Willco Championships 2022

Nolensville, TN

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Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Zach 11.07 Battle Ground Academy
Jackson, Jalen 11.40 Nolensville High School
McLemore, Devin 11.45 Battle Ground Academy
Dean, Zack 11.57 Independence High School
Manning, Mathew 11.58 Brentwood High School
Cone, Jack 11.75 Franklin High School
Day, Brennan 11.82 Fred J. Page High School
Faulkner, Jacob 11.87 Brentwood High School
Kenneth, Bailey 11.89 Centennial High School
Smith, Ethan 11.93 Ravenwood High School
Bickly, Kole 11.95 Independence High School
Green, Tyson 12.00 Ravenwood High School
Lee, Brennan 12.00 Fred J. Page High School
Cannon, Jonathon 12.01 Summit High School
Burch, William 12.14 Summit High School
Pascoe, Shayne 12.18 Franklin High School
Patchett, Brice 12.21 Fred J. Page High School
Wall, Calvin 12.22 Independence High School
McDougal, Baker 12.25 Brentwood High School
Davis, Kaden 12.26 Summit High School
Siebe, Travis 12.30 Ravenwood High School
Scanlon, Austin 12.30h Nolensville High School
Andrew, Kim 12.41 Centennial High School
Dodson, Carter 12.50h Franklin High School
Thoreson, Sam 12.50h Fairview High School
Abrams, Tag 12.50h Nolensville High School
Grant, Layden 12.64 Fairview High School
Johnson, Sam 12.70h Fairview High School
Willimason, Cody 12.91 Centennial High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patrick, James 14.67 Franklin High School
Lewis, Morgan 14.91 Nolensville High School
Sparks, Bryce 15.54 Franklin High School
Carter, Aiden 15.99 Brentwood High School
Hickman, Jadon 16.22 Summit High School
Rutland, Jordan 17.05 Fred J. Page High School
Kinder, Canon 17.32 Brentwood High School
Bass, John 17.35 Ravenwood High School
Koserski, Braeden 17.77 Independence High School
Faulkner, Austin 18.00 Brentwood High School
Sirivong, Ty 18.09 Nolensville High School
Paul, Jacob 18.43 Nolensville High School
Dawson, Bobby 18.68 Fairview High School
Grove, Miller 18.90 Ravenwood High School
George, Clay 19.08 Battle Ground Academy
Sanderson, Boe 20.01 Fairview High School
Grove, Mac 20.17 Franklin High School
Hatcher, Samuel 21.42 Fred J. Page High School
Ingram, Bobby 21.61 Centennial High School
Chase, Morehouse 21.61 Centennial High School
Barnes, Cameron 21.90 Ravenwood High School
Demorest, David 22.23 Battle Ground Academy
Joshua, Davis 22.96 Centennial High School
Holt, Henry 23.00 Battle Ground Academy
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chapman, Brody 4:20.00 Brentwood High School
McGuire, Daniel 4:20.39 Franklin Classical School
Alexander, Trace 4:26.70 Battle Ground Academy
Harris, Parker 4:28.95 Franklin High School
Andrea, Matthew 4:34.01 Fairview High School
Brown, David 4:34.56 Franklin High School
Johnson, Will 4:34.72 Ravenwood High School
Biskner, Brycen 4:37.20 Ravenwood High School
Fielder, Callahan 4:39.80 Brentwood High School
Fielder, Payne 4:44.92 Brentwood High School
Silva, Andrew 4:48.62 Ravenwood High School
Vanderkolk, Connor 4:49.06 Brentwood High School
Stewart, Trenton 4:51.87 Independence High School
Pautienus, Robert 4:52.65 Brentwood High School
Haack, Aiden 4:52.88 Fred J. Page High School
West, Caleb 4:55.10 Ravenwood High School
Evans, Jack 4:55.23 Battle Ground Academy
Faircloth, Eli 4:57.05 Fred J. Page High School
Magee, Noah 4:58.00h Franklin High School
Pearson, Finn 5:00.91 Independence High School
Grow, Ethan 5:11.99 Centennial High School
Chatterton, Andrew 5:15.65 Independence High School
Early, Campbell 5:17.90 Nolensville High School
Meyer, Jack 5:20.22 Ravenwood High School
O'Hara, Jamison 5:21.52 Fairview High School
Hernandez, Jacob 5:21.76 Fred J. Page High School
Splittgerber, Carter 5:21.90 Fairview High School
Maguire, Noah 5:22.34 Nolensville High School
Stamper, Owen 5:25.39 Centennial High School
Headrick, Jack Charles 5:29.37 Battle Ground Academy
Rumley, Tomas 5:31.76 Nolensville High School
Zimmerman, McKinley 5:35.10 Fred J. Page High School
Forrester, Tyler 5:35.40 Nolensville High School
Shaw, Peyton 5:40.00h Franklin High School
Groene, Josh 5:50.00h Franklin High School
Shanks, Mason 6:00.99 Nolensville High School
Cortes, Nickolas 6:01.59 Summit High School
