Rutherford County Championship Meet (Girls 4-25; Boys 4-26) 2016

Murfreesboro, TN

Meet Information

Registration help:

MeetFees $100 per school team or $50 per gender.Payable to Oakland High School
Payments Check can be mailed to 809 Emily Drive, Smyrna TN
37167 or
Attn: Al Evans
2225 Patriot Drive, Oakland High School
Murfreesboro, TN 37130 or

Bring the check on Race Day.

Girls Events are Monday, 4-25 4:00pm
Boys Events are Tuesday, 4-26 4:00pm
Pole Vault at Tullahoma, 4-18 Time TBA.

Field Events 4:00pm
Runing Events 5:30pm Normal running order
With the 3200m after the 200m dash.