KTC High School Indoor Classic 2012

Johnson City, TN

Participation List

     Niswonger Invitational & KTC HS Invite - 1/27/2012 to 1/28/2012
              ETSU / MSHA Athletic Center -Johnson City, TN
                          Participation List
     Name                           Affiliation             Sex

  1. Adams, William                 FF Athletics             M

  2. Adler, Lloyd                   Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

  3. Ailshie, Bryce                 Unattached               M

  4. Akins, Chris                   Team Endurance           M

  5. Allen, Morgan                  Unattached               W

  6. Alsup, Hunter                  Axis Athletics           M

  7. Andersen, Adne                 McCallie Ridge Runners   M

  8. Andrews, Danny                 Throw1deep Club          M

  9. Andrews, Jason                 Memphis Jaguars TC       M

 10. Arrindell, Noah                Houston Mustangs TC      M

 11. Arwood, Tabby                  Nebalon TC               W

 12. Assad, Anthony                 Velocity Sun Athletics   M

 13. Austell, Lane                  Unattached               M

 14. Austin, Alexis                 Quick Striders           W

 15. Baerman, Elliot                Knoxville TC             M

 16. Bakare, Ganiyat                GA Racers TC             W

 17. Baker, Duel                    RL Patton HS             M

 18. Baker, Jay                     Unattached               M

 19. Balawi, Abraham                Unattached               M

 20. Balawi, Hanan                  Unattached               W

 21. Bales, Nicholas                Knoxville TC             M

 22. Banks, Jessica                 Memphis Mustangs TC      W

 23. Barnard, Adam                  Unattached               M

 24. Barnes, Laurn                  Knoxville TC             W

 25. Barroso, Maya                  TN Elite TC              W

 26. Basch, Caroline                Unattached               W

 27. Bean, Emily                    Louisville TC            W

 28. Beatty, Jerome                 Unattached               M

 29. Belcher, Jeffrey               Quick Striders           M

 30. Bell, Justin                   Throw1deep Club          M

 31. Bender, Jeremiah               Lebonians                M

 32. Binder, Robert                 Knoxville TC             M

 33. Bivens, Gregory                Flight400 TC Inc         M

 34. Bonapart, Jasmine              Charlotte Flights        W

 35. Boone, Hunter                  Slipstream TC            M

 36. Booth, Harrison                Unattached               M

 37. Borghetti-Metz, Haydn          Unattached               M

 38. Branch, Hailey                 Unattached               W

 39. Bray, Simmie                   The Heat TC              W

 40. Brealond, Kailon               The Heat TC              M

 41. Brewer, Alex                   Houston Mustangs TC      M

 42. Brinson, Kamryn                Unattached               W

 43. Britton, Mark                  Lebonians                M

 44. Brown, Cameron                 Steel Throwers Club      M

 45. Brown, Daryl                   Unattached               M

 46. Brown, Jordan                  FF Athletics             M

 47. Brown, Joshua                  Split Second             M

 48. Bryant, Davin                  DC Express               M

 49. Buchanan, Cody                 Trojan TC                M

 50. Burke, Max                     Charlotte Flights        M

 51. Burkhart, Antonio              The Force                M

 52. Burks, Cameron                 Memphis Mustangs TC      M

 53. Burn, Walter                   Unattached               M

 54. Burnett, Lindsey               TN Elite TC              W

 55. Burnett, Tanner                Unattached               M

 56. Burney, Byron                  Sprint Athletics TC      M

 57. Burr, Shanel                   The Heat TC              W

 58. Burril, Callen                 RocketVault Llc          W

 59. Butler, Neil                   Knoxville TC             M

 60. Byrd, Jessica                  Louisville TC            W

 61. Caldwell, Chelsea              DC Express               W

 62. Callahan, Casi                 Throw1deep Club          W

 63. Campbell, Andrew               Trojan TC                M

 64. Campbell, Riley                TN Elite TC              W

 65. Camper, Tiffany                Sprint Athletics TC      W

 66. Caraway, Hayden                RL Patton HS             M

