Front Runner Athletics Area Championship 2019

Chattanooga, TN

Front Runner Athletics Area Championship 2019 vs Front Runner Athletics Area XC Championship 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +35 578 543
Overall Average -20.91 22:55.28 23:16.19
1st-10th Place -20.64 16:10.62 16:31.26
1st-25th Place -19.05 16:43.04 17:02.09
1st-50th Place -18.03 17:14.18 17:32.21
1st-100th Place -19.71 17:54.04 18:13.74
Common Athletes -- -- 259
Ran Faster 143 201 58
Ran Season Best 42 191 149
Average Time -45.92 21:52.75 22:38.67
Median Time -43.78 21:00.48 21:44.26
Middle 80% Times -52.27 21:25.94 22:18.20
Top 10% Times -39.65 16:49.62 17:29.27
Top 25% Times -50.57 17:40.67 18:31.23
Top 50% Times -49.75 18:49.97 19:39.72
Bottom 50% Times -41.74 24:45.43 25:27.18
Bottom 25% Times -33.43 27:27.71 28:01.14
Bottom 10% Times -1.87 30:41.97 30:43.84
Average Difference -45.92 -- --
Median Difference -42.59 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -50.82 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference -50.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference -44.56 -- --
Top 50% Difference -50.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -41.25 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -34.08 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -9.26 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Chase Faudi CSTHEA Patriots High School -28.06 15:25.95 15:54.01
Edimo Ninterestse Chattanooga Christian School -29.70 15:49.99 16:19.69
John Arrowsmith McCallie School -56.61 16:04.88 17:01.49
Lane Hollis Coahulla Creek HS -27.06 16:08.26 16:35.32
Dylan Zeller McCallie School -20.85 16:13.11 16:33.96
Grayson Kennedy Sequatchie Co. High School -1:01.38 16:14.49 17:15.87
Samuel Ligon McCallie School -5.12 16:18.55 16:23.67
Duke Richey McCallie School -46.55 16:23.64 17:10.19
Ryan Lovelace Cleveland High School -33.11 16:31.46 17:04.57
Elijah Moran CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:12.25 16:35.87 17:48.12
Benjamin Niehaus McCallie School -23.57 16:40.00 17:03.57
Carson Turner Chattanooga Christian School -1:00.06 16:51.14 17:51.20
Chase Manton Chattanooga Christian School -51.28 16:51.32 17:42.60
Colton Underwood Signal Mountain High School -2:15.84 16:53.65 19:09.49
Austin Wingfield Signal Mountain High School -36.73 16:54.24 17:30.97
Jack Cottrell Chattanooga Christian School -56.67 16:54.43 17:51.10
Davis Deloach Chattanooga Christian School -1:14.42 17:12.96 18:27.38
Leulseged Barnes Chattanooga Christian School -32.51 17:13.68 17:46.19
Brown Hayes McCallie School -39.68 17:16.29 17:55.97
Gavin Chandler Heritage HS, Catoosa +19.98 17:37.66 17:17.68
Erik Jones Chattanooga Christian School -15.20 17:23.39 17:38.59
Maxwell Sewell Signal Mountain High School -1:08.21 17:33.22 18:41.43
Jonah Adams Polk County High School -59.02 17:34.29 18:33.31
Michael Lancaster Signal Mountain High School -59.32 17:34.77 18:34.09
Kurt West Bradley Central High School -59.93 17:35.04 18:34.97
Patrick Kushman McCallie School -1:01.55 17:37.86 18:39.41
