TSSAA Region 5: AAA 2021

Hendersonville, TN

Athlete Entries

Jr. Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run 110 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walmsley, Isaac 17:06.86 Green Hill High School
Tunks, Garrett 17:28.41 Beech Senior High School
Isbell, Owen 17:29.17 Green Hill High School
Hillis, Jaden 17:40.26 Beech Senior High School
Simmons, Nicolas 17:45.89 Beech Senior High School
Helmy, Mena 17:49.51 Green Hill High School
Stewart, Christian 18:14.86 Green Hill High School
Draper, Logan 18:32.45 Station Camp High School
Cowles, Andrew 18:32.50 Station Camp High School
Lanning, Ryan 18:34.06 Beech Senior High School
Goin, Logan 18:38.45 Beech Senior High School
Webb, Case 18:43.42 Station Camp High School
Stride, Will 18:44.53 Wilson Central High School
Pindrock, Sam 18:46.20 Beech Senior High School
Roundy, Nathaniel 18:48.66 Beech Senior High School
Bissonnette, Kaden 18:50.27 Green Hill High School
Boyd, Bryce 18:50.31 Beech Senior High School
Gallaher, Grant 18:50.45 Beech Senior High School
Dewees, Andrew 18:53.85 Beech Senior High School
Felder, Rashad 19:01.13 Cookeville High School
Locke, Cole 19:14.90 Green Hill High School
Burch, Lincoln 19:16.40 Green Hill High School
Mercante, Nicholas 19:20.15 Wilson Central High School
Valdez, Zach 19:22.20 Station Camp High School
Mayhugh, Dayton 19:25.40 Green Hill High School
Miller, Austin 19:25.52 Station Camp High School
Cornett, Konner 19:31.00 Station Camp High School
Mouvery, Kendall 19:31.18 Wilson Central High School
Beck, Fletcher 19:31.41 Station Camp High School
Tooley, Logan 19:37.18 Beech Senior High School
Winsinger, David 19:46.76 Green Hill High School
Esslinger, RJ 19:47.32 Wilson Central High School
Coleman, Cody 19:52.47 Cookeville High School
Teachenor, Charlie 19:54.00 Beech Senior High School
Cote, Carson 19:57.02 Green Hill High School
Nita, Nicholas 19:57.17 Mt. Juliet High School
Williams, Camden 19:57.42 Station Camp High School
McLendon, Bennett 19:58.00 Beech Senior High School
Allgood, Chris 19:59.72 Beech Senior High School
Torsak, Zach 20:01.80 Station Camp High School
Hawkins, Asher 20:02.54 Wilson Central High School
Wilkinson, Matthew 20:13.07 Station Camp High School
Steelman, Gray 20:14.14 Beech Senior High School
Kirby, Brayden 20:19.00 Wilson Central High School
Olsen, Gabe 20:25.14 Cookeville High School
Voss, Jack 20:33.21 Station Camp High School
Hobgood, Hayden 20:46.71 Beech Senior High School
Batson, John 20:49.65 Hendersonville High School
Mann, Riley 21:01.01 Station Camp High School
Blanton, Devin 21:03.91 Gallatin High School
Fancher, Gavin 21:05.06 Wilson Central High School
Taylor, Jeremy 21:06.76 Lebanon High School
Binnion, Jayden 21:08.61 Beech Senior High School
Douglas, Christopher 21:10.82 Wilson Central High School
Patel, Parth 21:10.91 Beech Senior High School
Carda, Chase 21:13.00 Mt. Juliet High School
Buchanan, Elijah 21:13.60 Green Hill High School
Hinkle, Kaedyn 21:17.92 Beech Senior High School
Banaszak, Logan 21:22.83 Green Hill High School
Bullion, Bryce 21:23.12 Beech Senior High School
Moore, Jake 21:25.74 Hendersonville High School
Troller, Sutton 21:30.18 Beech Senior High School
Kimmel, Calvin 21:30.95 Gallatin High School
Bakheet, Stephen 21:34.69 Mt. Juliet High School
Garcia, Logan 21:45.14 Green Hill High School
Smith, Noah 21:47.00 Beech Senior High School
Bohannon, Porter 21:51.01 Gallatin High School
Steelman, Wade 21:59.26 Beech Senior High School
Campbell, Liam 22:02.76 Mt. Juliet High School
Vandiver-Lawrence, Creek 22:04.05 Gallatin High School
Baker, Hayden 22:05.90 Gallatin High School
Dudney, John 22:14.21 Cookeville High School
Kays, Carter 22:17.69 Beech Senior High School
Wang, Larry 22:19.82 Hendersonville High School
