Science Hill High School JV Meet #2 2024

Johnson City, TN

Athlete Entries

HS Boy's 100 Meter Dash 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Jose Abingdon High School
Baker, Ronan Abingdon High School
Bowers, Willie Abingdon High School
Simmons, Josh Happy Valley High School
Watson, Emmett 10.89 Science Hill High School
Jordan, Rylan 10.97 Science Hill High School
Miller, Easton 10.98 Science Hill High School
McNabb, Colby 11.22 Happy Valley High School
Whitson, Trevor 11.25 Science Hill High School
Murvin, Brasen 11.36 Chuckey-Doak High School
Treadway, Isaiah 11.43 Chuckey-Doak High School
Nelson, Carter 11.44 Science Hill High School
Hansen, Henry 11.57 Science Hill High School
Newberry, Branson 11.57 Science Hill High School
Toe, Joel 11.61 Science Hill High School
Lawrence, Shaquille 11.63 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Baylor 11.77 Science Hill High School
Kirk, Garrett 11.81 Sullivan East High School
Love, Adarius 11.81 Science Hill High School
Gourley, Radar 11.81 Daniel Boone High School
Jones, Travis 11.97 Science Hill High School
Lowe, Ben 11.99 Sullivan East High School
Bailey, Chase 12.00 Sullivan East High School
McGann, Josiah 12.03 Science Hill High School
Horne, Joshua 12.04 Science Hill High School
Young, Ace 12.14 Happy Valley High School
Cross, Tyler 12.14 Sullivan East High School
Famoian, Steven 12.15 Science Hill High School
Alley, Will 12.19 Sullivan East High School
Murphy, Dillon 12.26 Daniel Boone High School
Rush, Brock 12.30 Chuckey-Doak High School
Lippard, Blake 12.30 Chuckey-Doak High School
Holder, Tyler 12.32 Science Hill High School
Mathes, Ian 12.32 Science Hill High School
Emmert, Will 12.39 Science Hill High School
Taylor, Ian 12.42 Science Hill High School
Dixon, Josiah 12.51 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Gituwra, Jon 12.51 Science Hill High School
Davis, Zachary 12.52 Abingdon High School
Heimiller, Ethan 12.59 Chuckey-Doak High School
Holmes, Preston 12.61 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Dwyer, Graham 12.63 Science Hill High School
Stanley, Isaac 12.63 Sullivan East High School
McInturff, Keenan 12.65 Science Hill High School
Torbett, AJ 12.72 Sullivan East High School
Bartley, Hunter 12.78 Abingdon High School
Bahn, Artee 12.80 Happy Valley High School
Williams, Gabe 12.81 Science Hill High School
Johnson, Kymani 12.81 Abingdon High School
Berry, John 12.93 Abingdon High School
Miller, Noah 12.93 Abingdon High School
Coffey-Slattery, Peter 12.99 University School of Johnson Cit
Belanger, Wyatt 13.02 Science Hill High School
May, Taylor 13.05 Science Hill High School
Cline, Kaenan 13.07 Science Hill High School
White, Jordan 13.08 Happy Valley High School
Ringersma, Daniel 13.08 Science Hill High School
Walker, Casey 13.08 Happy Valley High School
Lockhart, Jack 13.19 Abingdon High School
Norman, Mason 13.20 Happy Valley High School
Liew, Calvin 13.32 Science Hill High School
Parsons, Eli 13.36 David Crockett High School
Luvene, Josiah 13.57 Science Hill High School
Wang, Vincent 13.58 Abingdon High School
Ratliff, Korey 13.95 Abingdon High School
Duanah, Jaevan 13.98 Science Hill High School
Andes, Jacob 14.09 Happy Valley High School
Davison, Andrew 14.11 Sullivan East High School
Gbaa, Junior 14.19 Science Hill High School
Durbin, Jayden 14.23 David Crockett High School
Gardin, Jonathan 14.29 University School of Johnson Cit
Trent, Brady 14.29 Abingdon High School
Jones, Braden 14.31 Abingdon High School
Brandon, Ryne 14.40 Abingdon High School
Hackney, Caleb 14.68 David Crockett High School
Musick, Noah 14.98 Abingdon High School
Garland, Brayden 15.04 Happy Valley High School
Taylor, Zach 15.50 Science Hill High School
Mutto, Mujtaba 16.98 Abingdon High School
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HS Boy's 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durrence, Laden 16.76 Science Hill High School
McFayden, Tye 19.42 Science Hill High School
Heimiller, Ethan 20.45 Chuckey-Doak High School
Bowers, Willie 20.66 Abingdon High School
Cevallos, Caleb 20.87 Science Hill High School
White, Jackson 23.18 David Crockett High School
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HS Boy's 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shirk, James 4:38.75 Sullivan East High School
Harker, Harrison 4:43.40 University School of Johnson Cit
Davis, Casen 4:48.95 David Crockett High School
Neshat, Reid 4:53.10 Science Hill High School
Parsons, Eli 4:56.40 David Crockett High School
