Science Hill High School JV Meet #1 2024

Johnson City, TN

Athlete Entries

HS Boy's 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carrier, Marckis David Crockett High School
Finch, Levi Tennessee High School
Delph, Blake David Crockett High School
Stemen, Soul Liberty Bell Middle School
Surber, Cade Tennessee High School
Wynn, Adrian David Crockett High School
Young, Jaden David Crockett High School
Watson, Emmett 10.89 Science Hill High School
Jordan, Rylan 10.97 Science Hill High School
Miller, Easton 11.05 Science Hill High School
Hansen, Henry 11.57 Science Hill High School
Whitson, Trevor 11.61 Science Hill High School
Toe, Joel 11.61 Science Hill High School
Love, Adarius 11.81 Science Hill High School
Lawrence, Shaquille 11.84 Science Hill High School
Newberry, Branson 11.96 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Baylor 11.96 Science Hill High School
McGann, Josiah 12.03 Science Hill High School
Wagner, Caleb 12.19 Tennessee High School
Harris, Kiantai 12.22 Indian Trail Middle School
Famoian, Steven 12.45 Science Hill High School
Mathes, Ian 12.48 Science Hill High School
Emmert, Will 12.48 Science Hill High School
Gituwra, Jon 12.58 Science Hill High School
Hagemeier, Fritz 12.72 Liberty Bell Middle School
Hutson, Nolan 12.82 Tennessee High School
Fermoyin, Nicholas 12.88 Liberty Bell Middle School
Holder, Tyler 12.90 Science Hill High School
Davis, Daniel 12.93 Liberty Bell Middle School
Williams, Gabe 12.94 Science Hill High School
Davenport, Will 12.99 Science Hill High School
May, Taylor 13.05 Science Hill High School
Belanger, Wyatt 13.07 Science Hill High School
Cline, Kaenan 13.07 Science Hill High School
Ringersma, Daniel 13.08 Science Hill High School
Sargent, Andrew 13.20 Tennessee High School
Diaz, Elijah 13.21 Indian Trail Middle School
Luvene, Josiah 13.57 Science Hill High School
Vanover, Skyler 13.81 David Crockett High School
Duanah, Jaevan 13.98 Science Hill High School
Huff, Tripp 14.01 Tennessee High School
Mooreland, De'Montrae 14.01 Tennessee High School
Rodriguez, Luis 14.31 Liberty Bell Middle School
Liew, Calvin 14.71 Science Hill High School
Daniel, Delorean 14.73 Indian Trail Middle School
Durbin, Jayden 15.02 David Crockett High School
Taylor, Zach 16.27 Science Hill High School
Huff, Austen 16.57 Tennessee High School
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HS Boy's 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGann, Josiah Science Hill High School
Taylor, Ian 16.65 Science Hill High School
Durrence, Laden 16.76 Science Hill High School
Dwyer, Graham 17.25 Science Hill High School
McFayden, Tye 19.42 Science Hill High School
Cevallos, Caleb 20.87 Science Hill High School
White, Jackson 24.97 David Crockett High School
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HS Boy's 1600 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lowe, Andrew J David Crockett High School
Carrier, Marckis David Crockett High School
Jaquez, Roman David Crockett High School
Cox, Joey David Crockett High School
Smith, Caden David Crockett High School
Hutson, Nolan Tennessee High School
Johnson, Owen 4:36.45 Science Hill High School
Powell, Nate 4:40.54 Science Hill High School
Holbrook, Evan 4:42.68 Science Hill High School
Holt, Daniel 4:42.73 Science Hill High School
Ailshie, Eamon 4:45.00 Dobyns Bennett High School
Davis, Casen 4:51.22 David Crockett High School
Coffman, Jake 4:57.78 Science Hill High School
Neshat, Reid 5:02.70 Science Hill High School
Nemier, Shane 5:06.18 Science Hill High School
Jamieson, Oliver 5:07.85 Science Hill High School
Bowen, Ethan 5:09.36 Liberty Bell Middle School
Bahulekar, Aarav 5:10.22 Science Hill High School
Sells, Andrew 5:11.47 Tennessee High School
Gallati, Paul 5:19.21 Science Hill High School
Tolth, Alyonel 5:21.31 Science Hill High School
Gallati, Ryan 5:22.76 Science Hill High School
