Case Study (Updated): Track Surface Tension in Tennessee

Raw Numbers

Rubber Asphalt Nothing
All Schools 139 62 141
Enrollment >1000 85 16 8
Enrollment < 1000 54 46 133
Enrollment < 700 22 35 116


40% of Division I schools in Tennessee have a rubberized track surface at their campus to train on.

60% of Division I schools who have a rubberized track surface have over 1000 students.

84% of Division I schools who have a rubberized track surface have over 700 students.

If you attend a Division I school with an enrollment over 1000 students, there is a 78% chance your school has a rubberized track surface to train on.

If you attend a Division I school with and enrollment under 1000 students, there is a 23% chance your school has a rubberized track surface to train on.

If you attend a Division I school with and enrollment under 700 students, there is a 13% chance your school has a rubberized track surface to train on.

The smallest school's enrollment that definitively has a rubberized track surface to train on at their campus is 403.

The smallest 97 Division I schools in the state collectively have a total of Zero rubberized track surfaces at their campuses.