CCHS Last Chance 2023

Crossville, TN

Uploaded Entries

Athlete Entries

Boy's 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:31.70 Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team A 1:36.31 Rhea County High School
Relay Team B 1:38.00h Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team A 1:38.54 Stone Memorial High School
Relay Team A 1:38.77 Upperman High School
Relay Team A 1:50.63 Livingston Academy
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Boy's Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkinson, Jacob 13-6 Cumberland Co. High School
Templeton, Braden 9-0 Cumberland Co. High School
Butler, Jaylyn 6-11.75 Clarkrange High School
Carter, Nolen 5-0 Cumberland Co. High School
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Girl's 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:55.50 White Co. High School
Relay Team B 1:55.50 White Co. High School
Relay Team A 1:56.57 Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 1:57.50 Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team A 1:58.13 Upperman High School
Relay Team A 1:58.16 Clarkrange High School
Relay Team A 2:08.28 Livingston Academy
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Girl's Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Selby, Layla 5-6 Cumberland Co. High School
Cobb, Isabella 5-0 Cumberland Co. High School
Atkinson, Whitley 5-0 Cumberland Co. High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Riylin 11.07 Alvin C. York Institute
Sweathomas, Aidan 11.39 Alvin C. York Institute
Cullom, Ja'lyric 11.66 Upperman High School
Oquendo, Maddox 11.68 Stone Memorial High School
Garrett, Isaac 11.73 Alvin C. York Institute
Turnbow, Branson 11.77 Upperman High School
Dowell, Maliki 11.79 White Co. High School
Beaty, Kris 12.14 Clarkrange High School
Kelso, Isaiah 12.22 White Co. High School
Dedmon, Terrance 12.23 Upperman High School
Price, Andrew 12.34h White Co. High School
Swallows, Bryton 12.36 Clarkrange High School
Gunter, Sawyer 12.37 Clarkrange High School
Radcliffe, Cade 12.41 Stone Memorial High School
Pedde, Marcus 12.45 Cumberland Co. High School
Watson, Braden 12.79 Rhea County High School
McElhaney, Cayden 13.00h Cumberland Co. High School
Bruehl, Baron 13.13 Rhea County High School
Plantz, Joey 13.61 Stone Memorial High School
Washington, Jordan 13.69 Rhea County High School
Brabyn, Connor 15.37 Cumberland Co. High School
Rich, Mason 15.94h Livingston Academy
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potts, Cameon 17.32 Rhea County High School
Richmond, Darvon 17.44h White Co. High School
Dowell, Demarious 17.48 White Co. High School
Evans, Eli 18.92 Rhea County High School
Beardall, Kaleb 19.04h White Co. High School
Kerley, Thomas 20.67 Cumberland Co. High School
Carter, Nolen 21.00h Cumberland Co. High School
Christensen, Braden 21.10 Alvin C. York Institute
Huddelston, Austin 21.48 Alvin C. York Institute
Palik, Brandon 23.34h Stone Memorial High School
Boles, Jaxon 24.00h Livingston Academy
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mooneyham, Jedrick 5:02.00 White Co. High School
Smith, Dylan 5:10.36 Cumberland Co. High School
Freeman, Robert 5:17.72 Stone Memorial High School
Campbell, Gage 5:20.12 Alvin C. York Institute
Gentry, Jesse 5:27.32 Livingston Academy
Winningham, Ronnie 5:31.59 Clarkrange High School
Voiles, Trenton 5:36.00 Alvin C. York Institute
Romero, Malachi 5:44.40 Rhea County High School
Newbaker, Logan 5:45.27 Alvin C. York Institute
Serozhyn, Artem 5:50.05 Rhea County High School
Walters, Wyatt 5:52.12 Upperman High School
Thompson, Aden 6:09.00 Stone Memorial High School
McCowan, Jack 6:31.66 Upperman High School
Cravens, Blake 6:42.70 White Co. High School
Ramos, Gabriel 7:44.88 Rhea County High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Riylin 22.89 Alvin C. York Institute
Smith, Caiden 23.68 Alvin C. York Institute
