NOT SO NEW FEATURE! Many of you may not have even known it, but you have long had the ability on this site to tag yourself or your athletes in a photo. It was kind of complicated to use though and you couldn't tag others. Now though, we've made it really easy! Follow the steps below...
1) Login to your MileSplit account. You do not have to be a subscriber (unless the photo album is locked for subscribers only) and you do not have to have claimed your athlete profile or team.
2) Browse photos in a photo album. Look through photos like you normally would until you find one that you know someone in, but that person has not yet been tagged in the photo.
3) Search for them. On the right hand column you'll see a search for to "Tag an Athlete". Type in their name and click search. See image below.
4) Click on the correct name. If you see the person who you were looking for who appears in the photo, click their name. Once you do you will see their name appears in the "Tagged In This Photo" section. See image below.
5) What now? Well that's it! You can go on and tag some more photos. But that photo is now associated with that athlete. When you pull up the athlete's profile it will show this photo in their list of photos of them. You have just helped their profile become more complete and all of us find photos 10x easier. And you get a golden star for doing a good deed today! !!