Chattanooga Area Best of Preps 2006

Chattanooga, TN


Licensed to Girls Preparatory School   Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager 4/30/2006 04:04 PM
                           Best of Preps - 4/28/2006                           
Event 1  Girls 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: # 11:41.00  2005        Aubrey Morris, Chatt Christian           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Tiffany Palmer               Cleveland           12:10.30   11:57.58  
  2 Jessica Duble                Chatt Christian     12:27.00   11:59.78  
  3 Neha Patel                   Gps                 12:10.97   12:23.99  
  4 Biz Reeves                   Baylor              12:22.00   12:30.69  
  5 Brittany Evans               Walker Valley       12:30.00   12:45.68  
  6 Danielle Alfano              Notre Dame          13:00.00   12:51.93  
  7 Mary Claire Elliott          Baylor              12:40.00   12:54.71  
  8 Jessica Ward                 Red Bank            13:04.00   13:00.83  
  9 Rachel Smith                 Gps                 13:21.00   13:26.79  
 10 Courtney Koehl               Cumberland Count    13:29.10   13:36.76  
 11 Alison Mayhew                McMinn County       13:16.00   13:46.88  
 12 Christine Edwards            Hixson              14:10.00   15:03.57  
Event 2  Boys 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: # 9:42.69  1996        Jamey Gifford, Baylor                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Steven Fassino               Red Bank             9:58.00    9:58.24  
  2 Zach Buffington              Ooltewah            10:33.00   10:14.19  
  3 Evan Sharber                 Baylor              10:36.00   10:21.97  
  4 Matt Conglio                 Chatt Christian     10:35.00   10:23.12  
  5 Sugi Abe                     McMinn County       10:20.00   10:27.17  
  6 Jonathn Barrow               Cleveland           10:22.00   10:33.00  
  7 Joseph Delorenzo             Cumberland Count    10:29.20   10:40.63  
  8 Chance Holt                  Cleveland           10:30.00   10:42.22  
  9 James Turner                 McMinn County       10:27.00   11:00.86  
Event 3  Girls Long Jump
 Meet Record: # 17-11.25  1996        Tyleana Hanner, Hixson                   
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Haley Kllimecki              Red Bank            16-01.00   15-08.50  
  2 Leayn Carter                 Rhea County         15-10.00   15-05.25  
  3 Priscilla Ray                Central             15-10.00   15-04.50  
  4 Nicole Prosperi              Bradley Central     15-00.00   15-02.25  
  5 Porche Crutcher              Red Bank            16-03.00   15-02.00  
  6 Jamarva Norman               Ooltewah            16-05.00   14-10.75  
  7 Brittany Sealey              Brainerd            15-05.00   14-10.25  
  8 Catie Lester                 Gps                 15-11.00   14-09.00  
  8 Patrese Anderson             Notre Dame          15-04.00   14-09.00  
 10 Allison Bovell               Hixson              15-06.00   14-08.25  
 11 Tiffany Travis               Rhea County         15-05.00   14-06.50  
 12 Tean Nabors                  Baylor              15-04.00   14-03.00  
 13 Alex Stevenson               Cleveland           15-00.00   13-09.25  
Event 4  Boys Long Jump
 Meet Record: # 23-06.75  2003        Adarius Bowman, Notre Dame               
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jeremy Caldwell              Red Bank            19-08.00   20-03.50  
  2 Brandon Joynes               Baylor              20-05.00   20-02.50  
  3 Ken Worbongton               Notre Dame          20-05.00   19-10.50  
  4 Grayson Elmore               Bradley Central     20-08.00   19-07.50  
  5 Devon Doyle                  Hixson              19-08.00   19-06.50  
  6 I-Key Lewis                  Brainerd            20-00.00   18-10.50  
  7 Anthony Arnette              Red Bank            20-01.00   18-10.00  
  8 Joe Hall                     Cleveland           19-10.00   18-07.00  
  9 Terry Johnson                Bradley Central     19-10.00   18-06.50  
 10 Jared Sharp                  Walker Valley       20-01.00   18-06.00  
 11 Justin Thurman               Howard              20-02.00   18-04.00  
 -- Dustin Thompson              Bradley Central     19-09.00         ND  
Event 5  Girls Pole Vault
 Meet Record: #  9-00  2004        Kirby Waddell, Baylor                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Crissy Singer                Gps                  9-01.00    9-06.00# 
  2 Cydney Parkes                Gps                  8-00.00    8-06.00  
  3 Leah Vance                   Gps                  8-00.00    8-00.00  
  4 Lizzie Jones                 Baylor               8-00.00   J8-00.00  
  5 Taylor Davidson              Baylor               8-00.00    7-06.00  
 -- Leah Wilson                  Chatt Christian      7-00.00         NH  
 -- Kara Manley                  Baylor               7-00.00         NH  
Event 6  Boys High Jump
 Meet Record: #  6-08  2003        Adarius Bowman et al, Notre Dame            
