Meet Information
Meet Information:
-Times -
Coaches meeting - 1:30
Field events - 2:00
Girls Discus then Shot
Boys shot then Discus
Girls Long Jump then Boys
Boys Triple Jump Then Girls
Girls High Jump then Boys
3200 - 2:45
Rest of the running events 4:30 (all running events will be girls followed by boys)
The following field events will be run by the given team
* The meet will be held at Walker Valley High School on Tuesday, May 11th. Saturday, May 15th will be the day used in case of bad weather. (it will have to be real bad to cancel)
-Times -
Coaches meeting - 1:30
Field events - 2:00
Girls Discus then Shot
Boys shot then Discus
Girls Long Jump then Boys
Boys Triple Jump Then Girls
Girls High Jump then Boys
3200 - 2:45
Rest of the running events 4:30 (all running events will be girls followed by boys)
* The cost is $55 per school.
* The top 4 people and relay teams in each event will advance to the Sectional meet at Walker Valley High School.
* You must register online to register your teams and athletes. Make sure to click on the south Sub-Sectional link on section 2.
* Entries must be received by Friday, May 7th at 11:00pm.
* Coaches will need to work the field events.
* There will be no preliminary races.
* There will be a $5 admission for all. Ten and under will be free.
* Sectional meet is

The following field events will be run by the given team