Harris, Bryson 24.68 Upperman High School
Harville, Skyler 24.69 Stone Memorial High School
Oquendo, Maddox 24.74 Stone Memorial High School
Bilbrey, Daniel 24.75 Livingston Academy
Manzano, Joel 24.87 Rhea County High School
Byrd, Cody 24.97 Alvin C. York Institute
Thomas, Jason 25.53 Upperman High School
Gunter, Sawyer 25.60 Clarkrange High School
Swallows, Bryton 25.75 Clarkrange High School
Pedde, Marcus 25.94 Cumberland Co. High School
Lowe, Cody 25.99 Upperman High School
Washington, Jordan 26.52 Rhea County High School
Teffer, Austin 26.60h Rhea County High School
Purvis, Antonio 26.68 White Co. High School
Beardall, Kaleb 27.51 White Co. High School
Burton, Griffen 28.02 White Co. High School
Plantz, Joey 28.54 Stone Memorial High School
Brabyn, Connor 33.10 Cumberland Co. High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Aden 1:02.24h Stone Memorial High School
Christensen, Braden 48.52 Alvin C. York Institute
Kelso, Isaiah 48.56 White Co. High School
Smith, Seth 48.58 Livingston Academy
Harvey, Dale 48.83 Livingston Academy
Potts, Cameon 49.0 Rhea County High School
Griffin, Nathaniel 49.84h White Co. High School
Evans, Eli 49.89 Rhea County High School
Palik, Brandon 50.03 Stone Memorial High School
Mcmillan, Isaiah 50.11 Cumberland Co. High School
Kerley, Thomas 50.54 Cumberland Co. High School
Beardall, Kaleb 50.64 White Co. High School
Huddelston, Austin 54.98 Alvin C. York Institute
Duncan, Trenton 57.90h Stone Memorial High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bishop, Alvin 11:39.00 Rhea County High School
Duncan, Trenton 11:43.00 Stone Memorial High School
Campbell, Gage 11:52.84 Alvin C. York Institute
Mooneyham, Jedrick 12:22.00 White Co. High School
Davis, Leviticus 12:36.77 Rhea County High School
Gentry, Jesse 12:43.00 Livingston Academy
Newbaker, Logan 12:45.04 Alvin C. York Institute
Neal, Bass 13:31.06 Rhea County High School
Brabyn, Aaron 14:00.00 Cumberland Co. High School
Cravens, Blake 14:44.00 White Co. High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spedding, Arlen 1:00.04h White Co. High School
Conatser, Jackson 1:00.24h Alvin C. York Institute
Monchecourt, Jack 1:00.72 Cumberland Co. High School
Lewis, Keaun 1:00.94h White Co. High School
Carey, Anthony 1:01.35 Cumberland Co. High School
Cravens, Blake 1:01.41 Clarkrange High School
Neal, Zach 1:02.89 Upperman High School
Thomas, Jason 1:04.24 Upperman High School
Polk, Ty 1:05.85 Alvin C. York Institute
Shaw, Landon 1:08.00h Livingston Academy
Odell, Caleb 53.20 Rhea County High School
Wagner, Nathan 54.00h Stone Memorial High School
McClung, Brett 54.94h Stone Memorial High School
Harville, Skyler 55.74h Stone Memorial High School
Giusto, Adam 55.86 Rhea County High School
Coffee, Brody 55.99 Livingston Academy
Burton, Griffen 57.34h White Co. High School
Kessler, Andon 57.89 Cumberland Co. High School
Beaty, Will 58.61 Alvin C. York Institute
Gunter, Sawyer 58.64 Clarkrange High School
Bruehl, Baron 59.11 Rhea County High School
Snook, Ramsey 59.63 Upperman High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.65 Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team B 45.44 White Co. High School
Relay Team A 45.44h White Co. High School
Relay Team A 45.55 Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 45.95 Upperman High School
Relay Team A 46.86 Stone Memorial High School
Relay Team B 48.00 Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team A 50.74 Livingston Academy
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:39.28 Stone Memorial High School
Relay Team A 3:47.75 Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 3:51.24 Clarkrange High School
Relay Team A 3:55.00 Livingston Academy
Relay Team A 4:04.63 Cumberland Co. High School
Relay Team A 4:11.00 White Co. High School