Papas, Andreas 4:56.81 University School of Johnson Cit
Coffman, Jake 4:57.78 Science Hill High School
Williams, Braden 5:02.00 University School of Johnson Cit
Gallati, Paul 5:04.33 Science Hill High School
Bahulekar, Aarav 5:05.41 Science Hill High School
Nemier, Shane 5:06.18 Science Hill High School
Malone, Cameron 5:33.75 David Crockett High School
Harley, Anthony 5:35.57 Sullivan East High School
Henderlite, John 5:38.55 Sullivan East High School
Taylor, Brock 5:44.70 Science Hill High School
Havert, Anderson 5:54.52 University School of Johnson Cit
Redmond, Eli 5:55.05 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Carrier, Marckis 5:56.18 David Crockett High School
Roberts, Perry 6:04.77 Science Hill High School
Hackney, Caleb 6:08.02 David Crockett High School
Wallace, Ryan 6:10.39 Science Hill High School
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HS Boy's 200 Meter Dash 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Ronan Abingdon High School
Bowers, Willie Abingdon High School
Key, Bentley Sullivan East High School
Ramirez, Jose Abingdon High School
Jones, Braden Abingdon High School
Doherty, Gaven Tri-Cities Christian Academy
White, Jordan Happy Valley High School
Watson, Emmett 21.83 Science Hill High School
Jordan, Rylan 22.10 Science Hill High School
Whitson, Trevor 22.35 Science Hill High School
Miller, Easton 22.55 Science Hill High School
Newberry, Branson 22.95 Science Hill High School
McNabb, Colby 23.20 Happy Valley High School
Gourley, Radar 23.64 Daniel Boone High School
Hansen, Henry 23.80 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Baylor 23.82 Science Hill High School
Nelson, Carter 23.83 Science Hill High School
Toe, Joel 23.90 Science Hill High School
Treadway, Isaiah 23.91 Chuckey-Doak High School
Jones, Travis 24.10 Science Hill High School
Love, Adarius 24.27 Science Hill High School
Cross, Tyler 24.29 Sullivan East High School
Lawrence, Shaquille 24.49 Science Hill High School
Alley, Will 24.60 Sullivan East High School
Lowe, Ben 24.63 Sullivan East High School
McGann, Josiah 24.72 Science Hill High School
Murphy, Dillon 24.86 Daniel Boone High School
Murvin, Brasen 24.97 Chuckey-Doak High School
Holder, Tyler 25.11 Science Hill High School
Famoian, Steven 25.12 Science Hill High School
Lippard, Blake 25.13 Chuckey-Doak High School
Durrence, Laden 25.21 Science Hill High School
Emmert, Will 25.26 Science Hill High School
Lockhart, Jack 25.29 Abingdon High School
Dwyer, Graham 25.36 Science Hill High School
McFayden, Tye 25.39 Science Hill High School
Taylor, Ian 25.45 Science Hill High School
Gituwra, Jon 25.72 Science Hill High School
Mathes, Ian 25.98 Science Hill High School
Stanley, Isaac 26.03 Sullivan East High School
McInturff, Keenan 26.05 Science Hill High School
Torbett, AJ 26.09 Sullivan East High School
Bartley, Hunter 26.09 Abingdon High School
Davis, Zachary 26.18 Abingdon High School
Dixon, Josiah 26.33 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Coffey-Slattery, Peter 26.51 University School of Johnson Cit
Heimiller, Ethan 26.53 Chuckey-Doak High School
Bailey, Tyler 26.54 Happy Valley High School
Johnson, Kymani 26.58 Abingdon High School
Cline, Kaenan 26.62 Science Hill High School
May, Taylor 26.77 Science Hill High School
Miller, Noah 26.82 Abingdon High School
Williams, Gabe 26.92 Science Hill High School
Belanger, Wyatt 26.96 Science Hill High School
Ringersma, Daniel 27.18 Science Hill High School
Berry, John 27.21 Abingdon High School
Allen, Brycen 27.26 Abingdon High School
Liew, Calvin 27.43 Science Hill High School
Luvene, Josiah 27.65 Science Hill High School
Blackmon, Ashby 27.78 Abingdon High School
Wang, Vincent 27.87 Abingdon High School
Holloway, Langston 27.90 Abingdon High School
Williams, Jon 28.62 Happy Valley High School
Ratliff, John 28.79 Abingdon High School
Gardin, Jonathan 29.34 University School of Johnson Cit
Davison, Andrew 29.35 Sullivan East High School
Duanah, Jaevan 29.44 Science Hill High School
Ratliff, Korey 29.67 Abingdon High School
Brandon, Ryne 30.59 Abingdon High School
Trent, Brady 30.81 Abingdon High School
Gbaa, Junior 30.98 Science Hill High School
Musick, Noah 31.22 Abingdon High School
Mutto, Mujtaba 33.93 Abingdon High School
Taylor, Zach 36.03 Science Hill High School
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HS Boy's 2000 Steeplechase 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powell, Nate Science Hill High School
Gallati, Ryan Science Hill High School
