Hey again! So tomorrow's the big day, and I have already had so much fun! Thought you all would like to know that Coach Etheridge did survive the plane and did really well--he just had to close his eyes a couple of times haha. We left the heinous and stormy Buford, Georgia (where my teammates ran so well despite the conditions!) and entered sunny, warm Boston! Definitely no snow! Coach and I ran on the Paul Revere Beach! It was so beautiful. As I left my teammates and boarded the plane to Boston, I did some thinking, and most of it involved my teammates and how weird it felt leaving the city in which they are running, and traveling to a whole new world. I just want to say that I would probabably not be sitting here, in this hotel in Boston, if it weren't for them. I cannot even begin to explain how many times they have been there for me.. Physcially, it's so much easier to push so hard and give it my all mentally and physically during workouts with every single one of them working as hard as they possibly could. We push each other more than any team I have ever experienced, and not only because we are all so competitive, but because we are so close and can relate. As I opened the hotel room where my parents and I would be staying, the only thing I heard was..nothing. My teammates and I run best when we are just completely and utterly ridiculous and crazy. We never stop being weird and laughing. It's a completely different experience being here at Nike Indoor Nationals alone, knowing that each and every single one of my teammates has the potential to be here, too. But don't get me wrong, coach still makes up for a big part of that craziness! Everyday I try to remind myself just how lucky I am--great family, great friends, teammates, and awesome and experienced coaches. Most of all, I am grateful--it's an honor to be attending my first Nationals race ever. I'm going to wake up at 5 a.m, head to the track at 5:45, warm up and prepare for the race, and go out there and run my hardest that I can do. If I do that then I won't be disappointed. And, best of all, coach and I get to eat chinese on the way home!!
Thank you all for reading! Wish me luck!
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Donec hendrerit velit mi, at ultricies sapien ornare sed. Sed neque sapien, hendrerit ac facilisis at, faucibus eu urna. Vivamus malesuada risus porttitor augue condimentum, non venenatis urna malesuada. Mauris mattis, risus eget venenatis fringilla, sem magna convallis augue, at placerat mi augue ut purus. Proin a odio orci. Cras quis auctor magna, fringilla convallis magna. Quisque sed arcu enim. Nullam sed aliquet nisi. Morbi aliquet neque tortor, ac sodales purus pharetra sed. Maecenas viverra ex nec ante pretium, eu accumsan neque sodales.
Aenean vel mi leo. Cras in massa suscipit, blandit libero sit amet, finibus lacus. Ut scelerisque aliquet odio sollicitudin efficitur. Vivamus viverra arcu eu purus venenatis dictum. Proin varius nisl at facilisis ultricies. Maecenas eleifend enim sit amet ante tempor rhoncus. Curabitur vulputate nulla id nibh blandit, ac ullamcorper elit facilisis. Pellentesque sollicitudin et sapien facilisis molestie.
Phasellus vitae nunc suscipit erat convallis gravida. Morbi id neque maximus, rutrum arcu at, placerat orci. Pellentesque vel erat mollis, ullamcorper dui egestas, fringilla nisi. Sed vel venenatis mauris. Proin finibus eu dui vitae efficitur. Maecenas fermentum magna quis leo maximus scelerisque. Fusce vehicula, dui nec porta volutpat, odio tellus posuere orci, at tincidunt ex nulla vel sapien.