Relay Team B 4:15.00h Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 4:18.00 Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team B 4:30.00h Alvin C. York Institute
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:25.06 Stone Memorial High School
Relay Team B 10:30.00 Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team A 9:06.00 Cumberland Co. High School
Relay Team A 9:18.25 Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 9:20.22 Livingston Academy
Relay Team B 9:35.00h Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 9:58.83 Alvin C. York Institute
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wagner, Nathan 2:04.83 Stone Memorial High School
Kerley, Stephen 2:05.09 Rhea County High School
Sweathomas, Aidan 2:06.56 Alvin C. York Institute
Kean, Eden 2:12.68 Cumberland Co. High School
Ostrander, Zachariah 2:13.32 Cumberland Co. High School
Winningham, Ronnie 2:23.00 Clarkrange High School
Freeman, Robert 2:23.02 Stone Memorial High School
Williams, Kaden 2:24.01 Upperman High School
Cravens, Blake 2:29.07 White Co. High School
Reagan, Tucker 2:33.16 Alvin C. York Institute
Pyles, Ben 2:38.00h Alvin C. York Institute
Walters, Wyatt 2:38.45 Upperman High School
Garrison, Ben 2:45.87 Rhea County High School
Cravens, Blake 2:48.21 Clarkrange High School
Slater, Gage 2:50.20 Livingston Academy
McCowan, Jack 3:04.43 Upperman High School
Ramos, Gabriel 3:29.26 Rhea County High School
Lewis, Brayden 3:38.44 White Co. High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Seth 119-4 Livingston Academy
Sinard, Trevor 117-0 Stone Memorial High School
Edwards, Kaeden 113-3 Alvin C. York Institute
Garrett, Christian 111-9 Clarkrange High School
Briggs, Evan 107-6 Upperman High School
Unger, Zeke 106-9 Upperman High School
Rector, Kenyon 104-5 Stone Memorial High School
Newhouse, Elijah 104-0 Rhea County High School
Whitcomb, Cade 98-6 Rhea County High School
Harrell, Bo 98-5 Upperman High School
Cravens, Blake 97-6 Clarkrange High School
Nicolas, Ricardo 96-7 Clarkrange High School
Weitzel, Kollin 94-6 Livingston Academy
Gilstrap, James 92-1 Cumberland Co. High School
Hunt, Austin 88-7 White Co. High School
Reece, Kody 85-0 White Co. High School
Futrell, Haiden 83-0 Rhea County High School
Sells, Landon 82-7 Alvin C. York Institute
Shaw, Landon 78-10 Livingston Academy
Phipps, Lucas 78-6 Alvin C. York Institute
Phillip, Brandon 77-2 White Co. High School
Ashburn, Ethan 71-9 Stone Memorial High School
Phillips, Kasey 70-0 Cumberland Co. High School
Carter, Nolen 70-0 Cumberland Co. High School
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HS Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richmond, Japheth 6-0 White Co. High School
Beaty, Will 5-10 Alvin C. York Institute
Brannon, Kole 5-6 Alvin C. York Institute
Beaty, Kris 5-6 Clarkrange High School
Harris, Cole 5-4 Livingston Academy
Gastineau, Keaton 5-4 Alvin C. York Institute
Teffer, Austin 5-4 Rhea County High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Jaylyn 20-10.5 Clarkrange High School
Dowell, Demarious 20-3.5 White Co. High School
Griffin, Nathaniel 20-1 White Co. High School
Whittaker, Harold 19-7.75 Upperman High School
Oquendo, Maddox 19-6 Stone Memorial High School
Beaty, Kris 19-3.5 Clarkrange High School
Dedmon, Terrance 19-2.75 Upperman High School
South, Braden 18-11 Alvin C. York Institute
Gunter, Sawyer 18-5 Clarkrange High School
Beaty, Will 18-2.5 Alvin C. York Institute
Lewis, Keaun 17-11 White Co. High School
Conatser, Jackson 17-10 Alvin C. York Institute
Fitts, Elijah 17-1.5 Upperman High School
Pedde, Marcus 16-6 Cumberland Co. High School
Headrick, Andrew 16-3.75 Stone Memorial High School
Boles, Jaxon 14-1.25 Livingston Academy
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HS Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sinard, Trevor 43-6 Stone Memorial High School
Alfaro, Dominick 40-3.5 Cumberland Co. High School
Dowell, Maliki 38-10 White Co. High School