Horne, Joshua Science Hill High School
Jamieson, Oliver Science Hill High School
Ridlehuber, Thomas Sullivan East High School
Heimiller, Ethan Chuckey-Doak High School
Holbrook, Evan Science Hill High School
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HS Boy's 400 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cross, Tyler Sullivan East High School
Alley, Will Sullivan East High School
Lowe, Ben Sullivan East High School
Ridlehuber, Thomas Sullivan East High School
Dixon, Josiah 1:00.04 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Taylor, Zach 1:00.35 Science Hill High School
Ratliff, John 1:01.04 Abingdon High School
Johnston, Nash 1:01.19 Happy Valley High School
Stacy, Aaden 1:02.91 Abingdon High School
Bailey, Nick 1:03.14 Happy Valley High School
Blackmon, Ashby 1:03.24 Abingdon High School
Torbett, AJ 1:03.69 Sullivan East High School
Jamieson, Oliver 1:05.01 Science Hill High School
Holloway, Langston 1:05.58 Abingdon High School
Davison, Andrew 1:06.17 Sullivan East High School
Sidock, Alec 1:06.64 Chuckey-Doak High School
Doherty, Gaven 1:07.20 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Winegar, Jace 1:07.96 Happy Valley High School
Norman, Mason 1:14.69 Happy Valley High School
Hansen, Henry 51.42 Science Hill High School
Kittrel, Nalan 52.40 University School of Johnson Cit
Newberry, Branson 53.24 Science Hill High School
Horne, Joshua 54.06 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Baylor 54.64 Science Hill High School
Bailey, Chase 54.85 Sullivan East High School
Toe, Joel 54.99 Science Hill High School
Williams, Braden 55.56 University School of Johnson Cit
Lawrence, Shaquille 57.62 Science Hill High School
Stanley, Isaac 57.79 Sullivan East High School
Heimiller, Ethan 57.79 Chuckey-Doak High School
Lippard, Blake 57.82 Chuckey-Doak High School
Shirk, James 58.07 Sullivan East High School
May, Taylor 58.59 Science Hill High School
Nelson, Carter 58.74 Science Hill High School
Kirk, Garrett 58.99 Sullivan East High School
Allen, Brycen 59.47 Abingdon High School
Key, Bentley 59.50 Sullivan East High School
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HS Boy's 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team F 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team C 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team D 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team E 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team B 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 46.63 Chuckey-Doak High School
Relay Team A 47.37 Happy Valley High School
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HS Boy's 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:22.18 Science Hill High School
Relay Team B 3:47.22 University School of Johnson Cit
Relay Team A 3:47.22 University School of Johnson Cit
Relay Team A 3:49.30 Sullivan East High School
Relay Team A 4:20.99 Happy Valley High School
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HS Boy's 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Redmond, Eli Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Johnson, Owen 1:56.36 Science Hill High School
Powell, Nate 1:59.84 Science Hill High School
Holbrook, Evan 2:02.17 Science Hill High School
Stokes, Mick 2:03.61 Science Hill High School
Holt, Daniel 2:04.95 Science Hill High School
Papas, Andreas 2:09.97 University School of Johnson Cit
Blankenship, Aiden 2:13.81 Abingdon High School
Osborne, Hayden 2:14.89 University School of Johnson Cit
Coffman, Jake 2:16.97 Science Hill High School
Rule, Tommy 2:17.17 Science Hill High School
Gallati, Paul 2:17.74 Science Hill High School
Henderlite, John 2:19.39 Sullivan East High School
Duke, Mason 2:23.65 Abingdon High School
McMullen, Carson 2:23.76 Abingdon High School
Bahulekar, Aarav 2:24.81 Science Hill High School
Harley, Anthony 2:24.84 Sullivan East High School
Murphy, Keagan 2:25.18 Science Hill High School
Mayhew, Caden 2:25.60 University School of Johnson Cit
Scheller, Burk 2:26.22 University School of Johnson Cit
Langford, David 2:30.43 Science Hill High School
Wyatt, Wally 2:43.97 University School of Johnson Cit
Walden, Trysten 2:46.95 Sullivan East High School
Doherty, Gaven 2:51.51 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
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HS Boy's Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wheatley, Logan 146-4 Daniel Boone High School
Holmes, Preston 143-0 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
