Morristown, TN

Athlete Entries

Elementary Boys One Mile Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bolden, Zach Rush Strong School
Crews, Tanner West Greene Middle School
Reedy, Brayden West Greene Middle School
Angelos, Issac Washburn Middle School
Martin, Cylar Rush Strong School
Franklin, Hunter West Greene Middle School
Williams, Dallas West Greene Middle School
Franklin, Trent West Greene Middle School
Clay, Tate Washburn Middle School
Morgan, Brayden Rush Strong School
Parman, Blake West Greene Middle School
Coffman, Bryson Washburn Middle School
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Elementary Girls One Mile Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Towne, Nora Rush Strong School
Acuff, Hadley Washburn Middle School
King, Kaylee Rush Strong School
Martin, Emary Rush Strong School
Garst, Colby Rush Strong School
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High School Boys 5000 Meter Run 142 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amos, Zack Claiborne High School
Payne, Jack Seymour High School
Johnson, Brandon Morristown-East High School
Johnson, Cole Jefferson County High School
Darby, Tennessee Morristown-West High School
Blakley, Landon Carter High School
Caughran, Noah Cocke County High School
Boucher, Jayden Jefferson County High School
Albines, Oscar Morristown-East High School
Abbott, Collin Carter High School
Coffey, John Grainger High School
Daniels, Mark Claiborne High School
Allen, Jacob University School of Johnson Cit
Hope, Talyn Seymour High School
Wilson, Dylan Jefferson County High School
Cook, Braden Carter High School
McMahan, Luke Carter High School
Cameron, Enzo Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Escalante, Alex Morristown-East High School
Guinn, Drew Jefferson County High School
North, Samuel Carter High School
Vermillion, Kaden Grainger High School
Boyle, Tyler Cocke County High School
Guillen, Juan Lakeway Christian Academy
Holt, Grady Seymour High School
Wright, Mason Jefferson County High School
Cruz, Benjamin Morristown-East High School
Sexton, Nick Morristown-West High School
Crapes, Landon University School of Johnson Cit
Dominguiz, Jese Morristown-East High School
Romines, Matt Jefferson County High School
Carmichael, Andrew Morristown-West High School
Mcnew, Pierce Carter High School
Barnes, Nash Greeneville High School
Zhang, EnLai Jefferson County High School
Correa, Uriel Morristown-East High School
Liposky, Patrick 17:19.05 Morristown-West High School
Sadlon, Dermot 17:22.12 Morristown-East High School
Atienza, Johnny 17:24.91
Fulton, Sam 17:32.90 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Resendiz, Brando 17:46.13 Morristown-West High School
Bales, Lucas 18:11.30 Jefferson County High School
Flores-Melchor, Abraham 18:22.50 Morristown-West High School
Biery, Luke 18:23.70 Morristown-West High School
Medina, Irving 18:27.88 Chuckey-Doak High School
Brandon, Mason 18:35.36 Greeneville High School
Johnson, Ethan 18:56.71 Morristown-East High School
Korody, Mitchell 18:57.40 Morristown-West High School
Bales, Matt 18:57.90 Jefferson County High School
Perez, Elias 19:04.53 Morristown-West High School
Hees, Daniel 19:06.70 Lakeway Christian Academy
Dupler, Taylor 19:08.00 Carter High School
Cardwell, Austin 19:09.00 Carter High School
Johnson, Michael 19:09.00 Jefferson County High School
Michalik, Nathan 19:24.70 Volunteer High School
Williams, Braden 19:27.70 University School of Johnson Cit
Glass, Evan 19:31.00 Volunteer High School
LeBlanc, Alex 19:39.70 Greeneville High School
Shuford, Jaxson 19:41.00 Carter High School
Greineder, Lucas 19:42.70 Greeneville High School
Emmert, Bobby 19:44.58 Jefferson County High School
Delgado, Jorge 19:47.40 Morristown-East High School
Duncan, Clay 19:49.57 University School of Johnson Cit
