Meet Information
Since 2000, the Great 8meet has attracted the best High School Track and Field athletes in MiddleTennessee and pits them against each other in a fast-paced, entertaining meeton Vanderbilt's lightning fast Mondo track. There is only one section/flight ofeach event so only the best eight performances are accepted into the meet,along with the next 3 performances as alternates in each event.
Great 8 Meet T-shirts willbe awarded to all event winners (1 per athlete), including relay team members.T-shirts will also be available for purchase at the meet for $20. A Boy's andGirl's Performance of the Meet award will be presented at the end of the meet. This will be determined by the single best performance of the meetusing IAAF scoring tables.
The following performances are to serve as entry guidelines. Lesserperformances than those listed in the table below rarely, but sometimes, makethe meet. Meeting these guidelines does not guarantee entry into the meet
- 100m 12.75 11.25
- 200m 26.50 22.50
- 400m 1:00.00 51.00
- 800m 2:23.00 1:59.50
- 1600m 5:24.00 4:40.00
- 3200m 12:15.00 10:10.00
- 100m/110m Hurdles 16.25 16.50
- 300m Hurdles 48.00 43.00
- High Jump 50" 510"
- Pole Vault 96" 11
- Long Jump 159" 196"
- Triple Jump 346" 40
- Shot 35 41
- Discus 120 128
- 4 x 100m Relay 50.00 44.50
- 4 x 400m Relay 4:12.00 3:40.00
Team Scoring: There willNOT be team scoring at this meet.
Questions:Contact the Meet Directors Mike Ham at Dave Milner
Important informationregarding spikes on the Vanderbilt track:
Athletes will not run ifyou do not comply with these rules:
- The use of 1/4"pyramid spikes will be strictly enforced
- No permanent spike shoesallowed
- Shoes will be checked atlast call in the Clerk Area and prior to getting on the track
Field Events
6:00pm Pole Vault (girlsthen boys) (opening heights: 9 / 11)
6:00pm Shot (girls thenboys)
6:00pm Long Jump (girlsthen boys) (4 attempts)
7:00pm High Jump (girlsthen boys) (opening heights: 410" / 58")
7:30pm Discus (girls thenboys)
7:45pm Triple Jump (girlsthen boys) (4 attempts)
Track Events
5:30pm: Girls Middle School100m
5:35pm: Boys Middle School100m
5:40pm: Girls Middle School800m
5:50pm: Boys Middle School800m
6:00pm: Girls 2000m Steeplechase
6:10pm: Boys 2000m Steeplechase
6:30pm: Girls 4 x 100mRelay
6:35pm: Boys 4 x 100m Relay
6:40pm: Girls 1600m
6:50pm: Boy 1600m
7:00pm: Girls 100m Hurdles
7:10pm: Boys 110m Hurdles
7:20pm: Girls 100m
7:25pm: Boys 100m
7:30pm: Girls 400m
7:35pm: Boys 400m
7:45pm: Girls 300m Hurdles
7:50pm: Boys 300m Hurdles
8:00pm: Girls 800m
8:05pm: Boys 800m
8:15pm: Boys 200m
8:20pm: Girls 3200m
8:35pm: Boys 3200m
8:50pm: Girls 4 x 400mRelay
9:00pm: Boys 4 x 400m Relay