Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
We have room for one or two more teams. If you want the password, please email Coach Sutton.
- March 25. Blackman High School Opener.
- Larry Smith is timing.
- Entry fee. $110.00. Make checks payable to Blackman High School. Our entry fee is going up due to having to pay for an SRO for the meet. If you are bringing a small team, please email Coach Sutton and we will make arrangements.
- The weather - TBD
- Entries are open on Tennessee Milesplit.
- Itinerary4pm Coaches Meeting4:15. Field events open
- Boys shot then Girls ShotGirls disc then Boys DiscBoys high jump then Girls high jumpGirls long jump then Boys long jump
- 4:15 Running events begin. Girls then Boys
- 3200100/110 Hurdles1004x20016004004x1004x400 Co Ed4x400We will be recognizing our seniors in the middle of this meet.
- Bathrooms. Currently, the bathrooms are turned of for the winter. They should be turned on by this meet. If not, there are two
- This night is also our Senior Recognition. More TBD.
- Check in table will be on the infield.
- Athletes may warm up on the infield. Athletes will not be allowed to hand out or loiter on the infield. Also, only athletes and coaches on the infield.
- There will be ribbons for awards. TBD.The entry fee at the gate is five dollars. This is for anyone middle school or older.