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Henry Crutcher               Notre Dame           6-06.00    6-08.25# 
  2 Bruce Smith                  Red Bank             6-03.00    6-02.00  
  3 Nate Gilley                  Chatt Christian      6-02.00    6-00.00  
  4 Sydney Tarver                Baylor               5-10.00    5-10.00  
  4 Tyler Adams                  McCallie             6-00.00    5-10.00  
  4 Terry Johnson                Bradley Central      5-10.00    5-10.00  
  4 Alex Cash                    Baylor               5-10.00    5-10.00  
  8 Terrence Walker              Red Bank             5-10.00    5-08.00  
 -- Mark Gibson                  Bradley Central      5-10.00         NH  
 -- Termayne Johnson             East Ridge           5-10.00         NH  
Event 7  Girls Discus Throw
 Meet Record: # 124-05  1999        Suzanne Roberson, East Ridge               
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 MeLyn Thompson               Gps                   126-05     121-10  
  2 Quintana Vaughn              McMinn County         107-00  117-01.25  
  3 Rhea Woods                   Arts and Science      112-09  111-07.75  
  4 Camille Campbell             Gps                   101-10  103-05.75  
  5 Emily Ricketts               Soddy Daisy            83-07   91-03.25  
  6 Jordan Beard                 Cleveland              88-10   90-04.50  
  7 Delaney Still                Baylor                 83-06      87-11  
  8 Katie Thompson               Chatt Christian        86-11   87-05.75  
  9 Maggie Shipley               Baylor                 86-08      80-02  
 -- Brittany Stone               Baylor                 82-02         ND  
 -- Ashley Mayhew                McMinn County          89-00         ND  
 -- Amber Padgett                Ooltewah               85-11         ND  
Event 8  Boys Shot Put
 Meet Record: # 53-11  2005        Ayanga Okpokowuruk, McCallie                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ifreke Okpokuwurok           McCallie            55-04.00   55-00.50# 
  2 Antonio Frazier              Baylor              49-02.00   47-11.50  
  3 Richard Clarke               McCallie            45-07.00   44-11.00  
  4 Joel Hall                    Cleveland           43-07.00   43-11.00  
  5 Jeremy Green                 McCallie            42-06.00   43-00.00  
  6 Nick Young                   Soddy Daisy         44-06.00   42-10.50  
  7 Keith Myatt                  McCallie            44-04.00   42-07.00  
  8 Marswain Wells               Walker Valley       43-02.00   41-09.50  
  8 Chris Harr                   Notre Dame          43-00.00   41-09.50  
 10 Will Adams                   Cleveland           43-09.00   39-11.50  
 11 Chancey Thompson             Notre Dame          42-05.00   38-03.50  
Event 9  Girls High Jump
 Meet Record: #  5-06  1998        Tenisha Gist et al, McMinn County           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Taylor Parkes                Gps                  5-02.00    5-04.00  
  2 Maggie Haddock               East Ridge           5-01.00    5-02.00  
  2 Teal Nabors                  Baylor               5-00.00    5-02.00  
  3 Ashleigh Farrar              Chatt Christian      4-10.00   J5-00.00  
  4 Nicole Prosperi              Bradley Central      5-02.00    5-00.00  
  5 Tyler Haskins                Gps                  5-00.00   J5-00.00  
  6 Arnette Grays                Red Bank             4-10.00   J5-00.00  
  7 Cydney Parkes                Gps                  5-02.00   J4-10.00  
  7 Mary Shelton Bryant          Baylor               5-00.00   J4-10.00  
  7 Hannah Jones                 Baylor               5-02.00   J4-10.00  
  8 Ebony McKibbons              Tyner                5-02.00   J4-08.00  
Event 10  Boys Pole Vault
 Meet Record: # 14-00  2000        Collier King, Baylor                        
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Beau Gilliland               Chatt Christian     12-06.00   13-00.00  
  2 Keven Mattice                Baylor              13-06.00  J13-00.00  
  3 Daniel Waddell               Baylor              11-06.00   12-06.00  
  4 Bruce Smith                  Red Bank            13-00.00   12-00.00  
  5 Matt Baltimore               Bradley Central     11-06.00  J12-00.00  
  6 Reed Doster                  Baylor              12-00.00   11-06.00  
  7 Brad Short                   McCallie            10-00.00  J11-06.00  
  8 Adam Haney                   Bradley Central     10-06.00   10-06.00  
  9 Logan Waddell                Baylor              10-00.00   10-00.00  
  9 Nate Gilley                  Chatt Christian     11-06.00   10-00.00  
 -- Steven Powers                Baylor              10-00.00         NH  
 -- Sean Murman                  McCallie            11-06.00         NH  
 -- Chris Roy                    McCallie            12-00.00         NH  
Event 11  Girls Triple Jump
 Meet Record: # 36-09.25  2000        Ashley Warren, GPS                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gabrielle Walker             Brainerd            33-05.00   35-03.50  