McDonald, Nolan 140-9 Science Hill High School
Smith, Hayden 128-10 Science Hill High School
Reece, Max 124-3 Science Hill High School
Zuehlke, Emory 122-7 Daniel Boone High School
Bailey, James 117-7 University School of Johnson Cit
Necessary, Sawyer 110-0 Science Hill High School
Martin, Micah 108-1 Daniel Boone High School
Remine, Cole 106-1 Abingdon High School
Coffey, Cameron 104-6 Science Hill High School
Murvin, Brasen 104-0 Chuckey-Doak High School
Blevins, Christian 101-1 Sullivan East High School
Sanchez, Nathan 99-2 Sullivan East High School
Horne, Jacob 98-8 Science Hill High School
Reece, Jameson 97-10 Happy Valley High School
Birchfield, Phillips 94-7 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Waycaster, Isaac 93-4 Chuckey-Doak High School
Smith, Harris 92-1 Science Hill High School
Fuller, Landon 91-0 Abingdon High School
Remine, Turner 89-3 Abingdon High School
Greer, Peyton 87-0 Abingdon High School
Hurt, Ashton 86-1 Abingdon High School
Stiltner, Ryan 86-1 Sullivan East High School
Norman, Mason 84-11 Happy Valley High School
Forney, Anthony 84-10 Science Hill High School
Duty, Ethan 84-6 Abingdon High School
Andes, Jacob 84-3 Happy Valley High School
Osborne, Cooper 82-8 Daniel Boone High School
Gallardo, Chris 80-9 Science Hill High School
Tomlinson, Luke 80-6 Sullivan East High School
Carden, Jacob 79-11 Science Hill High School
Smith, Tyler 72-6 Daniel Boone High School
Johnson, Isaac 65-4 Daniel Boone High School
Robinson, Joduntis 65-0 Daniel Boone High School
Childers, Benjamin 59-8 Sullivan East High School
Clay, Brogan 56-6 Abingdon High School
Malone, Camden 50-10 Chuckey-Doak High School
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HS Boy's High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nweze, Cash 6-5 Science Hill High School
Treadway, Isaiah 6-0 Chuckey-Doak High School
Malone, Carter 5-10 Sullivan East High School
Colley, Noah 5-8 Sullivan East High School
Wang, Vincent 5-4 Abingdon High School
Holloway, Langston 5-4 Abingdon High School
Berry, John 5-2 Abingdon High School
Dixon, Josiah Tri-Cities Christian Academy
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HS Boy's Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Treadway, Isaiah 21-0 Chuckey-Doak High School
Cross, Tyler 20-4.75 Sullivan East High School
Rush, Brock 19-7.5 Chuckey-Doak High School
McGann, Josiah 19-7 Science Hill High School
Young, Ace 19-4 Happy Valley High School
Bailey, Chase 19-3.5 Sullivan East High School
Murphy, Dillon 18-5 Daniel Boone High School
Nweze, Cash 18-3.25 Science Hill High School
Alley, Will 18-2 Sullivan East High School
Dixon, Josiah 17-8 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Torbett, AJ 17-2.5 Sullivan East High School
White, Jordan 16-10.5 Happy Valley High School
Lockhart, Jack 16-7.5 Abingdon High School
Stacy, Aaden 16-7 Abingdon High School
Walker, Casey 15-7.5 Happy Valley High School
Simmons, Josh 15-4.5 Happy Valley High School
Bailey, Nick 14-5 Happy Valley High School
Williams, Jon 12-11.75 Happy Valley High School
Garland, Brayden 11-7.25 Happy Valley High School
Johnson, Kymani Abingdon High School
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HS Boy's Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brademeyer, Carter 15-1 Science Hill High School
Bailey, Tyler 10-6 Happy Valley High School
Pate, Jullian 10-0 Happy Valley High School
Campbell, Sean 9-0 Abingdon High School
Duke, Mason 9-0 Abingdon High School
Barr, Owen 8-6 Abingdon High School
Adams, Jude 5-6 University School of Johnson Cit
Bartley, Hunter Abingdon High School
Bowers, Willie Abingdon High School
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HS Boy's Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Preston 47-0.25 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Blevins, Christian 45-8 Sullivan East High School
Necessary, Sawyer 43-10 Science Hill High School
Smith, Hayden 43-10 Science Hill High School
Zuehlke, Emory 42-3 Daniel Boone High School
Fuller, Landon 41-2.5 Abingdon High School
Wheatley, Logan 41-1 Daniel Boone High School
McDonald, Nolan 40-11 Science Hill High School
Martin, Micah 40-9 Daniel Boone High School
Waycaster, Isaac 40-4 Chuckey-Doak High School
Coffey, Cameron 39-11 Science Hill High School
Osborne, Cooper 39-3 Daniel Boone High School
Remine, Cole 38-7.5 Abingdon High School
Hurt, Ashton 37-8 Abingdon High School
Bailey, James 36-9.5 University School of Johnson Cit