Anderson, Austin 6:24.94 Fred J. Page High School
Beguin, Nicholas 6:25 Summit High School
Cope, Harlan 6:32.01 Summit High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weldon, Sterling 22.48 Nolensville High School
Allain, Hudson 22.52 Brentwood High School
Williams, Sean 22.96 Battle Ground Academy
Robertson, Drew 23.45 Independence High School
Hallett, Trey 23.50h Ravenwood High School
Bonner, Sam 23.61 Brentwood High School
Newman, Ian 23.71 Franklin High School
Johnson, Ethan 23.76 Summit High School
Veith, Sawyer 23.85 Franklin High School
Batey, Keidron 23.87 Nolensville High School
Boone, James 23.88 Ravenwood High School
Jordan, Ryan 23.94 Ravenwood High School
Vinson, Zane 24.04 Independence High School
Rollins, Phillip 24.12 Brentwood High School
Scott, Will 24.13 Fred J. Page High School
Casaletta-Holmes, Lucas 24.30h Fairview High School
Day, Brennan 24.36 Fred J. Page High School
Hill, Jack 24.42 Summit High School
Kenneth, Bailey 24.58 Centennial High School
Thoreson, Sam 24.80h Fairview High School
Northcutt, Brawner 24.80h Franklin High School
Nixon-Wesby, Emory 24.80h Nolensville High School
Grant, Layden 25.20h Fairview High School
Patchett, Brice 25.55 Fred J. Page High School
Wall, Calvin 25.63 Independence High School
Andrew, Kim 25.84 Centennial High School
Edwards, Ethan 26.50h Summit High School
Daniel, Kim 27.17 Centennial High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robold, Trip 1:00.00 Ravenwood High School
George, Clay 1:00.00 Battle Ground Academy
Lewis, Morgan 39.34 Nolensville High School
Hickman, Jadon 41.63 Summit High School
Rutland, Jordan 43.62 Fred J. Page High School
Brimm, William 43.63 Nolensville High School
Cutts, Lindsay 45.64 Franklin High School
Dawson, Bobby 46.60h Fairview High School
Sanderson, Boe 46.80h Fairview High School
Dodson, Carter 47.57 Franklin High School
Colbert, Luke 48.50h Nolensville High School
Hatcher, Samuel 48.62 Fred J. Page High School
Marak, Jacob 48.80h Franklin High School
Ackmann, Jake 50.00h Summit High School
Holt, Henry 50.12 Battle Ground Academy
Demorest, David 51.79 Battle Ground Academy
Ingram, Bobby 52.52 Centennial High School
Chase, Morehouse 52.52 Centennial High School
Joshua, Davis 56.23 Centennial High School
Szeliga, Jackson 56.47 Summit High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vanderkolk, Connor 10:02.90 Brentwood High School
Parker, Landon 10:28.91 Brentwood High School
Silva, Andrew 10:34.78 Ravenwood High School
Mattis, Stephen 10:53.89 Franklin High School
Gross, Tyler 10:57.25 Independence High School
Haslam, Zachary 10:57.90 Franklin High School
Glisson-Schlitt, Jack 11:10.00 Nolensville High School
Evans, Jack 11:18.50 Battle Ground Academy
Wallace - Langston, Tristan 11:28.43 Independence High School
Splittgerber, Carter 11:30.00 Fairview High School
Doyle, Wyatt 11:30.00 Franklin High School
O'Neal, Grant 11:37.34 Nolensville High School
Harkins, Kyle 11:38.88 Ravenwood High School
Early, Campbell 11:38.90 Nolensville High School
Leavy, Isaac 11:42.44 Independence High School
Hicks, John 11:44.41 Franklin High School
Flores, Josh 11:45.00 Fairview High School
Zimmerman, McKinley 11:47.58 Fred J. Page High School
Bowman, Jayden 11:50.00 Fairview High School
Anderson, Austin 11:52.00 Fred J. Page High School
Kenyon, Zach 11:56.47 Battle Ground Academy
Maguire, Noah 11:57.27 Nolensville High School
Swiger, Zach 11:58.00 Franklin High School
Fowler, Michael 12:00.00 Fred J. Page High School
Headrick, Jack Charles 12:09.83 Battle Ground Academy
Forrester, Tyler 12:27.09 Nolensville High School
Stubblebine, Marc 13:07.24 Fred J. Page High School
Brown, Kyle 13:26.73 Ravenwood High School
Ramer, Miles 9:16.04 Ravenwood High School
Fielder, Callahan 9:41.36 Brentwood High School
Johnson, Will 9:42.89 Ravenwood High School
Rittler, Jack 9:48.04 Brentwood High School
Pautienus, Robert 9:50.53 Brentwood High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horrell, Joseph 1:00.37 Ravenwood High School
Fannin, Blake 1:00.61 Fairview High School
Hall, Sam 1:02.33 Summit High School
Robbins, Jonah 1:05.00h Fairview High School
Fatony, Noah 1:05.88 Fairview High School
Detroit, Josh 1:07.00h Nolensville High School
Patrick, James 51.01 Franklin High School