Conboy, Allison Eric 5:30.30 Science Hill High School
Krell, Luke 5:32.69 David Crockett High School
Childress, Jude 5:34.03 Tennessee High School
Roberts, Jasper 5:44.84 Liberty Bell Middle School
Taylor, Brock 5:47.27 Science Hill High School
Langford, David 5:47.44 Science Hill High School
Oneil, Zaylen 5:50.74 Liberty Bell Middle School
Wells, Hank 5:57.12 Liberty Bell Middle School
Hackney, Caleb 6:08.02 David Crockett High School
McDonald, Garrett 6:09.27 Science Hill High School
Roberts, Perry 6:10.25 Science Hill High School
Wallace, Ryan 6:10.39 Science Hill High School
Holden, Camden 6:11.32 Liberty Bell Middle School
Wicker, Justin 6:15.12 Indian Trail Middle School
Burzynski, Joshua 6:22.51 Liberty Bell Middle School
Kassaby, Yusuf 6:27.50 Indian Trail Middle School
Carroll, Reed 6:36.10 Indian Trail Middle School
Hunter, Bruce 6:37.03 Liberty Bell Middle School
Condry, Connor 6:38.57 Indian Trail Middle School
Milhorn, Bentley 6:38.80 Indian Trail Middle School
Hobby, Jaxson 6:40.18 Indian Trail Middle School
Ehrlund, Jerrick 7:02.97 Indian Trail Middle School
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HS Boy's 200 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Jackson David Crockett High School
Young, Jaden David Crockett High School
Jaquez, Roman David Crockett High School
Carrier, Marckis David Crockett High School
Smith, Caden David Crockett High School
Daniel, Delorean Indian Trail Middle School
Lowe, Andrew J David Crockett High School
Watson, Emmett 21.83 Science Hill High School
Jordan, Rylan 22.10 Science Hill High School
Miller, Easton 22.77 Science Hill High School
Whitson, Trevor 22.81 Science Hill High School
Newberry, Branson 22.95 Science Hill High School
Hansen, Henry 23.80 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Baylor 23.82 Science Hill High School
Toe, Joel 23.90 Science Hill High School
McGann, Josiah 23.90h Science Hill High School
Jones, Travis 24.11 Science Hill High School
Lawrence, Shaquille 24.49 Science Hill High School
Famoian, Steven 25.27 Science Hill High School
Love, Adarius 25.29 Science Hill High School
Wagner, Caleb 25.41 Tennessee High School
Dwyer, Graham 25.67 Science Hill High School
Gituwra, Jon 25.72 Science Hill High School
Taylor, Ian 26.05 Science Hill High School
Davenport, Will 26.07 Science Hill High School
McInturff, Keenan 26.36 Science Hill High School
Durrence, Laden 26.48 Science Hill High School
Cline, Kaenan 26.62 Science Hill High School
McFayden, Tye 26.78 Science Hill High School
Belanger, Wyatt 26.96 Science Hill High School
Ringersma, Daniel 27.18 Science Hill High School
May, Taylor 27.51 Science Hill High School
Luvene, Josiah 27.84 Science Hill High School
Belanger, Brayden 28.41 Indian Trail Middle School
Burris, Bodhi 28.55 Indian Trail Middle School
Sargent, Andrew 28.68 Tennessee High School
Dixon, Caixon 29.12 Liberty Bell Middle School
Mooreland, De'Montrae 29.27 Tennessee High School
Duanah, Jaevan 29.44 Science Hill High School
Huff, Tripp 29.80 Tennessee High School
Liew, Calvin 30.17 Science Hill High School
Hansen, Rowan 30.87 Liberty Bell Middle School
Gbaa, Junior 30.98 Science Hill High School
Cevallos, Caleb 31.43 Science Hill High School
Williams, Keegan 32.00 Liberty Bell Middle School
Young, Rylan 32.26 Liberty Bell Middle School
Durbin, Jayden 32.78 David Crockett High School
Huff, Austen 35.87 Tennessee High School
Taylor, Zach 36.03 Science Hill High School
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HS Boy's 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durbin, Jayden David Crockett High School
Wynn, A.j David Crockett High School
Murphy, Keagan Science Hill High School
Hodge, Riley Indian Trail Middle School
Hackney, Caleb David Crockett High School
Taylor, Zach 1:00.35 Science Hill High School
Rule, Tommy 1:00.76 Science Hill High School
Mann, Shawn 1:00.84 Tennessee High School