Horne, Jacob 36-9 Science Hill High School
Remine, Turner 36-4 Abingdon High School
Sanchez, Nathan 36-1.5 Sullivan East High School
Murvin, Brasen 35-9 Chuckey-Doak High School
Reece, Jameson 33-7 Happy Valley High School
Robinson, Joduntis 33-4.5 Daniel Boone High School
Andes, Jacob 33-3 Happy Valley High School
Duty, Ethan 32-11 Abingdon High School
Carden, Jacob 32-8 Science Hill High School
Johnson, Isaac 32-6.5 Daniel Boone High School
Reece, Max 32-4 Science Hill High School
Greer, Peyton 31-6 Abingdon High School
Tomlinson, Luke 31-0.5 Sullivan East High School
Gallardo, Chris 29-0 Science Hill High School
Birchfield, Phillips 28-4 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Smith, Tyler 28-4 Daniel Boone High School
Smith, Harris 27-3 Science Hill High School
Malone, Camden 27-2 Chuckey-Doak High School
Forney, Anthony 26-9 Science Hill High School
Stiltner, Ryan 26-8 Sullivan East High School
Childers, Benjamin 26-4 Sullivan East High School
Clay, Brogan 25-5 Abingdon High School
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HS Boy's Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guhn, Isaiah 40-2 David Crockett High School
Stacy, Aaden 35-5.5 Abingdon High School
Lockhart, Jack 35-1.5 Abingdon High School
Winegar, Jace 31-11.5 Happy Valley High School
Johnston, Nash 30-3 Happy Valley High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Zach Science Hill High School
Harker, Harrison 10:13.77 University School of Johnson Cit
Nemier, Shane 11:12.80 Science Hill High School
Conboy, Allison Eric 11:16.86 Science Hill High School
Walden, Trysten 12:42.50 Sullivan East High School
Cromer, Brayden 13:39.52 Sullivan East High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Chuckey-Doak High School
Relay Team A 1:45.44 Happy Valley High School
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HS Girl's 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rangel, Aalyiah Happy Valley High School
Solterbeck, Adele Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Fox, Layla Chuckey-Doak High School
Rhea, Emma 12.93 Science Hill High School
Moore, Kenzie 13.05 Science Hill High School
Shipley, Jayla 13.06 Daniel Boone High School
Adams, Ella 13.19 Science Hill High School
Bishop, Carlene 13.28 Chuckey-Doak High School
Baines, Castle 13.32 Science Hill High School
Jones, Jersey 13.34 Science Hill High School
Cox, Macy 13.35 Chuckey-Doak High School
Irfan, Muniba 13.49 Abingdon High School
Collins, Kylee 13.52 Sullivan East High School
Sommers, Khloe 13.69 Science Hill High School
Ekefre, Ibi 13.75 Science Hill High School
Borsos, Natalie 13.87 Science Hill High School
Keller, Jadah 13.91 Sullivan East High School
Pugh, Josie 13.92 Science Hill High School
Preston, Lazoryia 14.02 Abingdon High School
Lunsford, Abbie 14.03 Happy Valley High School
Powell, Kimber 14.06 Sullivan East High School
McConnell, Katherine 14.09 Abingdon High School
Jones, Courtnee 14.22 Chuckey-Doak High School
Zeoli, Josephine 14.23 Happy Valley High School
Wilson, Nikyra 14.25 Science Hill High School
Lyle, Mylee 14.28 Happy Valley High School
Stamey, Kadence 14.43 Sullivan East High School
Maiga, Fatoumata 14.53 David Crockett High School
Doner, Kayleigh 14.64 David Crockett High School
Woodard, Daelyona 14.74 Sullivan East High School
Harrison, Ava 15.09 Sullivan East High School
Bennett, Laykin 15.13 Science Hill High School
Laughren, Haley 15.13 Science Hill High School
Adams, Kaelyn 15.23 Happy Valley High School
Hrebenkova, Karina 15.27 Science Hill High School
Tritt, Tahlyn 15.29 Abingdon High School
Letterman, Kenzie 15.48 Happy Valley High School
Irfan, Ariba 15.55 Abingdon High School
Byrd, Miah 15.76 Chuckey-Doak High School
Jensen, Bailey 15.83 Science Hill High School
Miller, Magnolia 16.24 Happy Valley High School
Tonies, Josie 16.24 Chuckey-Doak High School
Ting, Julia 16.26 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Gonce, Naomi 16.50 Kingsport Area Christian Home Ed
Blevins, Marie 16.73 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Schneider, Natalie 17.17 Happy Valley High School
Nela, Katlyn 17.30 Science Hill High School
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HS Girl's 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Marcida 16.27 Happy Valley High School
Hale, Caroline 16.58 Science Hill High School
Smith, Ella 16.85 Science Hill High School
Oligny, Anna Mae 18.53 University School of Johnson Cit
Velasquez, Valeria 18.89 Sullivan East High School
