Sharp Springs Invitational 2009 vs Sharp Springs Invitational 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +320 352 32
Overall Average +4:07.73 22:50.70 18:42.97
1st-10th Place +9.95 17:12.65 17:02.70
1st-25th Place -17.24 17:36.40 17:53.64
1st-50th Place +6:11.37 18:10.07 11:58.70
1st-100th Place +13:00.90 19:00.25 5:59.35
Common Athletes -- -- 6
Ran Faster 2 4 2
Ran Season Best -- 6 6
Average Time -9.51 19:25.66 19:35.17
Median Time -1:10.53 20:07.47 21:18.00
Middle 80% Times -4.70 19:57.50 20:02.20
Top 10% Times -33.58 16:46.42 17:20.00
Top 25% Times -34.74 16:57.77 17:32.50
Top 50% Times -18.16 17:20.17 17:38.33
Bottom 50% Times -0.86 21:31.14 21:32.00
Bottom 25% Times +33.98 22:12.98 21:39.00
Bottom 10% Times +1:04.95 23:03.95 21:59.00
Average Difference -9.51 -- --
Median Difference -1:11.53 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -4.70 -- --
Top 10% Difference -33.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference -18.16 -- --
Top 25% Difference -34.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference -18.16 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -0.86 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +34.48 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:45.95 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jared Phillips Blackman High School -33.58 16:46.42 17:20.00
Taylor McMurtry Station Camp High School -35.89 17:09.11 17:45.00
Joe Lancina Blackman High School +14.98 18:04.98 17:50.00
Caitlin Philburn Eagleville High School -1:11.53 20:07.47 21:19.00
Katlin Nicholson Station Camp High School +1:45.95 23:03.95 21:18.00
Kirsten Perrey Pope Saint John Paul II Preparatory School -36.99 21:22.01 21:59.00