Meet Information
$10.00 per athlete. Maximum $50.00 per team -Varsity Division (Boys and Girls pay as separate teams). JV Division -$10.00 per athlete. Elementary Division - $10.00 per athlete. No Refunds
This is a Tennessee State Championship meet for Tennessee middle school aged athletes only. You must be in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade to compete. Any athlete that has competed at the High School level (Varisty or Junior Varsity) prior to the regional qualifier or state meet will not be eligible to compete. Teams and / or individuals must qualify to compete in this championship meet through designated regional qualifying races. There will be a special open elementary school race (grades 3,4,5) which will precede Middle School races.
Middle School Varsity Division - Open to all Middle School Athletes (grades 6,7,8) that have qualified at a regional qualifier either as a member of a top 5 team or top 25 individual. Teams - only your top 10 runners should be entered in the varsity race.
Middle School Junior Varsity Division - Open to all Middle School Athletes of teams that have qualified at a regional qualifier (grades 6,7,8). This division is only for those qualified teams with more than 10 runners. All remaining runners outside of your top 10 should be entered in the JV Division.
Please note that the Tennessee Middle School Cross Country Championships is a post (TMSSAA) season invitational meet. Teams and individuals competing in Tennessee Middle School Cross Country Championships are selected through a set of five regional qualifying events. Teams must be made up of members of the same middle school team and must compete as a club-team from that school or as unattached runners. Composite or All-Star teams are not allowed. However home school teams are allowed.
All entries must be made online by midnight Wednesday, October 20, 2010 . No exceptions.
FOR ONLINE ENTRY ( Enter here only if you have qualified)
Click -
Online Entry
Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club. Certified / Cashiers Check / Money Order only.
You may also pay your entry fees online via credit card (MC / VISA )
Entry Fees Due - October 22, 2010
Mail entry fees only to:
Marty Sonnenfeldt
P.O. Box 7175
Knoxville , TN 37921
9:00 AM - Packet Pick Up will Open (Concession Stand Area)
9:30 AM - Course Open for Warm ups
10:30 AM - Course Closed for Warm ups
Special Elementary School Races
11:00 AM - Girls Elementary School Race - 1 Mile
11:25 AM - Boys Elementary School Race - 1 Mile
Packet Pick Up will Close
Middle School Division
12:00 PM - Junior Varsity Races (Boys and Girls together)
12:40 PM - Girls Middle School Varsity Race - 2 Miles
1:20 PM - Boys Middle School Varsity Race - 2 Miles
2:00 PM - Awards
Off of I-640 take the Western Ave. exit. Follow Western Ave West (towards Oak Ridge )
.3 miles to Ballcamp Pike - take a right at the light by Wendy's Restaurant and follow Ball Camp to Bradshaw Rd.
Take a right onto Bradshaw and follow 1 mile to the entrance to the park on left.
Bear left when entering park to the XC parking area, please follow parking instructions given by security officers.
PACKET PICK-UP: Saturday - October 23th - Packet Pickup will open at 9AM and remain open through
11:25 AM - Concession Stand / Victor Ashe Park
Commemorative shirts will be on sale at the meet for $15.00
Individual Awards - Trophies will be awarded to the top 20 in each race.
Team Awards - plaques will be awarded to the top three boys and girls varsity middle school teams.
All-State Designation - Awarded to top 20 individual in both the varisty girls and varsity boys races.
All-State certificates to be awarded with trophies.
For general information, call the Knoxville Track Club - Youth Athletics Hotline at (865) 406-4128.
For technical, meet details e-mail Meet Director - Marty Sonnenfeldt
$10.00 per athlete. Maximum $50.00 per team -Varsity Division (Boys and Girls pay as separate teams). JV Division -$10.00 per athlete. Elementary Division - $10.00 per athlete. No Refunds
This is a Tennessee State Championship meet for Tennessee middle school aged athletes only. You must be in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade to compete. Any athlete that has competed at the High School level (Varisty or Junior Varsity) prior to the regional qualifier or state meet will not be eligible to compete. Teams and / or individuals must qualify to compete in this championship meet through designated regional qualifying races. There will be a special open elementary school race (grades 3,4,5) which will precede Middle School races.
Middle School Varsity Division - Open to all Middle School Athletes (grades 6,7,8) that have qualified at a regional qualifier either as a member of a top 5 team or top 25 individual. Teams - only your top 10 runners should be entered in the varsity race.
Middle School Junior Varsity Division - Open to all Middle School Athletes of teams that have qualified at a regional qualifier (grades 6,7,8). This division is only for those qualified teams with more than 10 runners. All remaining runners outside of your top 10 should be entered in the JV Division.
Please note that the Tennessee Middle School Cross Country Championships is a post (TMSSAA) season invitational meet. Teams and individuals competing in Tennessee Middle School Cross Country Championships are selected through a set of five regional qualifying events. Teams must be made up of members of the same middle school team and must compete as a club-team from that school or as unattached runners. Composite or All-Star teams are not allowed. However home school teams are allowed.
All entries must be made online by midnight Wednesday, October 20, 2010 . No exceptions.
FOR ONLINE ENTRY ( Enter here only if you have qualified)
Click -

Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club. Certified / Cashiers Check / Money Order only.
You may also pay your entry fees online via credit card (MC / VISA )
Entry Fees Due - October 22, 2010
Mail entry fees only to:
Marty Sonnenfeldt
P.O. Box 7175
Knoxville , TN 37921
9:00 AM - Packet Pick Up will Open (Concession Stand Area)
9:30 AM - Course Open for Warm ups
10:30 AM - Course Closed for Warm ups
Special Elementary School Races
11:00 AM - Girls Elementary School Race - 1 Mile
11:25 AM - Boys Elementary School Race - 1 Mile
Packet Pick Up will Close
Middle School Division
12:00 PM - Junior Varsity Races (Boys and Girls together)
12:40 PM - Girls Middle School Varsity Race - 2 Miles
1:20 PM - Boys Middle School Varsity Race - 2 Miles
2:00 PM - Awards
Off of I-640 take the Western Ave. exit. Follow Western Ave West (towards Oak Ridge )
.3 miles to Ballcamp Pike - take a right at the light by Wendy's Restaurant and follow Ball Camp to Bradshaw Rd.
Take a right onto Bradshaw and follow 1 mile to the entrance to the park on left.
Bear left when entering park to the XC parking area, please follow parking instructions given by security officers.
PACKET PICK-UP: Saturday - October 23th - Packet Pickup will open at 9AM and remain open through
11:25 AM - Concession Stand / Victor Ashe Park
Commemorative shirts will be on sale at the meet for $15.00
Individual Awards - Trophies will be awarded to the top 20 in each race.
Team Awards - plaques will be awarded to the top three boys and girls varsity middle school teams.
All-State Designation - Awarded to top 20 individual in both the varisty girls and varsity boys races.
All-State certificates to be awarded with trophies.
For general information, call the Knoxville Track Club - Youth Athletics Hotline at (865) 406-4128.
For technical, meet details e-mail Meet Director - Marty Sonnenfeldt