Region 6-AAA Championship 2023

Hermitage, TN

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garner, William John Overton High School
Ramer, Miles 14:39.50 Ravenwood High School
Fielder, Callahan 15:13.28 Brentwood High School
Oates, Asher 15:30.21 Independence High School
Vaughn, Kehler 15:38.47 Brentwood High School
Harris, Parker 15:41.23 Franklin High School
Fielder, Payne 15:47.33 Brentwood High School
Hamilton, Wyatt 16:03.95 Brentwood High School
Groth, Wyatt 16:07.10 Brentwood High School
Eischen, Michael 16:08.04 Centennial High School
Peters, Tyson 16:09.00 Spring Hill High School
Rocha, Kevin 16:10.83 Ravenwood High School
Humphries, Logan 16:14.10 Nolensville High School
Hurst, Nilsen 16:16.99 Franklin High School
Mattis, Stephen 16:22.31 Franklin High School
Utsey, Spencer 16:28.08 Independence High School
Hanzely, Karston 16:29.30 Independence High School
Raines, Abraham 16:30 Hillsboro High School
Gross, Tyler 16:31.09 Independence High School
Algood, Andrew 16:34.45 Ravenwood High School
Haack, Aiden 16:38.62 Fred J. Page High School
Harren, Luke 16:46.39 Brentwood High School
Glisson-Schlitt, Jack 16:49.58 Nolensville High School
Raines, Gideon 16:52 Hillsboro High School
Fysh, Connor 16:52.83 Fred J. Page High School
Baurle, Everett 16:55.72 Fred J. Page High School
Beck, Maddox 16:57.62 Franklin High School
Meucci, Jacob 16:59.20 Ravenwood High School
Massey, Max 16:59.73 Nolensville High School
Root, Coleman 17:02.68 Independence High School
Balamurugan, Deepak 17:04.55 Nolensville High School
Hanzley, Keegan 17:12.60 Independence High School
Manternach, Avery 17:24.01 Nolensville High School
Wierenga, Dylan 17:24.11 Summit High School
Moran, Henry 17:25.49 Franklin High School
White, Jackson 17:26.26 Brentwood High School
Beguin, Nicholas 17:27.43 Summit High School
Hininger, Robert 17:27.64 Ravenwood High School
Zimmerman, McKinley 17:28.39 Fred J. Page High School
Wallace - Langston, Tristan 17:29.60 Independence High School
Rodriguez, Cole 17:30.53 Fred J. Page High School
Schaefer, John 17:32.46 Ravenwood High School
Russell, Bryce 17:32.68 Nolensville High School
Changas, Luke 17:40.36 Centennial High School
Long, Joseph 17:43.00 Hillsboro High School
Gamble, Trey 17:44.23 Franklin High School
Franklin, Wesley 17:48.20 Ravenwood High School
Gregory, Matthew 17:50.21 Spring Hill High School
Pierce, Eli 17:50.64 Franklin High School
Nielsen, Kyle 17:50.71 Spring Hill High School
Park, Josh 17:58.80 Columbia Central High School
Livingston, William 18:00.13 John Overton High School
Nikazy, Max 18:05.00 Summit High School
Scannapieco, Jonah 18:07.08 Fred J. Page High School
Sieberg, Nicolas 18:14.45 Summit High School
Maher, William 18:15.70 Centennial High School
Mesele, Henoch 18:24.18 Antioch High School
Titsworth, Luke 18:24.20 Fred J. Page High School
Tardy, Hayden 18:24.77 Summit High School
Sellers, Parker 18:26.28 Summit High School
Garry, Thomas 18:29.92 Centennial High School
Brumley, Joshua 18:31.10 John Overton High School
Salisbury, Grady 18:33.20 Nolensville High School
Gilmartin, James 18:38.62 Summit High School
Troope, Austin 18:43.79 Columbia Central High School
Pope, Rivers 18:45.70 John Overton High School