Mortalla, Gili 18.92 Chuckey-Doak High School
Jlay, Aj 18.93 Science Hill High School
Lowry, Lindsey 20.00 Abingdon High School
Preston, Lazoryia 20.04 Abingdon High School
Merrill, Niome 20.80 Chuckey-Doak High School
Ward, Cassidy 21.37 Science Hill High School
Brooks, Olivia 21.41 Science Hill High School
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HS Girl's 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLain, Hannah 5:20.67 David Crockett High School
Moore, Kiley 5:33.90 David Crockett High School
Smock, Carmela 5:43.80 Chuckey-Doak High School
Johnson, Emma 5:47.18 University School of Johnson Cit
Mussard, Sarah 5:52.45 University School of Johnson Cit
Candee, Isabella 5:52.46 Science Hill High School
Jones, Mylee 5:52.92 Sullivan East High School
Hayes, Natalie 5:54.60 Science Hill High School
Tutterow, Lily 5:54.76 Science Hill High School
Vance, Madison 6:23.91 David Crockett High School
Gonce, Naomi 6:26.56 Kingsport Area Christian Home Ed
Camacho Mayo, Valeria 6:32.19 David Crockett High School
Ellis, Lauren 6:32.21 Sullivan East High School
Thompson, Hayden 6:36.39 Sullivan East High School
Smith, Cami 6:41.11 David Crockett High School
Burks, Serenity 6:43.31 Happy Valley High School
Rodriguez-Alvidrez, Lexi 6:44.14 Sullivan East High School
Merrill, Cora 6:52.90 Chuckey-Doak High School
Burks, Anna 6:54.08 Happy Valley High School
Edwards, Audrey 7:00.04 Sullivan East High School
Carr, Samantha 7:00.81 Sullivan East High School
Boer, Elise 7:09.94 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Cross, Cadence 7:10.39 Sullivan East High School
Ladd, Kallie Ann 7:18.15 David Crockett High School
Crabtree, Izzy 7:18.22 Sullivan East High School
Green, Marley 7:19.85 Sullivan East High School
Edwards, Andrea 7:21.73 Sullivan East High School
Crabtree, Abby 7:55.52 David Crockett High School
Shelton, Alyssa 7:57.51 David Crockett High School
Jennings, Chelsea 8:03.66 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richmond, Ainsley Abingdon High School
Irfan, Ariba Abingdon High School
Cunningham, Addie Sullivan East High School
Fox, Layla Chuckey-Doak High School
Beverly, Gracie Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Jones, Jersey 26.30 Science Hill High School
Moore, Kenzie 26.36 Science Hill High School
Rhea, Emma 26.40 Science Hill High School
Adams, Ella 27.07 Science Hill High School
Baines, Castle 27.44 Science Hill High School
Irfan, Muniba 27.89 Abingdon High School
Ekefre, Ibi 28.09 Science Hill High School
Bishop, Carlene 28.15 Chuckey-Doak High School
Velasquez, Valeria 28.39 Sullivan East High School
Byington, Abbigail 28.69 Abingdon High School
Collins, Kylee 28.69 Sullivan East High School
Cox, Macy 29.10 Chuckey-Doak High School
Thompson, Kaia 29.38 Science Hill High School
McConnell, Katherine 29.42 Abingdon High School
Pugh, Josie 29.43 Science Hill High School
Zeoli, Josephine 29.58 Happy Valley High School
Powell, Kimber 29.87 Sullivan East High School
Keller, Jadah 29.87 Sullivan East High School
Hale, Caroline 30.08 Science Hill High School
Preston, Lazoryia 30.27 Abingdon High School
Hardin, Lindsay 30.31 Happy Valley High School
Gewelke, Lily 30.33 University School of Johnson Cit
Woodard, Daelyona 30.62 Sullivan East High School
Ortiz, Lemy 30.96 University School of Johnson Cit
Laughren, Haley 31.82 Science Hill High School
Harrison, Ava 31.95 Sullivan East High School
Oligny, Anna Mae 32.20 University School of Johnson Cit
Sommers, Ashlynn 32.34 Happy Valley High School
Hrebenkova, Karina 32.40 Science Hill High School
Miller, Magnolia 32.55 Happy Valley High School
Barnett, Caleigh 32.74 Abingdon High School
Stamey, Kadence 32.84 Sullivan East High School
Brewer, Lacy 33.02 Sullivan East High School
Jensen, Bailey 33.24 Science Hill High School
Tonies, Josie 34.17 Chuckey-Doak High School
Blevins, Marie 34.63 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Tritt, Tahlyn 36.22 Abingdon High School
Ting, Julia 36.79 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Schneider, Natalie 37.28 Happy Valley High School
Furrow, McKenzie 37.90 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Nela, Katlyn 38.71 Science Hill High School
Solterbeck, Adele 39.90 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
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HS Girl's 2000 Steeplechase 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eorgan, Sunny Science Hill High School
Mortalla, Gili Chuckey-Doak High School