Morey, Maben 22:19.88 Green Hill High School
Daley, Ethan 22:21.64 Lebanon High School
Gronda, Elijah 22:22.34 Mt. Juliet High School
Warren, Aikman 22:26.59 Gallatin High School
Smith, Scott 22:28.00 Cookeville High School
Sellers, Allen 22:32.20 Lebanon High School
Roberge, Briston 22:36.68 Lebanon High School
Crilley, Frank 22:41.31 Station Camp High School
Hunt, Jacob 22:42.00 Green Hill High School
McHugh, Logan 22:51.90 Green Hill High School
Lavender, Jacob 22:52.00 Green Hill High School
Boyd, Grant 23:05.73 Beech Senior High School
Sather, Cameron 23:22.39 Wilson Central High School
Holman, Asia 23:30.66 Gallatin High School
Farley, Cason 23:42.80 Beech Senior High School
McCleeary, Aidan 23:53.31 Wilson Central High School
Hamlet, Matthew 24:06.55 Cookeville High School
Nelson, Mason 24:14.92 Cookeville High School
Lepley, Michael 24:19.20 Cookeville High School
Crowley, Lucas 24:23.29 Beech Senior High School
Alley, Trent 24:27.46 Cookeville High School
Evans, Cooper 24:28.60 Beech Senior High School
Shaw, Henry 24:36.69 Beech Senior High School
Champaneria, Dhruv 24:46.00 Wilson Central High School
Cowan, Logan 25:07.43 Lebanon High School
Heerdt, Ricki 25:18.68 Hendersonville High School
Pagoria, Sam 25:36.37 Hendersonville High School
Beaty, Jordan 26:04.77 Station Camp High School
Meadows, Kalor 26:17.81 Gallatin High School
Farber, Cameron 26:19.80 Wilson Central High School
Pancirov, Braiden 26:32.08 Gallatin High School
Ruiz, Sebastian 26:33.59 Cookeville High School
Craft, Ayden 28:39.54 Beech Senior High School
Daley, Reed 28:42.39 Lebanon High School
Oakley, Jacob 32:37.34 Lebanon High School
Bates, Rogan 35:51.39 Gallatin High School
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Jr. Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Miliana Green Hill High School
Everett, Eliza 20:52.04 Beech Senior High School
Lawson, Lexie 20:52.46 Beech Senior High School
Nita, Maggie 20:53.03 Green Hill High School
Lenfert, Meagan 21:05.66 Beech Senior High School
Driller, Anna 21:27.17 Cookeville High School
Angelova, Niya 21:48.75 Beech Senior High School
Evans, Jordyn 21:57.92 Beech Senior High School
Smith, Abigail 22:06.74 Cookeville High School
Grammer, Lilli 22:19.56 Beech Senior High School
Donovan, Anna 22:23.91 Beech Senior High School
Luecke, Claire 22:25.50 Green Hill High School
Stafford, Sydney 22:26.40 Green Hill High School
Jones, Mia 22:35.83 Wilson Central High School
Duggar, Katie 22:57.78 Beech Senior High School
Abbey, Kaitlyn 23:05.40 Beech Senior High School
Goad, Katie 23:17.28 Cookeville High School
Evans, Christine 23:19.03 Wilson Central High School
Vaughn, Audrey 23:22.52 Beech Senior High School
Schmidt, Ella Grace 23:32.95 Green Hill High School
Roden, Jayden 23:33.99 Station Camp High School
Smith, Kayla 23:37.00 Green Hill High School
Stephen, Lainy 23:45.13 Station Camp High School
Wagner, Kristen 24:09.95 Green Hill High School
James, Rachel 24:13.00 Station Camp High School
Beck, Opal 24:14.73 Station Camp High School
McLamb, Josie 24:24.11 Beech Senior High School
Murdock, Peyton 24:33.00 Cookeville High School
Synnestvedt, Lucy 24:43.06 Cookeville High School
Mullen, Kennedy 24:43.44 Beech Senior High School
Rambang, Thinyin 24:45.46 Gallatin High School
Hawkins, Numa 24:47.05 Wilson Central High School
Dubrey, Ryleigh 24:50.35 Beech Senior High School
Smith, Ava 25:22.13 Beech Senior High School
Thurston, Emme 25:24.34 Station Camp High School
Dewees, Annabelle 25:25.73 Beech Senior High School
Smith, Brynlie 25:29.85 Green Hill High School
Whitlow, Katie 25:43.14 Gallatin High School
Gardner, Jada 25:57.07 Beech Senior High School
Garrett, Elizabeth 25:59.48 Beech Senior High School
Seybold, Fiona 26:03.25 Green Hill High School
