Update from the Midgetts
As we approach the 4 year anniversary of Coleman's passing, there are only a few kids left on the cross country team who actually knew Coleman and ran with him. So it is important for us to be able to continue to tell his story and to keep it fresh for the athletes who are new to the team. We want them to know that this is so much more than "just another race". Coleman was one of them and he loved this sport, his team, and teammates. But more importantly, he incorporated his love for Christ into his sport, team, and his relationships with teammates. He tried his best to be a positive influence on all and share his love for Christ as well. Because of the decision Coleman made on 6.24.16, we know where Coleman is and we look forward to seeing him again. But the life lesson Coleman left us with is you never know when your time here on earth will end. So live each day as your last. Don't waste it.
Love The Midgett's (8/22/2021)
More than a Meet
Mostly, cross country and track meets incorporate in some form or fashion the school and or mascot into the name of their meet. The Beech Invitational was no different. It has been known by that title since 2004 and has been a staple on a lot of Middle Tennessee team's schedules on the first or second Saturday in September. This year however, as coaches looked for it on the meet calendar page to register, they probably, unintentionally, scrolled past it. This season it was been rebranded as the Coleman Midgett Invitational. Often when meets or stadiums bear the names of specific individuals it's for a long time coach or prestigious alumni of the program. Unfortunately, Coleman Midgett did not have the opportunity to become either of those. On November 17, 2017, on the heels of his Junior cross country season in which he improved his PR by a minute and was a consistent top three performer for the Beech High School men's program, Coleman died when he was riding in a car with friends in Gallatin and the car ran off the road and struck a tree. He was 16. There were no other fatalities. For those who knew Coleman and for those who attended, this year's competition was more than a meet.