Chattanooga Cross Country Festival 2009

Chattanooga, TN
Hosted by TXC Timing

Meet Information

Time table:
9:30 JV Boys
10:00 Varsity Girls
10:45 Varsity Boys
11:30 JV Girls
12:15 HS Varsity Awards Top 20 indiv. top 5 teams
1:00 Middle school Girls Varsity (10)
1:30 Middle School Boys Varsity (10)
2:00 Middle School Jr Varsity (Coed unlimited)
2:30 MS Awards

Waivers must be signed by all competitors (TVA rule)

We are limiting this meet to the first 50 teams in the High school division.

For directions and course map click the link above "Chickamauga Dam"


Middle School Coaches,
If your team is not listed on this list ->

Please send me an email with the following information so I can get it added ->
School name
School's Street address, city & zip code
School phone #
web address (if you have it.)

Please do this ASAP because it will take time to get them in the database.

Thank you
Jasen Parks

How do I register for this meet?

1. Login or Register - You must have a user name and password for Milesplit. To get that, if you don't have one, click register in the top right gray MileSplt bar directly under the Universal Sports logo and search box.

2. Claim Your Team - If you haven't already set this up, you must be registered as a coach to register for a meet In order to get set up, you go to your team page, and at the top right, click