Stanberry, Annaleisa 26:04.48 Cookeville High School
Hartley, Anna Claire 26:11.90 Beech Senior High School
Negus, Morgan 26:42.93 Beech Senior High School
Cox, Catarina 27:06.53 Station Camp High School
Wright, Ava 27:33.29 Gallatin High School
Gilley, Leah 27:48.81 Gallatin High School
Ezeoke, Chioma 27:51.00 Wilson Central High School
Blankenship, Baylee 27:57.36 Gallatin High School
Gibson, Cassidy 28:27.94 Cookeville High School
Morrison, Lydia 28:45.90 Station Camp High School
Farthing, Abbigrace 29:16.10 Station Camp High School
Dredge, Emily 30:00.13 Wilson Central High School
Andela, Anna 30:11.40 Beech Senior High School
Gonzalez, Ava 31:06.35 Lebanon High School
Sowell, Morgan 32:18.60 Cookeville High School
Bates, Ameryn 35:05.10 Gallatin High School
Cleveland, Ella 37:34.46 Green Hill High School
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Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Joseph Hillsboro High School
Burden, Hudson Hillsboro High School
Mesele, Henoch Antioch High School
Alvarez, Alan Hillsboro High School
Sanders, Angus Hillsboro High School
Hayes, Zachary Hillsboro High School
Lanning, Ethan 16:04.68 Beech Senior High School
Stenzel, Jamison 16:15.25 Beech Senior High School
Hyde, Spencer 16:15.50 Green Hill High School
Shingleton, Nate 16:17.09 Station Camp High School
Luisi, Wesley 16:20.14 Beech Senior High School
Brown, Blake 16:28.19 Beech Senior High School
Gould, Tristan 16:28.69 Beech Senior High School
Jenkins, Kaden 16:51.20 Green Hill High School
Crumby, Keaton 16:56.50 Green Hill High School
Sparks, Jacob 16:57.22 Cookeville High School
de Giorgio, Owen 16:58.10 Green Hill High School
Downs, Tyler 16:58.20 Beech Senior High School
Everett, Colin 17:03.60 Beech Senior High School
Abbott, Joseph 17:04.00 Green Hill High School
Garcia, Ethan 17:13.40 Green Hill High School
Yassa, Kevin 17:14.10 Green Hill High School
Beck, Foster 17:16.36 Station Camp High School
Simon, Atticus 17:23.79 Wilson Central High School
Synnestvedt, Ike 17:36.71 Cookeville High School
Murray, Justus 17:38.41 Station Camp High School
Wheeler, Eli 17:39.02 Gallatin High School
Garner, Aidan 17:42.82 Station Camp High School
Wilt, Jude 17:43.12 Wilson Central High School
Beck, Linton 17:48.93 Station Camp High School
Smith, Noah 17:59.70 Wilson Central High School
Nielson, Brock 18:00.70 Station Camp High School
Huynh, Braden 18:01.82 Wilson Central High School
Gonzalez, Todd 18:09.21 Lebanon High School
Cunningham, Oliver 18:17.80 Hendersonville High School
Bridges, Gavin 18:17.96 Station Camp High School
Stolz, Jacob 18:22.10 Mt. Juliet High School
Bender, Judah 18:24.09 Lebanon High School
Simpson, Patrick 18:25.92 Gallatin High School
Riney, Harrison 18:37.92 Hendersonville High School
Cruz, Erik 18:45.95 Lebanon High School
Delk, Ethan 18:48.00 Cookeville High School
Stride, Seth 18:48.00 Wilson Central High School
Samulski, Ryan 18:49.49 Mt. Juliet High School
Smith, Rylan 18:51.22 Mt. Juliet High School
Young, Ty 18:53.00 Cookeville High School
Gonzalez, Andres 19:05.57 Lebanon High School
Tignor, Carter 19:07.82 Mt. Juliet High School
Floyd, Dayton 19:17.93 Gallatin High School
Herron, Morgan 19:21.00 Cookeville High School
Nelson, Neil 19:21.89 Lebanon High School
Hapaala, Reece 19:24.94 Mt. Juliet High School
Kirby, Brayden 19:30.65 Wilson Central High School
Kirby, Jack 19:35.40 Hendersonville High School
Slaughter, Carson 19:43.90 Gallatin High School
Beaty, Maddox 19:44.58 Cookeville High School
Cornelison, Nathan 19:48.47 Wilson Central High School
Quinn, Corey 19:50.00 McGavock High School
Rees, Thailand 20:00.98 Mt. Juliet High School
Ater, Ryker 20:05.07 Lebanon High School
McGahen, Matthew 20:06.83 Mt. Juliet High School
