Help Wanted: Seeking Contributors For MileSplit Tennessee

Help Wanted! 

When I started contributing for MileSplit in 2018 all I had was a phone and a passion for the sport. I graduated from contributor to state editor a couple of years later and while most people are appreciative of the work we're doing already to bring attention cross country and track and field in Tennessee, I still feel like there is more to offer but my personal bandwidth to keep elevating the site is increasingly limited. If you are interested in any of the following departments, I could use your help. High need areas of the state listed below. 

Here's a quick rundown of areas you can help contribute. All areas of contribution will have monetary compensation. 

If interested email or reach out on social media. 


This one is pretty straight forward. Do you have a digital camera that can take focused shots of athletes moving at high speeds? That's pretty much it.

High Need Area - Memphis


The need in this department is multi-faceted but you do not need to do all of them to be helpful so I broke it down and provided examples.

Traditional Race Footage
This position will require a recording device and that can store 3+ hours of race footage and a computer to upload them to the website with. 

High Need Area - Chattanooga, Tri-Cities/East Tennessee

Technology Specialist

This is a new need but you in certain cases for high priority meets you will be assisting on site with the uploading of traditional race video. You will need a computer that can connect to the internet by Ethernet Port or Wifi and can read an SD Card with an adapter. The proper candidate will know their way around File Explorer. 

High Need Area - Memphis

Drone Footage

If you have a drone because you thought it would be a fun toy to play with, I think it can be a great tool instead to enhance our track and field and cross country coverage. Last season this was the first time we tried this for track and it turned out better than I anticipated it would. There isn't a race that wouldn't look better from a drone than from the traditional vantage point from the stands. The more drones and drone pilots in our fleet the better moving forward.


Are you knowledgeable of the sport and comfortable talking to athletes like in the interview above? This is an area of need and like me, an easy way to get started in meet coverage and contribution. It also requires the least amount of equipment.

We look forward to hearing from you.
If interested email or reach out on social media.