 67. Carr, Ryan                     Axis Athletics           M

 68. Carroll, Chase                 Throw1deep Club          M

 69. Carter, Gray                   Unattached               M

 70. Carter, Tayla                  The Heat TC              W

 71. Casale, Katie                  Louisville TC            W

 72. Casey, Hunter                  Team Endurance           M

 73. Chance, Leah                   Oak Ridge Racing Club    W

 74. Chand, Michael                 Sprint Athletics TC      M

 75. Charles, Chris                 Axis Athletics           M

 76. Christian, Erika               Memphis Jaguars TC       W

 77. Clark, Marabeth                TN Elite TC              W

 78. Cobb, Kaylynn                  Nebalon TC               M

 79. Coleman, Destiny               Sprint Athletics TC      W

 80. Coleman, Martha                Unattached               W

 81. Collins, Aubree                Sprint Athletics TC      W

 82. Collinsworth, Ryan             Anderson County TC       M

 83. Consoli, Elliot                Knoxville TC             M

 84. Consoli, Elliot                Unattached               M

 85. Cook, Mariah                   Memphis Mustangs TC      W

 86. Cornette, Mia                  Unattached               W

 87. Cox, Haley                     Anderson County TC       W

 88. Cradler, Vincent               GA Racers TC             M

 89. Craig, Tyler                   Georgia Pole Vault Club  M

 90. Cranford, Sam                  Unattached               M

 91. Crawford, Kate                 Louisville TC            W

 92. Crawford, Mallory              Ctc                      W

 93. Crayton, Chelsea               Sprint Athletics TC      W

 94. Crisp, Brittainty              Unattached               W

 95. Cromer, Brandon                Flight400 TC Inc         M

 96. Culver, Shelby                 Memphis Jaguars TC       W

 97. Cutler, Nyna                   Gazelle TC               W

 98. Daugherty, Daniel              Precision                M

 99. Davis, Bailey                  Louisville TC            W

100. Davis, Jaden                   Memphis Mustangs TC      W

101. Dawson, Elizabeth              Clemson Area Racing Tea  W

102. Dean, Ben                      Unattached               M

103. Defler, Kenzley                Louisville TC            W

104. Delapp, Kelsey                 Unattached               W

105. Delashmit, Hunter              The Heat TC              M

106. Dent, Tori                     Unattached               W

107. Dickie, Lachlan                Unattached               M

108. Digregorio, Tailen             Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

109. Dixon, Megan                   Georgia Pole Vault Club  W

110. Dixon, NaTisha                 Gazelle TC               W

111. Doty, Hayley                   Unattached               W

112. Drennon, Harley                Lebonians                M

113. Durbin, Joseph                 Unattached               M

114. Dwight, Marcus                 Knoxville TC             M

115. Dye, Jamara                    Sapphire TC              W

116. Ebbets, Holly                  Unattached               W

117. Eckenroth, Austin              Unattached               M

118. Edwards, Alvontai              Quick Striders           M

119. Edwards, Nick                  Flight400 TC Inc         M

120. Elmore, Jackson                Knoxville TC             M

121. Ennis, Keenan                  Houston Mustangs TC      M

122. Epps, Brionna                  Knoxville TC             W

123. Everhart, Hannah               Unattached               W

124. Fagan, Stone                   Unattached               M

125. Fareed, Naim                   Unattached               M

126. Fayne, Godfrey                 Memphis Mustangs TC      M

127. Felton, Alyssa                 Sapphire TC              W

128. Feyisa, Mikiyas                GA Racers TC             M

129. Fisher, Tracy                  Velocity Sun Athletics   M

130. Flagg, Kody                    Unattached               M

131. Fontenot, Kristen              Split Second             W

132. Forde, Shannen-Rose            Dominion Christian       W

133. Foster, Molly                  Unattached               W

134. Franklin, Dondrell             Memphis Mustangs TC      M

135. Franklin, Lindsey              Knoxville TC             W

136. Freeman, Jaylon                Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

