack 15.61 Montgomery Bell Academy
Speed, Charlie 15.74 Franklin Road Academy
Papillion, Warner 15.78 Lipscomb Academy
Frankfather, Griffin 16.11 Franklin Road Academy
Harris, Leroy 16.15 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Belville, Brax 16.28 Brentwood Academy
Redmond, Cade 16.40 Montgomery Bell Academy
Fontenot, Arkez 16.45 Brentwood Academy
Olakunle, Olamide 16.47 John Overton High School
Townsend, Charles 16.69 John Overton High School
Kelly Jr., Aaron 16.75 Pearl Cohn High School
Saulter, Stephen 17.40 Pearl Cohn High School
Brooks, Aldone 18.36 Hillsboro High School
Law, Jaxyn 18.80 Stratford High School
Stem, Jordan 18.88 Stratford High School
Shelton, Nathan I 19.00h Antioch High School
Gatti, Noah 19.00h Antioch High School
Cash, Antwuan 19.01 Hillsboro High School
Sanders, Jaylen 19.24 Hunters Lane High School
Cowan, Brice 20.29 RePublic High School
Davis, Kaiden 20.64 East Nashville Magnet School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Silva, Albert Lead Academy
Johnson, Armando Hunters Lane High School
Brewington, Carter McGavock High School
Trumble, Samuel 4:17.21 Montgomery Bell Academy
Ortner, Ryder 4:25.61 Father Ryan High School
Wallace, Jack 4:26.82 Montgomery Bell Academy
Steffen, Clark 4:27.46 Father Ryan High School
Chaffin, Mitchell 4:28.49 Montgomery Bell Academy
Long, Joseph 4:33.29 Hillsboro High School
Thompson, Will 4:34.43 Father Ryan High School
Mejia, Lorenzo 4:41.15 Lead Academy
Fruin, Jack 4:42.16 University School of Nashville
Ally, Simon 4:46.21 Martin Luther King High School
Raines, Gideon 4:48.05 Hillsboro High School
Maddux, Nicholas 4:50.04 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Pope, Rivers 4:51.11 John Overton High School
Jackson, Wealth 4:51.61 Lipscomb Academy
Mesele, Henoch 4:55.61 Antioch High School
Lewis, Colter 5:01.66 Martin Luther King High School
Thompson, Jake 5:04.03 Lipscomb Academy
Martinez, Erick 5:05.71 John Overton High School
Barnett, Noah 5:05.87 Nashville Christian School
Brooks, Elliot 5:08.47 James Lawson High School
Everett, Dylan 5:11.00h Franklin Road Academy
Maxwell, Witt 5:11.87 Franklin Road Academy
Watkins, Jeremiah 5:13.76 Pearl Cohn High School
Brackett, Drew 5:15.62 University School of Nashville
Caulfield, Devin 5:16.68 Cane Ridge High School
Martinez Ibanez, John 5:26.29 John Overton High School
Easley, Jeremiah 5:36.78 Ensworth
Loyd, Donald 5:45.71 Cane Ridge High School
Griggs, Dylan 5:47.22 Antioch High School
Douglas, Roddrico 5:50.00 Stratford High School
Camp, JM 5:58.56 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Miles, Ian 6:05.00 Stratford High School
Merriweather, Rico 6:08.99 East Nashville Magnet School
Manaj, Angelo 6:21.50 McGavock High School
Saulter, Stephon 6:23.54 Pearl Cohn High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ward, Jacorey Lead Academy
Jones, Ryan 21.73 Father Ryan High School
Wilson, Jonathan 21.97 Franklin Road Academy
Richardson, Kayden 22.03 Franklin Road Academy
Harmon, Kolbe 22.28 Brentwood Academy
Ezell, Garner 22.30 Lipscomb Academy
Bowers, Carvarious 22.32 Hunters Lane High School
Cabell, Owen 22.43 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Sims, Josh 22.45 Pearl Cohn High School
Usher, Elijah 22.81 East Nashville Magnet School
Becker, Charlie 22.87 Father Ryan High School
Franklin, Cameron 22.90 Antioch High School
Burgess, Carlile 22.91 East Nashville Magnet School
Westlake, Jack 22.94 Lipscomb Academy
Sohr, Oden 22.97 Hillsboro High School
Bean, Brandon 23.04 James Lawson High School
Johnson, Kaleb 23.06 John Overton High School
Drew, Zedrick 23.08 McGavock High School
Left, Landan 23.16 Montgomery Bell Academy
Nelson, Deanthony 23.20 Pearl Cohn High School
Olakunle, David 23.23 John Overton High School
Allison, Keyonte 23.28 James Lawson High School
Frierson, Joey 23.29 RePublic High School
Moore, Ashton 23.34 Ensworth
Alford, Kingston 23.42 Martin Luther King High School
Homer, Tavius 23.44 Hillsboro High School
Harp, Dorrian 23.58 Hunters Lane High School
Holtzclaw, Max 23.60 Ensworth
Holbert, NaShaun 23.60h Stratford High School
Roebuck, Elliot 23.67 Cane Ridge High School
Yusi, Bennett 23.95 Martin Luther King High School
Jones, Mysonne 23.95 Cane Ridge High School
Clifton, Neo 23.97 Brentwood Academy
Moore, Braun 24.13 University School of Nashville
Williams, Dale 24.25 McGavock High School
Battle, Jaiden 24.28 RePublic High School
Riven, Zach 24.35 Montgomery Bell Academy
Nottage, Latrell 24.42 Glencliff High School
Tate, Gabe 24.65 Nashville Christian School
Levy, John 24.79 Glencliff High School
Patterson, Preston 24.82 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Asfaw, Ebe 24.93 University School of Nashville
Mitchell, Marquis 24.99 Stratford High School
Goins, Travis 25.27 Antioch High School
Grigsby, Kaden 25.32 Nashville Christian School
Aguayo-Diaz, Charlie 27.33 Lead Academy
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Law, Jaxyn Stratford High School
Davis, Kaiden East Nashville Magnet School
Frankfather, Griffin 38.82 Franklin Road Academy
Perry, Jack 40.75 Montgomery Bell Academy
Townsend, Charles 40.92 John Overton High School
Eaton, Wilkes 41.30 Brentwood Academy
Turnipseed, Tanner 42.00 Lipscomb Academy
Jones, Jaylen 42.16 Martin Luther King High School
Carlise, Enoch 42.44 James Lawson High School
Papillion, Warner 42.59 Lipscomb Academy
Speed, Charlie 42.68 Franklin Road Academy
Harris, Leroy 43.22 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Brooks, Lebron 43.56 Pearl Cohn High School
Armstrong, Hunter 43.87 Montgomery Bell Academy
Hisrich, Patrick 45.29 Father Ryan High School
Brooks, Aldone 45.32 Hillsboro High School
Upchurch, Carson 45.84 Nashville Christian School
Haddad, George 46.11 Father Ryan High School
Hurt, Kaleb 46.33 John Overton High School
Saulter, Stephen 46.48 Pearl Cohn High School
Caldwell II, Omega 46.50 Martin Luther King High School
Stem, Jordan 46.55 Stratford High School
Sanders, Jaylen 46.85 Hunters Lane High School
Rosco, Amari 46.94 RePublic High School
Davis, Keir 48.14 James Lawson High School
Khalili, Zain 48.29 Hillsboro High School
Gatti, Noah 48.64 Antioch High School
Marx, Brayden 49.10 Brentwood Academy
Shelton, Nathan I 49.63 Antioch High School
Roland, Temontez 52.06 RePublic High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewis, Miles University School of Nashville