Martinez, Erick 19:00.50 John Overton High School
Stamper, Owen 19:07.63 Centennial High School
Jones, Wesley 19:09.00 Spring Hill High School
Jacobs, Gavin 19:10.00 Spring Hill High School
Miller, Payton 19:10.00 Spring Hill High School
Castillo, Alejandro 19:20.40 John Overton High School
Michaud, Patrick 19:29.42 Centennial High School
Henning, James 19:50 Hillsboro High School
Myers, Maxwell 19:56.31 Hillsboro High School
Dohring, Maximillian 19:58.27 Centennial High School
Livermore, Craig 20:10.99 Columbia Central High School
Duvall, Davis 20:20.00 Spring Hill High School
Bulbulkaya, Clayton 20:28 Hillsboro High School
Martinez Ibanez, John 20:39.80 John Overton High School
Winston, Coen 21:22 Hillsboro High School
Righter, Aiden 22:40.16 Columbia Central High School
Mendoza, Keyton 25:31.67 Columbia Central High School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trauernicht, Sophia John Overton High School
Arambula Chavez, Yarel John Overton High School
Hunt, Lucy Hillsboro High School
Tatlor, Elllyana Hillsboro High School
Stegall, Claire 17:08.18 Nolensville High School
Halterman, Jayne 17:22.80 Independence High School
Banovac, Lia 17:51.36 Brentwood High School
Haws, Rachel 17:57.86 Brentwood High School
Johnson, Larkin 18:00.78 Centennial High School
Cromwell, Lydia 18:05.02 Brentwood High School
Banovac, Lauren 18:16.79 Brentwood High School
Boutros, Gabrielle 18:25.38 Fred J. Page High School
Cobb, Abi 18:30.47 Brentwood High School
Smith, Natalie 18:50.23 Fred J. Page High School
Mooney, Searcy 18:51.78 Nolensville High School
Smith, Nigella 18:54.21 Fred J. Page High School
Boutros, Sophia 18:58.01 Fred J. Page High School
Williams, Talya 19:05.30 Brentwood High School
Holloway, Hailey 19:20.53 Independence High School
Parker, Hailey 19:25.18 Brentwood High School
Lasher, Anna 19:25.69 Nolensville High School
Quinn, Lillian 19:52.20 Columbia Central High School
Anderson, Sienna 19:59.00 Summit High School
Pennartz, Presley 20:07.21 Nolensville High School
Stegall, Keira 20:10.38 Nolensville High School
McKnight, Mary Beth 20:15.85 Franklin High School
Ruiz, Jacobi 20:24.51 Independence High School
Twyman, Ashlyn 20:24.76 Ravenwood High School
Roth, Jillian 20:27.97 Independence High School
Whitworth, Clara 20:30.22 Independence High School
Whitten, Veronika 20:36.15 Summit High School
Bennett, Maddie 20:38.26 Nolensville High School
Bolinger, Isabella 20:40.76 Ravenwood High School
Lasher, Kayla 20:47.50 Nolensville High School
Seymour, Kate 21:05.62 Independence High School
McConathy, Kenzington 21:15.00 Summit High School
Seymour, Ellie 21:17.21 Independence High School
Crunk, Mary Hinson 21:22.20 Franklin High School
Jedlickova, Barbora 21:24 Hillsboro High School
Biger, Hadar 21:25.90 Ravenwood High School
Nikazy, Katherine 21:27.16 Summit High School
Handler, Elin 21:42.43 Fred J. Page High School
Block, Morgan 21:43.50 Ravenwood High School
Anderson, MacKenzie 21:46.30 Fred J. Page High School
Ella Ann, Jensen 21:54.40 Centennial High School
Cline, Lauren 21:56.66 Franklin High School
Cook, Elizabeth 21:57.19 Franklin High School
Remkus, Charlotte 22:01.60 Ravenwood High School
Hallmark, Lauren 22:05.00 Summit High School
Vernon, Lucia 22:07.54 Centennial High School
