Meet Information
Welcome to the UC Open 1. As we have done in the past we are running a shortened event schedule. There will be no Hurdles, 4x800 or 4x200. This will allow us to move the meet along much quicker during the month of March. We are allowing unlimited entries into the events and up to two relay teams per school. We plan to fill the lanes and run each race to its fullest capacity. Entry fee is $100 per school or $50 per gender. A hospitality room will be available for coaches. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Schedule of Events
Field Events
4:30 Girls Disc, Boys Shot, Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump. (Boys Disc, Girls Shot, Boys High Jump, Girls Long Jump will Follow. Combined flights for Triple will take place after Boys and Girls Long Jump.)
First Attempt will be measured, After that Standards must be reached to get measured. 3 attempts.
Long Jump: Girls 12 Feet, Boys 16 Feet.
Shot Put: Girls 20 Feet, Boys 30 Feet.
Disc: Girls 40 Feet, Boys 70 Feet.
Running Events will be a rolling schedule.
Girls 3200
Girls 100, Boys 100
Girls 1600, Boys 1600
Girls 4x100, Boys 4x100
Girls 400, Boys 400
Girls 800, Boys 800
Girls 200, Boys 200
Boys 3200
Girls 4x400, Boys 4x400