Kiessling, Will 10:13.47 Montgomery Bell Academy
Lewis, Korben 10:23.12 Martin Luther King High School
Selby, David 10:26.53 James Lawson High School
Ferrell, Brent 10:29.36 Martin Luther King High School
Raines, Gideon 10:31.57 Hillsboro High School
Chaffin, Mitchell 10:34.75 Montgomery Bell Academy
Wiggins, Sam 10:35.78 Father Ryan High School
Smith, Sullivan 10:38.98 Father Ryan High School
Thompson, Jake 10:44.68 Lipscomb Academy
Selby, Cade 10:49.72 James Lawson High School
Mesele, Henoch 10:50.07 Antioch High School
Everett, Dylan 11:00 Franklin Road Academy
Maxwell, Witt 11:00 Franklin Road Academy
Martinez, Erick 11:10.58 John Overton High School
Alderson, Hayden 11:30 Franklin Road Academy
Martinez Ibanez, John 12:14.23 John Overton High School
Perez, Hasel 13:15.74 John Overton High School
Ostroski, Will 13:19.93 University School of Nashville
Merriweather, Rico 14:26.31 East Nashville Magnet School
Brewington, Carter 14:31.93 McGavock High School
Harrington, Evan 16:02.37 Hillsboro High School
Steffen, Clark 9:46.81 Father Ryan High School
Guillamondegui, Gabe 9:49.19 Montgomery Bell Academy
Boling, Wyatt 9:57.97 Martin Luther King High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ray, Jordan Lead Academy
Yokley, Dontae Lead Academy
Mesele, Henoch 1:00.29 Antioch High School
Claybrooks, Jonathan 1:01.66 Glencliff High School
Byron, Brown 1:06.43 Antioch High School
Moore, Michael 1:19.48 RePublic High School
Jones, Ryan 47.85 Father Ryan High School
Ward, Kamarion 49.65 Lipscomb Academy
Sims, Josh 50.62 Pearl Cohn High School
Olakunle, David 50.74 John Overton High School
Batey, Akeem 51.18 Ensworth
Sohr, Oden 51.27 Hillsboro High School
Coppeans, Edward 51.43 Ensworth
Johnson, Kaleb 51.44 John Overton High School
Shields, Jaylen 51.48 James Lawson High School
Harris, Michael 51.57 Glencliff High School
Westlake, Jack 52.04 Lipscomb Academy
Brown, Boyd 52.04 Franklin Road Academy
Okolocha, Somto 52.35 Martin Luther King High School
Dawkins, Harrison 52.51 Montgomery Bell Academy
Dunne, Binyam 52.53 University School of Nashville
Sam-ogaga, Odafe 52.87 James Lawson High School
Moore, Braun 52.95 University School of Nashville
Vanderpool, Jay 53.04 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Frierson, Joey 53.46 RePublic High School
Boese, Benjamin 53.71 McGavock High School
Tarlington, Keyshawn 53.81 Pearl Cohn High School
Hollis, Josh 53.85 Nashville Christian School
Griffin, Thalverlis 53.98 Hillsboro High School
Roebuck, Elliot 54.12 Cane Ridge High School
Self, Garrett 54.61 Franklin Road Academy
Dupree, Julian 54.66 McGavock High School
Jones, Mysonne 54.69 Cane Ridge High School
Bowers, Carvarious 54.70 Hunters Lane High School
Bowden Jr, Richard 54.85 Martin Luther King High School
Whitworth, Isiah 55.60h Stratford High School
Hall, Henry 55.73 Father Ryan High School
Anderson, Owen 55.85 Montgomery Bell Academy
Edwards, Marcus 56.50 Hunters Lane High School
Ford, Demorius 56.80 East Nashville Magnet School
Pulgarin, Aaron 57.07 Nashville Christian School
Belanger, Samuel 57.62 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Osei-Bonsu, Jared 57.79 East Nashville Magnet School
Campbell, Joe 57.80h Stratford High School
Raab, Luke 58.90 Brentwood Academy
Cahill, Austin 59.25 Brentwood Academy
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ezell-Harding Christian School
Relay Team A Lead Academy
Relay Team A Hunters Lane High School
Relay Team A 41.77 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 43.26 Montgomery Bell Academy
Relay Team A 43.45 Brentwood Academy
Relay Team A 43.61 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 43.64 RePublic High School
Relay Team A 43.87 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 44.01 Ensworth
Relay Team A 44.34 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 44.62 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 44.89 Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 45.10 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 45.13 Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 45.15 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 45.30 Stratford High School
Relay Team A 45.35 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team B 45.92 Antioch High School
Relay Team A 45.94 Nashville Christian School
Relay Team A 48.11 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 48.65 Glencliff High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team A Lead Academy
Relay Team A 1:29.69 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 1:30.43 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 1:32.26 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 1:32.33 Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 1:32.48 Montgomery Bell Academy
Relay Team A 1:33.19 Stratford High School
Relay Team A 1:33.22 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 1:33.84 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 1:34.00 Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 1:34.53 James Lawson High School
Relay Team A 1:34.94 Brentwood Academy
Relay Team B 1:35.07 Antioch High School
Relay Team A 1:35.19 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 1:35.79 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Relay Team A 1:35.90 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 1:36.39 Hunters Lane High School
Relay Team A 1:36.75 Ensworth
Relay Team A 1:37.09 Nashville Christian School
Relay Team A 1:37.10 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 1:41.49 Glencliff High School
Relay Team A 1:45.50 RePublic High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Glencliff High School
Relay Team A 3:24.81 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 3:28.99 Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 3:31.91 James Lawson High School
Relay Team A 3:34.26 Montgomery Bell Academy
Relay Team A 3:34.35 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 3:34.70 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 3:35.45 Brentwood Academy
Relay Team A 3:36.00 Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 3:36.18 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team B 3:39.75 Antioch High School
Relay Team A 3:43.36 Ensworth
Relay Team A 3:43.88 Nashville Christian School