Davis, Casen 1:01.99 David Crockett High School
Finch, Levi 1:02.31 Tennessee High School
Martinez, Jaun 1:04.07 Liberty Bell Middle School
Belanger, Wyatt 1:04.83 Science Hill High School
Spencer, Isaiah 1:04.98 Indian Trail Middle School
Belanger, Brayden 1:05.63 Indian Trail Middle School
Rodig, Ryan 1:06.21 Liberty Bell Middle School
Higgins, Hunter 1:08.23 Liberty Bell Middle School
Liew, Calvin 1:08.40 Science Hill High School
Duanah, Jaevan 1:09.54 Science Hill High School
White, Jackson 1:13.09 David Crockett High School
Watson, Emmett 47.84 Science Hill High School
Jordan, Rylan 50.40 Science Hill High School
Miller, Easton 50.81 Science Hill High School
Hansen, Henry 52.36 Science Hill High School
Horne, Joshua 54.06 Science Hill High School
Newberry, Branson 54.23 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Baylor 54.64 Science Hill High School
Toe, Joel 54.99 Science Hill High School
Holt, Daniel 55.18 Science Hill High School
Parsons, Eli 56.79 David Crockett High School
Lawrence, Shaquille 57.62 Science Hill High School
Surber, Cade 58.12 Tennessee High School
Hagemeier, Fritz 58.69 Liberty Bell Middle School
Love, Adarius 58.72 Science Hill High School
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HS Boy's 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:00.00 Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team A 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team B 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team C 42.37 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 46.36 David Crockett High School
Relay Team A 51.23 Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team B 51.25 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team A 51.25 Liberty Bell Middle School
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HS Boy's 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:50.18 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 3:55.80 David Crockett High School
Relay Team B 4:20.18 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 4:41.65 Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team B 5:00.00 Indian Trail Middle School
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HS Boy's 800 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cannon, Aiden David Crockett High School
Conley, Bentley Liberty Bell Middle School
Guhn, Isaiah David Crockett High School
Cox, Joey David Crockett High School
Parsons, Eli 2:09.16 David Crockett High School
Horne, Joshua 2:15.51 Science Hill High School
Bowen, Ethan 2:16.87 Liberty Bell Middle School
Neshat, Reid 2:18.60 Science Hill High School
Rule, Tommy 2:19.86 Science Hill High School
Childress, Jude 2:19.92 Tennessee High School
Conboy, Allison Eric 2:21.75 Science Hill High School
Nemier, Shane 2:22.02 Science Hill High School
Coffman, Jake 2:22.32 Science Hill High School
Tolth, Alyonel 2:22.59 Science Hill High School
Davis, Casen 2:24.52 David Crockett High School
Sells, Andrew 2:24.59 Tennessee High School
Gallati, Ryan 2:27.31 Science Hill High School
Jamieson, Oliver 2:28.14 Science Hill High School
Swaggerty, Heath 2:28.62 Tennessee High School
Murphy, Keagan 2:30.93 Science Hill High School
Bahulekar, Aarav 2:31.15 Science Hill High School
Krell, Luke 2:32.01 David Crockett High School
McDonald, Garrett 2:32.60 Science Hill High School
Holden, Camden 2:35.93 Liberty Bell Middle School
Burzynski, Joshua 2:36.16 Liberty Bell Middle School
Taylor, Brock 2:36.29 Science Hill High School
Oneil, Zaylen 2:37.17 Liberty Bell Middle School
Langford, David 2:37.73 Science Hill High School
Kassaby, Yusuf 2:37.89 Indian Trail Middle School
Jaquez, Roman 2:38.99 David Crockett High School
Roberts, Perry 2:41.42 Science Hill High School
Jones, Elijah 2:43.10 Liberty Bell Middle School
Milhorn, Bentley 2:48.52 Indian Trail Middle School
Hackney, Caleb 2:49.45 David Crockett High School