137. Gaitan, Sabrina                Throw1deep Club          W

138. Galliher, Nathan               Trojan TC                M

139. Gardner, Sarah                 The Heat TC              W

140. Geer, Matthew                  Clemson Area Racing Tea  M

141. Geronimo, Christopher          Flight400 TC Inc         M

142. Glass, Lamara                  TN Elite TC              W

143. Glenn, Simone                  Split Second             W

144. Graham, Zalondria              Ctc                      W

145. Grant, Nyasha                  Velocity Sun Athletics   W

146. Graves, Cody                   The Force                M

147. Greeley, Olivia                Unattached               W

148. Green, Noah                    RL Patton HS             M

149. Green, Sheldon                 Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

150. Greene, TaylorAnn              RocketVault Llc          W

151. Griffin, Sidney                The Heat TC              W

152. Griffith, EJ                   AC Reynolds              M

153. Grosskopf, Kyle                Unattached               M

154. Gudger, Samantha               Unattached               W

155. Guster, Elexis                 GA Racers TC             W

156. Guthrie, Morgan                Dominion Christian       W

157. Hader, Ben                     Trojan TC                M

158. Hailey, Nnenya                 Sports Specific Inc      W

159. Halvorson, Andrew              Higher Power AC          M

160. Hammons, Alexis                Unattached               W

161. Hancock, Hadley-Reed           Unattached               W

162. Hardin, Josie                  Throw1deep Club          W

163. Harrison, Hunter               Houston Mustangs TC      M

164. Hartman, Reid                  Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

165. Haughey, Gabe                  Clemson Area Racing Tea  M

166. Hawk, Taylor                   Unattached               M

167. Hayden, Lauren                 Louisville TC            W

168. Hayes, Sarai                   Unattached               W

169. Hector, Paige                  Sapphire TC              W

170. Henderson, Angelica            DC Express               W

171. Hendley, Braden                Unattached               M

172. Hernandez, Ana                 Unattached               W

173. Hilton, Will                   Unattached               M

174. Hodge, Jayde                   Knoxville TC             W

175. Hogston, Chris                 Unattached               M

176. Horne, Jesse                   Unattached               M

177. Houser-cross, Andre            Sprint Athletics TC      M

178. Howell, Seth                   Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

179. Howell, TJ                     Chilhowie HS             W

180. Huffman, Nikolas               Unattached               M

181. Hughes, David                  Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

182. Hughes, Tyerell                Unattached               M

183. Hundley, Tamara                TN Elite TC              W

184. Isang, Imen                    McCallie Ridge Runners   M

185. Isom, Blake                    Unattached               M

186. Ivankovic, Andre               Clemson Area Racing Tea  M

187. Jackson, Jordan                The Heat TC              M

188. Jackson, Lauren                Cobb Track               W

189. Jenkins, Erin                  FF Athletics             M

190. Jenkins-Dodd, Takeyra          Unattached               W

191. Jeter, Jarad                   Quick Striders           M

192. Jodice, Noah                   Clemson Area Racing Tea  M

193. Johnson, Dante                 Sprint Athletics TC      M

194. Johnson, Dylan                 Unattached               M

195. Johnson, Jared                 Throw1deep Club          M

196. Johnson, Josephine             Unattached               W

197. Johnson, Lamar                 FF Athletics             M

198. Johnson, Lamont                Sprint Athletics TC      M

199. Johnson, Leilani               Sports Specific Inc      W

200. Johnson, Matt                  AC Reynolds              M

201. Johnson, Myiah                 Memphis Mustangs TC      W

202. Johnson, Nia                   Sapphire TC              W

203. Jones, Jack                    McCallie Ridge Runners   M

204. Jones, Matthew                 McCallie Ridge Runners   M

205. Joy, Daquan                    Split Second             M

206. Keel, Coray                    Velocity Sun Athletics   M

