CCS FastBreak Invitational 2025

Timing/Results TXC Timing
Registration Closes in 12 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Meet Fees $15.00 per athlete; maximum fee is $100.00 per gender team

Payments mail checks to:

Chattanooga Christian School

c/o Katie Stanford

3354 Charger Dr.

Chattanooga, TN 37409

Deadline: Thursday, April 3, 9:00 PM

Entry Restrictions per Gender Team:

1 relay team per relay event

3 athletes per individual event

Athlete may compete in up to 4 events of any combination.

Gate Fee: $7/ kids under 5 free

Coaching Duties: Please provide at least 1 coach from your team to

judge one or more of the following field events. Please e-mail your

preference to

Girls Pole Vault:

Boys Pole Vault:

Boys Long:

Boys Triple Jump:

Girls Long:

Girls Triple Jump:

Girls High Jump:

Boys High Jump:

Boys Shot Put:

Girls Shot Put:

Girls Discus:

Boys Discus:

Schedule of Events: TIMES TO BE DETERMINED

8:45 Boys pole Vault/ Girls to follow  - All athletes must turn in a wavier. Waviers can be found at the TSSAA website or one can be emailed to you.

9:15 Coaches meeting

9:30 Implement Weigh-In

10:00 Field Events Begin

Round 1: Girls Discus, High Jump, Long Jump

Boys Shot Put, Long Jump

Round 2: girls Shot Put, Triple Jump;

Boys Discus, High Jump, Triple Jump

10:30  4x800 m Relay

12:30 Running Events Begin, even if field events are still in progress (girls then boys)

100/110 m High Hurdles

100 m Dash

4x200 m Relay

1600 m Run

4x100 m Relay -

400 m Dash

300 m Hurdles

800 m Run

200 m Dash

3200 m Run

4x400 m Relay -

Minimum Marks for Measurement: (NO minimum marks for ENTRY, but no

measurement will be made if athlete comes short of given mark. Athletes

may REQUEST a measurement on their LAST attempt if all previous attempts

fell short of minimum mark.)

Girls Discus: 50'

Boys Discus: 70'

Girls Shot Put: 20'

Boys Shot Put: 30'

Girls Long Jump: 10'

Boys Long Jump: 14'

Girls Triple Jump: 18'

Boys Triple Jump: 20'

Girls High Jump (opening height): 4'4'

Boys High Jump (opening height): 4'10'

Girls Pole Vault (opening height): 6'

Boys Pole Vault (opening height): 7'


All implements must be weighed in and marked before use in

competition. Any under-weight implements will be held at the timing

table for teams to claim after throwing events have concluded.

Legal-weight implements may be borrowed as needed.

Girls discus: 1.0 kg

Boys discus: 1.6 kg

Boys shot put: 12 lbs

Girls shot put: 4.0 kg

Throwers using un-weighed implements will be disqualified from competition.

3 attempts permitted

Measuring: A pin will be placed at the point of impact for each

attempt. The pin will be moved if athletes' successive attempts are

better than their first attempts. One measurement will be made at the

conclusion of the flight to record athletes' best throws.


3 attempts total for long jump and triple jump

3 attempts per height for high jump and pole vault

Vaulters must provide a wavier.


Scratches/Substitutions for running events must be made known at the conclusion of the coaches meeting.

Scratches/Substitutions for field events should be made at the appropriate venues.

No Substitutions permitted after 10:30 am

Absolutely NO new athletes added who were not on original registration.

Coaches' Responsibilities: These will be assigned during the coaches meeting.

Games Committee:

Awards: TBD

Only coaches should request or challenge results.

Email Sonja Mullins for full details (