Sells, Landon 38-7 Alvin C. York Institute
Edwards, Kaeden 38-5 Alvin C. York Institute
Smith, Seth 38-1.5 Livingston Academy
Unger, Zeke 37-10.5 Upperman High School
McCollamCollan, Shane 37-8.5 Stone Memorial High School
Briggs, Evan 36-7.5 Upperman High School
Garrett, Christian 34-6 Clarkrange High School
Weitzel, Kollin 34-3.25 Livingston Academy
Hill, John 34-0 Livingston Academy
Cox, Ean 33-10 Upperman High School
Futrell, Haiden 33-9 Rhea County High School
Whitcomb, Cade 33-9 Rhea County High School
Phillip, Brandon 33-5 White Co. High School
Scarbrough, Isaac 33-2 Cumberland Co. High School
Brown, C.J. 33-2 Alvin C. York Institute
Nicolas, Ricardo 31-8.5 Clarkrange High School
Carter, Nolen 30-0 Cumberland Co. High School
Newhouse, Elijah 28-11.7 Rhea County High School
Hunt, Austin 28-8 White Co. High School
Lawson, Clay 28-8 Clarkrange High School
Ramsey, Phillip 27-7 Stone Memorial High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potts, Cameon 39-8 Rhea County High School
South, Braden 39-5.25 Alvin C. York Institute
Conley, Aaron 38-8 Stone Memorial High School
Lewis, Keaun 36-2 White Co. High School
Beaty, Will 35-4 Alvin C. York Institute
Byrd, Cody 34-9.5 Alvin C. York Institute
Weitzel, Kaden 32-0 Livingston Academy
Boles, Jaxon 30-7.5 Livingston Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Golden, Lexie 13.34h White Co. High School
Linder, Josie 13.60 Alvin C. York Institute
Cobb, Isabella 13.69 Cumberland Co. High School
Smith, Macy 13.73 Stone Memorial High School
West, Bailey 13.84 Upperman High School
Diaz, Driana 13.84h Alvin C. York Institute
Dunlap, Peyton 13.89 Cumberland Co. High School
Childers, Taryn 13.92 Livingston Academy
Beardall, Rebecca 14.24 White Co. High School
Tibbs, Jazmine 14.28 Cumberland Co. High School
Ryan, Katie 14.33 Rhea County High School
McDonald, Kalie 14.46 White Co. High School
Brown, Naveah 14.52 Upperman High School
Pryor, Kaylee 15.02 Livingston Academy
Stover, Emma 15.20 Alvin C. York Institute
Lowe, Haley 15.37 Clarkrange High School
Evans, Paytyne 15.39 Stone Memorial High School
Reed, Camryn 15.55 Rhea County High School
Davidson, Kandice 15.80 Clarkrange High School
Melton, Kristie 15.99 Clarkrange High School
Brown, Gracie 16.16 Stone Memorial High School
Sneed, Kaylie 17.03 Rhea County High School
Patel, Dhriti 22.11 Livingston Academy
Morris, Jordan 4.00h Upperman High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moses, Ann 16.29 Rhea County High School
Reeves, Kloe 16.62 Rhea County High School
Authier, Chelsea 19.69 Cumberland Co. High School
moss, meiah 20 Upperman High School
Savage, Rylee 20.34h White Co. High School
Parry, Emma 20.94h Clarkrange High School
Fletcher, Chloe 21.17 White Co. High School
Storie, Lauren 21.52 Livingston Academy
Stierwalt, Willa 21.82 Clarkrange High School
Crowe, Carley 22.14h Livingston Academy
Johnston, Harley 25.33 White Co. High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amos, Savanna 5:52.09 Stone Memorial High School
Carroll, Alexis 5:59.42 Cumberland Co. High School
Butt, Liya 5:59.97 Rhea County High School
Taylor, Chloe 6:18.00 Clarkrange High School
Wright, Kayce 6:27.00 White Co. High School
Ostrander, Rebekah 6:28.35 Cumberland Co. High School
Smith, Hallie 6:44.83 Rhea County High School
Ledbetter, Rebecca 6:45.00h Livingston Academy
Reeves, Emma 7:03.71 Rhea County High School
Aparicio, Aylet 7:14.43 Livingston Academy
Johnston, Harley 7:15.89 White Co. High School
Livermore, Charlotte 8:36.43 Livingston Academy
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moses, Ann 27.68 Rhea County High School
Childers, Taryn 28.34h Livingston Academy
Johnson, Auburn 28.90 Upperman High School
Diaz, Driana 29.27 Alvin C. York Institute
Richards, Bailey 29.91 Clarkrange High School
Zawisza, Hayle 29.98 Rhea County High School
Gibson, Ashley 30.03 White Co. High School