Relay Team A 3:44.75 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 3:45.83 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 3:46.65 Hunters Lane High School
Relay Team A 3:47.40 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team A 3:50.02 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 4:07.12 Stratford High School
Relay Team A 4:16.02 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 4:58.02 RePublic High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 10:21.41 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 10:35.78 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 10:37.02 Stratford High School
Relay Team A 10:55.22 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 12:15.06 RePublic High School
Relay Team A 8:43.94 Montgomery Bell Academy
Relay Team A 8:45.00h Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 9:00.25 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 9:19.47 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 9:29.91 Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 9:33.42 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 9:50.22 McGavock High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Silva, Albert Lead Academy
Floyd, Larell RePublic High School
Camp, JM Christ Presbyterian Academy
Wallace, Jack 1:55.40 Montgomery Bell Academy
Ortner, Ryder 1:57.06 Father Ryan High School
Trumble, Samuel 1:57.67 Montgomery Bell Academy
Hebert, Griffin 2:00.74 Lipscomb Academy
Thompson, Will 2:04.11 Father Ryan High School
Petty, Damon 2:05.36 Franklin Road Academy
Hoban, Alex 2:05.82 Hillsboro High School
Binkley, Sawyer 2:06.50 Nashville Christian School
Blankinship, Ben 2:08.08 Brentwood Academy
Widmaier, Jake 2:08.30 Brentwood Academy
Fruin, Jack 2:08.72 University School of Nashville
Liu, Edward 2:08.91 Lipscomb Academy
Lamb, Aidan 2:09.19 Martin Luther King High School
Pope, Rivers 2:09.46 John Overton High School
Maddux, Nicholas 2:12.06 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Meadows, Kameron 2:12.59 Martin Luther King High School
Lucas, Landon 2:12.93 Franklin Road Academy
Mejia, Lorenzo 2:13.24 Lead Academy
Myers, Maxwell 2:13.39 Hillsboro High School
Pearson, Lawson 2:14.15 James Lawson High School
Brown, Zion 2:15.10 Pearl Cohn High School
Massena, Christian 2:16.16 McGavock High School
Johnson, Kendrick 2:17.28 Pearl Cohn High School
Mesele, Henoch 2:18.72 Antioch High School
Easley, Jeremiah 2:19.05 Ensworth
Johnson, Armando 2:19.73 Hunters Lane High School
Eakes, Janson 2:19.81 Hunters Lane High School
Cavolo, Christopher 2:21.25 Ensworth
Miller, Deadrick 2:23.59 Antioch High School
Hall, Henery 2:25.61 James Lawson High School
Lorrein, Wyatt 2:27.60 McGavock High School
Aban, Meer 2:29.76 University School of Nashville
Slater, Kamron 2:31 John Overton High School
Hoffman, Bradley 2:35.29 East Nashville Magnet School
Miles, Ian 2:36.37 Stratford High School
Alford, Joakim 2:36.50 East Nashville Magnet School
Davis, John 2:37.62 RePublic High School
Douglas, Roddrico 2:42.21 Stratford High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, George 160-11 Brentwood Academy
Collins, Mekaih 147-3 Father Ryan High School
Harris, Leroy 142-10 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Utley, Ethan 135-10 Ensworth
Pistole, Warren 135-4 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Battle, Malachi 130-2.5 Ensworth
Ezell, Garner 129-4 Lipscomb Academy
Pedersen, Andrew 128-1 Brentwood Academy
Dayani, Jordan 127-0 Montgomery Bell Academy
Smitherman, Mason 121-8 Father Ryan High School
Burgess, Alex 121-7.5 East Nashville Magnet School
Broome, Caymon 121-6 John Overton High School
Hossein, Ahmad 121-0 John Overton High School
Bolling, Malik 118-8 East Nashville Magnet School
Sieveking, Cole 118-2 Montgomery Bell Academy
Washington, Dawyne 117-5 Hillsboro High School
Johnson, Xavier 116-0.5 McGavock High School
Adair, Jon 114-9 Lipscomb Academy
Rainey, Brenden 114-8 Nashville Christian School
Stepter, Nicholas 111-3 Hunters Lane High School
Burgess, Chester 111-1 Hunters Lane High School
Koogler, Beau 106-8.75 Franklin Road Academy
Wade, Destin 105-11 Stratford High School
York, Jayden 105-1 Hillsboro High School
Williams, Robert 103-11 Pearl Cohn High School
Amenyenu, Delali 103-3 Martin Luther King High School
Eckert, Luke 101-6 Nashville Christian School
Iriogbe Jr., Dickson 100-1.5 Martin Luther King High School
Eskridge, Andre 99-3 Stratford High School
Finnegan, Parker 98-2.25 Franklin Road Academy
Clark, Ferdinand 91-11 RePublic High School
Foster, Demetrice 90-5 McGavock High School
Oguntoyinbo, Oluwatomiwa M 89-8 Antioch High School
Meadows, MarQuiles 87-7 Antioch High School
Copeland, Garrett 84-2 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Walker, Alton 71-3 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Law, Daniel 70-4 University School of Nashville
Patterson, Lawrence 51-11 James Lawson High School
Olea, Eduardo RePublic High School
Emerson, Caleb James Lawson High School
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HS Boys High Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doyle, Judah 6-6 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Darst, Peter 6-4 Ensworth
Davis, Brooklen 6-4 Montgomery Bell Academy
Switzer, John 6-2 Montgomery Bell Academy
McFarland, Mac 6-2 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Hurt, Kaleb 6-2 John Overton High School
Lewis, Tra'Mychal 6-2 Nashville Christian School
Edwards, Marcus 6-0 Hunters Lane High School
Papillion, Warner 6-0 Lipscomb Academy
Phillips, Harry 5-10 Ensworth
Coode, Samuel 5-10 Father Ryan High School
Davis, Braylin 5-10 University School of Nashville
Prince Jr., Seth 5-10 University School of Nashville
Jackson, Jalen 5-8 Father Ryan High School
Harp, Dorrian 5-8 Hunters Lane High School
Usher, Elijah 5-8 East Nashville Magnet School
Taylor, William 5-8 Hillsboro High School
Kent, Gavin 5-6 Franklin Road Academy
Porties, Troy 5-6 Brentwood Academy
Beyer, Will 5-6 Lipscomb Academy
Stallings, Dallas 5-6 Brentwood Academy
Massena, Christian 5-4 McGavock High School
Woodard, Ernest 5-4 East Nashville Magnet School
Carter, Tracy 5-4 Hillsboro High School
Pica, Jordan 5-4 John Overton High School
Morris, Christopher 5-2 Antioch High School
Johnson, Kendrick 5-0 Pearl Cohn High School
Crutcher, Timothy RePublic High School
Davis, Tyrone RePublic High School
