McCallie Cross Country Inv 2021

Chattanooga, TN
Timing/Results TXC Timing

Meet Information

McCallie XC Invitational Sat. Sept.25, 2021

The McCallie Cross Country Invitational will be held on the grounds of
Woodland Park Baptist Church
6735 Standifer Gap Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37421
The church requires that each school submits a Certificate of Insurance. Please email this to before the meet. 

Entry Fee: $100 per school
Make checks payable to McCallie School Cross Country.

Mail to Mike Wood
500 Dodds Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37404


In the varsity race a team may run 7 athletes.

Entry deadline is Thur. Sept. 23.

You must register online. Please register varsity and JV athletes. There

is no limit to the number of athletes you can enter in the JV race.

Race Times: (All times are Eastern)

Middle School Division

Combined Middle School Boys and Girls JV 8:00AM

Middle School Varsity Girls 8:25AM

Middle School Varsity Boys 8:45AM

High School Division:

Girls Varsity 9:15 AM

Boys Varsity 9:45 AM

Girls JV 10:15 AM

Boys JV 10:50 AM

Awards 11:30 AM

Team Award: First place varsity plaque

Individual Awards: First place varsity plaque and top 15 individuals receive a t-shirt.

Location: 6735 Standifer Gap Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421