Robertson, Drew 51.47 Independence High School
Irvin, Blake 51.58 Ravenwood High School
Allain, Hudson 51.88 Brentwood High School
Weaver, C.j. 51.95 Brentwood High School
Weldon, Sterling 52.82 Nolensville High School
Scott, Will 52.83 Fred J. Page High School
Pisano, Angelo 53.17 Summit High School
Newman, Ian 53.21 Franklin High School
Spender, Pearson 53.61 Brentwood High School
Mabury, Miller 53.73 Battle Ground Academy
Ashley, Michael 53.75 Independence High School
Grove, Mac 54.88 Franklin High School
Blake, Hampton 55.01 Centennial High School
Osburn, Alex 55.30 Ravenwood High School
Wein, Taylor 55.54 Nolensville High School
Hogan, Brock 56.89 Fred J. Page High School
Bradshaw, Wyatt 57 Independence High School
Kennedy, Locke 57.00 Battle Ground Academy
Lincoln, Will 57.00 Battle Ground Academy
Luke, Burnett 57.20 Centennial High School
Hatcher, Samuel 57.65 Fred J. Page High School
Deshaun, Shanklin 58.47 Centennial High School
Nelson, Providence 59.00h Summit High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.77 Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 43.84 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team A 44.47 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 44.80h Fairview High School
Relay Team A 45.06 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 45.90h Summit High School
Relay Team A 45.92 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 46.29 Independence High School
Relay Team A 48.12 Centennial High School
Relay Team A 48.18 Fred J. Page High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:32.00h Fairview High School
Relay Team A 1:33.65 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 1:34.00h Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:35.00h Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 1:35.43 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 1:36.52 Fred J. Page High School
Relay Team A 1:38.32 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team A 1:38.46 Independence High School
Relay Team A 1:39.09 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 1:40.76 Centennial High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:25.95 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 3:35.45 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 3:36.00h Fairview High School
Relay Team A 3:42.25 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 3:44.19 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team A 3:48.58 Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 3:50.12 Centennial High School
Relay Team A 3:52.93 Fred J. Page High School
Relay Team A 3:58.56 Independence High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 10:29.20 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 8:19.00 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 8:23.46 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 9:00.11 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team A 9:00.20 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 9:00.77 Centennial High School
Relay Team A 9:10.00h Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 9:12.62 Fairview High School
Relay Team A 9:18.38 Independence High School
Relay Team A 9:19.89 Fred J. Page High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Biskner, Brycen 1:59.71 Ravenwood High School
Harris, Parker 2:00.09 Franklin High School
Rose, Kyle 2:00.29 Brentwood High School
Brown, David 2:00.48 Franklin High School
Chapman, Brody 2:01.55 Brentwood High School
Trahan, Brayden 2:02.53 Independence High School
Cox, Nathan 2:02.91 Brentwood High School
Alexander, Trace 2:03.48 Battle Ground Academy
Martinez, Nate 2:05.00 Independence High School
Andrea, Matthew 2:05.90 Fairview High School
Haack, Aiden 2:08.18 Fred J. Page High School
Butson, Ty 2:08.67 Independence High School
Hurst, Cooper 2:09.44 Franklin High School
Ellis, Aiden 2:10.00h Fairview High School
Gordon, Ben 2:10.77 Nolensville High School
O'Hara, Jamison 2:13.00h Fairview High School
Hernandez, Jacob 2:13.04 Fred J. Page High School
Russell, Bryce 2:14.97 Nolensville High School
Jenkins, Sam 2:15.00h Fred J. Page High School
Farmer, Cody 2:16.69 Nolensville High School
Bauer, Will 2:17.00 Battle Ground Academy