Wallace, Ryan 2:52.11 Science Hill High School
Wicker, Justin 2:53.20 Indian Trail Middle School
Taylor, Zach 2:55.36 Science Hill High School
Hunter, Bruce 2:55.64 Liberty Bell Middle School
Ehrlund, Jerrick 3:00.96 Indian Trail Middle School
Seeley, Noah 3:01.89 Indian Trail Middle School
Scott, Isaiah 3:07.58 Liberty Bell Middle School
Condry, Connor 3:13.63 Indian Trail Middle School
Carroll, Reed 3:14.33 Indian Trail Middle School
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HS Boy's Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wynn, Adrian 158-3 David Crockett High School
McDonald, Nolan 135-9 Science Hill High School
Wynn, A.j 133-5 David Crockett High School
Reece, Max 123-9 Science Hill High School
Smith, Hayden 122-9 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Sawyer 109-1 Science Hill High School
Coffey, Cameron 104-6 Science Hill High School
Bass, Ryan 103-5 David Crockett High School
Carpenter, Aiden 102-9 David Crockett High School
Laws, John 101-8 David Crockett High School
Simora, Ryan 100-10 Tennessee High School
Greear, Ethan 98-11 David Crockett High School
Horne, Jacob 98-8 Science Hill High School
Starnes, Maliki 90-3 Dobyns Bennett High School
Dickson, Gavin 87-8 Tennessee High School
Ball, Tyler 87-6 David Crockett High School
Smith, Harris 86-8 Science Hill High School
Forney, Anthony 84-10 Science Hill High School
Gentry, Keagan 83-2 David Crockett High School
Branch, Collin 82-10 Tennessee High School
Kitzmiller, Jack 80-2 Dobyns Bennett High School
Carden, Jacob 79-11 Science Hill High School
Matthews, Tyson 79-7 David Crockett High School
Miller, Spencer 78-5 Tennessee High School
Gallardo, Chris 76-6 Science Hill High School
Nunley, Michael 76-3 Tennessee High School
Dye, Samuel 71-0 Tennessee High School
Stallard, Connor 67-8 Tennessee High School
Britton, Alex 66-11 David Crockett High School
Hutchinson, Noah 65-5 Tennessee High School
Byrd, Caleb 63-3 David Crockett High School
Thompson, Brady 59-0 Tennessee High School
Little, Caleb 56-11 David Crockett High School
Dean, Kaiden 55-2 Tennessee High School
Gardenhour, Luke 54-0 Dobyns Bennett High School
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HS Boy's High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nweze, Cash 6-5 Science Hill High School
Famoian, Steven 5-10 Science Hill High School
Slater, Thomas 5-10 Tennessee High School
McGann, Josiah 5-8 Science Hill High School
Young, Jaden 5-6 David Crockett High School
Baines, Evan 5-6 Tennessee High School
Cannon, Aiden David Crockett High School
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HS Boy's Long Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Young, Jaden 17-5 David Crockett High School
Wynn, A.j David Crockett High School
Dunn, Lamarkus David Crockett High School
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HS Boy's Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagemeier, William 15-6 Science Hill High School
Brademeyer, Carter 15-1 Science Hill High School
Swagerty, Grayson 8-6 Tennessee High School
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HS Boy's Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wynn, Adrian 52-2 David Crockett High School
Smith, Hayden 41-5.5 Science Hill High School
Necessary, Sawyer 41-0 Science Hill High School
McDonald, Nolan 40-11 Science Hill High School
Greear, Ethan 39-10 David Crockett High School
Wynn, A.j 39-9.5 David Crockett High School
Cox, Luke 38-1 Dobyns Bennett High School
Coffey, Cameron 37-1 Science Hill High School
Bass, Ryan 37-0 David Crockett High School
Commerford, Gavin 37-0 Dobyns Bennett High School
Carpenter, Aiden 36-10 David Crockett High School
Matthews, Tyson 36-2 David Crockett High School
Krause, Hayden 35-9 Dobyns Bennett High School
Branch, Collin 35-4 Tennessee High School
Simora, Ryan 34-3 Tennessee High School