Saulter, Stephon Pearl Cohn High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ward, Kamarion 22-10 Lipscomb Academy
Homer, Tavius 21-1.5 Hillsboro High School
Polley, Trey 21-0 Montgomery Bell Academy
Belville, Brax 20-11.5 Brentwood Academy
White, Chris 20-11.5 John Overton High School
Switzer, John 20-11 Montgomery Bell Academy
Bryant, Mason 20-10 Father Ryan High School
Burgess, Carlile 20-10 East Nashville Magnet School
Dunne, Binyam 20-9.75 University School of Nashville
Eaton, Wilkes 20-7 Brentwood Academy
Batey, Akeem 20-6 Ensworth
Olakunle, David 20-5.5 John Overton High School
Tole, Braylon 20-5.5 Nashville Christian School
Speed, Charlie 20-2.25 Franklin Road Academy
Bush, Dalton 20-0 Hillsboro High School
Booker, Kenyan 19-7 Hunters Lane High School
Rush, Jayden 19-6.5 Franklin Road Academy
Rice, Spencer 19-6 Ensworth
Harris, Daiquan 19-6 James Lawson High School
Jimcoily, CJ 19-2 Lipscomb Academy
Mobley, Jadon 19-2 East Nashville Magnet School
Horton, Spessard 19-1 McGavock High School
Tarlington, Keyshawn 19-0 Pearl Cohn High School
Harris, Daishaun 18-11 James Lawson High School
Reynolds, Howard 18-10 McGavock High School
Johnson, Kendrick 18-9 Pearl Cohn High School
Holder, Jy'Chuon 18-6.5 Hunters Lane High School
Taylor, Jason 18-5 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Grigsby, Kaden 18-3.5 Nashville Christian School
Asfaw, Ebe 18-0.5 University School of Nashville
Davis, Tyrone 17-9.5 RePublic High School
Vanderpool, Jay 17-8.25 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Law, Jaxyn 17-5 Stratford High School
Stem, Jordan 17-1.75 Stratford High School
Powell, Minous 16-7 Martin Luther King High School
Moore, Michael 16-0 RePublic High School
Morris, Christopher 15-0 Antioch High School
Jackson, Jalen Father Ryan High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perry, Jack 16-0 Montgomery Bell Academy
Frankfather, Griffin 14-6 Franklin Road Academy
Ezell, Garner 13-9.25 Lipscomb Academy
Ambrose, Henry 13-6 Montgomery Bell Academy
Lankford, Drake 13-0 Franklin Road Academy
McFarland, Mac 12-9.5 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Wimsatt, Jackson 10-0 Brentwood Academy
Murphy, Landon 10-0 John Overton High School
Delevante, Noah 9-6 Nashville Christian School
Neyman, Sampson 9-0 Ensworth
Calbrese, luke 8-6 Lipscomb Academy
Cavolo, Christopher 8-6 Ensworth
Stringfellow, Hutton 8-6 Brentwood Academy
Brophy, Peter 7-6 Nashville Christian School
Lanier, De'Anthony 6-0 East Nashville Magnet School
Ford, Demorius East Nashville Magnet School
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HS Boys Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Collins, Mekaih 50-11 Father Ryan High School
Pedersen, Andrew 47-8 Brentwood Academy
Adair, Jon 46-10 Lipscomb Academy
Pistole, Warren 45-5 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Smitherman, Mason 45-5 Father Ryan High School
Council, Bobby 44-7 Franklin Road Academy
Hammond, Todd 44-3.25 Brentwood Academy
Burgess, Alex 43-4.5 East Nashville Magnet School
Davis, Terran 43-2 Montgomery Bell Academy
Garcia, kyler 42-8.5 Pearl Cohn High School
Dayani, Jordan 42-5.5 Montgomery Bell Academy
Russell, Emmanual 41-10 Pearl Cohn High School
Hightower, Brayden 41-4.25 Hillsboro High School
Hossein, Ahmad 40-9.75 John Overton High School
Abbargnaro, Rocco 40-8 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Battle, Malachi 39-9.5 Ensworth
Finnegan, Parker 39-9.5 Franklin Road Academy
Bass, Sloan 39-7 Lipscomb Academy
Iriogbe Jr., Dickson 38-10 Martin Luther King High School
Washington, Dawyne 38-3.5 Hillsboro High School
Wade, Destin 38-0 Stratford High School
Williams, Marqueze 37-10.5 John Overton High School
Burgess, Chester 37-5 Hunters Lane High School
Rainey, Brenden 37-4 Nashville Christian School
Johnson, Xavier 36-6 McGavock High School
Clark, Ferdinand 36-5 RePublic High School
Savage, Corey 36-0 East Nashville Magnet School
Wharton, Jordavion 35-11 McGavock High School
Amenyenu, Delali 35-9 Martin Luther King High School
Eskridge, Andre 35-8 Stratford High School
Gooden, Jason 35-6 Hunters Lane High School
Brooks, Torriq 35-2 RePublic High School
Meadows, MarQuiles 34-8 Antioch High School
Smith, Rashad 34-7 Ensworth
Thompson, Nathaniel 31-2.5 Nashville Christian School
Patterson, Lawrence 30-7 James Lawson High School
Law, Daniel 29-1 University School of Nashville
Oguntoyinbo, Oluwatomiwa M 24-10 Antioch High School
Emerson, Caleb James Lawson High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jimcoily, CJ 44-6 Lipscomb Academy
Townsend, Charles 43-2 John Overton High School
Papillion, Warner 42-5 Lipscomb Academy
Eaton, Wilkes 41-7.5 Brentwood Academy
Nwosu, Nnamdi 40-7 Montgomery Bell Academy
Woodard, Ernest 40-5 East Nashville Magnet School
Strong, Hill 39-5.5 Brentwood Academy
Olakunle, Olamide 39-3.25 John Overton High School
McGill, Isaiah 38-10 Hunters Lane High School
Booker, Kenyan 38-2 Hunters Lane High School
Billings, Maine 38-2 Montgomery Bell Academy
Taylor, Quinn 37-9.5 Ensworth
Butler, Beau 37-2 Ensworth
McMillian, Pera 36-6 University School of Nashville
Vanderpool, Jay 35-4.5 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Crutcher, Timothy 28-5 RePublic High School
Floyd, Larell RePublic High School
Radford, Akil (William) University School of Nashville
Rush, Jayden Franklin Road Academy
Tozer, Owen Franklin Road Academy
Saulter, Stephen Pearl Cohn High School
Saulter, Stephon Pearl Cohn High School
Back to Top

HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Iryhasia Glencliff High School
Jackson, Kennedy Lead Academy
DuCharme, Sydnie Nashville Christian School
Majors, Sue Lead Academy
Williams, Kymora-Lee 11.58 John Overton High School
Kassim, Alima 11.74 University School of Nashville
Varnado, Aaliyah 11.95 Martin Luther King High School
Wynn, Lauren 12.26 Harpeth Hall School
Harris-Rucker, Chyna 12.39 Pearl Cohn High School
Schick, Presley 12.73 Harpeth Hall School
Armstead, Samaya 12.78 McGavock High School
Bulluck, Keira 12.83 Franklin Road Academy
Harris-rucker, Meeshya 12.86 Pearl Cohn High School
Williams, Bre 12.90 Franklin Road Academy
Paquette, Mariah 12.93 Lipscomb Academy
Head, Jacarrie 13.00 Hillsboro High School
Hooper-Glover, Journey 13.01 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Humphreys, Cailey 13.02 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Howard, Leah 13.08 Hillsboro High School