Harris Gallegley Coahulla Creek HS -57.93 17:40.16 18:38.09
Gabe Placer Silverdale Baptist Academy -38.47 17:42.91 18:21.38
Chase Carroll Walker Valley High School -37.51 17:44.59 18:22.10
Spencer Towns McCallie School -43.72 17:44.76 18:28.48
Tanner Rape Coahulla Creek HS -1:42.75 17:45.82 19:28.57
Noah Shriner Signal Mountain High School -1:21.38 17:48.54 19:09.92
Chris Belew Cleveland High School -1:14.74 17:49.17 19:03.91
Kaid Boehm Signal Mountain High School -1:18.76 17:49.48 19:08.24
Garrett Hughes Coahulla Creek HS -1:36.97 17:50.29 19:27.26
Lucas Finnell Bradley Central High School -10.47 17:50.55 18:01.02
Mason Howell Signal Mountain High School -2:36.99 17:56.24 20:33.23
Andrew Stamper Coahulla Creek HS -53.01 17:56.87 18:49.88
Boston Hrinik CSTHEA Patriots High School +0.70 18:00.26 17:59.56
Isaiah Weaver Ooltewah High School -31.13 18:00.69 18:31.82
Andrew Adams Chattanooga Christian School -39.69 18:03.44 18:43.13
Luke Shackelford Heritage HS, Catoosa -54.95 18:09.58 19:04.53
Sean Marsh Coahulla Creek HS -2:07.03 18:09.96 20:16.99
Colton Sanborn Notre Dame High School -1:27.84 18:11.54 19:39.38
Axel Salaices Southeast Whitfield High School -1:00.12 18:13.70 19:13.82
Gerrit Bontekoe CSTHEA Patriots High School +1:00.57 19:16.97 18:16.40
Will Russell Rhea County High School -2:31.97 18:17.62 20:49.59
Titan Henley Bradley Central High School -1:41.66 18:18.79 20:00.45
Carter Bradford Sequatchie Co. High School -1:11.53 18:19.12 19:30.65
Jaren Dildine McCallie School -20.67 18:19.33 18:40.00
Hunter Smith Coahulla Creek HS -1:27.52 18:21.94 19:49.46
Jacob Haustein CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:01.06 18:23.24 19:24.30
Jackson Davis Walker Valley High School -20.21 18:25.86 18:46.07
Carson Saunders Walker Valley High School -2:15.92 18:26.69 20:42.61
Seth Cordes Silverdale Baptist Academy -1:07.47 18:31.13 19:38.60
Noah Norman Chattanooga Christian School -40.05 18:33.89 19:13.94
Davis Justice Heritage HS, Catoosa -49.53 18:35.95 19:25.48
Jack Hurley Chattanooga Christian School -1:34.16 18:37.16 20:11.32
Tyler Lansford Silverdale Baptist Academy -2:27.63 18:37.35 21:04.98
Gabe Martz CSTHEA Patriots High School -31.42 18:40.39 19:11.81
Meg Martz CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:16.20 18:41.10 19:57.30
Brett Barton McCallie School -30.08 18:41.42 19:11.50
Tyler Haga Chattanooga Christian School -1:57.57 18:43.00 20:40.57
Jacob Blair Northwest Whitfield High School -2:07.43 18:48.00 20:55.43
Seth Roberts Ivy Academy -1:31.69 18:48.76 20:20.45
Major Frerichs Sweetwater High School -1:57.50 18:53.82 20:51.32
Sebastian Tomsic Northwest Whitfield High School -50.54 18:54.47 19:45.01
Jonathan Kapic Chattanooga Christian School +22.52 19:18.76 18:56.24
Paxton Albright Sequatchie Co. High School -31.99 18:58.40 19:30.39
Helen Webb Baylor School -1:10.07 18:59.84 20:09.91
Jack DiMisa Notre Dame High School -1:51.61 19:00.49 20:52.10
Sean Goggans Signal Mountain High School -2:05.92 19:03.33 21:09.25
Madeline Wheatcroft CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:24.57 19:03.68 20:28.25