Nunley, Michael 34-2 Tennessee High School
Horne, Jacob 33-9 Science Hill High School
Hyatt, Sam 33-4.75 Dobyns Bennett High School
Laws, John 33-3 David Crockett High School
Reece, Max 32-4 Science Hill High School
Miller, Spencer 32-3 Tennessee High School
Carden, Jacob 32-0 Science Hill High School
Ball, Tyler 31-10 David Crockett High School
Dickson, Gavin 30-11 Tennessee High School
Starnes, Maliki 30-10 Dobyns Bennett High School
Gentry, Keagan 30-9 David Crockett High School
Dye, Samuel 30-7 Tennessee High School
Fugate, Braylen 30-7 Dobyns Bennett High School
Gardenhour, Luke 28-4 Dobyns Bennett High School
Gallardo, Chris 27-8 Science Hill High School
Hutson, Nolan 27-7.25 Tennessee High School
Byrd, Caleb 27-4 David Crockett High School
Smith, Harris 27-3 Science Hill High School
Forney, Anthony 26-9 Science Hill High School
Thompson, Brady 26-6 Tennessee High School
Hutchinson, Noah 26-4 Tennessee High School
Rendros, Ezra 26-4 Dobyns Bennett High School
Hensley, Aaron 25-7 Dobyns Bennett High School
Sidney, Solomn 25-4 Dobyns Bennett High School
Britton, Alex 23-3 David Crockett High School
Dean, Kaiden 23-3 Tennessee High School
Stallard, Connor 21-5 Tennessee High School
Little, Caleb 20-10 David Crockett High School
Hutson, Gage 18-3 Dobyns Bennett High School
Durbin, Jayden David Crockett High School
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HS Boy's Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitson, Trevor 41-6.25 Science Hill High School
Slater, Thomas 41-1.5 Tennessee High School
Famoian, Steven 40-9 Science Hill High School
Baines, Evan 39-7.5 Tennessee High School
Nweze, Cash 38-7.25 Science Hill High School
Guhn, Isaiah 37-4 David Crockett High School
Dwyer, Graham 36-8 Science Hill High School
Vanover, Skyler 35-0 David Crockett High School
Hutson, Nolan 33-5 Tennessee High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 1:28.35 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:28.35 Science Hill High School
Relay Team B 1:28.35 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:37.99 David Crockett High School
Relay Team A 1:46.75 Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team B 1:57.49 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team A 1:57.49 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team B 2:00.00 Indian Trail Middle School
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HS Girl's 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stillwagon, Bailey Tennessee High School
Ritchie, Bella Tennessee High School
Sanders, Ava David Crockett High School
Nielson, Sophia Liberty Bell Middle School
Story, Aaliyah David Crockett High School
Dillon, Alexis David Crockett High School
Annett, Emma David Crockett High School
Adams, Ella 13.19 Science Hill High School
Moore, Kenzie 13.26 Science Hill High School
Rhea, Emma 13.29 Science Hill High School
Baines, Castle 13.32 Science Hill High School
Sommers, Khloe 13.70 Science Hill High School
Tipton, Hadlee 13.79 Liberty Bell Middle School
Jones, Jersey 13.80 Science Hill High School
Rouse, Liz 13.88 Tennessee High School
Pugh, Josie 13.92 Science Hill High School
Ekefre, Ibi 14.05 Science Hill High School
McMahan, Alona 14.18 Science Hill High School
Wilson, Nikyra 14.25 Science Hill High School
Hughes, Lilly 14.53 Tennessee High School
Doner, Kayleigh 14.70 David Crockett High School
Conner, Allie 14.75 Science Hill High School
Mahar, Gabriella 14.76 Liberty Bell Middle School
Skeens, Mariah 14.79 Tennessee High School
Owan, Gwen 14.83 Indian Trail Middle School
Maiga, Fatoumata 14.91 David Crockett High School
Burke, Gracie 15.04 David Crockett High School
Kusenda, Cammi 15.10 Indian Trail Middle School
Jones, Evan 15.17 Tennessee High School
Bennett, Laykin 15.33 Science Hill High School
Camacho Mayo, Valeria 15.34 David Crockett High School
Laughren, Haley 15.35 Science Hill High School