Green, Doug 2:17.27 Summit High School
Zhang, Brady 2:20.25 Battle Ground Academy
Maximilian, Dohring 2:21.89 Centennial High School
Tarter, Cole 2:22.22 Ravenwood High School
Jackson, Pfefferkorn 2:25.37 Centennial High School
Lampert, Jacob 2:28.30 Summit High School
Cortes, Nickolas 2:30.00h Summit High School
Deshaun, Shanklin 2:30.00h Centennial High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Mason 150-2 Ravenwood High School
Anderson, Fisher 138-6 Franklin High School
Combs, Cole 136-8 Fred J. Page High School
Koch, Cooper 133-1 Summit High School
Dodd, Anthony 128-11 Franklin High School
Modell, Jackson 118-3 Franklin High School
Fiechtl, Patrick 117-9 Ravenwood High School
Coggin, John Mark 110-8 Ravenwood High School
Carter, Seth 108-9 Brentwood High School
Johnson, Kenny 108-4 Independence High School
Sutherland, Luke 106-2 Battle Ground Academy
Koserski, Braeden 104-3 Independence High School
Drumwright, Benjamin 103-11 Brentwood High School
Brindle, Kaiden 103-4 Fred J. Page High School
Downing, Jayden 100-0 Independence High School
Weisel, Zach 93-9 Nolensville High School
Wein, Taylor 93-6 Nolensville High School
Lauritzen, Chase 90-5 Fred J. Page High School
Clevenger, Jacob 90-0 Fairview High School
Hempfling, Ethan 84-7 Fairview High School
Crabtree, Robert 83-4 Summit High School
Morris, Zion 82-6 Battle Ground Academy
Rogers, Dylan 81-8 Brentwood High School
Farris, Conner 75-11 Fairview High School
Hall, Ashton 73-5 Nolensville High School
Minge, Henry 72-7 Battle Ground Academy
Jonathan, Vaughn 71-9 Centennial High School
Cupples, William 68-0 Summit High School
Cy, Lankford 65-0 Centennial High School
Justin, Davis 57-4 Centennial High School
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HS Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patrick, James 6-6 Franklin High School
Mulick, Ryan 6-0 Fred J. Page High School
Hogan, Brock 6-0 Fred J. Page High School
Brown, Christian 5-10 Battle Ground Academy
Becker, Ethan 5-10 Independence High School
Koserski, Braeden 5-10 Independence High School
Nixon-Wesby, Emory 5-10 Nolensville High School
Jones, John 5-8 Fred J. Page High School
Carter, Aiden 5-8 Brentwood High School
Bass, John 5-8 Ravenwood High School
Colbert, Luke 5-6 Nolensville High School
Mabury, Miller 5-4 Battle Ground Academy
Faulkner, Austin 5-4 Brentwood High School
Kinder, Canon 5-4 Brentwood High School
Erickson, Finley 5-4 Nolensville High School
Carlig, Ian 5-2 Battle Ground Academy
Jackson, Colin 5-2 Franklin High School
Grove, Mac 5-2 Franklin High School
Pendergrass, Kennedy 5-2 Fairview High School
Lowry, Weston 5-2 Fairview High School
Dawson, Bobby 5-2 Fairview High School
Joshua, Davis 5-2 Centennial High School
Maurice, Rodriguez 5-2 Centennial High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weldon, Sterling 23-0.25 Nolensville High School
Williams, Sean 21-7.5 Battle Ground Academy
Powell, Lance 21-5 Nolensville High School
Hogan, Brock 20-6 Fred J. Page High School
Hallett, Trey 20-6 Ravenwood High School
Starr, DJ 20-4 Ravenwood High School
Starr, Donovan 20-1 Ravenwood High School
Jackson, Jalen 19-8.5 Nolensville High School
Kennedy, Locke 19-6.75 Battle Ground Academy
Faulkner, Jacob 19-0 Brentwood High School
Jones, John 18-9.5 Fred J. Page High School
McLemore, Devin 18-9 Battle Ground Academy
Wall, Calvin 18-7.5 Independence High School
Luke, Burnett 18-6 Centennial High School
Newman, Ian 18-3 Franklin High School
Anway, Jackson 17-9 Fred J. Page High School
Noah-Wilson, Sam 17-9 Independence High School
Hickman, Jadon 17-6.25 Summit High School
Grove, Mac 17-5.5 Franklin High School
Davis, Clay 17-4.75 Independence High School
Veith, Sawyer 17-1 Franklin High School
Pendergrass, Kennedy 17-0 Fairview High School
Sanderson, Boe 16-9 Fairview High School
Neal, Dylan 16-0 Summit High School
Fatony, Noah 16-0 Fairview High School
Burch, William 16-0 Summit High School
Crowder, Xavier 15-8.5 Centennial High School
Blake, Hampton 15-0 Centennial High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dodd, Anthony 54-9.5 Franklin High School
Green, Mason 48-6.5 Ravenwood High School
Skinner, Conner 45-8 Fred J. Page High School
Anderson, Fisher 44-3 Franklin High School
