Memphis, TN


Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -15 1138 1153
Overall Average +22.38 23:35.38 23:13.00
1st-10th Place +12.23 16:12.36 16:00.14
1st-25th Place +5.53 16:31.01 16:25.48
1st-50th Place +6.65 16:53.66 16:47.02
1st-100th Place +8.65 17:25.30 17:16.65
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster 27 41 14
Ran Season Best 1 3 2
Average Time -1:10.23 21:37.24 22:47.47
Median Time -57.06 20:43.46 21:40.52
Middle 80% Times -1:04.55 21:03.22 22:07.76
Top 10% Times -1:28.30 17:02.73 18:31.04
Top 25% Times -1:42.57 17:36.55 19:19.11
Top 50% Times -1:20.12 18:45.77 20:05.88
Bottom 50% Times -57.84 23:42.38 24:40.22
Bottom 25% Times -45.50 27:31.74 28:17.24
Bottom 10% Times -1:12.50 31:29.08 32:41.59
Average Difference -1:10.23 -- --
Median Difference -2:17.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -58.81 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:12.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:19.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:01.96 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:19.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:02.95 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:07.05 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:57.14 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kyler Gunter West Plains High School -1:53.11 16:40.72 18:33.83
Ty Durst Collierville High School -3:48.86 16:46.63 20:35.49
Pete Douglas Camden Central High School -1:53.35 16:55.91 18:49.26
Cameron Bell Dexter High School -2:53.37 17:11.00 20:04.37
Caden Lindsay Collierville High School -3:25.83 17:18.53 20:44.36
Carson King West Plains High School -3.82 17:23.61 17:27.43
Hoyt Stiner West Plains High School -1:16.98 17:24.21 18:41.19
Ben Dowdy Dexter High School -2:02.49 17:31.78 19:34.27
Adian Hurst-Vasquez Arlington High School -1:24.25 17:34.93 18:59.18
Colin Sabo Collierville High School -2:27.22 18:04.27 20:31.49
Landon Barnes Houston High School -43.97 18:07.53 18:51.50
Zechariah Slater St. Clair High School -1:58.30 18:18.28 20:16.58
Maddox Delos Santos Arlington High School -2:53.60 18:29.52 21:23.12
Ann-Marie Braese Arlington High School +50.34 19:33.36 18:43.02
Maggie Roy University of Tennessee at Martin -1:52.02 18:44.71 20:36.73
Tyler Yarberry St. Clair High School -2:06.86 19:23.34 21:30.20
Scarlett Nash Collierville High School -46.51 19:24.62 20:11.13
Brooks Johnson Chester Co. High School -3:04.82 19:30.07 22:34.89
Jonathan Mohler Harding Academy -2:17.60 19:40.86 21:58.46
Caiden Wilson Trinity Christian Academy -2:48.45 19:44.73 22:33.18
Colin Kozlowski St. Benedict at Auburndale +22.40 20:08.37 19:45.97
Daphne Bishop Eureka High School -24.87 19:52.76 20:17.63
Joshua Cloer Harding Academy -49.57 20:00.57 20:50.14
William James St. Clair High School -19.18 20:01.86 20:21.04
Ava Lang Collierville High School -37.21 20:05.75 20:42.96
Addison Sanders West Plains High School -1:10.21 20:08.73 21:18.94
Jacob Armstrong Brandon High School +31.64 20:43.82 20:12.18
Hugh Parker Lausanne Collegiate School +1:44.53 22:05.72 20:21.19
Gabrielle Brown Dexter High School +15.95 20:45.82 20:29.87
Lindsey Barnes Houston High School -1:09.09 20:31.43 21:40.52
OLIVIA PEARCE Eureka High School -59.84 20:43.46 21:43.30
Trevor Scott St. Benedict at Auburndale -1:51.62 20:49.30 22:40.92
Addie Bogda Collierville High School -2:33.80 21:06.61 23:40.41
John Gregory Westminster Academy High School -1:33.47 21:09.44 22:42.91
Ava Stockdale Houston High School +2:21.97 23:33.14 21:11.17
Finn Murphy Lausanne Collegiate School -3:55.95 21:13.91 25:09.86
Truman May Houston High School -2:09.86 21:24.57 23:34.43
Caroline Sherrod Westminster Academy High School -46.73 21:38.39 22:25.12
Jesse Pash Dresden High School -1:42.12 21:45.61 23:27.73
Anna Tamura Houston High School -19.62 21:49.42 22:09.04
Cara Bruce Munford High School -2:27.85 21:54.07 24:21.92
Cameron Tedrick St. Clair High School -52.65 21:55.50 22:48.15
Brooklyn Cannon St. Clair High School -41.53 22:09.07 22:50.60
Oluwaroju Miller Lausanne Collegiate School -8:37.94 22:54.58 31:32.52
MOLLY RODERMUND Eureka High School +18.14 23:35.99 23:17.85
Allison Rich Houston High School +2:20.46 25:53.03 23:32.57
Kayla Arick Arlington High School +14.07 24:49.76 24:35.69
Jordeyn Tucker Arlington High School +3:32.02 28:24.41 24:52.39
Nathan Hayes Lausanne Collegiate School -1:43.07 25:43.45 27:26.52
Bennett Reynolds Houston High School +2:16.78 28:41.32 26:24.54
Avery Richardson Brandon High School +38.22 27:50.84 27:12.62
Carlos Cathey Lausanne Collegiate School +2:01.82 29:28.42 27:26.60
Umasri Pujyam Collierville High School -6:10.72 29:15.04 35:25.76
Zoe Dixon Houston High School +7:12.46 37:46.32 30:33.86
Jaiden Wade Millington Central High School -8:25.26 35:18.99 43:44.25