Scott, Adaya 15.35 Indian Trail Middle School
Jah, Renee 15.36 Indian Trail Middle School
Ball, Kirstin 15.44 David Crockett High School
Hrebenkova, Karina 15.50 Science Hill High School
Jensen, Bailey 15.83 Science Hill High School
Hamrick, Keira 16.20h Tennessee High School
Vanover, Kapri 16.38 David Crockett High School
Baker, Eve 16.40 David Crockett High School
Johnston, Lula Mae 16.58 Liberty Bell Middle School
Bolling, Carly 17.31 Tennessee High School
Shaffer, Serena 17.44 Tennessee High School
Nela, Katlyn 17.75 Science Hill High School
Mora, Alondra 19.43 Liberty Bell Middle School
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HS Girl's 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Ellyn David Crockett High School
Smith, Ella 16.85 Science Hill High School
Hale, Caroline 16.86 Science Hill High School
Jlay, Aj 20.24 Science Hill High School
Ward, Cassidy 21.37 Science Hill High School
Brooks, Olivia 21.41 Science Hill High School
McCasland, Quinn 21.80 David Crockett High School
Rodriguez, Aurora 23.47 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Howington, Kailynn David Crockett High School
Vance, Madison David Crockett High School
Pugh, Beatrice Indian Trail Middle School
Haywood, Evy Liberty Bell Middle School
Emmert, Audrey Liberty Bell Middle School
Williams, Sierra David Crockett High School
Ringersma, Brooklyn Science Hill High School
McLain, Hannah 5:20.67 David Crockett High School
Moore, Kiley 5:33.90 David Crockett High School
McGann, Mercy 5:35.33 Indian Trail Middle School
Eorgan, Sunny 5:35.69 Science Hill High School
Bowen, Marley 5:40.32 Liberty Bell Middle School
Carter, Ava 5:44.83 Liberty Bell Middle School
Candee, Isabella 5:52.46 Science Hill High School
Tutterow, Lily 5:54.76 Science Hill High School
Brown, Emily 6:07.65 David Crockett High School
Lilze, Aubrey 6:08.66 Indian Trail Middle School
Wells, Harper 6:31.02 Indian Trail Middle School
Nutter, Ansley 6:40.09 Liberty Bell Middle School
Smith, Cami 6:41.11 David Crockett High School
Hatley, Adria 6:50.21 Indian Trail Middle School
Kelley, Makiya 7:01.33 Indian Trail Middle School
Miller, Moriah 7:07.58 Indian Trail Middle School
Jacobs, Abby 7:07.77 Indian Trail Middle School
Bullington, Bryce 7:15.10 Indian Trail Middle School
Crabtree, Abby 7:55.52 David Crockett High School
Shelton, Alyssa 7:57.51 David Crockett High School
Jennings, Chelsea 8:03.66 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCasland, Quinn David Crockett High School
Ball, Kirstin David Crockett High School
Dillon, Alexis David Crockett High School
Skeens, Mariah Tennessee High School
Vance, Madison David Crockett High School
Baker, Eve David Crockett High School
Rodriguez, Aurora David Crockett High School
Wilkinson, Millie Liberty Bell Middle School
Stillwagon, Bailey Tennessee High School
Hughes, Lilly Tennessee High School
Story, Aaliyah 26.41 David Crockett High School
Moore, Kenzie 26.59 Science Hill High School
Rhea, Emma 27.10 Science Hill High School
Adams, Ella 27.25 Science Hill High School
Macariola, Kristina 27.93 Science Hill High School
Sommers, Khloe 28.02 Science Hill High School
Henderson, Emily 28.25 Liberty Bell Middle School
Hill, Kyla 28.43 Liberty Bell Middle School
Jones, Jersey 28.48 Science Hill High School
Baines, Castle 28.57 Science Hill High School
Hunter, Lorraine 28.62 Science Hill High School
McMahan, Alona 28.76 Science Hill High School
Rouse, Liz 28.93 Tennessee High School
Ekefre, Ibi 29.05 Science Hill High School
Borsos, Natalie 29.79 Science Hill High School
Doner, Kayleigh 29.90 David Crockett High School
Hale, Caroline 30.08 Science Hill High School
Jlay, Aj 30.36 Science Hill High School
Maiga, Fatoumata 30.61 David Crockett High School
Smith, Ella 30.73 Science Hill High School
Daniel, Dafnie 30.97 Indian Trail Middle School
Ward, Cassidy 31.19 Science Hill High School