Rogers, Dylan 44-0 Brentwood High School
Koch, Cooper 43-10 Summit High School
Morris, Zion 43-6 Battle Ground Academy
Jones, Patrick 43-1 Franklin High School
Combs, Cole 43-0 Fred J. Page High School
Carter, Seth 42-10.5 Brentwood High School
Weisel, Zach 41-6 Nolensville High School
Fiechtl, Patrick 41-5 Ravenwood High School
Johnson, Kenny 41-2 Independence High School
Clevenger, Jacob 40-0 Fairview High School
Hempfling, Ethan 37-3 Fairview High School
Brindle, Kaiden 36-3 Fred J. Page High School
Ognibene, Grayson 36-3 Brentwood High School
Downing, Jayden 35-11.5 Independence High School
Sutherland, Luke 34-7 Battle Ground Academy
Adams, Carson 33-10 Independence High School
Robertson, Cooper 33-3 Ravenwood High School
Farris, Conner 32-8 Fairview High School
Minge, Henry 31-3 Battle Ground Academy
Cupples, William 30-7 Summit High School
Hall, Ashton 28-4.5 Nolensville High School
Crabtree, Robert 27-8 Summit High School
Cy, Lankford 25-5.5 Centennial High School
Justin, Davis 24-8 Centennial High School
Jonathan, Vaughn 24-0 Centennial High School
Havens, Declan 23-11 Nolensville High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powell, Lance 43-4.5 Nolensville High School
Brimm, William 40-1.5 Nolensville High School
Holt, Henry 38-3 Battle Ground Academy
Love, BJ 38-0 Independence High School
Faulkner, Jacob 37-0 Brentwood High School
Barnett, Miller 36-7.5 Battle Ground Academy
Anway, Jackson 36-6 Fred J. Page High School
Jackson, Colin 35-9 Franklin High School
Houston, David 35-9 Brentwood High School
Bass, John 35-0 Ravenwood High School
Houghtaling, Taggart 31-2.5 Franklin High School
Fatony, Noah 28-0 Fairview High School
Murry, Travon 27-0 Fairview High School
Robbins, Jonah 26-0 Fairview High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Kaylen 12.50 Ravenwood High School
Polisky, Aliya 12.68 Franklin High School
Jewett, Kendall 12.73 Fred J. Page High School
Amari, Robinson 12.83 Centennial High School
Anderson, Summer 12.96 Fairview High School
Miller, Abby 13.12 Summit High School
Esmon, Kimora 13.50 Summit High School
Jones, Emmy 13.50 Brentwood High School
Clingenpeel, Natalie 13.57 Franklin High School
Ebert, Soria 13.61 Franklin High School
Pennartz, Audrey 13.80h Nolensville High School
Berg, Alyssa 13.90h Fairview High School
Kim, Willow 13.97 Brentwood High School
Pewterbaugh, Miranda 14.06 Fairview High School
Walters, Elizabeth 14.06 Brentwood High School
Quarles, Kennedi 14.28 Ravenwood High School
Coffman, Kassiah 14.78 Independence High School
DeHainut, Lyza 14.85 Fred J. Page High School
Ellenberger, Giana 14.90h Independence High School
Larkin, Miya 14.94 Battle Ground Academy
Addy, Royalty 15.00h Summit High School
Alabi, Ara 15.00h Ravenwood High School
Pack, Kayla 15.05 Fred J. Page High School
Boyd, Javen 15.12 Nolensville High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dobson, Elise 15.00 Nolensville High School
Patton, Ashlyn 15.68 Battle Ground Academy
Yount, Sophie 15.93 Brentwood High School
Bell, Kiersten 16.00 Brentwood High School
Wakatsuki, Yukino 16.71 Franklin High School
Litwin, Lucy 16.89 Franklin High School
Lane, Aubrey 17.09 Grace Christian Academy (Frankli
Jordan, Kate 18.42 Ravenwood High School
Jean, Anna-Ruth 18.79 Fairview High School
Greco, Gianna 19.88 Independence High School
Sutinis, Elise 19.90 Franklin High School
Sapo, Ketsia 20.00h Summit High School
Peek, Finley 21.30 Fred J. Page High School
Cassidy, Rive 21.67 Fred J. Page High School
Bonga, Elizabeth 21.83 Ravenwood High School
Elle, Lucas 22.29 Centennial High School
Louis, Madeline 22.51 Summit High School
Wright, Helen 23.05 Summit High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stegall, Claire 4:54.73 Nolensville High School
Halterman, Jayne 4:55.63 Independence High School
Rutherford, Sofia 4:57.46 Brentwood High School
Rayl, Jordan 5:09.44 Ravenwood High School
Strauss, Peyton 5:09.76 Brentwood High School
Mooney, Searcy 5:15.09 Nolensville High School
Stegall, Hayley 5:20.00h Nolensville High School
Boutros, Sophia 5:20.96 Fred J. Page High School
Boutros, Gabrielle 5:22.45 Fred J. Page High School
Haws, Rachel 5:22.67 Brentwood High School
Pautienus, Cari 5:23.86 Brentwood High School
Laubach, Hannah 5:24.60 Ravenwood High School