Manis , Payton 30.04h Clarkrange High School
Hopkins, Kady 30.13 Clarkrange High School
Gibson, Shelby 30.94h White Co. High School
Morris, Jordan 32.00 Upperman High School
Brown, Naveah 32.00 Upperman High School
Mitchell, Sydney 32.24h Alvin C. York Institute
Morley, Emily 34.22 Stone Memorial High School
Evans, Paytyne 34.33 Stone Memorial High School
Brown, Gracie 34.87 Stone Memorial High School
Pryor, Kaylee 35.00h Livingston Academy
Brown, Prew 36.14h Livingston Academy
Filler, Elliana 36.57 Cumberland Co. High School
Sneed, Kaylie 36.99 Rhea County High School
Gonzalez, Lindsey 38.45 Cumberland Co. High School
Carr, Alyssa 39.91 Cumberland Co. High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Van Hoose, Lily 1:04.64 Stone Memorial High School
Stierwalt, Willa 1:06.29 Clarkrange High School
Parry, Emma 1:06.97 Clarkrange High School
Fletcher, Chloe 1:09.14h White Co. High School
Beardall, Rebecca 1:09.15 White Co. High School
Reeves, Kloe 52.00h Rhea County High School
Mammana, Isabelle 55.63 Livingston Academy
Griggs, Callieanna 56.21 White Co. High School
Watson, Chloe 56.32 Rhea County High School
Crowe, Carley 56.39 Livingston Academy
Lindsay, Mallori 57.00h Livingston Academy
Authier, Chelsea 57.19 Cumberland Co. High School
Cook, Maelyn 57.34 Rhea County High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amos, Savanna 12:48.94 Stone Memorial High School
Aparicio, Aylet 17:11.09 Livingston Academy
Livermore, Charlotte 19:27.00 Livingston Academy
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ryan, Katie 1:02.49 Rhea County High School
Childers, Taryn 1:05.34h Livingston Academy
Smith, Macy 1:07.23 Stone Memorial High School
Linder, Josie 1:09.67 Alvin C. York Institute
Tollet, Lily 1:10.22 Stone Memorial High School
Hinds, Tara 1:10.94 Livingston Academy
Curtis, Claire 1:12.47 Alvin C. York Institute
Dailey, Chloe 1:13.34h Clarkrange High School
Wright, Bella 1:14.28 Alvin C. York Institute
Hopkins, Kady 1:14.50 Clarkrange High School
Gibson, Ashley 1:14.55 White Co. High School
Sitton, Sophia 1:16.29 Clarkrange High School
Reed, Camryn 1:17.00h Rhea County High School
Smith, Tori 1:17.34 Rhea County High School
Johnston, Harley 1:21.74h White Co. High School
Filler, Elliana 1:23.24 Cumberland Co. High School
Liggett, Alivia 1:36.30 Livingston Academy
Johnson, Auburn 1:40 Upperman High School
McKee, Luci 1:47.04h White Co. High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.63 Stone Memorial High School
Relay Team A 53.47 White Co. High School
Relay Team B 53.47 White Co. High School
Relay Team A 53.96 Rhea County High School
Relay Team B 54.03 Cumberland Co. High School
Relay Team A 54.44h Upperman High School
Relay Team A 54.93 Clarkrange High School
Relay Team A 55.84h Alvin C. York Institute
Relay Team A 57.34 Livingston Academy
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:33.54 Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 4:44.50 Livingston Academy
Relay Team A 4:47.00 Cumberland Co. High School
Relay Team B 4:55.00h Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 4:55.48 Stone Memorial High School
Relay Team A 5:06.18 Alvin C. York Institute
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:48.45 Livingston Academy
Relay Team A 11:10.85 Cumberland Co. High School
Relay Team A 11:23.35 Rhea County High School
Relay Team A 12:45.37 Alvin C. York Institute
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beason, Katey 2:38.00h Livingston Academy
Colton, Linsey 2:39.98 Cumberland Co. High School
moss, meiah 2:40.00h Upperman High School
Cathey, Emily 2:40.73 Rhea County High School
Ledbetter, Rebecca 2:47.64 Livingston Academy
Taylor, Chloe 2:49.00 Clarkrange High School
Tollet, Lily 2:49.63 Stone Memorial High School
Ostrander, Bethany 2:54.26 Cumberland Co. High School
Wright, Kayce 2:57.32 White Co. High School
Storie, Lauren 2:59.91 Livingston Academy