  2 Rachel Robbs                 Ooltewah            35-03.00   34-10.50  
  3 Catie Lester                 Gps                 34-03.00   34-10.00  
  4 Jasmine Brown                Gps                 32-10.00   33-10.50  
  5 Tiffany Travis               Rhea County         33-07.00   33-07.00  
  6 Krista Joshon                Red Bank            32-03.00   32-11.00  
  7 Jackie Pickel                Bradley Central     32-05.00   32-00.25  
  8 Tori Phillips                Gps                 33-04.00   31-04.50  
  9 Allison Bovell               Hixson              31-09.00   30-02.00  
 10 Courtney McDuffie            Brainerd            30-08.00   29-07.00  
 11 Jessica Maynor               Soddy Daisy         28-02.00   28-11.00  
Event 12  Boys Triple Jump
 Meet Record: # 45-09.25  2004        Lamar Thompson, Bradley                  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dominic Jones                Brainerd            42-05.00   42-08.50  
  2 Terry Johnson                Bradley Central     40-05.00   41-07.25  
  3 Robert Brown                 Brainerd            40-10.00   40-08.50  
  4 Brandon Coffel               Bradley Central     41-03.00   40-05.75  
  5 Darius Sexton                Red Bank            40-01.00   40-02.50  
  6 Dakin Cranwell               Baylor              37-08.00   39-09.00  
  7 Joe Hall                     Cleveland           40-09.00   39-04.50  
  8 James Capps                  Rhea County         39-04.00   39-03.50  
Event 13  Girls Shot Put
 Meet Record: # 42-11.25  2005        MeLyn Thompson, GPS                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 MeLyn Thompson               Gps                 45-02.00   41-03.75  
  2 Ashley Mayhew                McMinn County       36-05.00   36-03.50  
  3 Rachel Robbs                 Ooltewah            38-05.00   35-04.25  
  4 Lauren Elmore                Cumberland Count    36-04.00   34-09.50  
  5 Quintana Vaughn              McMinn County       35-01.00   33-04.00  
  6 Brandi Martin                Walker Valley       33-06.00   31-10.00  
  7 Rhea Woods                   Arts and Science    32-08.00   30-11.75  
  8 Emily Ricketts               Soddy Daisy         31-08.00   30-07.75  
  9 Christina Teter              Red Bank            33-05.00   29-09.75  
 10 Lashonda Spralling           Brainerd            30-08.00   29-06.50  
 11 Katie Thompson               Chatt Christian     31-09.00   28-05.75  
 12 Hailey Wennerstrom           Chatt Christian     32-11.00   25-10.50  
Event 14  Boys Discus Throw
 Meet Record: # 159-05  1997        Tommy Cureton, Ooltewah                    
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Antonio Frazier              Baylor                148-10  156-05.50  
  2 Aaron Cagle                  Cleveland             141-09  144-00.50  
  3 Richard Clarke               McCallie              138-03     142-01  
  4 Ifreke Okpokuwurok           McCallie              137-06     127-07  
  5 Jeremy Green                 McCallie              118-04  116-11.50  
  6 James Rogers                 Rhea County           117-03     116-03  
  7 Corey Haden                  Brainerd              116-09     112-06  
  8 Keith Myatt                  McCallie              124-02  112-04.50  
  9 Justin Bethane               McCallie              118-06     112-03  
 10 Jonathan Bishop              Ooltewah              116-07     109-09  
 11 Walter Dozier                McCallie              116-03  108-10.50  
 12 Trystan Henry                Cumberland Count      121-01  107-03.50  
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: # 14.44  2005        Heather Trimmiew, Chatt Christian           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Kendall Stokes               Gps                    15.17      14.90  
  2 Tasha Austin                 Howard                 15.49      15.55  
  3 Taylor Parkes                Gps                    16.29      15.58  
  4 Rachel Robbs                 Ooltewah               15.60      16.35  
  5 Catie Lester                 Gps                    16.70      16.92  
  6 Jennifer Clemmer             Baylor                 17.08      17.26  
  7 Tiffany Travis               Rhea County            16.41      17.99  
  8 Porche Crutcher              Red Bank               16.61      18.07  
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: # 14.73  2001        Tyruws Ward, Brainerd                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Orlandus Harris              Brainerd               15.70      15.57  
  2 Brandon Coffel               Bradley Central        15.74      15.69  
  3 Jeremy Moye                  McCallie               15.55      15.73  
  4 Cornelius Douglas            Brainerd               15.70      15.95  
  5 Akeem Ray                    East Ridge             15.64      16.09  
  6 Anthony Arnette              Red Bank               16.36      16.19  
  7 Wesley Idlette               Baylor                 16.54      16.28  