Huang, Charlene 5:24.97 Ravenwood High School
Andrea, Alyssa 5:29.37 Fairview High School
Aguayo, Addi 5:34.54 Centennial High School
Ammon, Rhys 5:35.99 Centennial High School
Beard, Corinna 5:38.64 Franklin High School
Baker, Lola 5:39.00 Brentwood High School
Holloway, Hailey 5:39.69 Independence High School
Pearson, Emma 5:40.17 Independence High School
Elliott, Amy 5:45.40 Franklin High School
Whitten, Veronika 5:50.64 Summit High School
Colvard, Claire 6:03.80 Franklin High School
Dooley, Ivie 6:07.17 Franklin High School
Cook, Elizabeth 6:10.00h Franklin High School
Boone, Bailey 6:14.87 Fairview High School
Bolinger, Isabella 6:18.92 Ravenwood High School
Mundie, Savannah 6:20.00h Nolensville High School
Milne, Carol 6:28.75 Ravenwood High School
Bennett, Layla 6:45.26 Nolensville High School
Hallmark, Lauren 6:48.60 Summit High School
Anderson, MacKenzie 6:54.13 Fred J. Page High School
Morgan, Ella 7:23.06 Summit High School
Sizemore, Addison 7:35.00 Battle Ground Academy
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Kaylen 25.27 Ravenwood High School
Arkava, Alyssa 25.43 Ravenwood High School
Mackey, Nyla 25.86 Independence High School
Polisky, Aliya 26.43 Franklin High School
Moore, Ryan 26.97 Centennial High School
Kent, Saba 27.00 Brentwood High School
Jewett, Kendall 27.01 Fred J. Page High School
Patton, Ashlyn 27.07 Battle Ground Academy
Anderson, Summer 27.96 Fairview High School
Esmon, Kimora 27.97 Summit High School
Ebert, Soria 28.10 Franklin High School
Avery, Beck 28.15 Centennial High School
Fisher, Riley 28.26 Independence High School
Kahan, Rachel 28.39 Franklin High School
Stahl, Paige 28.59 Fred J. Page High School
Buckley, Madeline 28.68 Brentwood High School
Gant, Emerson 28.94 Centennial High School
Price, Ellery 29.76 Brentwood High School
Berg, Alyssa 30.35 Fairview High School
Pewterbaugh, Miranda 30.36 Fairview High School
Boyd, Javen 30.50h Nolensville High School
Wood, Ella 30.81 Fred J. Page High School
Coffman, Kassiah 31.23 Independence High School
Bounds, Brianna 31.28 Nolensville High School
Addy, Royalty 32.41 Summit High School
Murillo, Laura 33.00h Ravenwood High School
Bowman, Elizabeth 33.52 Battle Ground Academy
Grimsley, Sophia 34.00 Battle Ground Academy
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeChellis, Gianna 1:00 Summit High School
Ousley, Jayla 1:10.00h Summit High School
Nihill, Emma 50.09 Franklin High School
Visser, Blaire 50.20h Fairview High School
Walters, Elizabeth 50.34 Brentwood High School
Litwin, Lucy 51.12 Franklin High School
Dawson, Leila 52.80 Ravenwood High School
Sutinis, Elise 54.20h Franklin High School
Taylor, Sofia 55.00 Centennial High School
Jean, Anna-Ruth 55.43 Fairview High School
Peek, Finley 57.86 Fred J. Page High School
Sapo, Ketsia 58.00h Summit High School
Cassidy, Rive 59.11 Fred J. Page High School
Eckerle, Summer 62 Independence High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cromwell, Lydia 11:13.35 Brentwood High School
Mooney, Searcy 11:18.36 Nolensville High School
Tyll, Brooke 11:23.08 Brentwood High School
Rayl, Jordan 11:32.44 Ravenwood High School
Baker, Lola 11:58.30 Brentwood High School
Laubach, Hannah 11:58.94 Ravenwood High School
Parker, Hailey 12:00.00 Brentwood High School
Holloway, Hailey 12:01.69 Independence High School
Huang, Charlene 12:03.05 Ravenwood High School
Stallman, Annmarie 12:14.78 Brentwood High School
Halterman, Joanna 12:26.93 Independence High School
Aguayo, Addi 12:31.13 Centennial High School
Gatlin, Paige 12:49.63 Ravenwood High School
McMullen, Abigail 13:08.54 Ravenwood High School
Bennett, Maddie 13:19.29 Nolensville High School
Earls, Chloe 13:20.00 Nolensville High School
Charland, Mary 13:28.95 Franklin High School
Fausey, Annabelle 14:03.61 Franklin High School
Hodges, Hannah-Whitt 14:10.10 Franklin High School
Mundie, Savannah 14:11.06 Nolensville High School
Conn, Bella 14:21.34 Nolensville High School
Dooley, Ivie 14:26.79 Franklin High School
Cline, Lauren 15:00.00 Franklin High School
Anderson, MacKenzie 15:18.50 Fred J. Page High School
Boone, Bailey 15:30.00 Fairview High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phelps, Laurel 1:02.07 Battle Ground Academy
