Seth Robinson's Siegel Stars have had lots of team success during his time in high school.
What made you get into track and field in the first place and what does this sport mean to you?
Growing up I was not particularly great at any sport, but spring of my 6th grade year my mom suggested running track. She had me running every other day till try outs, so I guess you can say I got into track and field thanks to my mom. Over the years, I grew to develop a love for the sport, and it means so much to me. I will never forget the friends and memories I have made.
What was your most memorable race/competition?
My most memorable race was my sophomore year when our team won state for the first time. We came in ranking 3rd and I remember us all saying that getting 3rd would be so awesome, so when we won it just blew our minds.
Where did you face your biggest competition?
The biggest competition I have faced is when we traveled to the Woodbridge Classic in California. By no means did we think that we were going to win, but it was a great experience for all of us. Besides we collected some big PRs that race too.
Out of all of your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
This one is kind of given. It was definitely when Siegel won state three times in a row. The first time we came in as underdogs and totally surprised everyone. The second time we had the goal of defending and walking out 2-time champions. The third year for a few of us, it was our last go around, so we had to go out with a bang.
If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your athletic career in high school?
Honestly, I would not change a thing because the experiences and the friendships I have made shaped me into who I am today. This journey I have been on and the lessons I have made, I would not change it for anything.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
During my junior year cross country season, I was battling a hip injury until Footlocker training where it became too much to handle. It was believed that I could have suffered a labrum tear in my right hip, but surgery was the only way to confirm it. Instead of surgery I did physical therapy for 6 months and was able to qualify for state. Ever since then I have had no issues with it.
What will you miss the most?
I am definitely going to miss my teammates and coaches. I would not be where I am if it were not for them. Saying goodbye is a hard thing to do, so I'll just leave it at a see you later.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
My advice to younger athletes would be to listen. Listen and take in all the information from your coaches and your teammates. Another would be to never take anything for granted and enjoy the time you have with your team.
How have your coaches influenced your performances and your life goals overall?
Phil Young is one of the greats. I believe he can make a runner out of anyone. For example, I ran 22:42 for my first 5k and he helped me reach 15:48 by my senior year. He has helped not only me but his whole team achieve something we never thought possible.
What are your post-high school plans?
I will be going to college at UTC where I will run cross country and track, and I plan to major in exercise science. High school has been a great experience and I am looking forward to college.
Any shoutouts?
Shout out to the boys in RUCO Gang! We have had a great ride and I will see you boys down the road.