Saine, Zoie 13.08 McGavock High School
Llannes, Arrianna 13.11 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Haynes, Nakiya 13.16 Brentwood Academy
Baldridge, Kayla 13.17 John Overton High School
Hudson, Shaniya 13.19 RePublic High School
Horton, Dakiya 13.20 Martin Luther King High School
Schenkel, Greer 13.22 Father Ryan High School
Brinkley, Avery 13.30 Ensworth
Eison, Miyana 13.46 Hunters Lane High School
Allgood, Aniston 13.51 Nashville Christian School
Phillips, Harper 13.51 University School of Nashville
Fones, Kat 13.53 Ensworth
Chunuwe, Beauty 13.55 Father Ryan High School
Broadway, Josie 13.65 Lipscomb Academy
Miller, Emonie S 13.74 Antioch High School
Shaw, Zanorya 13.78 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Mason, E'Nasia 13.79 Stratford High School
Reeves, Reagan 13.83 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Gooch, Martaysha 13.87 Hunters Lane High School
Smith, Eliana 13.91 James Lawson High School
Hollis, Aaliyah 13.97 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
stevens, lilly 14.09 Brentwood Academy
Onodingene, Zara 14.23 St. Cecilia Academy
Marfing, Nemat R 14.34 Antioch High School
Fox, Nakenzie 14.39 James Lawson High School
Millican, Taylor Ann 14.40 St. Cecilia Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Lilly Hillsboro High School
Callis, Cassie 14.91 Lipscomb Academy
Reynolds, Sarah 14.92 Harpeth Hall School
Olivo, Halli 15.22 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Hughes, Olivia 15.38 Brentwood Academy
Jallow, Ajara 15.71 Martin Luther King High School
Smith, Anna 15.84 Brentwood Academy
Shute, Aziaah 15.84 East Nashville Magnet School
Gunnels, Charlotte 15.94 Franklin Road Academy
Perri, Caroline 16.02 Father Ryan High School
Joy, Amya 16.09 Martin Luther King High School
Sawyers, Promise 16.38 Ensworth
Eskridge, Lilly 16.55 Harpeth Hall School
Trapp, Annie 17.02 Franklin Road Academy
Bullock, Gabi 17.04 Ensworth
Thornton-Groves, Alayna 17.12 Cane Ridge High School
Locke, Shonda 17.28 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Duol, Michelle 17.40 Cane Ridge High School
Irvine, Trevi 17.58 Father Ryan High School
Marlin, Ava 18.60 Nashville Christian School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fisher, Aleigha RePublic High School
Vega, Andrea Lead Academy
Bacchetta, Annamaria 5:00.98 Harpeth Hall School
Slattery, Maggie 5:15.08 Father Ryan High School
Lowrance, Lula 5:17.78 Harpeth Hall School
Jedlickova, Barbora 5:21.72 Hillsboro High School
Junge, Suki 5:25.05 Harpeth Hall School
Crosslin, Maggie 5:28.32 St. Cecilia Academy
O'Hara, Liv 5:30.13 University School of Nashville
Lekai, Allie 5:35.29 Brentwood Academy
Crosslin, Chloe 5:42.38 St. Cecilia Academy
Deering, Abby 5:45.12 Franklin Road Academy
Barnett, Claire 5:46.36 Lipscomb Academy
Bell, Christina 5:48.99 Brentwood Academy
Rushing, Zoey 5:50.73 Ensworth
Baker, Audrey 5:54.94 Father Ryan High School
Calhoun, Ellie 5:59.09 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Padgett, Lillian 5:59.23 John Overton High School
Amrhein, Olivia 6:07.55 John Overton High School
Braun, Reese 6:11.02 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Garcia, Alicia 6:14.51 John Overton High School
Linn, Julia 6:17.88 Ensworth
Sowa, Samantha 6:18.06 James Lawson High School
Slinger, Annika 6:24.41 St. Cecilia Academy
Austermiller, Joslin 6:30 Franklin Road Academy
Munoz, Danielle 6:30.03 James Lawson High School
Seale, Jackie 6:35.29 University School of Nashville
Choma, Sarah 6:45.44 Ensworth
Taylor, Elyanna 6:54.75 Hillsboro High School
Dennis, Cara 6:58.70 East Nashville Magnet School
Martinez, Lexa 7:29.21 East Nashville Magnet School
Mendoza, Scarlett 7:59.03 Lead Academy
Kennedy, Julia 8:43.67 Stratford High School
Johnson, Juliana 9:12.34 Stratford High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weiters, La'Toria Stratford High School
Matthew, Marie Lead Academy
Majors, Sue Lead Academy
Johnson, Iryhasia Glencliff High School
Williams, Kymora-Lee 23.84 John Overton High School
Varnado, Aaliyah 24.40 Martin Luther King High School
Kassim, Alima 24.59 University School of Nashville
Segree, Taylin 25.03 Lipscomb Academy
Hawkins, Cha'raya 25.24 Pearl Cohn High School
Wynn, Lauren 25.71 Harpeth Hall School
Callis, Cassie 25.96 Lipscomb Academy
Locke , McKenzie 26.38 Franklin Road Academy
Head, Jacarrie 26.46 Hillsboro High School
Armstead, Samaya 26.51 McGavock High School
Harris-Rucker, Chyna 26.73 Pearl Cohn High School
Hagerty, Christine 26.84 Harpeth Hall School
Baldridge, Kayla 26.97 John Overton High School
Hudson, Shaniya 27.04 RePublic High School
Horton, Dakiya 27.09 Martin Luther King High School
Thompson, Bella 27.14 Cane Ridge High School
Howard, Leah 27.14 Hillsboro High School
Brinkley, Avery 27.27 Ensworth
Ingram, Nola 27.31 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Haynes, Nakiya 27.34 Brentwood Academy
Routh, Merli 27.68 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Eison, Miyana 27.98 Hunters Lane High School
Fones, Kat 28.15 Ensworth
Newsom, Johnne' 28.17 East Nashville Magnet School
Nixon, Shaniyah 28.19 McGavock High School
Schenkel, Greer 28.21 Father Ryan High School
Bulluck, Keira 28.23 Franklin Road Academy
Allgood, Aniston 28.39 Nashville Christian School
Miller, Emonie S 28.53 Antioch High School
Quattlebaum, Kennedy 28.79 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Smith, Eliana 28.93 James Lawson High School
Chunuwe, Beauty 28.96 Father Ryan High School
Horton, JaMya 29.07 East Nashville Magnet School
Jennings, Isabella 29.11 Nashville Christian School
Wilkerson, Lyrion 29.19 Cane Ridge High School
richter, kinsey 29.49 Brentwood Academy
Moorer, Jayda 29.51 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Johnson, Lamya A 29.64 Antioch High School
Miller, Quanisha 29.80h Stratford High School
Davidson, Kiara 29.85 Hunters Lane High School
Onodingene, Zara 30.06 St. Cecilia Academy
Hollis, Aaliyah 30.24 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Shaw, Zanorya 30.26 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Duncan, Paris 30.46 James Lawson High School
Millican, Taylor Ann 30.95 St. Cecilia Academy
Li, Flora 32.61 University School of Nashville
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Love, Alaya 1:01.46 John Overton High School