Ashman, Jonah 20:27.15 Gallatin High School
Arvey, Luke 20:27.57 Hendersonville High School
Glover, Bryson 20:36.51 Lebanon High School
Boese, Benjamin 20:39.00 McGavock High School
Owens, Asher 20:44.07 Hendersonville High School
Hadlock, Owen 20:49.00 Cookeville High School
Brantley, Dustin 20:50.53 Gallatin High School
Reeder, Max 20:51.60 Hendersonville High School
Souliere, Carter 21:00.15 Gallatin High School
Robinson, Cole 21:37.62 Hendersonville High School
Alonzo-Molina, Esteban 22:30.96 Hunters Lane High School
Park, Caleb 24:44.00 McGavock High School
Diugu, Michael 25:50.00 McGavock High School
Flores, Christopher 34:40.00 McGavock High School
Jeans, Calvin 40:50.80 Hunters Lane High School
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Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Godinez Hernandez, Yaretzhi Hunters Lane High School
Marks, Jane Hillsboro High School
Merkley, Makenna 19:15.65 Wilson Central High School
Tilt, Zaely 19:20.77 Beech Senior High School
Cobb, Abi 19:21.48 Station Camp High School
Tackett, Sydney 19:25.27 Beech Senior High School
Gould, Olivia 19:28.84 Beech Senior High School
Irvin, Caroline 19:43.00 Wilson Central High School
Quezada, Kasey 19:48.68 Mt. Juliet High School
Coonce, Emily 19:49.00 Cookeville High School
Mitchell, Julianna 19:56.53 Station Camp High School
Gregory, Ana 20:05.70 Beech Senior High School
Katzenmiller, Aubrey 20:26.00 Wilson Central High School
Gorham, Hailee 20:26.30 Hendersonville High School
Hughes, Carleigh 20:29.94 Wilson Central High School
Gomez, Blanca 20:37.94 Beech Senior High School
Armstrong, Lindsey 20:43.50 Green Hill High School
King, Noelle 20:45.33 Station Camp High School
Roundy, Kim 20:49.10 Beech Senior High School
Fitts, Karisa 20:52.00 Station Camp High School
Nielsen, Audrey 20:52.61 Station Camp High School
Swaby, Faith 21:00.50 Beech Senior High School
Henderberg, Elyssa 21:11.10 Green Hill High School
Ephrem, Lucy 21:18.21 Green Hill High School
Dawson, Gabby 21:27.96 Cookeville High School
Boulineau, Belle 21:28.23 Green Hill High School
Gill, Kerigan 21:30.58 Lebanon High School
Coonce, Sarah 21:42.00 Cookeville High School
Fulghum, Abby 21:47.40 Green Hill High School
McNutt, Ansley 21:50.16 Lebanon High School
Norman, Hana 21:50.81 Green Hill High School
Hale, Maggie 21:58.70 Gallatin High School
Merski, Molly 22:06.90 Green Hill High School
Dawes, Madison 22:07.69 Gallatin High School
Gessford, Olivia 22:08.40 Wilson Central High School
Murdock, Camryn 22:18.17 Cookeville High School
Osada, Kanon 22:25.33 Station Camp High School
Dobson, Hailey 22:26.00 Wilson Central High School
Blain, Peyton 22:27.82 Station Camp High School
Phillips, Carly 22:34.00 Mt. Juliet High School
Hetzel, Katie 22:40.00 Cookeville High School
Martin, Lila 22:42.47 Mt. Juliet High School
Tomlinson, Adah 22:45.60 Gallatin High School
McReynolds, Elizabeth 22:51.79 Cookeville High School
Richardson, Riley 22:52.90 Hendersonville High School
Burgan, Chloe 22:54.52 Hendersonville High School
Simpson, Abby 23:03.96 Cookeville High School
Thompson, Haven 23:24.00 Wilson Central High School
Coats, Hannah 23:46.39 Gallatin High School
Miller, Reese 23:54.65 Lebanon High School
Hutto, Neleigh 24:25.83 Lebanon High School
Denton, Ellie 24:44.87 Lebanon High School
Hernandez, Bryana 25:07.84 Gallatin High School
Birdwell, Jordan 25:08.66 Gallatin High School
Wilkinson, Suzanna 25:12.70 Hillsboro High School
Mokros, Alivia 25:57.67 Gallatin High School
Moscardelli, Ellen 26:22.55 Lebanon High School
Diosdado, Stephanie 26:32.00 Lebanon High School
Rose, Ariana 27:01.32 Hendersonville High School
Moll, Katie 27:31.16 Hendersonville High School
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