Goodpasture Runner Dies After Collapsing During Run

Janie Grace Moss crosses the finish line at Saturday Light Fever. She was the highest placing finisher for Goodpasture.

Janie Grace Moss

Janie Grace Moss was a senior at Goodpasture Christian School and was an avid participant of GCS's Cross Country, Swim, and Cheer teams. On Sunday, while running at Moss Wright Park in Goodlettesville, she collapsed and was eventually life-flighted to Centennial. On Wednesday morning, she passed away. 

Janie was the daughter of Jane Anne and John Carle Moss and the oldest of three siblings. A gofundme has been set up to support the family. This article will be updated as information about services is available. 

4th In Six Months

This is now the fourth time in six months I've had to report on the passing of an adolescent runner in Tennessee passing away after collapsing during running related activities:

Keep all of these families and school communities in your continued thoughts and prayers and consider supporting them in any way you can. 

Earlier this week I received an email from Tristin's Family notifying me of a Run To Remember Tristin:

We have established the Tristin Franklin Foundation and our aim is to fulfill his dream of building a track accessible to his teammates as well as provide scholarships for local athletes. Please see for more information- The race will take place on Nov 9th at Pleasant View Community Park and will be a cross-country road race combo just as he would have loved.

As other memorial events are established similar to this I will be sure to provide visibility to them.