Meet Information
March 31-April 1
The 24th annual Highland Games will take place on Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1.
The first 16 high school and 8 middle school teams to sign up will be entered.
Each team will be allowed one relay per event. Field events will be contested as a relay of three athletes, with the best mark from each athlete totaled. Minimum marks will be used for all field events except PV and HJ. The first mark will be measured.
High School only will contest a stone throw, caber toss, and Tug of War.
Tug of War will be contested with eight male athletes and six female athletes per team. Each school may enter only one Tug of War team. Tug of War is High School only.
Team tents and the athlete warm-up area will be held on the soccer field overlooking the track.
No athletes will be allowed on the infield without a wristband and checking in with the clerk of the course. Field event athletes will check in at their event.
All winning relay teams will receive Highland Games t-shirts.
MS $100 for boys and girls; $50 boys or girls
MS packet pick up and coaches meeting at 3:30 AM on Friday.
HS packet pick up and coaches meeting at 8:00 AM on Saturday.
MS- Friday Night
4:00 Boys High Jump (girls to follow)
4:00 Girls Long Jump (boys to follow)
4:00 Boys Shot Put (girls to follow)
4:00 Girls Discus (boys to follow)
4:00 Combine Boy/Girls PV
5:00 4x800
5:30 4x100
5:50 Mile
6:20 4x200
6:40 Developmental Mile (Combined Boys and Girls)
7:00 4x400
HS- Saturday Morning
8:00 Developmental Mile (no entry limit. Hand timed)
8:30 Girls Discus (boys to Follow)
8:30 Boys Shot Put (girls to follow)
8:30 Boys and Girls Long Jump (separate pits)
9:00 Boys and Girls High Jump (separate pits)
10:00 PV Girls and Boys Combined
10:30 Opening Ceremonies
10:45 Boys Stone Throw (girls to follow)
10:45 4x800
11:15 Tug of War Quarterfinals
11:30 Caber Toss
11:30 Tug of War Semifinals
11:15 4x100
11:30 Mile
12:00 4x200
12:25 DMR (1200, 400, 800, 1600)
12:45 Tug of War Finals
1:00 4x400