Dominant Blazers run to win at Trailblazer Invitational
Oct 17, 2014
Daniel Boone cross country hosted the 42nd Trailblazer Invitational on Oct. 11, a 5k event where they welcomed more than 40 men’s and women’s high school teams to Gray. The Blazers were dominant in capturing the men’s title, as Boone runners finished first, second, third, fifth and sixth for a combined 17 putting them well-ahead of second- place Myers Park of Charlotte, which finished with 65. Boone’s top finishers were: (1) Adam Barnard (15:55.8), (2) Josh Routh (16:21.2), (3) James Garst (16:23.1), (5) Ben Varghese (16:55.6) and (6) Mitch Bronstetter (17:03.6). Herald and Tribune Online Newspaper Jonesborough Tennessee (via