Harvey, Presleigh 1:03.04 Independence High School
Nihill, Emma 1:03.22 Franklin High School
Cole, Brooke 1:04.60 Brentwood High School
Chapman, Kendall 1:04.93 Franklin High School
Boulay, Gabrielle 1:05.00h Centennial High School
Garrett, Victoria 1:05.32 Franklin High School
Phelps, Lindsay 1:05.38 Battle Ground Academy
Vaughn, Satchel 1:05.39 Nolensville High School
Avery, Beck 1:05.70 Centennial High School
Harney, Sara Grace 1:07.00 Battle Ground Academy
Howell, Addison 1:07.22 Ravenwood High School
Deeds, Georgia 1:08.25 Independence High School
Whitten, Veronika 1:08.40 Summit High School
Turks, Kyleigh 1:08.45 Centennial High School
Greco, Gianna 1:08.68 Independence High School
Saavedra, Ashley 1:08.72 Fairview High School
Motz, Maddy 1:09.06 Nolensville High School
Wood, Ella 1:09.37 Fred J. Page High School
Koczaja, Emily 1:10.12 Fred J. Page High School
Chapski, Sydney 1:11.07 Ravenwood High School
VanDyke, Claire 1:11.63 Brentwood High School
Berg, Alyssa 1:11.79 Fairview High School
Baggett, Addison 1:12.83 Fred J. Page High School
Holsenbeck, Samantha 1:15.00h Summit High School
Koh, Alice 1:20.22 Ravenwood High School
Issa, Isobel 1:21.96 Fairview High School
Brownfield, Logan 59.50h Brentwood High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.99 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 50.76 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 52.67 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 52.84 Centennial High School
Relay Team A 54.72 Fairview High School
Relay Team A 54.75 Fred J. Page High School
Relay Team A 58.00 Nolensville High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:45.76 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 1:48.66 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 1:49.56 Independence High School
Relay Team A 1:51.09 Centennial High School
Relay Team A 1:53.66 Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 1:54.00h Fairview High School
Relay Team A 1:57.37 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team A 2:02.02 Fred J. Page High School
Relay Team A 2:05.14 Ravenwood High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:09.59 Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 4:10.11 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 4:23.51 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 4:24.00h Independence High School
Relay Team A 4:27.63 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 4:28.79 Fred J. Page High School
Relay Team A 4:31.18 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team B 4:35.00h Franklin High School
Relay Team A 4:38.27 Fairview High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:06.61 Centennial High School
Relay Team A 10:25.32 Franklin High School
Relay Team B 10:25.32 Franklin High School
Relay Team A 10:30.00 Battle Ground Academy
Relay Team A 10:32.38 Ravenwood High School
Relay Team A 10:35.00 Independence High School
Relay Team A 10:35.00 Brentwood High School
Relay Team A 10:50.00 Nolensville High School
Relay Team A 10:55.92 Fred J. Page High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lane, Aubrey 2:15.20 Grace Christian Academy (Frankli
Stegall, Claire 2:17.00h Nolensville High School
Strauss, Peyton 2:22.15 Brentwood High School
Haws, Rachel 2:22.46 Brentwood High School
Stegall, Hayley 2:22.51 Nolensville High School
Boulay, Gabrielle 2:22.91 Centennial High School
Pautienus, Cari 2:23.68 Brentwood High School
Miller, Abby 2:25.00h Summit High School
Delaney, Mulick 2:26.14 Centennial High School
Andrea, Alyssa 2:28.34 Fairview High School
Sloan, Loren 2:29.13 Fairview High School
Boutros, Sophia 2:29.25 Fred J. Page High School
Edwards, Madison 2:29.33 Franklin High School
Boutros, Gabrielle 2:29.74 Fred J. Page High School
Ude, Samantha 2:30.11 Independence High School
Wright, Bethany 2:34.95 Centennial High School
Patton, Maddy 2:36.15 Nolensville High School
Fetting, Ava 2:40.00h Fred J. Page High School
Whitten, Veronika 2:40.68 Summit High School
Kang, Hannah 2:43.97 Ravenwood High School
Solomon, Gracie 2:45 Franklin High School
Cleveland, Harris 2:46.96 Battle Ground Academy
Constantine, Caroline 2:50.00h Summit High School
Issa, Isobel 2:50.00h Fairview High School
