Races to Watch: KIL Championships

Boys 800 Meter Run

There's another great battle in the boys 800. Jake Renfree and Kenton Bachmann will face off near the end of Tuesday's meet.

That's going to be a great matchup.

Renfree had a huge cross country season which concluded with All-American honors at the Foot Locker Championships. Bachmann, as previously covered, is right up there with the likes of Renfree and Coughlin here in Knoxville.

These two guys are No. 2 & 3 behind Brentwood's Scott Thompson this season for 800 meters. With good conditions in the forecast and a fast field to push them, both athletes could leave HVA with the top time in the state.

Event 8  Boys 800 Meter Run Pilot (46)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Renfree, Jake                    Knoxville Ca        1:54.02 
  2  Bachmann, Kenton                 Hardin Valle        1:54.39 
  3  Parrilla, Miguel                 Hardin Valle        1:59.01 
  4  Tornstrom, Ethan                 Knoxville Ca        2:02.26 
  5  Freshour, Alex                   Hardin Valle        2:02.42 
  6  Borden, Brent                    Grace Christ        2:02.66 
  7  Green, Chris                     Austin-East         2:03.77 
  8  Sparks, Jackson                  L & N Stem A        2:04.01 
  9  Tardy, Gabriel                   Knoxville Am        2:04.03 
 10  Allison, Jake                    Farragut Hig        2:04.31 
 11  Darden, Ben                      Farragut Hig        2:05.66 
 12  McFall, Nathan                   Farragut Hig        2:06.32