Olivo, Halli 44.50 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Trapp, Annie 44.71 Franklin Road Academy
Perri, Caroline 45.61 Father Ryan High School
Reynolds, Sarah 46.03 Harpeth Hall School
Thomas, Erianna 46.58 Pearl Cohn High School
Joy, Amya 46.61 Martin Luther King High School
Paquette, Mariah 46.97 Lipscomb Academy
wilson, evie 48.00 Brentwood Academy
Eskridge, Lilly 49.12 Harpeth Hall School
Groves, Jazmyne 49.24 James Lawson High School
Flemmons, Katelin 49.34 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Hughes, Olivia 49.65 Brentwood Academy
Denbo, Eleanor 50.97 Ensworth
Mitchell, Believe 51.41 Hillsboro High School
Irvine, Trevi 51.50 Father Ryan High School
Horton, JaMya 51.58 East Nashville Magnet School
Gunnels, Charlotte 51.89 Franklin Road Academy
McNab, Bronwen 53.39 John Overton High School
Duol, Michelle 53.45 Cane Ridge High School
Jones, Ta'Shauna 53.49 Hillsboro High School
Thornton-Groves, Alayna 53.61 Cane Ridge High School
Hines, Kennedi 57.05 James Lawson High School
Poe, Ella Meade 57.47 Ensworth
Back to Top

HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rushing, Zoey Ensworth
Radbill, Kate Christ Presbyterian Academy
Bacchetta, Annamaria 10:51.76 Harpeth Hall School
Slattery, Maggie 11:14.04 Father Ryan High School
Baker, Maggie 11:20.31 Harpeth Hall School
Lowrance, Lula 11:23.69 Harpeth Hall School
Lekai, Allie 11:52.34 Brentwood Academy
Lambert, Kya 11:58.81 Martin Luther King High School
Jedlickova, Barbora 12:05.00 Hillsboro High School
Crosslin, Chloe 12:19.71 St. Cecilia Academy
Deering, Abby 12:22.22 Franklin Road Academy
Padgett, Lillian 12:38.32 John Overton High School
Barnett, Claire 12:48.55 Lipscomb Academy
Massey, Elaina 12:52.72 Brentwood Academy
Cmelak, Chloe 13:47.01 University School of Nashville
Garcia, Alicia 13:51.83 John Overton High School
Calhoun, Ellie 13:55.51 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Harrison, Norah 14:31.52 University School of Nashville
Burgin, Katherine 15:42.66 St. Cecilia Academy
Leon, Alondra 15:46.01 John Overton High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carvajal, Shandel Lead Academy
Johnson, Mariah 1:01.38 John Overton High School
Locke , McKenzie 1:01.38 Franklin Road Academy
Lewis, Jaya 1:01.40 Harpeth Hall School
DAvis, Lapromise 1:01.75 James Lawson High School
Knapp, Katie 1:03.25 Father Ryan High School
Locke, Shonda 1:03.39 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Hensler, Harper 1:03.40 Franklin Road Academy
Beckley, Averyuna 1:03.82 East Nashville Magnet School
Gibson, Harper 1:04 Martin Luther King High School
Staelin, Tennyson 1:05.15 Ensworth
Carnahan, Tedriona 1:05.49 McGavock High School
Arthur, Mary Jocelyn 1:05.95 Brentwood Academy
Cochran, Brantley 1:05.99 Lipscomb Academy
Lee, Terryona 1:06.11 RePublic High School
Burton, Leah 1:06.33 Father Ryan High School
Puckett, Nina 1:06.81 Harpeth Hall School
Knight, Amani 1:06.81 Cane Ridge High School
Varnado, Akeelyah 1:07.00h Martin Luther King High School
Hutchinson, Nailah 1:07.26 Hillsboro High School
Maggard, Jules 1:07.32 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Elliott, Bailey 1:07.46 Brentwood Academy
Johnson, Raegan 1:07.48 Nashville Christian School
Olivo, Anna Kate 1:07.58 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Manoukian, Abigail 1:08.16 University School of Nashville
Freeman, Jazell 1:08.16 East Nashville Magnet School
Bass, Sadie Mae 1:08.29 University School of Nashville
McMurry, Nashya 1:08.77 Pearl Cohn High School
Johnson, Lamya A 1:08.99 Antioch High School
Woods, Aurianna 1:09.36 Stratford High School
Sims, Kayla 1:09.59 James Lawson High School
White, Jasmine 1:09.67 Hillsboro High School
Freeman, Chloe 1:10.03 Nashville Christian School
Pride, Madisyn 1:10.05 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Simon, Anaiya 1:10.07 McGavock High School
Korlyn, Bowden 1:10.23 St. Cecilia Academy
Holbert, Zoey 1:10.54 Hunters Lane High School
Cottrell, Kicharlo 1:10.58 Stratford High School
Kamaso, Sannehba 1:10.74 Antioch High School
Cote, Lilly Anna 1:12.37 St. Cecilia Academy
Hudson, G'amani 1:12.42 Cane Ridge High School
Cross, Madison 1:12.44 Hunters Lane High School
Owens, Imani 1:13.30 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Endsley, Geor'kiyah 1:21.21 Lead Academy
McFarland, Justus 1:25.46 RePublic High School
Segree, Taylin 56.59 Lipscomb Academy
Harris-Rucker, Chyna 57.74 Pearl Cohn High School
Hartle, Addison 57.92 Ensworth
Turner, Mya 59.66 John Overton High School
Back to Top

HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Antioch High School
Relay Team A Lead Academy
Relay Team A Hunters Lane High School
Relay Team A 49.47 Harpeth Hall School
Relay Team A 50.15 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 50.27 Cane Ridge High School
Relay Team A 50.39 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 50.40 James Lawson High School
Relay Team A 50.92 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 51.18 Ensworth
Relay Team A 51.66 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 51.83 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 51.96 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team A 52.00h Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 52.38 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 52.50 Brentwood Academy
Relay Team A 52.58 Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 52.60 Nashville Christian School
Relay Team A 52.69 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 52.96 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 53.11 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Relay Team A 53.74 RePublic High School
Relay Team A 55.84 Stratford High School
Relay Team A 57.51 St. Cecilia Academy
Back to Top

HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hunters Lane High School
Relay Team B Antioch High School
Relay Team A Lead Academy
Relay Team A 1:44.81 Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 1:45.19 Harpeth Hall School
Relay Team A 1:45.42 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 1:45.59 Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 1:45.85 Cane Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:47.24 James Lawson High School
Relay Team A 1:48.94 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team A 1:49.80 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 1:50.51 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 1:50.56 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 1:51.45 Brentwood Academy