Howard, Boone 19:52.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Atkins, Caden 19:56.00 Washburn High School
Jenkins, Seth 20:01.00 Seymour High School
Cox, Cayden 20:03.30 Volunteer High School
Garcia Bautista, Luis 20:03.35 Morristown-West High School
Lord, Brett 20:04.28 Morristown-West High School
Council, Ethyn 20:12.96 Volunteer High School
Shetley, Nathan 20:19.60 Greeneville High School
Gonzalez, Edgar 20:21.70 Morristown-East High School
Garrett, Dante 20:22.81 Morristown-West High School
Wilson, Charlie 20:23.10 Volunteer High School
Shrader, Conner 20:24.90 Jefferson County High School
Hickey, Russell 20:27.50 Greeneville High School
Hyde, Johsua 20:35.10 Greeneville High School
Dominguez, Elijah 20:37.90 Morristown-East High School
Christian, Josiah 20:38.33 Jefferson County High School
Brown, Max 20:39.90 South Greene High School
Waldo, Adrian 20:44.30 Morristown-East High School
Knight, David 20:52.60 Greeneville High School
Helton, Ethan 20:57.20 Washburn High School
Noe, Cory 21:00.20 Morristown-East High School
Murphy, Ashmon 21:01.50 University School of Johnson Cit
Barajas, Jose 21:04.30 Morristown-East High School
Lozano, Robert 21:05.28 Morristown-East High School
Jarrell, Elijah 21:05.31 Seymour High School
Zapata, Adolfo 21:10.60 Jefferson County High School
Dickerson, Andrew 21:12.50 Volunteer High School
Raycraft, Zander 21:18.00 Jefferson County High School
Bean, Ethan 21:20.10 Morristown-East High School
McCarty, Justin 21:21.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Bales, John 21:23.70 Jefferson County High School
Trigos, Jonathan 21:27.10 Jefferson County High School
Sorce, Anthony 21:28.50 Lakeway Christian Academy
Jarnigan, Logan 21:29.69 Morristown-East High School
Cureton, Will 21:33.20 Cocke County High School
Caldwell, Dakota 21:38.00 Volunteer High School
Page, Gaven 21:42.89 Jefferson County High School
Leach, Morgan 21:43.00 Greeneville High School
Martinez, Erik 21:43.40 Morristown-West High School
Cannon, Jack 21:44.60 Volunteer High School
Carmichael, Jaiden 21:46.47 Morristown-West High School
Flores, Eluzia 21:49.11 Morristown-West High School
Sierra, Jefri 21:51.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Thompson, Trevin 21:51.91 Claiborne High School
Ellison, Evan 21:55.40 Jefferson County High School
Garcia, Josue 22:04.20 Morristown-West High School
Greene, Caleb 22:06.34 Volunteer High School
Fugate, Nicholas 22:11.70 Chuckey-Doak High School
Ray, Jori 22:23.10 South Greene High School
Doler, Wyatt 22:26.68 Seymour High School
Estep, Ethan 22:38.81 Seymour High School
Gwatney, Brody 22:39.30 Seymour High School
Stephens, Lowe 22:46.70 Jefferson County High School
Mendoza, Bensh 22:57.10 Lakeway Christian Academy
Kenner, Thomas 22:59.82 Seymour High School
Wise, Kanan 23:00.50 Cocke County High School
May, Blake 23:02.60 South Greene High School
Amo, Camden 23:19.12 Morristown-West High School
Richert, Matthew 23:21.70 Cocke County High School
Talley, Nathanael 23:24.60 Lakeway Christian Academy
Reece, Holden 23:33.92 Morristown-West High School
Allen, Cody 23:34.05 Seymour High School
Motte, Landon 24:01.00 Jefferson County High School
Gaston, Jamarlon 24:09.50 Cocke County High School
Angel, Cristian 24:28.60 Morristown-East High School
Bradley, Julian 24:45.50 South Greene High School
Ray, Simon 25:12.90 South Greene High School
Justice, Doug 25:36.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Wise, Charles 25:51.80 South Greene High School
Fintak, Nathaniel 26:25.49 Seymour High School
Martinez, Edgar 26:37.86 Morristown-West High School
Boyles, Ethan 26:38.78 Claiborne High School
Miranda, Alex 26:57.00 Jefferson County High School
Ehret, Shawn 28:06.68 Morristown-West High School
Thomas, Logan 28:22.30 Grainger High School
James, Nathaniel 29:17.00 Seymour High School
Vaughan, Ethan 30:11.45 Volunteer High School