Owan, Gwen 31.34 Indian Trail Middle School
Ringersma, Brooklyn 31.72 Science Hill High School
Camacho Mayo, Valeria 31.91 David Crockett High School
Annett, Emma 31.93 David Crockett High School
Bennett, Ellyn 32.07 David Crockett High School
Burke, Gracie 32.56 David Crockett High School
Brooks, Olivia 32.64 Science Hill High School
Jones, Evan 33.52 Tennessee High School
Irizarry, Lila 33.64 Liberty Bell Middle School
Wachtveitl, Zoey 35.45 Indian Trail Middle School
Vanover, Kapri 35.80 David Crockett High School
Hamrick, Keira 36.48 Tennessee High School
Bolling, Carly 37.34 Tennessee High School
Shaffer, Serena 37.66 Tennessee High School
Mora, Alondra 43.56 Liberty Bell Middle School
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HS Girl's 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doner, Kayleigh David Crockett High School
Brown, Emily David Crockett High School
McCasland, Quinn David Crockett High School
Crabtree, Abby David Crockett High School
Call, Kayleigh Liberty Bell Middle School
Williams, Sierra David Crockett High School
Vanover, Kapri David Crockett High School
Adams, Ella 1:00.86 Science Hill High School
Jones, Jersey 1:01.45 Science Hill High School
Jones, Niyiah 1:01.64 Science Hill High School
Hunter, Lorraine 1:02.21 Science Hill High School
Sommers, Khloe 1:03.71 Science Hill High School
Greene, Addie 1:04.11 Indian Trail Middle School
Baines, Castle 1:04.84 Science Hill High School
McLain, Hannah 1:05.33 David Crockett High School
Rhea, Emma 1:05.50 Science Hill High School
Moore, Kenzie 1:06.91 Science Hill High School
Mills, Laney 1:08.47 Liberty Bell Middle School
Moore, Kiley 1:08.74 David Crockett High School
Ekefre, Ibi 1:08.87 Science Hill High School
Ringersma, Brooklyn 1:09.66 Science Hill High School
Webb, Lyndie 1:09.71 Indian Trail Middle School
Whitson, Avery 1:09.86 Liberty Bell Middle School
Lewis, Amiyah 1:10.34 Indian Trail Middle School
Campbell, Reese 1:11.08 Indian Trail Middle School
Gullett, Campbell 1:13.99 Liberty Bell Middle School
Rodriguez, Aurora 1:17.55 David Crockett High School
Wilkinson, Millie 1:17.74 Liberty Bell Middle School
Shelton, Alyssa 1:22.21 David Crockett High School
Ritchie, Bella 1:25.06 Tennessee High School
Dillon, Alexis 1:27.39 David Crockett High School
Macariola, Kristina 59.96 Science Hill High School
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HS Girl's 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:02.00h Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team A 51.24 Science Hill High School
Relay Team B 51.24 Science Hill High School
Relay Team C 51.24 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 55.05 Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team A 55.48 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team B 55.48 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team A 56.41 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:28.02 David Crockett High School
Relay Team A 4:39.31 Indian Trail Middle School
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HS Girl's 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:52.65 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 11:37.68 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Laney Liberty Bell Middle School
Bellamy, Maggie 2:20.06 David Crockett High School
Bowen, Marley 2:26.90 Liberty Bell Middle School
Whitson, Avery 2:27.50 Liberty Bell Middle School
Carter, Ava 2:35.39 Liberty Bell Middle School
Haywood, Evy 2:35.79 Liberty Bell Middle School
Teal, Arwyn 2:41.92 Science Hill High School
Eorgan, Sunny 2:47.82 Science Hill High School
Ringersma, Brooklyn 2:48.88 Science Hill High School
Candee, Isabella 2:57.67 Science Hill High School
Smith, Cami 2:59.01 David Crockett High School
Shoun, Lyla 2:59.11 Indian Trail Middle School
Clement, Ava 3:00.35 Indian Trail Middle School