Colvard, Claire 2:50.48 Franklin High School
Vlach, Madeline 2:52.08 Ravenwood High School
Sizemore, Addison 3:18.56 Battle Ground Academy
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HS Girls Discus Throw 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grimes, Reghan 141-9 Ravenwood High School
Tang, Sarah 117-9.5 Independence High School
Weaver, Norah 115-0 Franklin High School
Tyra, Petway 108-9 Centennial High School
Wright, Cydney 104-8 Summit High School
Bryant, Nellie 90-0 Franklin High School
Clarke, Lucy 77-6 Nolensville High School
DeLaughter, Briana 76-8 Battle Ground Academy
Beverly, Larkin 76-0.5 Centennial High School
Rich, Lauren 64-7 Brentwood High School
Pettigrew, Kayla 63-0 Summit High School
Rigsby, Reagan 62-6 Nolensville High School
Crockett, Jessica 62-3 Fred J. Page High School
Hurst, Amira 60-5 Nolensville High School
Baxter, Ella 60-4 Summit High School
Garner, Ava 58-0 Independence High School
Collier, Morgan 58-0 Ravenwood High School
Dillingham, Rylie 45-8.5 Fairview High School
Hoesel, Allison 43-4 Brentwood High School
Hauptman, Anna 30-1 Fred J. Page High School
Corley, Madelyn 25-5 Fred J. Page High School
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HS Girls High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dobson, Elise 5-6 Nolensville High School
Lane, Aubrey 5-0 Grace Christian Academy (Frankli
Phelps, Laurel 4-10 Battle Ground Academy
Bell, Kiersten 4-10 Brentwood High School
Stahl, Paige 4-8 Fred J. Page High School
Bates, Mackenzie 4-8 Nolensville High School
Anderson, Rachel 4-6 Ravenwood High School
Clark, Allison 4-6 Ravenwood High School
Elle, Lucas 4-5 Centennial High School
Cassidy, Rive 4-4 Fred J. Page High School
Lippincott, Olivia 4-4 Fred J. Page High School
Dahlke, Camille 4-4 Franklin High School
Kemble, Allison 4-4 Independence High School
Taylor, Sofia 4-4 Centennial High School
Sutinis, Elise 4-2 Franklin High School
Jean, Anna-Ruth 4-2 Fairview High School
Andee, Cornelious 4-2 Centennial High School
Burnett, Cohen 4-0 Battle Ground Academy
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HS Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arkava, Alyssa 18-5 Ravenwood High School
Litwin, Lucy 17-8 Franklin High School
Yount, Sophie 16-8 Brentwood High School
Jordan, Kate 16-4 Ravenwood High School
Sloan, Loren 16-0 Fairview High School
Amari, Robinson 15-9 Centennial High School
Moore, Ryan 15-9 Centennial High School
Patton, Ashlyn 15-2 Battle Ground Academy
Visser, Blaire 15-0.5 Fairview High School
Kent, Saba 14-11 Brentwood High School
Sutinis, Elise 14-5 Franklin High School
Garrett, Victoria 14-4.25 Franklin High School
DeLaughter, Erica 14-2 Battle Ground Academy
Lippincott, Olivia 13-9 Fred J. Page High School
Boyd, Javen 12-7.5 Nolensville High School
Dehal, Kiran 12-7 Fred J. Page High School
Elle, Lucas 12-4 Centennial High School
Brown, Sami 12-1 Fred J. Page High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tang, Sarah 41-11 Independence High School
Grimes, Reghan 41-0 Ravenwood High School
Weaver, Norah 37-11.5 Franklin High School
Wright, Cydney 33-5.5 Summit High School
Dobson, Elise 32-8.5 Nolensville High School
Bryant, Nellie 29-6 Franklin High School
Turks, Kyleigh 29-6 Centennial High School
Rich, Lauren 29-5 Brentwood High School
Dillingham, Rylie 27-0 Fairview High School
DeLaughter, Briana 26-7.25 Battle Ground Academy
Collier, Morgan 26-1 Ravenwood High School
Hoesel, Allison 26-0 Brentwood High School
Rigsby, Reagan 25-0 Nolensville High School
Baxter, Ella 24-2 Summit High School
Clarke, Lucy 24-0.75 Nolensville High School
Beverly, Larkin 23-9 Centennial High School
Hauptman, Anna 23-2 Fred J. Page High School
Pettigrew, Kayla 21-8.5 Summit High School
Crockett, Jessica 21-0 Fred J. Page High School
Corley, Madelyn 18-10.5 Fred J. Page High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kent, Saba 34-6.5 Brentwood High School
Black, Kallie 33-1 Franklin High School
Moore, Ryan 33-1 Centennial High School
Doyle, Isabella 31-6 Brentwood High School
Harney, Sara Grace 30-1 Battle Ground Academy
DeLaughter, Erica 28-8 Battle Ground Academy
Garrett, Victoria 28-1 Franklin High School
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