Relay Team A 1:51.48 Nashville Christian School
Relay Team B 1:51.65 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 1:51.82 Ensworth
Relay Team A 1:53.57 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 1:54.16 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 1:54.52 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 1:57.45 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Relay Team A 2:01.95 Stratford High School
Relay Team A 2:15.44 RePublic High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Antioch High School
Relay Team A 4:08.80 Lipscomb Academy
Relay Team A 4:09.06 James Lawson High School
Relay Team A 4:09.57 Harpeth Hall School
Relay Team A 4:13.77 Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Brentwood Academy
Relay Team A 4:15.09 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 4:15.50 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team A 4:18.96 Cane Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:23.30 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 4:24.11 Ensworth
Relay Team A 4:25.10 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 4:27.09 Nashville Christian School
Relay Team A 4:35.39 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 4:38.78 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 4:41.82 University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 4:44.51 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 5:04.05 RePublic High School
Relay Team A 5:22.09 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Relay Team A 6:02.19 Stratford High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Martin Luther King High School
Relay Team A University School of Nashville
Relay Team A 10:07.25 Harpeth Hall School
Relay Team A 10:20.00 Brentwood Academy
Relay Team A 10:48.06 Franklin Road Academy
Relay Team A 10:57.03 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Relay Team A 11:04.91 Ensworth
Relay Team A 11:30.70 Cane Ridge High School
Relay Team A 11:55.08 Father Ryan High School
Relay Team A 12:14.18 Pearl Cohn High School
Relay Team A 12:28.56 John Overton High School
Relay Team A 12:58.79 St. Cecilia Academy
Relay Team A 13:03.78 East Nashville Magnet School
Relay Team A 13:20.00 McGavock High School
Relay Team A 15:12.98 RePublic High School
Back to Top

HS Girls 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alverado, Samanatha Antioch High School
Lopez, Johanna RePublic High School
Queen Dowdell, Alexus Stratford High School
Roush, Molly 2:19.73 Lipscomb Academy
Scott Harden, Clara 2:19.93 Harpeth Hall School
Crosslin, Maggie 2:21.15 St. Cecilia Academy
Jones, Kelsey 2:22.56 Cane Ridge High School
Junge, Suki 2:27.25 Harpeth Hall School
Bonadies, Bennie 2:27.52 Father Ryan High School
Saunders, Tatum 2:27.78 Ensworth
Rutherford, Jurnee 2:27.79 Ezell-Harding Christian School
Bishop, Kate 2:30.54 Lipscomb Academy
Speedy, Julia 2:31.20 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Lowry, Brooklyn 2:32.04 Brentwood Academy
Smith, Avery 2:33.18 Brentwood Academy
Warrick, Diana 2:37.95 Martin Luther King High School
Santiago, Katarina 2:40.01 Ensworth
Wiseman, Madeleine 2:41.06 University School of Nashville
Hammett, Emma 2:42.11 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Deering, Abby 2:43.00 Franklin Road Academy
Wright, Kate 2:43.38 John Overton High School
Sowa, Emily 2:43.41 Father Ryan High School
Speshock, Amelia 2:49.67 Nashville Christian School
Jones, Jada 2:50.25 Cane Ridge High School
Boero, Grace 2:52.00 University School of Nashville
Dennis, Cara 2:52.58 East Nashville Magnet School
Shaibu, Prisca 2:53.20 John Overton High School
Nekela, Emily 2:54.64 McGavock High School
Bowling, Maren 2:55 Franklin Road Academy
Taylor, Elyanna 2:57.36 Hillsboro High School
Smith, Ada 2:58.24 St. Cecilia Academy
Spence, Elizabeth 2:59.96 Nashville Christian School
Jones, Qur'nasia 3:03.58 Antioch High School
Johnson, Faith 3:05.84 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Hemby, Nicole 3:07.18 McGavock High School
Kendrick, O'liluard 3:12.60 Pearl Cohn High School
Salguero Tobar, Ludmila 3:19.59 Lead Academy
Bange, Ashley 3:20.53 Stratford High School
Owens, Imani 3:30.53 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Bautista, Jennifer 3:48.64 RePublic High School
Netro, Melanie 4:40.10 Lead Academy
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HS Girls Discus Throw 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, LaNaya 137-5 Martin Luther King High School
Duhart, alayna 119-2 Brentwood Academy
Visser, Tessel 114-8 Lipscomb Academy
Anglin, Myla 113-11 Harpeth Hall School
Lovelace Coleman, Beyonca 112-8 Martin Luther King High School
Mcghee, Sania 109-10 Ensworth
Kapanka, Lilly 109-10 Harpeth Hall School
Visser, Clara 107-2 Lipscomb Academy
Lucas, Emily 103-2 Father Ryan High School
Blackston, Reece 98-1 Brentwood Academy
Howard-Johnson, Shinae 89-10 Hillsboro High School
Manning, Merissa 87-4 Father Ryan High School
Boyd, Zhinya 87-0 James Lawson High School
Robbins, Kenzie 86-0 Ensworth
Battle, Anastasia 84-11.5 Antioch High School
Elizer, Teagan 78-5.5 Nashville Christian School
Roberts, Erica 74-6 James Lawson High School
Ridley, Britney 74-5 Pearl Cohn High School
Ramos, Karlielys 74-0 Hunters Lane High School
Hill, Amariya 71-7 Hillsboro High School
Demonbreun, Ansley 71-3 Nashville Christian School
Burton, Kenzie 68-2 East Nashville Magnet School
Duncan, Rayonna 68-1.5 RePublic High School
Beck, Rihanna 67-10 Stratford High School
Clardy, Destiny 61-10 John Overton High School
Clemmons, Alleaha 59-5 Hunters Lane High School
Reynolds, Imani 59-0 East Nashville Magnet School
Robinson, Taylor 57-9 Franklin Road Academy
Whitman, Serenity 54-0 Cane Ridge High School
Liebeskind, Stella 53-8 University School of Nashville
Carter, Sydnee 53-5 Antioch High School
Cooper, Avery 43-4 Franklin Road Academy
Thorman, Eliza Lead Academy
Beasley, Madison RePublic High School
Holt, Shaniah John Overton High School
Back to Top

HS Girls High Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Olivo, Halli 5-6.25 Christ Presbyterian Academy
wilson, evie 5-4 Brentwood Academy
Watts, Caroline 5-4 Ensworth
Hughes, Olivia 5-0.25 Brentwood Academy