Case, Elle 22:13.16 Franklin High School
Gilroy, Kelly 22:15.50 Ravenwood High School
Downen, Anabelle 22:16.52 Franklin High School
Zone, Anna 22:17.35 Franklin High School
McGregor, Lucy 22:30.90 Fred J. Page High School
Jones, Kelsey 22:36.00 Cane Ridge High School
Dover, Courtney 22:51.06 Summit High School
Constantine, Caroline 23:01.56 Summit High School
Garcia, Alicia 23:56.63 John Overton High School
Germain, Ashleigh 25:38.73 John Overton High School
Brothers, Sarah 26:06.74 Spring Hill High School
Yankowiak, Sofie 26:29.24 Spring Hill High School
Bryant, Naomi 27:14 Hillsboro High School
Dubois, Madeline 27:42.02 John Overton High School
Gualda, Amanda 28:22.89 Hillsboro High School
Lewis, Payton 28:57.12 Spring Hill High School
Hughes, Savannah 29:33.63 Spring Hill High School
Allin, Khloe 29:43.87 Spring Hill High School
Kincaid, Annalee 31:55.74 John Overton High School
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JV Boys 5000 Meter Run 205 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lutgen, Hayden Hillsboro High School
Soria-Reyes, Cristopher John Overton High School
Caal-Chub, Adam John Overton High School
Wood, Callum John Overton High School
Harrington, Evan Hillsboro High School
Simonetti, Joseph Nolensville High School
Slater, Kiren John Overton High School
Kandjadi, Yves Cane Ridge High School
Soria-Reyes, Oscar John Overton High School
Kershisnik, Ryan Summit High School
Slater, Kamron John Overton High School
Spector, Andrew 16:36.97 Brentwood High School
Henry, Benjamin 17:07.77 Brentwood High School
Chatterton, Andrew 17:16.60 Independence High School
Embry, Cutler 17:19.90 Brentwood High School
Bradley, Jackson 17:25.85 Independence High School
Peebles, Cason 17:27.08 Brentwood High School
Milford, Dallen 17:31.90 Independence High School
MacDonald, Caleb 17:32.13 Ravenwood High School
Peebles, Carter 17:37.51 Brentwood High School
Barnes, Lell 17:46.12 Franklin High School
Jones, Wil 17:48.70 Fred J. Page High School
Bennett, Walker 17:55.80 Brentwood High School
Yelton, Callix 17:57.53 Independence High School
Nash, Kellen 18:00.76 Brentwood High School
Hurst, Owen 18:02.96 Franklin High School
Hatcher, Samuel 18:09.80 Fred J. Page High School
Harless, Clarke 18:10.00 Independence High School
Kelly, Sullivan 18:10.20 Independence High School
Ray, Logan 18:10.71 Spring Hill High School
Floyd, Bennett 18:13.45 Franklin High School
Butler, Jacob 18:14.16 Fred J. Page High School
Elder, Grayson 18:14.98 Ravenwood High School
Sisco, Levi 18:18.40 Brentwood High School
VanDyke, David 18:18.50 Brentwood High School
Chau, Kai 18:18.88 Franklin High School
Maguire, Noah 18:19.17 Nolensville High School
Fielder, Beck 18:21.07 Brentwood High School
Meyer, Jack 18:21.97 Ravenwood High School
Leggett, Keller 18:22.12 Franklin High School
Pogue, Tanner 18:22.60 Independence High School
McMillan, Will 18:22.76 Independence High School
Nicholson, Ryan 18:24.36 Brentwood High School
Humphries, Liam 18:25.35 Nolensville High School
Trotter, Howard 18:27.18 Brentwood High School
Starnes, Immanuel 18:30.99 Independence High School
Sklenka, Sam 18:32.04 Summit High School
Overton, Dillon 18:33.70 Independence High School