Barrientos, Jose 30:14.30 Cocke County High School
Livesay, Isaiah 33:37.97 Volunteer High School
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High School Girls 5000 Meter Run 87 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Velazquez Rojas, Maite Yoana Carter High School
Smead, Eden Seymour High School
Tignor, Abby Jefferson County High School
Williamson, Hayley Grainger High School
Smith, Haliey Claiborne High School
Eppard, Emily Greeneville High School
Parton, Lela Seymour High School
Morales, Jasmine Jefferson County High School
Tindall, Jailynn T Carter High School
Grooms, Sarah Beth Cocke County High School
Daft, Allie King's Academy
Martz, Meg
Hager, Angelina Seymour High School
Schrader, Shelby Jefferson County High School
Denton, Sidni Grainger High School
Tran, Katie Morristown-West High School
Johnson, Stefani Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Pineiro, Emily Cocke County High School
Tindall, Taylyn Carter High School
Read, Braelyn King's Academy
Atwood, Leilani Seymour High School
McReynolds, Natalie Grainger High School
Rodriguez, Ariadna Morristown-East High School
Bell, Nevada Jefferson County High School
Underwood, Anna Carter High School
Ownby, Megan Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Hall, Elizabeth Jefferson County High School
Matias, Vanessa Carter High School
Grevelle, Lauren Volunteer High School
Gilmore, Breann Seymour High School
Dodson, Julianne 19:08.10 Morristown-West High School
Blazer, Morgan 19:51.52 Cocke County High School
Stinnett, Lily 20:41.59 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Haas, Ashlyn 21:05.86 Morristown-West High School
Michalik, Rachel 21:09.60 Volunteer High School
Johnson, Isabelle 21:43.70 University School of Johnson Cit
Coffey, Emery 22:11.33 Washburn High School
Ventura, Emma 22:13.53 Morristown-East High School
Wright, Molly 22:17.10 Morristown-West High School
Summey, Melina 22:41.01 University School of Johnson Cit
Weatherbie, Elli 22:58.00 Jefferson County High School
Farmer, Lindsay 23:00.30 Morristown-West High School
Hamilton, Emma 23:05.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Monge, Kimberly 23:12.44 Morristown-East High School
Heckman, Meghan 23:16.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Couch, Peyton 23:33.70 Morristown-West High School
McNally, Celine 23:48.17 Volunteer High School
Ottinger, Riley 23:53.70 South Greene High School
Williford, Chloe 23:58.20 Greeneville High School
Weeks, Amelia 24:02.45 Morristown-West High School
McKinney, Elise 24:10.40 Volunteer High School
Lopez, Jocelyn 24:27.96 Morristown-East High School
Soto, Ashley 24:31.10 Morristown-East High School
Greer, Morgan 24:33.55 South Greene High School
Daft, Taylor 24:52.31 King's Academy
Bruce, Courtney 24:54.25 Chuckey-Doak High School
Lawson, Aisha 24:55.70 Morristown-West High School
Winegar, Sara 24:57.00 Volunteer High School
Jackson, Anna 25:06.10 Greeneville High School
Begley, Jacie 25:34.35 Volunteer High School
Hamilton, Sydney 25:37.18 Volunteer High School
Weatherbie, Jazdin 26:23.50 Jefferson County High School
Wilkerson, Abigail 26:33.60 Morristown-West High School
McDonald, Brooke 26:49.00 Seymour High School
Holt, Victoria 27:10.00 South Greene High School
Swanger, Jessi 27:20.05 Cocke County High School
Gibson, Abigail 27:21.00 Chuckey-Doak High School
Akers, Ella 27:33.00 Jefferson County High School
Schang, Megan 27:37.40 Morristown-West High School
Farmer, Savannah 27:39.99 Morristown-West High School
Kelley, Chelsea 27:43.64 Cocke County High School
Chappell, Alyssa 28:15.44 Volunteer High School
Christenbury, Sarah 28:16.00 Seymour High School
Coffey, Karla 28:24.50 Grainger High School
Hobson, Aaliyah 29:02.00 Jefferson County High School
Wilbourn, Ella 29:05.74 King's Academy
Waddell, Emma 29:11.37 Greeneville High School