Joseph Baer CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:46.40 19:05.72 20:52.12
Carter Hines Silverdale Baptist Academy -56.31 19:06.41 20:02.72
AJ Germain Coahulla Creek HS -2:13.35 19:10.53 21:23.88
Abdiel Medina Cleveland High School -33.48 19:10.84 19:44.32
Pedro Morales Southeast Whitfield High School -42.19 19:11.19 19:53.38
Max Flasch Notre Dame High School -1:39.14 19:13.63 20:52.77
Flannery __Lowe Chattanooga Christian School +7:14.48 26:35.89 19:21.41
Mateo Triana Southeast Whitfield High School -1:12.25 19:22.04 20:34.29
Kollin Kennedy Silverdale Baptist Academy +10.91 19:34.12 19:23.21
Kaylee Bandy Coahulla Creek HS -57.00 19:25.10 20:22.10
Nicolas Knee Chattanooga Christian School -1:10.31 19:26.92 20:37.23
Johnny Tian McCallie School -57.54 19:28.01 20:25.55
Joshua Nicodemus Walker Valley High School -49.11 19:29.88 20:18.99
Finn Fitzsimmons Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences +45.71 20:15.76 19:30.05
Jackson Keller Red Bank High School +1:42.44 21:14.95 19:32.51
Noah Phillips Coahulla Creek HS +24.60 19:58.35 19:33.75
Patton Rector Coahulla Creek HS -1:16.82 19:34.57 20:51.39
Emmy Davis Baylor School -1:07.96 19:35.25 20:43.21
Tyler Nunley Soddy Daisy High School -1:26.99 19:36.49 21:03.48
Mark Passons Ooltewah High School -1:11.28 19:37.17 20:48.45
Byron Zou McCallie School -1:44.64 19:37.90 21:22.54
Wes Trew Polk County High School -38.54 19:43.36 20:21.90
Jake Krajeskiy Heritage HS, Catoosa -1:09.20 19:43.91 20:53.11
Brayden Falls Bradley Central High School -57.66 19:44.10 20:41.76
Easton Gray Northwest Whitfield High School -41.18 19:52.27 20:33.45
Eli Parsley Signal Mountain High School +24.18 20:19.97 19:55.79
Hannah Rosser Baylor School -58.53 19:58.32 20:56.85
Devin Henry Coahulla Creek HS +0.48 19:59.77 19:59.29
Mason Thomas Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -1:50.97 20:03.46 21:54.43
Jane Eiselstein Girls Preparatory School +27.92 20:34.35 20:06.43
Logan Cooke Cleveland High School -27.22 20:10.79 20:38.01
Emma Bradford Sequatchie Co. High School -1:21.79 20:15.27 21:37.06
Landon Hooker Signal Mountain High School +1.03 20:18.47 20:17.44
Phoebe Moran Chattanooga Christian School -1:34.56 20:17.88 21:52.44
Mauricio Lino Northwest Whitfield High School -1:36.34 20:18.10 21:54.44
Steven Burchard Heritage HS, Catoosa +25.07 20:45.09 20:20.02
Andrew Farmer East Hamilton High School -1:12.28 20:21.54 21:33.82
Leah Boyd CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:00.73 20:21.79 21:22.52
Evin Barnes Bradley Central High School -1:08.85 20:22.60 21:31.45
Cam Garrett Walker Valley High School -1:30.70 20:22.85 21:53.55
Gabe Davis Soddy Daisy High School +5.11 20:29.47 20:24.36
Tara Jessen Signal Mountain High School -5.43 20:24.94 20:30.37
Zachary Varga Notre Dame High School -32.96 20:25.77 20:58.73
Noah Wyatt Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -2:00.78 20:29.24 22:30.02
Allison Craft Heritage HS, Catoosa +40.43 21:09.68 20:29.25
Landon Huffstetler Sweetwater High School -28.44 20:30.68 20:59.12
Carter Davenport Bradley Central High School -25.17 20:33.85 20:59.02