Cothran, Max 18:36.40 Brentwood High School
Johnson, Reid 18:36.96 Ravenwood High School
Garland, Logan 18:38.04 Fred J. Page High School
Szeliga, Jackson 18:41.65 Summit High School
Bennett, Parker 18:43.52 Brentwood High School
Kelley, Desi 18:43.90 Nolensville High School
West, Jack 18:45.83 Ravenwood High School
VanRavenswaay, Lucas 18:47.20 Nolensville High School
Jenkins, Sam 18:48.29 Fred J. Page High School
Sheppard, Colby 18:51.29 Brentwood High School
McGhee, Langston 18:51.50 Nolensville High School
Salisbury, Dempsey 18:51.87 Nolensville High School
Carter, Drew 18:52.50 Ravenwood High School
Vergara, Carlos 18:55.78 Nolensville High School
Owens, Connor 18:58.89 Ravenwood High School
Papa, Christian 18:59.10 Independence High School
Mayhew, Brady 18:59.10 Independence High School
Caldwell, Matthew 18:59.40 Independence High School
Myers, Caleb 19:01.52 Ravenwood High School
Harkins, Kyle 19:02.79 Ravenwood High School
Patmor, Karan 19:06.20 Independence High School
Shanks, Mason 19:13.58 Nolensville High School
Gorman, Riley 19:15.62 Nolensville High School
Yaras, Luke 19:19.51 Fred J. Page High School
Hill, Hudson 19:23.30 Brentwood High School
Rivers, Evan 19:23.48 Franklin High School
Stolle, Rowan 19:24.70 Independence High School
Heger, Henry 19:25.77 Fred J. Page High School
Wambaugh, Jeremiah 19:27.10 Independence High School
Slade, Gabe 19:28.10 Independence High School
Thompson, Nick 19:29.22 Centennial High School
Mullen, Whitaker 19:30.96 Fred J. Page High School
Jordan, Connor 19:32.70 Independence High School
Hawkins, Cole 19:33.34 Brentwood High School
Jarnagin, Elijah 19:34.70 Independence High School
Martin, Ashton 19:35.10 Ravenwood High School
Hoggard, Nathan 19:35.43 Summit High School
Bearson, Ben 19:36.85 Summit High School
Sapp, Eli 19:42.98 Nolensville High School
McMaingle, Brooks 19:44.03 Independence High School
Hammond, Harris 19:44.51 Brentwood High School
Wilson, Cameron 19:44.80 Ravenwood High School
Story, Andrew 19:45.79 Ravenwood High School
Black, Ben 19:51.44 Summit High School
Neeley, Simon 19:52.10 Franklin High School
Goff, Carter 19:52.73 Ravenwood High School
Montgomery, Cole 19:53.17 Ravenwood High School
Maas, Justin 19:53.80 Brentwood High School
Hutti, Ryan 19:58.62 Summit High School
Howard, Spencer 19:58.81 Franklin High School
Henley, Sam 20:00.32 Ravenwood High School
Richardson, Gavin 20:00.72 Summit High School
Lin, Tommy 20:00.95 Franklin High School
Hall, Sam 20:00.98 Summit High School
Archote, Mason 20:02.19 Summit High School
Harris, Honor 20:03.02 Centennial High School
Robertson, Ben 20:07.72 Ravenwood High School
Thomas, Logan 20:10.19 Nolensville High School
Burnett, Austin 20:10.66 Brentwood High School
Robertson, Alex 20:15.80 Ravenwood High School
O'Neal, Victor 20:15.90 Ravenwood High School
Scarbrough, JC 20:21.74 Nolensville High School
Lawson, Bo 20:25.10 Nolensville High School
Krager, Nathan 20:25.97 Spring Hill High School
Sutterer, Cade 20:26.20 Brentwood High School
Cassidy, Creed 20:26.40 Fred J. Page High School
Lembo, Brody 20:26.55 Spring Hill High School
Begin, Jean-Claude 20:27.66 Ravenwood High School
Gonzalez, Joaqin 20:31.00 Spring Hill High School
Leak, Matthew 20:32.80 Summit High School