Teal, Arwyn Science Hill High School
Candee, Isabella Science Hill High School
Lavoie, Addie University School of Johnson Cit
Hunter, Lorraine Science Hill High School
Boer, Elise Tri-Cities Christian Academy
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HS Girl's 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Treadway, Josalyn Chuckey-Doak High School
Tester, Hailey Sullivan East High School
Kologiski, Ava University School of Johnson Cit
Brewer, Lacy Sullivan East High School
Hunter, Lorraine 1:01.21 Science Hill High School
Ricker, Laney 1:03.21 Chuckey-Doak High School
Sommers, Khloe 1:03.71 Science Hill High School
Byington, Abbigail 1:04.56 Abingdon High School
Carroll, Kaydence 1:04.76 Happy Valley High School
Ringersma, Brooklyn 1:06.59 Science Hill High School
Williams, Ava 1:08.18 University School of Johnson Cit
Cunningham, Addie 1:08.48 Sullivan East High School
Richmond, Ainsley 1:10.01 Abingdon High School
Merrill, Niome 1:10.40 Chuckey-Doak High School
Barnett, Caleigh 1:11.81 Abingdon High School
Whisenhunt, Gracie 1:15.52 Sullivan East High School
Hess, Haley 1:17.41 Abingdon High School
Rangel, Aalyiah 1:20.26 Happy Valley High School
Beverly, Gracie 1:21.69 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Tonies, Josie 1:21.83 Chuckey-Doak High School
Harrison, Ava 1:22.19 Sullivan East High School
Furrow, McKenzie 1:24.15 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Blevins, Marie 1:25.05 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Solterbeck, Adele 1:27.97 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
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HS Girl's 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 50.14 Science Hill High School
Relay Team C 50.14 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 50.14 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 54.44 Chuckey-Doak High School
Relay Team A 57.22 Happy Valley High School
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HS Girl's 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:40.00 University School of Johnson Cit
Relay Team A 5:02.84 Sullivan East High School
Relay Team B 5:06.12 University School of Johnson Cit
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HS Girl's 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 12:15.53 Sullivan East High School
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HS Girl's 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Macariola, Kristina 2:27.93 Science Hill High School
Tutterow, Lily 2:35.43 Science Hill High School
Stewart, Elyanna 2:40.00 Abingdon High School
Teal, Arwyn 2:41.92 Science Hill High School
Mussard, Sarah 2:42.71 University School of Johnson Cit
Morse, Meghan 2:43.64 Science Hill High School
Jones, Mylee 2:45.21 Sullivan East High School
Eorgan, Sunny 2:47.82 Science Hill High School
Papas, Kalli 2:47.87 University School of Johnson Cit
McMahan, Alona 2:48.77 Science Hill High School
Ringersma, Brooklyn 2:48.88 Science Hill High School
Mathewes, Ruth 2:49.90 University School of Johnson Cit
Smock, Carmela 2:53.47 Chuckey-Doak High School
Cross, Cadence 2:56.08 Sullivan East High School
Candee, Isabella 2:57.67 Science Hill High School
Smith, Reagan 2:59.81 Abingdon High School
Robinson, Kaiya 3:01.31 University School of Johnson Cit
Gonce, Naomi 3:01.49 Kingsport Area Christian Home Ed
Rodriguez-Alvidrez, Lexi 3:01.54 Sullivan East High School
Tai, Emily 3:03.21 University School of Johnson Cit
Merrill, Cora 3:04.75 Chuckey-Doak High School
Gewelke, Rose 3:06.74 University School of Johnson Cit
Rogers, Ciara 3:09.94 Sullivan East High School
Green, Marley 3:12.26 Sullivan East High School
Crabtree, Izzy 3:12.42 Sullivan East High School
Boer, Elise 3:14.12 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Treadway, Josalyn 3:14.14 Chuckey-Doak High School
Carr, Samantha 3:15.24 Sullivan East High School
Lyons, Natasha 3:37.34 Sullivan East High School
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HS Girl's Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durrence, Rylee 110-10 Science Hill High School
Brewer, Becca 86-2 Sullivan East High School
Bogart, Samantha 80-1 University School of Johnson Cit
Banner, Lauryn 76-10 Science Hill High School
Bellamy, Madison 75-11 David Crockett High School
Willard, Shannon 75-10 University School of Johnson Cit
Younce, Gracie 74-9 Happy Valley High School
Hildebrand, Alyssa 71-7 Sullivan East High School
Goines, Saryn 71-2 Science Hill High School