Josh Willing Chattanooga Christian School +7.66 20:44.41 20:36.75
Andrew Dorsey Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -3.71 20:37.44 20:41.15
Katilee Croft Soddy Daisy High School -1:31.74 20:39.18 22:10.92
AJ Wild Hixson High School -20.01 20:39.68 20:59.69
Sophia Gibby Signal Mountain High School -1:37.98 20:40.10 22:18.08
Diego Orozco Sequatchie Co. High School -6:32.76 20:44.90 27:17.66
Hunter Roberson Sequatchie Co. High School -1:11.15 20:45.22 21:56.37
Holly Jennings Chattanooga Christian School -1:15.22 20:46.10 22:01.32
Josh Davis Soddy Daisy High School -1:17.42 20:46.56 22:03.98
Dylan Hoffman Rhea County High School -39.50 20:51.83 21:31.33
Jaxon Bickford Coahulla Creek HS +38.36 21:31.14 20:52.78
Jack Graham Chattanooga Central High School -1:11.25 20:53.87 22:05.12
Kelsey Thompson Signal Mountain High School +25.97 21:19.96 20:53.99
Justice Dykes Polk County High School +2:44.56 23:41.04 20:56.48
Willa Mirmelstein Girls Preparatory School -1:32.69 21:00.19 22:32.88
Nathan Webb Silverdale Baptist Academy -2:58.34 21:00.48 23:58.82
Ella Ensign Girls Preparatory School -41.63 21:02.63 21:44.26
Evan Nowell Notre Dame High School +1:34.51 22:37.58 21:03.07
Jacob Schumacher Notre Dame High School +1:56.03 23:00.33 21:04.30
Alexander Coker Boyd Buchanan High School -18.37 21:05.21 21:23.58
Wyatt Robinson Walker Valley High School -1:35.80 21:06.93 22:42.73
Juan Martinez Heritage HS, Catoosa -42.59 21:16.57 21:59.16
Guadalupe Martinez Southeast Whitfield High School -1:32.88 21:18.12 22:51.00
Margot M. Kapic Chattanooga Christian School -44.17 21:20.29 22:04.46
Colin Wilson Walker Valley High School +49.28 22:10.52 21:21.24
Nick Upchurch Northwest Whitfield High School +43.17 22:04.71 21:21.54
Camron Lannom Walker Valley High School -9.08 21:23.75 21:32.83
Tanner Land Sequatchie Co. High School -2:27.56 21:26.57 23:54.13
Luke Tinholt Chattanooga Christian School -1.66 21:32.48 21:34.14
Gracen Glover Signal Mountain High School -1:21.86 21:39.16 23:01.02
Lindsey Guess Northwest Whitfield High School -1:10.04 21:43.35 22:53.39
Emmy Richey Girls Preparatory School +36.78 22:22.22 21:45.44
Caroline Cornett Signal Mountain High School -3:02.45 21:48.63 24:51.08
Ella Coley Coahulla Creek HS +30.61 22:24.32 21:53.71
Madison Hasnani Chattanooga Christian School -2:06.61 21:57.05 24:03.66
Jaxon Frerichs Bradley Central High School -2:25.00 22:04.22 24:29.22
Carson Lehman Silverdale Baptist Academy +8.22 22:14.97 22:06.75
Marlene Paez Southeast Whitfield High School -1:10.95 22:07.79 23:18.74
Miles Cains Chattanooga Christian School +2:06.78 24:18.17 22:11.39
Kollin Holligan East Hamilton High School -3:04.67 22:11.54 25:16.21
Sam Schofield Soddy Daisy High School -2:11.08 22:11.75 24:22.83
Raul Hernandez Coahulla Creek HS -1:54.81 22:11.80 24:06.61
Justin Ramirez Chattanooga Central High School -24.20 22:11.93 22:36.13
Kai Kramer Signal Mountain High School -2:44.42 22:12.14 24:56.56
Mason Whitmore Northwest Whitfield High School -1:32.86 22:13.34 23:46.20
