TACA Track & Field Committee Meeting Minutes



TACA Track & Field Committee 

Meeting Minutes


April 13, 2011




Track Booklet

-Officials Contact Information

-Break-down of schools in each Sub-Section

-Sectional Directors Information

-Safety Issues

-Independent Coaches/Participation Issues

-Compile the previous year’s state meet DQs

-Meet Host Responsibilities


On-line Rules Meetings

-Information about area meetings to create schedules

-Sports Calendar and who is bound by it


NFHS Rule Changes

-Return form/suggestions before May 10

-Survey to be sent out April 20-May 5


Regular Season Meets

-There is a need to be able to e-mail track coaches in specific areas, or at least get the contact information out to the schools/meet directors.

-Teams do not have to schedule full meets, including all events – schedule what you need (this will be included in the Track Info. Book and the On-line Rules Meeting).

-Coaches should meet with team to go over rules – avoid DQs later in the season (this will be included in the Track Info. Book and the On-line Rules Meeting).

-Sportsmanship/Unusual Occurrences – how are these reported to the TSSAA – no officials are present at some meets (this will be included in the Track Info. Book and the On-line Rules Meeting).

-Uniforms – all black with no school logo is difficult for automatic timing and relay infractions. Richard will attend the Track & Field session at the Federation meeting. Language for any proposed National Federation rule change will be e-mailed out. Wild socks?


Sub-Sectional/Sectional Meets

-Qualifying procedures are not set by TSSAA and they are inconsistent

-TSSAA should send out guidelines about how the State Meet will be run, so subsections/sections can mirror it.

-One date when results will be released (TSSAA Website and All Trax)


State Meet

-Access from the warm-up area to the track should be easier – the gate should be open.

-Coaches access to warm-ups for all events should be consistent.

-Try to avoid participants be involved in multiple field events at the same time.

-Officiating the exchange zone in the 4x4 and 4x8 – lack of directing traffic/runners should be moved down – Jim and Butch usually officiate this area.

-Allow hurdlers to warm-up on the track or provide more hurdles in the warm-up area.

-Does the number of jumps/throws need to be looked at?


Items by Committee Members

-Add class to DII – small/large

-Boy/girl meet format

-Spring Fling Site – something to consider if format is changed

-Adjust Sports Calendar to allow time for teaching technique

-indoor sports season option

-move start date back

-15 day teaching period in the fall

-rearrange dead periods

-allow practice with other schools

Tim Taylor will work on this language and e-mail it out to committee members.

-Grow sport – teach new coaches and middle school coaches – coaching clinics in different areas of the state

-TSSAA should send rules/regulation information out about the state meet ahead of time.

-There are not enough registered officials to consistently cover qualifying meets.

-Aging officials – need to recruit some new officials and get them registered – provide lists of available officials to schools in different areas


Next Year’s Meeting

Monday, December 5, 2011 – 9:00 a.m.


For the Good of Order