Out Like a Lion March Meet at BHS 2025

Murfreesboro, TN

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

We have room for one or two more teams. If you want the password, please email Coach Sutton. 

  1. March 25. Blackman High School Opener. 
  2. Larry Smith is timing. 
  3. Entry fee. $110.00. Make checks payable to Blackman High School. Our entry fee is going up due to having to pay for an SRO for the meet. If you are bringing a small team, please email Coach Sutton and we will make arrangements. 
  4. The weather - TBD
  5. Entries are open on Tennessee Milesplit.
  6. Itinerary
    4pm Coaches Meeting
    4:15. Field events open
    1. Boys shot then Girls Shot
      Girls disc then Boys Disc
      Boys high jump then Girls high jump
      Girls long jump then Boys long jump
  7. 4:15 Running events begin. Girls then Boys
    1. 3200
      100/110 Hurdles
      4x400 Co Ed
      We will be recognizing our seniors in the middle of this meet.
  8. Bathrooms. Currently, the bathrooms are turned of for the winter. They should be turned on by this meet. If not, there are two  
  9. This night is also our Senior Recognition. More TBD. 
  10. Check in table will be on the infield. 
  11. Athletes may warm up on the infield. Athletes will not be allowed to hand out or loiter on the infield. Also, only athletes and coaches on the infield. 
  12. There will be ribbons for awards. TBD.
    The entry fee at the gate is five dollars. This is for anyone middle school or older.