207. Kelly, Annie                   Milton HS                W

208. Kelly, Ryan                    Milton HS                M

209. Kempka, Sam                    Houston Mustangs TC      M

210. Kessler, Ashley                Knoxville TC             W

211. Kessler, Lindsey               Knoxville TC             W

212. Kidane, Lilly                  Unattached               W

213. Kilgore, Mitchell              Unattached               M

214. Kimble, Emily                  Unattached               W

215. King, Rhavean                  Memphis Mustangs TC      W

216. King, Sierra                   Unattached               W

217. King, Wesley                   Unattached               M

218. Konst, Jeff                    RL Patton HS             M

219. Lacy, Dianna                   Memphis Mustangs TC      W

220. Lacy, Jeremy                   Velocity Sun Athletics   M

221. Laggis, Alexander              Knoxville TC             M

222. Langston, Fredd                Velocity Sun Athletics   M

223. Lavoi, Cullin                  Knoxville TC             M

224. Legette, LaKenya               Charlotte Flights        W

225. Lembersky, Zachery             Knoxville TC             M

226. Lewis, Amber                   The Heat TC              W

227. Lewis, Marielle                Gazelle TC               W

228. Lewis, Tevin                   Houston Mustangs TC      M

229. Lightfoot, Angelica            Memphis Mustangs TC      W

230. Lights, Matthew                Quick Striders           M

231. Linta, Jeffrey                 Unattached               M

232. Lockhart, Jacquawn             The Heat TC              M

233. Long, Kameron                  Memphis Jaguars TC       M

234. Long, Roderick                 Houston Mustangs TC      M

235. Loving, Landry                 T2 International TC      W

236. Lowe, Lydia                    Anderson County TC       W

237. Lyttle, Adrian                 Unattached               M

238. Maat, Molefi                   Memphis Mustangs TC      M

239. Malowsky, Daniel               AC Reynolds              M

240. Marcie, Shawn                  Unattached               M

241. Marshall, Blake                Houston Mustangs TC      M

242. Marshall, Maya                 Cobb Track               W

243. Martin, Brishon                On The Right Track TC    W

244. Martin, Chris                  Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

245. Martin, Jada                   Sprint Athletics TC      W

246. Martin, Shantel                Memphis Jaguars TC       W

247. Martin, Shekara                Unattached               W

248. Martin, Zierrah                Unattached               W

249. Mather, Layne                  Unattached               M

250. May, Darraugh                  Memphis Mustangs TC      W

251. May, Katie                     Slipstream TC            W

252. McBride, Charles               Unattached               M

253. McCaslin, Caroline             Louisville TC            W

254. McCloskey, Tim                 Chilhowie HS             M

255. McCoy, Martha                  Unattached               W

256. McCracken, Evan                Unattached               M

257. McCray, Darnesha               Memphis Mustangs TC      W

258. McCutcheon, Jalon              Unattached               M

259. McDowell, Margaret             Axis Athletics           W

260. Mckelvey, Courtney             Knoxville TC             W

261. McKinney, Morgan               Precision                W

262. McKinnish, Quintin             Unattached               M

263. Meske, Peighton                Knoxville TC             W

264. Milburn, Marcennia             Memphis Mustangs TC      W

265. Miller, Aliyah                 Unattached               W

266. Miller, Joshua                 Knoxville TC             M

267. Mitchell, Sarah                Throw1deep Club          W

268. Monti, Casey                   Lebonians                M

269. Moore, Brenna                  Anderson County TC       W

270. Moore, Matt                    Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

271. Moore, Will                    McCallie Ridge Runners   M

272. Morgan, Justin                 Unattached               M

273. Morgan, Kiyonna                Charlotte Flights        W

274. Morman, Markel                 Memphis Mustangs TC      M

275. Mullins, Miranda               Unattached               W

276. Murden, Kenzye                 Memphis Mustangs TC      W