William Benton Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -2:12.81 22:14.36 24:27.17
Cade Wilson Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -1:37.06 22:16.25 23:53.31
Brinson Sheets Signal Mountain High School -1:49.25 22:17.00 24:06.25
Sarah Rutledge Baylor School -2:32.91 22:18.58 24:51.49
Aren Small Signal Mountain High School +14.26 22:35.86 22:21.60
Ashtyn Cross Bradley Central High School -5:17.96 22:27.42 27:45.38
Gabriel Leal Heritage HS, Catoosa +29.25 22:57.32 22:28.07
Dominik Saez Cleveland High School +17.41 22:46.22 22:28.81
Sydney Judd Walker Valley High School -57.97 22:33.21 23:31.18
Jailyne Martinez Northwest Whitfield High School -52.96 22:38.18 23:31.14
Katie Riggs Silverdale Baptist Academy -3:22.92 22:40.66 26:03.58
Hunter Pierce Cleveland High School -29.73 22:42.75 23:12.48
Taylor Milliron Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -54.64 22:43.43 23:38.07
Roman Davis Cleveland High School +8.88 22:53.11 22:44.23
Asher Bright Cleveland High School -1:07.92 22:51.64 23:59.56
Abby Steffey Silverdale Baptist Academy +2:46.42 25:40.88 22:54.46
Ally Brown Southeast Whitfield High School -2:25.96 22:57.07 25:23.03
Charlotte Harrison Signal Mountain High School -0.32 22:59.54 22:59.86
Landon Albright Heritage HS, Catoosa -1:22.67 23:00.60 24:23.27
Kayla Mattox CSTHEA Patriots High School -2:18.36 23:05.30 25:23.66
Olivia Truelove Grace Baptist Academy -2:57.28 23:05.49 26:02.77
Camille C. Tollett Chattanooga Christian School -1:34.00 23:09.11 24:43.11
Jessica Campbell Bledsoe Co. High School -3:02.05 23:11.72 26:13.77
Kalei Howard Heritage HS, Catoosa +2:28.72 25:43.71 23:14.99
Kelson Green Northwest Whitfield High School -57.30 23:16.13 24:13.43
Bryan Torres Coahulla Creek HS -50.06 23:18.97 24:09.03
Ethan Clark Heritage HS, Catoosa -58.52 23:19.47 24:17.99
Katherine Lukens Chattanooga Christian School -1:28.18 23:21.24 24:49.42
Will Kelley Heritage HS, Catoosa +2:45.62 26:08.76 23:23.14
Anna Young Notre Dame High School -2.03 23:23.69 23:25.72
Emily Woody Heritage HS, Catoosa -35.16 23:27.33 24:02.49
Justin Schumacher Notre Dame High School -2:03.62 23:30.92 25:34.54
Charlotte Megahee Girls Preparatory School +2:35.46 26:09.37 23:33.91
Riley Murdock Baylor School -25.20 23:36.24 24:01.44
Emily Hale Baylor School -15.16 23:49.76 24:04.92
Madison Harding Sweetwater High School -8.04 23:51.96 24:00.00
Alyssa Harding Sweetwater High School -1:10.96 23:55.21 25:06.17
Lizzie Ross Chattanooga Christian School +16.07 24:19.37 24:03.30
Emma Tennyson Heritage HS, Catoosa +1:59.64 26:08.11 24:08.47
Ben Nielsen Ooltewah High School -1:42.46 24:10.81 25:53.27
Sam Bolling Soddy Daisy High School -5:39.98 24:13.13 29:53.11
Shirley Zhang Baylor School +45.44 25:04.89 24:19.45
Paul Schofield Soddy Daisy High School -3:25.02 24:23.85 27:48.87
Clayton Watson Girls Preparatory School -9.92 24:26.02 24:35.94
Jerry Yu McCallie School -27.17 24:28.53 24:55.70
Sydney Brown Boyd Buchanan High School -3:31.01 24:30.63 28:01.64
Arthur Jur Walker Valley High School +48.81 25:22.34 24:33.53
Carol Hua Hixson High School -7:29.69 24:39.06 32:08.75