Tilley, Savannah 3:00.53 Rhea County High School
Dailey, Chloe 3:00.68 Clarkrange High School
Finley, Tabitha 3:07.00 Alvin C. York Institute
Kassow, Aaliyah 3:07.12 Alvin C. York Institute
McKee, Luci 3:10.44 White Co. High School
Reeves, Emma 3:13.19 Rhea County High School
Sitton, Sophia 3:14.00 Clarkrange High School
Wright, Kirsten 4:08.14 White Co. High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tuley, Jade 88-5 Cumberland Co. High School
Davis, Savannah 81-7 Livingston Academy
Headrick, Kortney 78-9.5 Stone Memorial High School
Dunford, Annabeth 76-2.5 Alvin C. York Institute
Paramo, Gema 73-7 Stone Memorial High School
Johnson, Abagail 72-0 Upperman High School
Morrison, Poppy 71-0 Cumberland Co. High School
Reed, Cleseste 70-0 White Co. High School
Harbin, Brittani 69-7 Stone Memorial High School
Pile, Emma 67-7.75 Alvin C. York Institute
Moore, Abbey 67-7 White Co. High School
Lawson, Briley 66-7 Rhea County High School
Gentry, Karley 66-6 White Co. High School
Conner, Cora 65-5.5 Livingston Academy
Betsinger, Calla 65-0 Cumberland Co. High School
Bilbrey, Caitlyn 61-6.5 Clarkrange High School
Linder, Carly 57-8 Livingston Academy
Harris, Emree 50-2 Rhea County High School
Gunter, Molly 48-9 Clarkrange High School
Hayes, Meadow 44-5 Clarkrange High School
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HS Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
moss, meiah 5-0 Upperman High School
Gargac, Marleigh 4-8 Cumberland Co. High School
Dailey, Chloe 4-8 Clarkrange High School
Whiteaker, Jordyn 4-1 White Co. High School
Manis , Payton 4-0 Clarkrange High School
Crowe, Carley 4-0 Livingston Academy
Lindsay, Mallori 4-0 Livingston Academy
Mammana, Isabelle 4-0 Livingston Academy
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HS Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manis , Payton 16-3.5 Clarkrange High School
Griggs, Callieanna 14-8.25 White Co. High School
Tibbs, Jazmine 14-6 Cumberland Co. High School
Hopkins, Kady 14-2.5 Clarkrange High School
Mitchell, Sydney 14-0.25 Alvin C. York Institute
Franklin, Cali 13-11.25 Alvin C. York Institute
Napier, Ashton 13-8.75 Clarkrange High School
Gibson, Ashley 13-7 White Co. High School
Pryor, Kaylee 12-9.25 Livingston Academy
Grace, Trinity 12-7 Cumberland Co. High School
Morris, Jordan 12-5 Upperman High School
Johnson, Jayla 12-5 Upperman High School
West, Bailey 12-5 Upperman High School
Storie, Lauren 11-11.25 Livingston Academy
Sackett, Isabella 11-2.75 White Co. High School
Brown, Prew 10-9 Livingston Academy
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HS Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Abagail 33-6.5 Upperman High School
Pile, Emma 31-11.25 Alvin C. York Institute
Tuley, Jade 30-9.5 Cumberland Co. High School
Headrick, Kortney 30-4 Stone Memorial High School
Dunford, Annabeth 27-10 Alvin C. York Institute
Paramo, Gema 27-8.5 Stone Memorial High School
Gentry, Karley 27-0.5 White Co. High School
Reed, Cleseste 26-7.25 White Co. High School
Harris, Cash'e 25-9.25 Cumberland Co. High School
Harbin, Brittani 25-8.75 Stone Memorial High School
Davis, Savannah 25-8 Livingston Academy
Lawson, Briley 25-8 Rhea County High School
Conner, Cora 25-5 Livingston Academy
Bilbrey, Caitlyn 23-4 Clarkrange High School
Morrison, Poppy 22-8 Cumberland Co. High School
Harris, Emree 22-3.75 Rhea County High School
Gunter, Molly 22-3 Clarkrange High School
Linder, Carly 20-11 Livingston Academy
Goines, Savanna 20-9.5 White Co. High School
moss, meiah 20-0 Upperman High School
Hayes, Meadow 17-9.5 Clarkrange High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Griggs, Callieanna 29-7 White Co. High School
Franklin, Cali 28-3.75 Alvin C. York Institute
Hinds, Tara 24-0.75 Livingston Academy
Pryor, Kaylee 24-0 Livingston Academy
Ayers, Aaliyah 24-0 Livingston Academy
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