August 16, 2010 

Hermitage, Tennessee

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of June Board of Control Minutes

3. Sites for Tournaments and Meets

4. Financial Report of Baseball

5. Financial Report of Softball

6. Financial Report of Soccer

7. Financial Report of Track and Field

8. Financial Report of Tennis

9. Spring Fling Report

The staff will provide an update on the 2010 Spring Fling and will provide a financial report.  

10. Auditor’s Report of the 2009-10 School Year and Revised Budget for the 2010-11 School Year

11. 2010-2011 TSSAA Budget

12. Cooperative Programs Approved During the 2009-2010 School Year

13. Marketing Program Update

14. Student Services/The Right Team Update

15. Athletic District/Regional Coordinators Meeting and Update

16. A. F. Bridges Sportsmanship Awards Program

17. The NFHS Coaches Award Program

18. Report on Officials’ Basketball Camps

19. Approval of Financial Aid for the 2010-2011 School Year

20. Update on Regional Basketball Sites for the 2010-2011 School Year

21. LRG Update

22. Football Bid Proposals

In June, Board members were made aware that the Putnam County Chamber of  Commerce and City of Cookeville presented two different proposals requesting an extension to host the BlueCross/BlueShield of Tennessee Football State Championships.  This was tabled to allow Board and staff members time to study both proposals.  

A decision needs to be made whether or not to extend the contract or put the football state championships back up for bid.  This is the last year of the current contract with Cookeville.  

23. Basketball Bid Proposals

A letter was sent to cities that have expressed an interest in hosting our Basketball State Championships explaining our bid process.  Those cities that have expressed interest in the past are Memphis, Jackson, Clarksville, Martin, Kingsport, Nashville, Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Cookeville, and Johnson City.  Specific information regarding the tournaments will be sent to those cities that notify our office indicating they are interested and would like to bid.  

Plans are to accept bid proposals and ask the TSSAA Board of Control to make a decision during our June 2011 Board meeting.  

24. Administrators’ Meeting Schedule for 2010-2011

25. Summit High School Requests Membership in TSSAA in 2011-12

Summit High School is requesting membership beginning with the 2011-12 school year.  The new school will be located in Williamson and is planning to open in August 2011.  The school will open with grades 9-10 and add a grade each year.  Their projected enrollment is 600-800 students the first year with approximately 200-250 additional students each year as grades are added.  

If approved, Summit High School will become a member in the third year of our four-year classification plan. They plan to offer all TSSAA sanctioned sports at the varsity level.  They will be placed in Class AA, District 12 in football, basketball, baseball, softball, and volleyball.  Football would be placed in 4A since the projected enrollment would be between the current 4A enrollment numbers of 805-1,065.  Summit will compete in District 11, Class A-AA in cross country, golf, girls’ soccer, soccer, and tennis. They will compete in Class A-AA middle in track, District 8 in bowling, Region 6 in individual wrestling, and Region 7 in dual meet wrestling.  This will be for the last two years of classification.

26. TSSAA Network Update

27. Technology Update

28. Litigation Report

29. Hardship Appeals

30. Brentwood Academy Appeals Fine for Filing a Late Basketball Financial Report 

31. Anderson County High School Requests Permission to Shoot Fireworks at Football Game

TSSAA Football Regulations state no explosive devices shall be allowed in regular season or playoff games.

32. Fairview High School Requests Change in District Alignment

Fairview High School is asking the Board to consider moving their school from District 12AA to District 11AA for the last two years of classification.