Wilbeck, Owen 20:34.00 Brentwood High School
Risden, Ethan 20:38.10 Independence High School
Elder, Wyatt 20:39.28 Fred J. Page High School
Ledbetter, Kaiden 20:40.60 Independence High School
Cope, Harlan 20:42.36 Summit High School
Fessenden, Brit 20:43.65 Fred J. Page High School
Espinoza, Samuel 20:48.00 John Overton High School
Hatcher, Charlie 20:52.26 Fred J. Page High School
Bechtel, Gideon 20:55.14 Summit High School
Anderson, Austin 20:57.70 Fred J. Page High School
MacPherson, Luke 20:58.00 Spring Hill High School
Lindsey, Jackson 21:02.20 Ravenwood High School
Cromwell, James 21:02.70 Brentwood High School
Hornok, Jakub 21:12.69 Fred J. Page High School
Sloniecki, Walker 21:12.88 Nolensville High School
May, Sam 21:16.86 Independence High School
Brandes, Jack 21:18.12 Nolensville High School
Moyer, Joel 21:19.05 Nolensville High School
Harkins, Micah 21:19.81 Ravenwood High School
Jegannathan, Tanush 21:20.22 Nolensville High School
Stevenson, Matthais 21:23.63 Summit High School
Murphy, Hudson 21:25.10 Summit High School
Eischen, Connor 21:26.25 Centennial High School
Prestegaard, Jack 21:27.51 Ravenwood High School
Bentley, Jackson 21:27.70 Fred J. Page High School
Clement, Matthew 21:28.71 Fred J. Page High School
Crane, Alex 21:29.21 Ravenwood High School
Durham, Kingston 21:30.00 Spring Hill High School
Brown, Will 21:30.86 Nolensville High School
Denery, Jay 21:31.63 Ravenwood High School
Nelson, Zack 21:34.30 Independence High School
Varnell, Daniel 21:36.12 Nolensville High School
Pinkston, Mason 21:37.00 Independence High School
Hadley, Luke 21:37.10 Brentwood High School
Stepanic, Oliver 21:37.50 Ravenwood High School
Hartman, Jacob 21:47.70 Nolensville High School
Hilton, Bennett 21:53.42 Fred J. Page High School
Smith, Carter 21:56.59 Brentwood High School
Hunsinger, Owen 21:58.00 Ravenwood High School
Burns, Alex 21:58.37 Nolensville High School
Eberhardt, Jackson 22:02.60 Nolensville High School
Burnett, Bryce 22:03.79 Brentwood High School
Detroit, Josh 22:06.46 Nolensville High School
McClain, Jackson 22:11.33 Centennial High School
Horrell, Justin 22:11.90 Ravenwood High School
Stranch, Gus 22:12.62 Centennial High School
Karthikeyan, Pranav 22:15.82 Nolensville High School
Mitchell, Gavin 22:19.60 Franklin High School
Hammond, Harlan 22:23.38 Brentwood High School
Mullen, Charlie 22:25.80 Fred J. Page High School
Hughes, Alex 22:26.30 Ravenwood High School
Seyfried, Jonas 22:28.82 Nolensville High School
Moneypenny, Max 22:31.00 Brentwood High School
Rayfield, James 22:46.37 Summit High School
Hasty, Baker 22:51 Hillsboro High School
Eller, Kingston 22:52.44 Hillsboro High School
Davis, Maddox 22:55.56 Summit High School
Caicedo, Daniel 23:04.70 John Overton High School
Brashier, Joshua 23:04.72 Summit High School
McFarland, Tatum 23:10.30 Summit High School
Milani, Nicholas 23:15.76 Summit High School
Rodriguez, Jeremias 23:16.31 Franklin High School
Tomlinson, Scott 23:20.61 Ravenwood High School
Spires, Austin 23:31.00 Spring Hill High School
Kim, Nathan 23:31.88 Franklin High School
Schmidt, Tyler 23:41.68 Summit High School
Pinson, Conley 23:49.40 John Overton High School
Jameson, William 24:12.00 Spring Hill High School
Groth, Riggins 24:15.42 Brentwood High School