Gunnels, Charlotte 5-0 Franklin Road Academy
Hill, Dakhyia 5-0 Cane Ridge High School
Paquette, Mariah 4-11.75 Lipscomb Academy
Callis, Cassie 4-11.75 Lipscomb Academy
Darst, Mills 4-10 Ensworth
Hensler, Harper 4-10 Franklin Road Academy
Gibson, Harper 4-10 Martin Luther King High School
Puckett, Nina 4-10 Harpeth Hall School
Moore, Christina 4-10 John Overton High School
Duol, Michelle 4-10 Cane Ridge High School
Eison, Miyana 4-8 Hunters Lane High School
Eskridge, Lilly 4-8 Harpeth Hall School
Marlin, Ava 4-8 Nashville Christian School
McEwan, Chyanne 4-8 Martin Luther King High School
Shute, Amiaya 4-6 East Nashville Magnet School
Demonbreun, Ansley 4-6 Nashville Christian School
Cornelious, Andee 4-6 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Rucker, Shalen 4-0 Hunters Lane High School
Ussery, Addison Hillsboro High School
Whyte, Madisyn RePublic High School
Link, Allyson John Overton High School
Harris-Rucker, Chyna Pearl Cohn High School
Back to Top

HS Girls Long Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perri, Caroline 17-11.5 Father Ryan High School
Clift, Karsyn 17-9 Brentwood Academy
Callis, Cassie 17-8 Lipscomb Academy
Brown, Sullivan 17-6.75 Ensworth
Shute, Aziaah 17-2.5 East Nashville Magnet School
Joy, Amya 17-0.25 Martin Luther King High School
Armstead, Samaya 17-0 McGavock High School
Newsom, Johnne' 17-0 East Nashville Magnet School
Smith, Corinne 16-11 Harpeth Hall School
Paquette, Mariah 16-7.5 Lipscomb Academy
Andrews, Mia 16-6.75 James Lawson High School
Bullock, Gabi 16-6 Ensworth
Locke , McKenzie 16-5.25 Franklin Road Academy
Argo, Issy 16-5 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Smith, Anna 16-5 Brentwood Academy
Carnahan, Tedriona 16-0.5 McGavock High School
Davis - Ragland, Aries 15-4 John Overton High School
Gooch, Martaysha 14-7 Hunters Lane High School
Burklow, Frances 14-7 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Waddell, Mikaelyn 14-5.5 John Overton High School
Neely, Alessia 14-4.5 Franklin Road Academy
Callen, Mac 14-3 Harpeth Hall School
Jones, Ta'Shauna 14-2 Hillsboro High School
Davidson, Kiara 14-1.5 Hunters Lane High School
White, Jasmine 13-10 Hillsboro High School
Cottrell, Kicharlo 13-9.5 Stratford High School
Kerley, Charlize 12-8 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Johnson, Faith 11-9 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Brown, McKenzie RePublic High School
Alexander, Jasmynie RePublic High School
Johnson, Iryhasia Glencliff High School
Miller, Quanisha Stratford High School
Jallow, Ajara Martin Luther King High School
McMurry, Nashya Pearl Cohn High School
Harris-rucker, Meeshya Pearl Cohn High School
Back to Top

HS Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simpson, Emerson 11-5.75 Brentwood Academy
Douglas, Eleanor 10-6 Franklin Road Academy
Denbo, Eleanor 9-6 Ensworth
Jones, Mya 9-0 Ensworth
Englert, Genevieve 9-0 Harpeth Hall School
Johnson, Mariah 9-0 John Overton High School
Sura, Annabella 9-0 Nashville Christian School
Ingram, Nola 8-6 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Baker, Ella 8-6 Harpeth Hall School
Varn, emory 8-0 Brentwood Academy
Blue, Bella 8-0 Lipscomb Academy
Kavalali, Ava 7-0 University School of Nashville
King, Lucy 7-0 Lipscomb Academy
Schenkel, AnnaClaire 6-6 Franklin Road Academy
Link, Allyson 6-6 John Overton High School
Dennis, Cara 6-0 East Nashville Magnet School
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HS Girls Shot Put 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McRee, Carolyn 39-5 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Hughes, Olivia 37-0.5 Brentwood Academy
Elizer, Teagan 36-10 Nashville Christian School
Lovelace Coleman, Beyonca 36-4.75 Martin Luther King High School
Visser, Tessel 35-7.25 Lipscomb Academy
Roberts, LaNaya 35-4.25 Martin Luther King High School
Mcghee, Sania 35-3.75 Ensworth
Boyd, Zhinya 35-3 James Lawson High School
Duhart, alayna 35-3 Brentwood Academy
Krumwiede, Ava 35-2 Harpeth Hall School
Ridley, Britney 33-10 Pearl Cohn High School
Taylor, Jai'Ona 31-6.5 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Scruggs, Brooklyn 31-5.25 Harpeth Hall School
Visser, Clara 31-3.5 Lipscomb Academy
Nicholson, Kailey 30-3 Father Ryan High School
Battle, Anastasia 30-0 Antioch High School
Robinson, Taylor 29-0 Franklin Road Academy
Bullock, Gabi 28-5.75 Ensworth
Butner, Amanda 27-11 Father Ryan High School
Roberts, Erica 27-10.5 James Lawson High School
Ramos, Karlielys 26-11 Hunters Lane High School
Beck, Rihanna 26-10 Stratford High School
Duncan, Rayonna 26-3 RePublic High School
Clemmons, Alleaha 26-3 Hunters Lane High School
Hill, Amariya 25-5 Hillsboro High School
Nabors, London 25-1 John Overton High School
Quinn, Caprice 24-9 McGavock High School
Reynolds, Imani 24-5 East Nashville Magnet School
Beasley, Madison 24-4 RePublic High School
Burton, Kenzie 23-8 East Nashville Magnet School
Wood, Katherine 23-4 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Carter, Sydnee 23-0 Antioch High School
Wolf, Greta 21-4 McGavock High School
Whitman, Serenity 21-3.5 Cane Ridge High School
Cooper, Avery 21-3.5 Franklin Road Academy
Powell, Jaleigh 21-3.5 Nashville Christian School
Liebeskind, Stella 20-10 University School of Nashville
Quiroa-Ramos, Anyelin 20-8 Hillsboro High School
Cantrell, Zoe 19-7 Maplewood Comprehensive High Sch
Thorman, Eliza Lead Academy
Holt, Shaniah John Overton High School
Talamantes, Ally Glencliff High School
Powell, Raven Glencliff High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shute, Aziaah 37-2.25 East Nashville Magnet School
Beckley, Averyuna 36-2 East Nashville Magnet School
Reynolds, Sarah 35-6.5 Harpeth Hall School
Brown, Sullivan 35-5.25 Ensworth
Arthur, Mary Jocelyn 34-4.5 Brentwood Academy
Dillon, Mary 33-3 Harpeth Hall School
Routh, Merli 33-2 Christ Presbyterian Academy
Broadway, Josie 32-2 Lipscomb Academy
pereira, anna caroline 31-10 Brentwood Academy
Thomas, Erianna 31-9 Pearl Cohn High School
Thomas, Laci 30-10 Lipscomb Academy
Randall, Desirae 30-5 Martin Luther King High School
Schenkel, AnnaClaire 29-7.5 Franklin Road Academy
Beard, Jayla 29-7 Pearl Cohn High School
Darst, Mills 29-5.75 Ensworth
Bradford, Annabelle 29-5 Franklin Road Academy
White, Jasmine Hillsboro High School
Cottrell, Kicharlo Stratford High School
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