277. Murphy, Ian                    Knoxville TC             M

278. Mussard, Chase                 Knoxville TC             M

279. Nagy, Emily                    Unattached               W

280. Nelson, Brennon                Unattached               M

281. Nelson, Evann                  Unattached               M

282. Neuhauser, Aaron               AC Reynolds              M

283. Newby, Jordan                  Anderson County TC       W

284. Norris, Jessica                Slipstream TC            W

285. Nugent, Devin                  Houston Mustangs TC      M

286. Nutter, Logan                  Chilhowie HS             M

287. Ogle, Andrew                   Knoxville TC             M

288. Oliver, Darielle               Split Second             W

289. Orange, Carlton                Memphis Mustangs TC      M

290. Orth-Becker, Brandy            Louisville TC            W

291. Oslin, Bryan                   Precision                M

292. Otis, Chris                    GA Racers TC             M

293. Owers, Torie                   Throw1deep Club          W

294. Padron, Andrew                 Unattached               M

295. Parker, Victoria               Sprint Athletics TC      W

296. Parks, Cody                    Unattached               M

297. Parks, Jessica                 Memphis Mustangs TC      W

298. Parrilla, Tony                 Knoxville TC             M

299. Pate, Janel                    On The Right Track TC    W

300. Patterson, Paul                Cleveland Express TC     M

301. Patton, Myles                  McCallie Ridge Runners   M

302. Peak, Josh                     Knoxville TC             M

303. Pearson, Will                  Precision                M

304. Pectol, Wesley                 Unattached               M

305. Perry, Tiana                   On The Right Track TC    W

306. Phillips, Monica               Throw1deep Club          W

307. Pickerel, Jordan               Throw1deep Club          M

308. Pickle, Katheryn               Knoxville TC             W

309. Pierce, Coulter                Unattached               M

310. Pierce, Sullivan               Unattached               M

311. Porter, Cheyenne               Team Endurance           W

312. Porter, Damien                 Team Endurance           M

313. Potok, Thomas                  Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

314. Pounder, Breyana               Memphis Jaguars TC       W

315. Powell, Adam                   Lebonians                M

316. Powell, Kennedy                Sports Specific Inc      W

317. Powell, Owen                   Precision                M

318. Powell, Tralucia               Knoxville TC             W

319. Pratt, Devin                   The Force                M

320. Prayor, Taurey                 Velocity Sun Athletics   M

321. Providence, Vanessa            Sapphire TC              W

322. Provins, Sterling              Knoxville TC             M

323. Pulliam, Vanita                Sprint Athletics TC      W

324. Purser, Joey                   Team Endurance           M

325. Rader, Patrick                 Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

326. Rasnake, Bradley               Nebalon TC               M

327. Rayner, Kiana                  Ctc                      W

328. Receveur, Katherine            Louisville TC            W

329. Rector, Brianne                Unattached               W

330. Reed, Austin                   Unattached               M

331. Reese, Alexander               Cobb Track               M

332. Reeves, Anthony                Lebonians                M

333. Reeves, Olivia                 Throw1deep Club          W

334. Rhodes, Hannah                 Slipstream TC            W

335. Rice, Christian                Unattached               M

336. Rice, Jaelyn                   Gazelle TC               W

337. Richmond, Jacobie              Ctc                      W

338. Rickerman, Deanna              Knoxville TC             W

339. Riech, Nathan                  Milton HS                M

340. Riley, Destiny                 The Heat TC              W

341. Ritchie, Ramsay                McCallie Ridge Runners   M

342. Rivera, Nathan                 The Force                M

343. Roach, Kaleigh                 Unattached               W

344. Roachford, Gregory             Newroc Rockets TC        M

345. Roachford, Joshua              Newroc Rockets TC        M

346. Roachford, Matthew             Newroc Rockets TC        M

