Cleveland Varsity Home Meet #1 2025

Cleveland, TN

Meet Information

Coaches, my goal is always to have enough helpers to run the events so you can coach. I always attempt to get helpers who know the events. Sometimes it doesnt work out that way and you need to help.

We are allowing 4 entries because its so early in the season. 

Field Events: As long as all teams have shown up by 4:05 we will start field events by 4:30 pm.  If field event athletes have all warmed up and ready, they may start early.  If you have high jumpers please have them get to the HJ early to get their marks. If we can start the HJ early that will be great. We won't hold the meet to wait for the high jump, but we will hold the HJ to move the meet. 

Girls High Jump followed by boys HJ

Boys LJ followed by Girls LJ

Girls Shot followed by Boys Shot

Boys Discus followed by Girls Discus

Order of events girls followed by boys
We will start as soon as the timing system is ready. 1st call at 4:30 for girls hurdles. 

100/110 hurdles
4 x 800
4 x 200
4 x 100
4 x 400