Wasnik, Ananmay 24:24.90 Fred J. Page High School
Crowley, Jackson 24:27.85 Franklin High School
Ellahi, Mohammad 24:32.00 Spring Hill High School
Bean, Matthew 24:58.80 Brentwood High School
Crosslin, Seth 25:00.80 Summit High School
Barding, Nevaeh 25:23.81 Summit High School
Soler, Frankie 25:33.40 Spring Hill High School
Perez, Hasel 25:39.94 John Overton High School
Odell, Reed 25:51.50 Brentwood High School
Burrell, Owen 26:30.63 Summit High School
Harris, Charles 27:37.17 Hillsboro High School
Fowler, Benjamin 27:53.00 Cane Ridge High School
Young, Jack 28:00.64 Hillsboro High School
Carter, Elijah 28:08.00 Spring Hill High School
Torres, Omar 28:12.70 Fred J. Page High School
Kabagambe, Samuel 28:44.38 Franklin High School
Holt, Jett 29:54.12 Brentwood High School
Sperduti, Landon 34:53.40 Nolensville High School
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JV Girls 5000 Meter Run 115 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Talbot, Ivy Nolensville High School
Spender, Scarlett 18:57.94 Brentwood High School
Stallman, Annmarie 19:48.57 Brentwood High School
Fielder, Ollie 20:00.02 Brentwood High School
Truesdale, Elise 20:02.01 Brentwood High School
Halterman, Joanna 20:03.54 Independence High School
VanDyke, Claire 20:13.67 Brentwood High School
Miller, Sarah Morgan 20:20.88 Brentwood High School
Cobb, Olivia 20:23.31 Brentwood High School
Hyams, Kristen 20:29.01 Brentwood High School
Conte, Catherine 20:40.07 Brentwood High School
Villaruz, Natasha 20:41.88 Brentwood High School
Williams, Serra 20:42.57 Brentwood High School
Hill, Addison 20:45.63 Summit High School
Holliday, Natalie 21:05.31 Franklin High School
Conte, Carly 21:13.27 Brentwood High School
MacLean, Myla 21:17.91 Nolensville High School
Roche, Violet 21:19.40 Brentwood High School
Fernandez, Jenah 21:51.33 Independence High School
Russell, Avery 21:51.58 Nolensville High School
Wakatsuki, Izumi 21:59.54 Franklin High School
Ehrhardt, Ava 22:05.37 Independence High School
Priddy, Sophia 22:05.60 Nolensville High School
Shaw, Olivia 22:10.70 Ravenwood High School
Rocha, Tiffany 22:13.00 Ravenwood High School
Vlach, Madeline 22:24.00 Ravenwood High School
Ogle, Ava 22:26.37 Fred J. Page High School
Javed, Menaal 22:31.23 Ravenwood High School
Phegley, Olivia 22:33.05 Nolensville High School
Wagner, Loralyn 22:44.00 Independence High School
Sheehan, Mae 22:44.39 Ravenwood High School
Stone, Paisley 22:45.83 Ravenwood High School
Ewton, Madelyn 22:52.60 Fred J. Page High School
Milne, Carol 22:55.00 Ravenwood High School
Watson, Hannah 22:55.89 Nolensville High School
Nelson, Talia 22:59.53 Independence High School
Lloyd, Rebekah 23:01.81 Independence High School
Hannon, Margaret Anne 23:06.65 Ravenwood High School
Davis, Katherine 23:13.83 Fred J. Page High School
Castelluccio, Sophia 23:13.95 Franklin High School
Blanton, Ivy 23:24.42 Ravenwood High School
Corley, Madelyn 23:26.26 Fred J. Page High School
Klein, Annabelle 23:26.80 Ravenwood High School
Ward, Natalie 23:34.29 Franklin High School
Boggs, Addison 23:35.20 Ravenwood High School
Kalsmose-Jakobsen, Karoline 23:36.40 Nolensville High School
Yeung, Ashley 23:37.10 Ravenwood High School