Hannah Hall Rhea County High School -34.86 24:47.50 25:22.36
Anna Williamson Boyd Buchanan High School -2:39.84 24:49.54 27:29.38
Ann Marie Lindley Girls Preparatory School +1:16.22 26:08.26 24:52.04
April Cruz Coahulla Creek HS -1:31.19 24:59.71 26:30.90
Zane Ferrying Chattanooga Central High School -1:11.45 25:01.37 26:12.82
Caleb Huggins Northwest Whitfield High School -3:09.22 25:13.91 28:23.13
Blake Chambers Chattanooga Central High School -39.21 25:14.63 25:53.84
Kingston Knox East Hamilton High School -2:09.42 25:18.87 27:28.29
Lily Cooper Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences -1:23.85 25:21.19 26:45.04
Christopher Sleeper Sequatchie Co. High School -1:46.55 25:30.02 27:16.57
Jessica Ruiz Southeast Whitfield High School -3:26.07 25:34.06 29:00.13
Lacie Randolph Soddy Daisy High School -3:49.18 25:34.74 29:23.92
Bailey Price Girls Preparatory School -10.32 25:40.27 25:50.59
Madeline Morris Cleveland High School -44.37 25:47.07 26:31.44
Dylan Amos Coahulla Creek HS +2:51.39 28:46.31 25:54.92
Jade Liu Baylor School -1:10.44 25:57.66 27:08.10
Caroline Imsand Baylor School +46.29 26:52.89 26:06.60
Hannah Conley Silverdale Baptist Academy -1:43.72 26:07.28 27:51.00
Pare Chalamaneeporn Coahulla Creek HS -21.07 26:12.07 26:33.14
Annamarie Todd Notre Dame High School +1:51.90 28:04.30 26:12.40
Madeline Wyatt Signal Mountain High School -2:54.67 26:15.19 29:09.86
Alyse Coakley Girls Preparatory School +10.15 26:26.41 26:16.26
Joshua Payne Northwest Whitfield High School +51.20 27:12.38 26:21.18
Gracey Mccoy Heritage HS, Catoosa +3:36.13 30:08.57 26:32.44
Nancy Altamitano Southeast Whitfield High School +29.82 27:02.85 26:33.03
Priscilla Doran CSTHEA Patriots High School -1:39.83 26:39.42 28:19.25
Li Li Hatch Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences +4:01.60 30:43.07 26:41.47
Lilly Roberts Northwest Whitfield High School +1:55.54 28:57.59 27:02.05
Amrit Pager Hixson High School -2:27.53 27:07.48 29:35.01
Kristina Thompson Northwest Whitfield High School +4:52.16 32:07.98 27:15.82
Haven Blakenship Bledsoe Co. High School -35.79 27:33.51 28:09.30
Anna Thomson Soddy Daisy High School -1:49.52 27:33.78 29:23.30
Jenna Lusk Chattanooga Christian School -3:26.57 27:34.59 31:01.16
Lauren Johnson Rhea County High School -1:26.53 27:48.33 29:14.86
Lauren Roberts Northwest Whitfield High School +1:31.67 30:25.89 28:54.22
Sabrina Francke Baylor School +3:14.54 32:45.79 29:31.25
Caroline Saunders Walker Valley High School +54.96 30:44.47 29:49.51
Paulo Casilla Ooltewah High School -33.85 30:30.00 31:03.85
Ellen Jarrard Boyd Buchanan High School -47.02 30:44.97 31:31.99
Sadie Nave Sequatchie Co. High School +1:03.41 31:52.46 30:49.05
Chloe Bridenstine Ooltewah High School +1:23.30 33:48.24 32:24.94
Laurel Hartman Ooltewah High School -22.66 33:02.59 33:25.25
Fiona Hall Cleveland High School +5:39.68 39:08.12 33:28.44
Brooklyn Lowe Sweetwater High School -2:29.31 33:49.69 36:19.00
Harmony Hammontree Coahulla Creek HS +2:13.50 37:56.50 35:43.00
Sabrina Gao Boyd Buchanan High School -36.12 35:48.88 36:25.00