Run For the Hills 2014

Bristol, TN

Run For the Hills 2014 vs Run for the Hills 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -2 246 248
Overall Average +19.26 24:37.03 24:17.78
1st-10th Place +37.98 17:58.28 17:20.30
1st-25th Place +22.39 18:38.06 18:15.67
1st-50th Place +31.04 19:32.21 19:01.18
1st-100th Place +53.50 20:57.10 20:03.61
Common Athletes -- -- 13
Ran Faster -11 1 12
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +2:40.84 24:23.81 21:42.98
Median Time +2:56.47 23:19.37 20:22.90
Middle 80% Times +2:41.75 25:09.37 22:27.62
Top 10% Times +2:35.82 20:13.27 17:37.45
Top 25% Times +2:34.49 20:40.34 18:05.85
Top 50% Times +2:41.81 21:27.80 18:45.98
Bottom 50% Times +2:16.89 23:50.72 21:33.83
Bottom 25% Times +1:16.34 28:30.44 27:14.10
Bottom 10% Times +1:21.69 29:24.14 28:02.45
Average Difference +2:40.84 -- --
Median Difference +2:21.97 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:46.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2:07.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:36.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference +2:14.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:36.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:42.10 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:32.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:10.69 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Zach Johnson Sullivan South High School +3:27.18 20:40.68 17:13.50
Carson Walls Daniel Boone High School +3:44.95 21:46.35 18:01.40
Peyton Baines Daniel Boone High School +3:14.05 21:24.95 18:10.90
Noah White Daniel Boone High School +48.25 19:45.85 18:57.60
Caleb Warner Lebanon +3:12.99 22:27.49 19:14.50
Breanna Roy David Crockett High School +1:28.78 20:49.88 19:21.10
Daniel Greene Volunteer High School +7:16.43 27:39.33 20:22.90
Ethan Fields Elizabethton High School +2:21.97 23:19.37 20:57.40
Jared Ledford Elizabethton High School +6:31.15 27:34.15 21:03.00
Bailey Ferguson Volunteer High School -1:53.43 25:21.67 27:15.10
Chelsey Carter John S. Battle +2:55.74 28:32.84 25:37.10
Sara Burnette Volunteer High School +17.20 27:31.60 27:14.40
Abigail Freyling Sullivan East High School +1:25.63 30:15.43 28:49.80