Ngo, Jasmine 23:37.24 Nolensville High School
Genzer, Brie Ann 23:41.23 Nolensville High School
Mason, Katherine 23:45.61 Fred J. Page High School
Avrit, Tatum 23:48.50 Brentwood High School
Specht, Charlotte 23:57.10 Ravenwood High School
Pennartz, Lia 23:59.56 Nolensville High School
Nandrey, Mahi 23:59.67 Fred J. Page High School
Morgan, Ella 24:10.20 Summit High School
Brakefield, Abby 24:10.94 Nolensville High School
Moran, Dorothy 24:11.07 Franklin High School
Hughes, Amara 24:14.60 Ravenwood High School
Brown, Channing 24:17.20 Ravenwood High School
Bennett, Layla 24:17.44 Nolensville High School
Gottlieb, Francie 24:20.95 Franklin High School
Leavy, Tessa 24:24.56 Independence High School
Maddukuri, Asritha 24:30.89 Independence High School
Immordino, Emily 24:34.71 Ravenwood High School
Baird, Andrianna 24:36.95 Franklin High School
Mundie, Savannah 24:38.95 Nolensville High School
Mendoza, Sophia 24:40.49 Centennial High School
Tedesco, Adriana 24:45.99 Independence High School
Mueller, Miranda 24:54.92 Ravenwood High School
Jenkins, Harrison 24:55.83 Brentwood High School
Lee, Clara Beth 24:56.99 Brentwood High School
Rajkumar, Medhini 25:01.75 Nolensville High School
Lionello, Gia 25:02.39 Nolensville High School
Milani, Alexis 25:07.34 Summit High School
Lukasiak, Ellie 25:12.50 Franklin High School
Mason, Marie 25:20.10 Ravenwood High School
Jackson, Caroline 25:22.42 Franklin High School
Ralston, Wren 25:33.30 Brentwood High School
DelaBarre, Mary Jane 25:43.10 Franklin High School
Fessenden, Autumn 25:47.34 Fred J. Page High School
Fikri, Sylvia 25:47.50 Ravenwood High School
Kaufhold, Harper 25:53.41 Centennial High School
Baker, Phoebe 26:07.73 Brentwood High School
Corbin, Kennedy 26:08.14 Franklin High School
Sappidi, Meghana 26:10.13 Ravenwood High School
Acuff, McRae 26:12.40 Franklin High School
Morton, Brooke 26:16.56 Franklin High School
Branson, Sydney 26:26.42 Summit High School
Stinson, Peyton 26:31.04 Summit High School
Loza, Markella 26:50.89 Nolensville High School
Lassiter, Maggie 26:54.29 Centennial High School
Behnen, Hanna 27:02.40 Nolensville High School
Morel, Ava 27:21.11 Nolensville High School
Mevs, Sophia 27:28.70 Brentwood High School
Doerschuk, Maren 27:34.00 Brentwood High School
Koh, Alice 27:53.19 Ravenwood High School
Sessions, Elizabeth 27:58.61 Franklin High School
Conn, Chloe 28:27.71 Nolensville High School
Pennington, Emma 28:34.80 Nolensville High School
Koenig, Kate 28:40.65 Franklin High School
English, Eliza 28:46.64 Brentwood High School
Berg, Emma 29:01.42 Nolensville High School
Gontarek, Carrie 29:04.40 Brentwood High School
Bodar, Krishna 29:32.76 Franklin High School
Medlin, Bella 29:33.05 Nolensville High School
Rogers, Roxy 29:45.67 Franklin High School
Mickholtzick, Katie 29:45.76 Centennial High School
ojwang, iman 30:18.97 Centennial High School
Yazdanparast, Arianna 31:15.78 Brentwood High School
Douglas, Nancy 31:42.74 Nolensville High School
Strobel, Cameron 32:13.92 Nolensville High School
Aston, Mia 32:45.34 Fred J. Page High School
Sisco, Ivey 32:48.27 Brentwood High School
James, Emma 33:32.33 Nolensville High School
Katee, Naomi 38:54.00 Cane Ridge High School
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