  8 Grayson Elmore               Bradley Central        16.44      17.40  
Event 17  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 48.51  1996        , Hixson                                    
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Baylor                                              50.02      49.26   2 
  2 Brainerd                                            49.33      49.36   2 
  3 Red Bank                                            49.81      50.50   2 
  4 Arts and Sciences                                   50.78      50.56   2 
  5 Ooltewah                                            52.24      50.93   1 
  6 Notre Dame                                          52.24      51.01   1 
  7 Gps                                                 49.73      51.65   2 
  8 Howard                                              51.74      51.75   2 
  9 East Ridge                                          51.34      54.33   2 
Event 18  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 41.96  2001        , Hixson                                    
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brainerd                                            43.15      42.36  
  2 Howard                                              43.44      43.08  
  3 Red Bank                                            43.16      43.43  
  4 Ooltewah                                            44.44      43.89  
  5 McCallie                                            43.54      44.98  
  6 East Ridge                                          44.74      45.32  
  7 Rhea County                                         44.61      45.46  
  8 Central                                             44.54      47.26  
Event 19  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 9:43.17  2004        , Baylor                                  
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gps                                              10:03.00   10:21.74  
  2 Bradley Central                                  10:40.00   10:25.39  
  3 Rhea County                                      10:47.00   10:40.84  
  4 Baylor                                           10:01.00   10:42.06  
  5 Chatt Christian                                  10:40.00   10:55.75  
  6 Walker Valley                                    11:00.00   11:06.01  
  7 Red Bank                                         11:40.00   11:48.73  
  8 Cleveland                                        11:30.00   12:17.08  
Event 20  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 7:57.60  2001        , McCallie                                
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ooltewah                                          8:38.00    8:29.79  
  2 McCallie                                          8:25.00    8:32.03  
  3 Chatt Christian                                   9:10.00    8:55.08  
  4 Baylor                                            8:57.00    8:58.40  
  5 Rhea County                                       9:11.00    9:03.73  
  6 Arts and Sciences                                 9:17.00    9:24.36  
  7 Howard                                            9:48.00    9:29.87  
  8 Soddy Daisy                                       8:40.00   10:50.31  
  9 Red Bank                                          8:43.00   10:50.31  
 10 Brainerd                                          9:46.00   10:50.31  
Event 21  Girls 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: # 12.02  2001        Kenya Patton, Brainerd                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Marissa Phinazee             Red Bank               12.54      12.13h  
  2 Kate McKenzie                Baylor                 12.84      12.37h  
  3 Leayn Carter                 Rhea County            12.54      12.65h  
 -- Brittany Sealey              Brainerd               12.76         NT  
 -- Jamarva Norman               Ooltewah               13.04         NT  
 -- Gabrielle Walker             Brainerd               13.04         NT  
 -- Tierra Byrd                  East Ridge             12.64         NT  
 -- Elizabeth Harris             Rhea County            12.66         NT  
Event 22  Boys 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: # 10.81  2005        Adrian Bentley, Brainerd                    
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 James McDowell               Brainerd               10.79      10.46h 
  2 Adrian Bentley               Brainerd               10.58      10.65h 
  3 Dominic Jones                Brainerd               10.66      10.89h  
 -- Jeremy Caldwell              Red Bank               11.07         NT  
 -- Michael Russell              Central                11.24         NT  
 -- Brian Marshall               Ooltewah               11.34         NT  
 -- Grayson Elmore               Bradley Central        10.90         NT  
 -- Garland Taylor               Red Bank               11.03         NT  