347. Roberts, Simeon                Unattached               M

348. Rodgers, Kierra                Ctc                      W

349. Roebuck, Kanea                 Knoxville TC             W

350. Rollins, Sterling              Unattached               M

351. Romersa, Alexa                 Axis Athletics           W

352. Roth, Jordan                   Unattached               M

353. Rugg, Brian                    Unattached               M

354. Rupert, Tim                    Knoxville TC             M

355. Rupert, Timera                 Knoxville TC             W

356. Sanchez, Jeorge                Lebonians                M

357. Sanders, Adarrius              TN Elite TC              M

358. Sanders, Treyvon               Quick Striders           M

359. Sanmiguel, Jose                Unattached               M

360. Satterfield, Benny             The Force                M

361. Schleimer, Wynn                Steel Throwers Club      W

362. Schmid, Jackson                Unattached               M

363. Scott, Akeela                  Quick Striders           W

364. Sears, Madison                 Throw1deep Club          W

365. Shaheen, Jacob                 Houston Mustangs TC      M

366. Shealy, Jordan                 Georgia Pole Vault Club  W

367. Shows, John                    Team Endurance           M

368. Sikorski, Leah                 Unattached               W

369. Simpkins, Adia                 Charlotte Flights        W

370. Simpkins, Adia                 Unattached               W

371. Sims, Jaila                    Memphis Mustangs TC      W

372. Singleton, Jasmine             Quick Striders           W

373. Singleton, Terrell             The Heat TC              M

374. Slann, Jacob                   Clemson Area Racing Tea  M

375. Slaughter, Isha                Memphis Jaguars TC       W

376. Smallwood, Brian               Unattached               M

377. Smith, Alexis                  Sprint Athletics TC      W

378. Smith, Cassie                  Knoxville TC             W

379. Smith, Harold                  Cleveland Express TC     M

380. Smith, LeDaysha                Gazelle TC               W

381. Smith, Lee                     Unattached               M

382. Sonnenfeldt, Daniel            Knoxville TC             M

383. Sorenson, Parker               Unattached               M

384. Stanley, Job                   Unattached               M

385. Staten, Aaron                  Steel Throwers Club      M

386. Stepp, Tanner                  Unattached               M

387. Stevens, Christian             Team Endurance           M

388. Stevenson, Kivante             The Heat TC              M

389. Stewart, Shanel                DC Express               W

390. Stewart, Shontel               DC Express               W

391. Stewart, Tyler                 The Force                M

392. Story, Avana                   Throw1deep Club          W

393. Stover, Rebecca                Knoxville TC             W

394. Strothman, Melanie             Louisville TC            W

395. Stroup, David                  RL Patton HS             M

396. Sudzius, Amber                 Steel Throwers Club      W

397. Sumner, Hunter                 Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

398. Sweney, Brent                  Trojan TC                M

399. Sykes, Destinie                Gastonia Jaguars TC      W

400. Taylor, Dion                   Velocity Sun Athletics   M

401. Taylor, Zach                   Unattached               M

402. Templeton, Aaron               Unattached               M

403. Thomas, Austin                 Knoxville TC             M

404. Thomas, Breyon                 Sports Specific Inc      M

405. Thomas, Darius                 Unattached               M

406. Thomas, Jordan                 Unattached               M

407. Thomas, Kelli                  Throw1deep Club          W

408. Thomas, Trenton                Spartan Throwing Club    M

409. Thornsberry, Justin            Milton HS                M

410. Tindall, Aaron                 Charlotte Flights        M

411. Tolivar, Chad                  McCallie Ridge Runners   M

412. Trotter, Alex                  McCallie Ridge Runners   M

413. Uselton, Dagon                 Knoxville TC             M

414. Varner, Cooper                 Knoxville TC             M

415. Vaughn, Briana                 Sprint Athletics TC      W

416. Vokoun, Amanda                 Louisville TC            W

417. Vorhaus, Abby                  Axis Athletics           W