Miles, Camryn 29:31.90 Greeneville High School
Helton, Lani 29:38.23 Morristown-West High School
Hees, Olivia 32:04.71 Lakeway Christian Academy
Shelton, Alyssa 32:21.40 Cocke County High School
Bulawa, Jennie 32:34.49 Greeneville High School
Carr, Savannah 33:20.00 Gatlinburg-Pittman High School
Landers, Maci 33:28.10 South Greene High School
Maples, Hannah 34:01.90 Grainger High School
Johnson, Racheal 36:30.41 Claiborne High School
Newberry, Nia 39:40.00 Greeneville High School
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Middle School Boys 3200 Meter Run 151 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKinney, Carter Liberty Bell Middle School
Smith, Cole Greeneville Middle School
Turley, Carver Lakeway Christian Academy
Molter, Andrew Maury Middle School
Ramirez, Erik West Greene Middle School
Edmisten, William Liberty Bell Middle School
Markham, Braxton Rogersville Middle School
Caldwell, Bradley Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Johnson, Leon North Greene Middle School
Smith, Brayden East Ridge Middle School
Murr, Caleb Jonesborough Middle School
Page, Shawn Maury Middle School
Kelley, Adam Liberty Bell Middle School
Suit, Karsten Liberty Bell Middle School
Bailey, Trey Greeneville Middle School
Williams, Elijah West Greene Middle School
Hopper, Easton Liberty Bell Middle School
Lowe, Bryson Rush Strong School
Franklin, EJ Greeneville Middle School
Graham, Judah Lakeway Christian Academy
Hansen, Nate Maury Middle School
Ehret, Brady West View Middle School (Morrist
Bryan, Isaac Rogersville City School
Easterling, Kaiden Jonesborough Middle School
Scott, Bobby Liberty Bell Middle School
Ottinger, Jackson South Greene Middle School
Morgan, Charlie Liberty Bell Middle School
Mascola, Anthony Greeneville Middle School
Noyes, Xander Maury Middle School
Edwards, Luke Liberty Bell Middle School
Byrd, Hayden Maury Middle School
Caldwell, Kendal West Greene Middle School
Craft, Jaxon West View Middle School (Morrist
Houck, Clay Rogersville City School
Gillenwater, Matthew Rogersville Middle School
Stacy, Ben East Ridge Middle School
Lazano, Christopher Meadowview Middle School
Easterling, Lukas Jonesborough Middle School
Albright, Brayden Rogersville City School
Slagle, Gage Maury Middle School
Vance, CJ Cocke County High School
Teal, Oliver Liberty Bell Middle School
Weems, Nolan South Greene Middle School
Iglesias, Sebastian Liberty Bell Middle School
Raby, Carter Greeneville Middle School
Leathers, Hudson Lakeway Christian Academy
Horton, Graham Maury Middle School
Looney, Lofton Rogersville City School
Yokley, Hunter West Greene Middle School
Boyle, Kaden Liberty Bell Middle School
Kincaid, Adonis Rogersville City School
Case, Noah South Greene Middle School
Walker, Bryant Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Freshour, Caden North Greene Middle School
Rary, Austin Jonesborough Middle School
Scott, Sean Liberty Bell Middle School
Preston, Garnet Liberty Bell Middle School
Shelton, Gavin Greeneville Middle School
Schwartz, Noah Maury Middle School
Spradling, Austin West Greene Middle School
Greer, Cooper Liberty Bell Middle School
Carreno, Dante Maury Middle School
Arnold, Cameron West View Middle School (Morrist
Phillips, Will Rogersville City School
Bowman, Ethan Rogersville Middle School
Linkous, Gage East Ridge Middle School
Slagle, Gavin Maury Middle School
Vance, Gideon Cocke County High School
Skitt, Joel Liberty Bell Middle School
Ellenburg, Grayson South Greene Middle School
Kadish, Noah Liberty Bell Middle School
Richard, Jules Greeneville Middle School
Leathers, Griffin Lakeway Christian Academy
Mize, Jacobi Maury Middle School
Campbell, Conner West Greene Middle School
Britt, Davis Liberty Bell Middle School
Tompkins, Brayden South Greene Middle School
Hawkins, Adler Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Franklin, Brody North Greene Middle School
