Gabriel Higginbottom
The Bartlett cross country program traveled south last weekend as they have in seasons prior to take on a race in the Florida Gulf Coast. The boy's team finished 7th among the 37 scoring teams in attendance but after hearing the news of what transpired after the race, I doubt anyone from the Panther program was worried about how they finished at the Gulf Coast Stampede. Shortly after Bartlett Junior Gabriel Higginbottom finished the race he suffered a heart attack that required surgery with the details as follows:
On September 10th, after a race in Pensacola, FL, Gabe suffered a heart attack. He was sent to Sacred Heart Hospital and later transported to the UF Shands Heart and Vascular Hospital in Gainesville, FL. After running tests, they found Gabe's right artery was completely blocked. Doctors performed an angioplasty to insert a balloon to open up his artery. Later they performed a 3-hour surgery inserting two stints, and found two blood clots. He is currently recovering in Gainesville. We hope he'll be sent home by the end of the week.
The Bartlett High School Cross Country Booster Club is raising money to offset any medical bills from this incident and also asking you keep Gabe and his family in your prayers as he begins his rehab process.