Sommers, Ashlynn 70-4 Happy Valley High School
Mackly, MiKkenlee 65-9 Science Hill High School
Chavis, Emma 60-7 Happy Valley High School
Villalva Martinez, Lizeth 54-7 Happy Valley High School
Naklicki, Ava 54-5 Abingdon High School
Rodriguez-Alvidrez, Mia 53-11 Sullivan East High School
Merrill, Cora 53-4 Chuckey-Doak High School
Bailey, Helen 52-8 University School of Johnson Cit
Byrd, Miah 48-1 Chuckey-Doak High School
Hawkins, DeDe 46-0 Abingdon High School
Conley, Daisy 45-4 Happy Valley High School
Furrow, McKenzie Tri-Cities Christian Academy
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HS Girl's High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conner, Allie 4-10 Science Hill High School
Tedder, Sara 4-4 Science Hill High School
Rangel, Aalyiah 4-2 Happy Valley High School
Tritt, Tahlyn 4-2 Abingdon High School
Golden, Aubrey 4-0 Happy Valley High School
Keller, Jadah Sullivan East High School
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HS Girl's Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shipley, Jayla 16-10 Daniel Boone High School
Wilson, Nikyra 16-6.25 Science Hill High School
Pugh, Josie 16-1.25 Science Hill High School
Ricker, Laney 15-9 Chuckey-Doak High School
Keller, Jadah 15-8 Sullivan East High School
Cunningham, Addie 15-3.25 Sullivan East High School
Conner, Allie 15-0.75 Science Hill High School
McConnell, Katherine 15-0 Abingdon High School
Zeoli, Josephine 14-11.5 Happy Valley High School
Bishop, Carlene 14-10.5 Chuckey-Doak High School
Cox, Macy 14-10 Chuckey-Doak High School
Velasquez, Valeria 14-8.5 Sullivan East High School
Jones, Courtnee 14-0 Chuckey-Doak High School
Younce, Gracie 13-0.75 Happy Valley High School
Hrebenkova, Karina 13-0 Science Hill High School
Ball, Kirstin 12-10 David Crockett High School
Stamey, Kadence 12-7 Sullivan East High School
Tonies, Josie 12-5 Chuckey-Doak High School
Boer, Elise 11-4.5 Tri-Cities Christian Academy
Ekefre, Ibi Science Hill High School
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HS Girl's Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Kaia 10-0 Science Hill High School
Merrill, Niome 9-0 Chuckey-Doak High School
Conboy, Lilly 8-8 Science Hill High School
Irfan, Muniba 8-6 Abingdon High School
Robinson, Kaiya 7-2 University School of Johnson Cit
Lowry, Lindsey 6-6 Abingdon High School
Tritt, Tahlyn 6-0 Abingdon High School
McConnell, Katherine 5-6 Abingdon High School
Golden, Aubrey 5-0 Happy Valley High School
Irfan, Ariba Abingdon High School
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HS Girl's Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willard, Shannon 30-8.5 University School of Johnson Cit
Brewer, Becca 28-11 Sullivan East High School
Mackly, MiKkenlee 27-1 Science Hill High School
Hildebrand, Alyssa 26-11.5 Sullivan East High School
Durrence, Rylee 26-9 Science Hill High School
Goines, Saryn 26-6.5 Science Hill High School
Bogart, Samantha 26-1 University School of Johnson Cit
Younce, Gracie 26-0 Happy Valley High School
Hawkins, DeDe 24-9 Abingdon High School
Tester, Hailey 23-10 Sullivan East High School
Banner, Lauryn 23-10 Science Hill High School
Sommers, Ashlynn 23-0 Happy Valley High School
Naklicki, Ava 22-1.5 Abingdon High School
Chavis, Emma 22-1 Happy Valley High School
Villalva Martinez, Lizeth 20-3 Happy Valley High School
Conley, Daisy 20-2 Happy Valley High School
Herman, Olivia 20-1 Chuckey-Doak High School
Rodriguez-Alvidrez, Mia 19-3 Sullivan East High School
Byrd, Miah 18-1 Chuckey-Doak High School
Merrill, Cora 17-3 Chuckey-Doak High School
Fox, Layla Chuckey-Doak High School
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HS Girl's Triple Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carroll, Kaydence 33-8 Happy Valley High School
McConnell, Katherine 31-2.5 Abingdon High School
Ball, Kirstin 26-10 David Crockett High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Emma 12:15.60 University School of Johnson Cit
Smock, Carmela 12:28.98 Chuckey-Doak High School
Hayes, Natalie 13:06.35 Science Hill High School
Burks, Serenity 14:35.87 Happy Valley High School
Edwards, Audrey 15:09.14 Sullivan East High School
Burks, Anna 16:15.01 Happy Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:57.73 Happy Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:59.41 University School of Johnson Cit
Relay Team A 1:59.43 David Crockett High School
Relay Team A 2:11.19 Chuckey-Doak High School
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