Ratliff, Ryder East Ridge Middle School
Mumpower, Jordan Jonesborough Middle School
Wilhjelm, Bryson Liberty Bell Middle School
Worley, C.J. Maury Middle School
Shipley, Parker Liberty Bell Middle School
Tunnell, Grant Greeneville Middle School
Wilhoit, Shane West Greene Middle School
Harvey, Cameron Liberty Bell Middle School
Davis, John Heaton Rush Strong School
Moore, Jay Lakeway Christian Academy
Foister, Holden Maury Middle School
Hayes, Parker West View Middle School (Morrist
Waters, Carson Rogersville City School
Gates, Kaden Rogersville Middle School
Hawk, Noah Rogersville City School
Tolbert, Blake Jonesborough Middle School
Lewis, Owen Liberty Bell Middle School
Carr, Kasen South Greene Middle School
Gaby, Brayden 12:51.00 East Ridge Middle School
Holt, Simon 13:27.07 Greeneville Middle School
Henry, Zachary 13:29.40 West View Middle School (Morrist
Lane, Samuel 13:59.90 Liberty Bell Middle School
Gibson, Isaac 14:02.04 Greeneville Middle School
Gentry, Grant 14:13.90 Liberty Bell Middle School
Greene, Isaac 14:18.90 East Ridge Middle School
Shepard, Bryson 14:21.10 West View Middle School (Morrist
Carpenter, Cory 14:26.60 East Ridge Middle School
Driver, Brayden 14:29.90 West View Middle School (Morrist
Mitchell, Gavin 14:59.10 West View Middle School (Morrist
Matthews, Ethan 14:59.41 West View Middle School (Morrist
Davenport, Lawson 15:06.66 North Greene Middle School
Southerland, Lucas 15:13.10 Greeneville Middle School
Archer, Jaxson 15:25.80 East Ridge Middle School
Nutter, Christian 15:28.10 Liberty Bell Middle School
Satterfield, Mason 15:39.37 Maury Middle School
Shrader, Jacob 15:42.27 Maury Middle School
Churchwell, Rex 15:45.23 Maury Middle School
Jennings, Townes 15:49.86 Liberty Bell Middle School
Wilder, Evan 15:51.70 Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Shetley, Coby 15:56.10 Greeneville Middle School
Wilhjelm, Brock 16:04.00 Liberty Bell Middle School
Dewald, Charlie 16:05.90 West View Middle School (Morrist
Cutlip, Kaden 16:06.19 Liberty Bell Middle School
Dalton, Chad 16:23.20 West View Middle School (Morrist
Rivera, Jonny 16:43.04 West View Middle School (Morrist
Neas, Eli 16:59.30 Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Johnson, Michael 17:11.97 North Greene Middle School
Lenker, Addison 17:13.70 Greeneville Middle School
Biggs, Klayton 17:24.50 East Ridge Middle School
Phillips, Noah 17:28.80 Liberty Bell Middle School
Durham, Gabriel 17:31.20 Liberty Bell Middle School
Sattler, Holden 17:35.31 Rogersville City School
Coffey, Landry 17:58.36 Washburn Middle School
Holland, Josh 18:14.00 Maury Middle School
Ellison, Emmerson 18:43.47 Maury Middle School
Wagoner, Clay 18:49.48 Rogersville City School
Walker, Charlie 18:55.20 Liberty Bell Middle School
Cutshaw, Lynkin 18:57.27 Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Hernandez, Alfredo 19:00.87 Meadowview Middle School
Harrell, Jackson 19:03.03 Rogersville City School
Ventura, Diego 19:09.37 Meadowview Middle School
Lippard, Blake 19:18.70 Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Lewis, Griffin 19:22.80 Liberty Bell Middle School
Shoun, Eli 19:32.30 West View Middle School (Morrist
Byrd, Jackson 19:38.00 Maury Middle School
Nelson, Parker 19:54.70 Liberty Bell Middle School
Crum, Gavin 22:12.70 Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Bolton, Zach 22:18.45 Maury Middle School
Goddard, Ben 23:12.77 Rogersville City School
Ross, Jacob 24:42.10 Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Chance, Samuel 25:27.15 East Ridge Middle School
Tallon, Connor 26:37.32 Maury Middle School
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Middle School Girls 3200 Meter Run 87 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davenport, Sierra South Greene Middle School
Barstow, Lily East Ridge Middle School