Event 23  Girls 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: # 5:25.85  1999        Laura Haley, Baylor                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Cacy Burtnette               Cleveland            5:31.00    5:31.28  
  2 Haley Hill                   Gps                  5:26.94    5:32.40  
  3 Jessica Duble                Chatt Christian      5:36.00    5:33.86  
  4 Stephanie Ryals              Gps                  5:46.19    5:42.28  
  5 Tiffany Palmer               Cleveland            5:35.00    5:43.53  
  6 Brittany Evans               Walker Valley        5:35.00    5:46.81  
  7 Biz Reeves                   Baylor               5:53.00    5:47.11  
  8 Catherine Fields             Gps                  5:50.38    5:50.40  
  9 Rachel Walter                Red Bank             5:50.00    5:55.10  
 10 Danielle Alfano              Notre Dame           5:41.06    6:01.67  
Event 24  Boys 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: # 4:18.88  1996        Jamey Gifford, Baylor                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Riley Young                  McCallie             4:29.68    4:31.00  
  2 Bryson Harper                Sequatchie Count     4:38.18    4:34.03  
  3 Matt Baltimore               Bradley Central      4:40.18    4:34.60  
  4 Brian Anderson               McCallie             4:41.18    4:34.69  
  5 Adam Smith                   Ooltewah             4:37.18    4:37.16  
  6 Justin Marquardt             McCallie             4:41.28    4:39.48  
  7 Jay Carisella                Baylor               4:44.18    4:39.98  
  8 Allen Thurman                Red Bank             4:41.18    4:40.50  
  9 Caleb Morgan                 Walker Valley        4:39.68    4:41.36  
 10 Alex Stephens                Cleveland            4:43.18    4:46.19  
Event 25  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 1:45.13  2005        , Brainerd                                
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brainerd                                          1:47.16    1:47.08  
  2 Howard                                            1:50.84    1:48.82  
  3 East Ridge                                        1:52.24    1:51.15  
  4 Gps                                               1:48.91    1:51.40  
  5 Rhea County                                       1:53.28    1:56.33  
  6 Bradley Central                                   1:55.24    1:56.83  
 -- Baylor                                            1:47.76         DQ  
Event 26  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 1:28.58  2001        , Hixson                                  
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brainerd                                          1:30.45    1:29.52  
  2 Red Bank                                          1:33.14    1:31.74  
  3 Howard                                            1:31.24    1:31.75  
  4 McCallie                                          1:33.44    1:32.41  
  5 Baylor                                            1:33.64    1:32.51  
  6 Rhea County                                       1:34.34    1:33.48  
  7 Central                                           1:33.24    1:36.75  
 -- Ooltewah                                          1:34.24         DQ  
Event 27  Girls 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: # 56.02  1997        Chantel Yates, Brainerd                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Taylor Parkes                Gps                    57.53      57.78  
  2 Jasmine Scott                Arts and Science       58.28      58.70  
  3 Haley Horsch                 Ooltewah               59.04      58.82  
  4 Meredith Dement              Notre Dame           1:01.24      59.23  
  5 Aurelia McConnell            Tyner                1:02.34    1:01.91  
  6 Leayn Carter                 Rhea County          1:01.25    1:02.26  
  7 Porche Crutcher              Red Bank             1:02.29    1:03.17  
Event 28  Boys 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: # 48.90  1999        Victor Powell, Brainerd                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jared Sharp                  Walker Valley          51.34      51.14  
  2 Quincy Davis                 Howard                 50.44      51.78  
  3 Casey McKinnon               Rhea County                       53.04  
  4 I-Key Lewis                  Brainerd               51.86      53.41  
Event 29  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: # 44.48  2004        Heather Trimmiew, Chatt Christian           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Cydney Parkes                Gps                    45.84      46.21  
  2 Tasha Austin                 Howard                 47.68      47.45  
  3 Jackie Pickel                Bradley Central        48.90      47.77  
  4 Rachel Robbs                 Ooltewah               48.64      48.74  
  5 Christina Groves             Baylor                 49.71      49.09  
  6 Kris Cambron                 Notre Dame             49.86      49.47  
  7 Jessica Maynor               Soddy Daisy            52.80      51.18  