Nutter, Ansley 3:00.66 Liberty Bell Middle School
Hatley, Adria 3:00.68 Indian Trail Middle School
Williams, Sierra 3:01.13 David Crockett High School
McAllistar, Madison 3:12.75 Liberty Bell Middle School
Bullington, Bryce 3:13.67 Indian Trail Middle School
Carter, Maddie 3:16.08 Liberty Bell Middle School
Samuel, Marilyn 3:18.37 Indian Trail Middle School
Spencer, Allana 3:20.71 Indian Trail Middle School
Wallace, Paige 3:24.06 Indian Trail Middle School
King, Grace 3:31.01 Indian Trail Middle School
Cambaz, Elizabeth 3:43.18 Indian Trail Middle School
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HS Girl's Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durrence, Rylee 110-10 Science Hill High School
Young, Marley 86-9 David Crockett High School
Jones, Jasmine 84-1 Tennessee High School
Ball, Kadence 80-1 David Crockett High School
Blair, Ashton 79-0 Tennessee High School
Banner, Lauryn 76-10 Science Hill High School
Gordon, Andraia 76-8 Dobyns Bennett High School
Bellamy, Madison 74-11 David Crockett High School
Armstrong, Evann 71-7 Dobyns Bennett High School
Goines, Saryn 71-2 Science Hill High School
Mackly, MiKkenlee 65-9 Science Hill High School
Adams, Kayden 61-9 Tennessee High School
Hughes, Kaylee 58-5 Dobyns Bennett High School
Vance, Madison 57-8 David Crockett High School
Crabtree, Adalyn 55-6 David Crockett High School
Mujica-Sanches, Nathalie 51-10 Dobyns Bennett High School
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HS Girl's High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Story, Aaliyah 5-4.25 David Crockett High School
Conner, Allie 4-8 Science Hill High School
Rouse, Liz 4-6 Tennessee High School
Tedder, Sara 4-4 Science Hill High School
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HS Girl's Long Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Story, Aaliyah 17-4.5 David Crockett High School
Ball, Kirstin 12-6.5 David Crockett High School
Annett, Emma 11-10.5 David Crockett High School
Baker, Eve 11-5 David Crockett High School
Vanover, Kapri 11-3.5 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meares, Fairyn 11-0 Tennessee High School
Thompson, Kaia 10-0 Science Hill High School
Conboy, Lilly 8-8 Science Hill High School
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HS Girl's Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Bryleigh 33-2 Science Hill High School
Blair, Ashton 31-3 Tennessee High School
Young, Marley 29-1 David Crockett High School
Jones, Jasmine 28-1 Tennessee High School
Mackly, MiKkenlee 27-1 Science Hill High School
Durrence, Rylee 26-7 Science Hill High School
Hughes, Kaylee 26-7 Dobyns Bennett High School
Goines, Saryn 26-6.5 Science Hill High School
Rouse, Liz 25-8.25 Tennessee High School
Ball, Kadence 25-8 David Crockett High School
Hughes, Saraya 23-9 Dobyns Bennett High School
Bellamy, Madison 23-7 David Crockett High School
Cinnamon, Ruthie 23-0 Dobyns Bennett High School
Banner, Lauryn 21-5 Science Hill High School
Adams, Kayden 20-4 Tennessee High School
Crabtree, Adalyn 18-10 David Crockett High School
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HS Girl's Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ball, Kirstin 25-8.5 David Crockett High School
Baker, Eve David Crockett High School
Wilson, Nikyra Science Hill High School
Burke, Gracie David Crockett High School
Conner, Allie Science Hill High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.87 Science Hill High School
Relay Team B 1:50.87 Science Hill High School
Relay Team C 1:50.87 Science Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:59.43 David Crockett High School
Relay Team A 2:04.41 Indian Trail Middle School
Relay Team B 2:11.98 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team A 2:11.98 Liberty Bell Middle School
Relay Team B 2:16.00h Indian Trail Middle School
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