Redskin Rally 2010

Kingsport, TN

Meet Information

4th Annual Redskin Rally
Middle School Cross Country Invitational
Hosted by Ross N. Robinson Middle School, Kingsport, TN
Dear Coaches,
We would like to invite you to the 4th Annual Redskin Rally.  Last year we had 500 runners representing 27 schools, making it one of the largest middle school meets in Tennessee.  Please plan to join us for an exciting, early season meet.  

When:			Tuesday, August 24, 2010
			3:00 – 4:15 – Tour of Course
			Girls run at 4:30
			Boys run at 5:00

Where:			Domtar Park (The old Heritage Park) Directions enclosed.

Who is Eligible:		All 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders, unless your conference, system, or school 						specifically prohibits 6th Graders from competition.

Entry Fee:		$30.00 Per School entering a boys and girls team, $15.00 Per Team, or $5.00 					Individual.  Make checks payable to Robinson Middle School.

Awards:		                  Champion Trophy for winning girl and boy		
2nd  – 10th place medals, girls and boys
			Ribbons for 11th – 200th place, girls and boys
			1st, 2nd and 3rd place team trophies for girls and boys
			GRAND CHAMPION TROPHY goes to the school who has the 
			lowest COMBINED girls and boys scores!
			SPORTMANSHIP AWARD goes to the school who exhibits the 
			best sportsmanship and team spirit throughout the meet!

Concessions:		Kingsport Parks and Rec plan to have the concession stand open during our 
			meet.  Bring plenty of money!  Restrooms will also be available.

Registration:		Please register and send entry fee to:
Coach Terry Diamond
			Robinson Middle School
			1517 Jesse St.
			Kingsport, TN 
                                    	Fax to 423-378-2220

			Note:  You may bring entry fee to meet, but please send in 
			registration form by Aug. 20, 2010.

Length of Course:		1.5 miles mostly flat to rolling terrain along the banks of the Holston River 
			on historic Long Island of the Holston – a good early season run.

Scoring:			We will use the raw score of your top 5 runners to determine 
			team winners.  Coaches will fill out a score card after each race
			and turn in to the scorers table.  Your 6th place runner will be
			used to break any tie score.  If still tied, we will use your 7th.

Contact Info:		Coach Terry Diamond
423-378-2200 Work                                     423-276-0414                   Cell
423-288-9844 Home                          Email:

Redskin Rally Registration Form

School:	__________________________________________________

Girl’s Coach: __________________________________________________

Boy’s Coach: __________________________________________________

Estimated Number of Girls__________________________

Estimated Number of Boys _________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________

Cell: ______________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________

Address of School: _______________________________________________________

Please mail this by Aug. 20, 2010 to:

Coach Terry Diamond
Robinson Middle School
1517 Jesse St.
Kingsport, TN 37664

Or Fax to 423-378-2220

You may bring entry fee to the meet.