Event 30  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: # 38.88  1995        Carlis Shackleford, Brainerd                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Orlandus Harris              Brainerd               40.74      39.42  
  2 Wesley Idlette               Baylor                 40.00      39.82  
  3 Anthony Arnette              Red Bank               40.03      40.14  
  4 Brandon Coffel               Bradley Central        41.54      41.80  
  5 Peter Serodino               Baylor                 41.39      42.48  
  6 Jeremy Moye                  McCallie               43.44      44.17  
  7 Marquise Barfield            Central                43.24      44.89  
Event 31  Girls 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: # 2:17.00  2001        Ashley Murphy, Baylor                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Phoebe Wright                Red Bank             2:19.24    2:15.96# 
  2 Jennifer Clemmer             Baylor               2:24.61    2:21.05  
  3 Amita McClure                Red Bank             2:27.24    2:23.86  
  4 Mary Shelton Bryant          Baylor               2:25.58    2:24.22  
  5 Lucy Henson                  Gps                  2:29.98    2:27.17  
  6 Logan Mays                   Chatt Christian      2:32.17    2:27.42  
  7 Cacy Burtnette               Cleveland            2:27.18    2:27.65  
  8 Ashleigh Farrar              Chatt Christian      2:34.18    2:30.35  
  9 Arianne Clark                Ooltewah             2:30.18    2:30.70  
 10 Tiffany Palmer               Cleveland            2:31.18    2:34.49  
 11 Brittany Evans               Walker Valley        2:35.18    2:35.37  
 12 Jessica Duble                Chatt Christian      2:36.18    2:37.72  
Event 32  Boys 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: # 1:55.11  2004        James Strang, Baylor                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Zach Stewart                 Cumberland Count     2:01.88    1:57.45  
  2 Riley Young                  McCallie             2:00.28    1:59.28  
  3 Will Enicks                  Red Bank             2:02.74    2:01.49  
  4 Don Humphreys                Cleveland            2:04.18    2:03.27  
  5 T J Whitaker                 Ooltewah             2:04.18    2:09.54  
  6 Justin Wild                  Ooltewah             2:03.18    2:10.92  
  7 Robert Brown                 Brainerd             2:04.24    2:23.32  
Event 33  Girls 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: # 24.74  2001        Kenya Patton, Brainerd                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Marissa Phinazee             Red Bank               25.36      25.23  
  2 Jasmine Scott                Arts and Science       26.13      26.22  
  3 Lashonda Spralling           Brainerd               26.59      26.26  
  4 Haley Horsch                 Ooltewah               27.04      26.97  
  5 Keosha Starr                 East Ridge             26.24      27.40  
  6 Tessie Gonzalez              Notre Dame             27.34      27.57  
Event 34  Boys 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: # 22.07  2005        Adrian Bentley, Brainerd                    
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 James McDowell               Brainerd               23.13      22.63  
  2 Grayson Elmore               Bradley Central        22.95      23.48  
  3 Brandon Allen                Howard                 23.34      23.95  
  4 Randy Sharp                  Rhea County            23.05      24.14  
Event 35  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 4:02.67  1998        , Baylor                                  
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Baylor                                            4:04.89    4:02.63# 
  2 Gps                                               4:05.71    4:03.82  
  3 Red Bank                                          4:04.24    4:15.39  
  4 Rhea County                                       4:21.14    4:18.25  
  5 Notre Dame                                        4:19.88    4:19.46  
  6 Bradley Central                                   4:28.24    4:28.75  
  7 Cleveland                                         4:38.24    4:46.59  
 -- Howard                                            4:29.04         DQ  
Event 36  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: # 3:21.98  2001        , Brainerd                                
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Baylor                                            3:35.95    3:30.84  
  2 McCallie                                          3:35.84    3:34.41  
  3 Howard                                            3:32.24    3:40.10  
  4 Bradley Central                                   3:41.24    3:40.26  
  5 Cumberland County                                 3:38.90    3:41.77  
  6 Red Bank                                          3:41.24    3:45.25  
 -- Soddy Daisy                                       3:36.24         DQ  
 -- Brainerd                                          3:29.58         DQ