Taylor, Sophia West Greene Middle School
Hill, Macy Washburn Middle School
River, Sheyla West View Middle School (Morrist
Nelson, Nicole Rogersville City School
Hernandez Ramirez, Jacqueline Meadowview Middle School
Gabbard, Alexa South Greene Middle School
Foster, Ava North Greene Middle School
Hyatt, Brooklyn West Greene Middle School
Castro, Riley Greeneville Middle School
Foulks, Hayley Rogersville Middle School
Torales, Iris Meadowview Middle School
Davis, Sophie West View Middle School (Morrist
Wilson, Nevaeh South Greene Middle School
Fellers, Samantha Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Barker, Brylie East Ridge Middle School
Ervin, Hannah West Greene Middle School
Gibson, Kaydynse Greeneville Middle School
Garcia, Natalyn Meadowview Middle School
Collins, Adyson West View Middle School (Morrist
Marr, Jourdanne North Greene Middle School
Scruggs, Mariah South Greene Middle School
Spranger, Abigail Greeneville Middle School
Allen, Julina Rogersville Middle School
Holland, Fayth Maury Middle School
Fortner, Trinity West View Middle School (Morrist
Coward, Elizabeth Rogersville City School
Sauceman, Kinslee South Greene Middle School
Galarneau, Genevieve Chuckey-Doak Middle School
Bogus, Gabriella East Ridge Middle School
Garst, Fallon Rush Strong School
Peters, Addison West Greene Middle School
Mitchell, Lauren Greeneville Middle School
Manis, Keircee Rogersville Middle School
Barnes, Shaylin North Greene Middle School
Carrillo, Mireya Meadowview Middle School
Dyke, Kara West View Middle School (Morrist
Rodifer, Allie Jonesborough Middle School
Guinn, Halle
Gillett, Kristen Rogersville City School
Sinard, Hailyn Meadowview Middle School
Ottinger, Reese South Greene Middle School
Begley, Ava East Ridge Middle School
Pack, Ashlee Maury Middle School
Carter, Autumn West Greene Middle School
Moll, Brionna Rogersville Middle School
Broyles, Madison North Greene Middle School
Ruble, Willow West View Middle School (Morrist
Nelson, Brooke Rogersville City School
Darnell, Madison South Greene Middle School
Pillion, Kasey East Ridge Middle School
Galarza, Sarai West Greene Middle School
Moorman, Blakley Greeneville Middle School
Wade, Macy Rogersville Middle School
Lopez, Emily Meadowview Middle School
Amos, Emma West View Middle School (Morrist
Cloninger, Hudson 14:11.50 East Ridge Middle School
Swan, Allie 15:49.20 West View Middle School (Morrist
Bean, Amanda 15:56.19 East Ridge Middle School
Bunsic, Briony 16:05.02 West View Middle School (Morrist
Jackson, Jamie 16:07.20 Greeneville Middle School
Clay, Saylor 16:26.80 Washburn Middle School
Mulhollen, Susan 16:27.30 Greeneville Middle School
Bean, Ansley 17:10.03 East Ridge Middle School
Thomas, Alexandria 17:12.30 West View Middle School (Morrist
Kammerdiener, Darla 17:25.29 Greeneville Middle School
Reed, Elise 17:28.26 Meadowview Middle School
Miller, Alaina 17:42.33 East Ridge Middle School
Oakes, Cate 17:43.90 Greeneville Middle School
Weems, Emma Kate 18:36.30 Greeneville Middle School
Moses, Meredith 18:41.48 Rogersville City School
Couch, Kyra 19:05.71 West View Middle School (Morrist
Baskette, Erin 19:23.00 East Ridge Middle School
Giuerrero, Lucia 19:37.43 Meadowview Middle School
Hedge, Johnna 20:01.89 Washburn Middle School
Shrader, Katy 20:31.12 Maury Middle School
Berry, Savannah 20:35.55 Meadowview Middle School
Ledford, Eden 21:04.71 West View Middle School (Morrist
Guerrero, Lucero 21:34.06 Meadowview Middle School
Cruz, Jeilyanie 21:34.71 Meadowview Middle School
Newton, Gabriela 22:12.53 Maury Middle School
Fields, Kendra 22:18.56 Rogersville City School
Simpson, Emma 22:43.31 Maury Middle School
Dellinger, Evie 23:05.80 Rogersville City School
Gallegos, Evelyn 25:39.52 Meadowview Middle School
Word, Alyssa 26:10.82 East Ridge Middle School
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