418. Voyles, Morgan                 Knoxville TC             W

419. Wade, Devon                    Unattached               M

420. Waller, Mario                  Memphis Mustangs TC      M

421. Walters, Sonikqua              Unattached               W

422. Walton, Gil                    McCallie Ridge Runners   M

423. Walton, Ian                    The Heat TC              M

424. Warren, Alissa                 AC Reynolds              M

425. Warriner, Matthew              Unattached               M

426. Weaver, Alyssa                 Unattached               W

427. Weaver, Zach                   Unattached               M

428. Weber, Jasmine                 Unattached               W

429. Welborn, Ashley                Knoxville TC             W

430. Wells, Wade                    Houston Mustangs TC      M

431. White, AJ                      Unattached               M

432. White, Emily                   TN Elite TC              W

433. White, Kane                    Split Second             M

434. White, Wesley                  Houston Mustangs TC      M

435. Whitehead, Chad                Unattached               M

436. Whitener, Joshua               Throw1deep Club          M

437. Williams, Adreonna             Memphis Jaguars TC       W

438. Williams, Deron                Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

439. Williams, Devon                The Heat TC              M

440. Williams, Kendell              The Heat TC              W

441. Williams, Markeus              Quick Striders           M

442. Williams, Nick                 Memphis Mustangs TC      M

443. Williams, Ray                  DC Express               M

444. Williamson, Kaitlyn            Unattached               W

445. Wilson, Jim                    Precision                M

446. Wilson, Quincey                Sprint Athletics TC      M

447. Wilson, Tamira                 Ctc                      W

448. Winchester, Skyler             Unattached               M

449. Wise, James                    Knoxville TC             M

450. Wiseman, Mckenze               Unattached               W

451. Woodmancy, Davon               Unattached               M

452. Woods, Ashleigh                Ctc                      W

453. Woods, Nyla                    Throw1deep Club          W

454. Woods, Talyor                  Georgia Pole Vault Club  M

455. Wright, Emmannuel              Unattached               M

456. Wright, Jaymi                  Unattached               W

457. Yarnell, Emily                 Unattached               W

458. Young, Alex                    Steel Throwers Club      M

459. Young, Ben                     Oak Ridge Racing Club    M

460. Zacharko, Blake                The Heat TC              M

461. Zawisza, Mariah                Oak Ridge Racing Club    W

     Relay                     Event                        Sex

  1. Ctc - 'A'                 #82 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay   W
      Crawford, Mallory; Graham, Zalondria; Rayner, Kiana; Wilson, T
  2. FF Athletics - 'A'        #83 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay    M
      Adams, William; Brown, Jordan; Jenkins, Erin; Johnson, Lamar
  3. Gazelle TC - 'A'          #82 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay   W
      Cutler, Nyna; Dixon, NaTisha; Lewis, Marielle; Rice, Jaelyn
  4. Memphis Jaguars TC - 'A'  #82 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay   W
      Christian, Erika; Martin, Shantel; Pounder, Breyana; Williams,
  5. Memphis Mustangs TC - 'A' #82 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay   W
      Davis, Jaden; Johnson, Myiah; King, Rhavean; Lacy, Dianna
  6. Memphis Mustangs TC - 'B' #82 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay   W
      Cook, Mariah; Lightfoot, Angelica; May, Darraugh; Milburn, Mar
  7. Memphis Mustangs TC - 'A' #83 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay    M
      Fayne, Godfrey; Franklin, Dondrell; Maat, Molefi; Orange, Carl
  8. Quick Striders - 'A'      #83 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay    M
      Belcher, Jeffrey; Edwards, Alvontai; Jeter, Jarad; Lights, Mat
  9. The Force - 'A'           #83 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay    M
      Burkhart, Antonio; Graves, Cody; Pratt, Devin; Rivera, Nathan
 10. Velocity Sun Athletics - '#83 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay    M
      Assad, Anthony; Keel, Coray; Langston, Fredd; Taylor, Dion