August 15, 2011


Hermitage, Tennessee



  1. Roll Call


  1. Approval of June Board of Control Minutes


  1. Sites for Tournaments and Meets


It has been the policy of the Board of Control to authorize the Executive Director to select sites and make plans for conducting regional and state tournaments or meets in golf, tennis, cross country, track and field, baseball, softball, volleyball, wrestling, soccer and bowling. 


  1. Financial Report of Baseball


  1. Financial Report of Softball


  1. Financial Report of Soccer


  1. Financial Report of Track and Field


  1. Financial Report of Tennis


  1. Spring Fling Report


The staff will provide an update on the 2011 Spring Fling and will provide a financial report.  We will also include financial information from the 2010 Spring Fling in order to make a comparison.


  1. Auditor’s Report of the 2010-11 School Year


  1. 2011-2012 TSSAA Budget


  1. Cooperative Programs Approved During the 2010-2011 School Year


  1. Marketing Program Update


  1. Student Services/The Right Team Update


  1. Athletic District/Regional Coordinators Meeting and Update


  1. A. F. Bridges Sportsmanship Awards Program


  1. The NFHS Coaches Award Program


  1. Report on Officials’ Basketball Camps


  1. Approval of Financial Aid for the 2011-2012 School Year


  1. Update on Regional Basketball Sites for the 2011-2012 School Year


  1. Administrators’ Meetings Schedule for 2011-2012


  1. Administrator’s Checklist


  1. Basketball Tournament Format and Contract


  1. Official Requests Reinstatement as a TSSAA Official


  1. Memphis School of Excellence Requests TSSAA Membership


Memphis School of Excellence is a charter school under the jurisdiction of the Memphis City School System.  They are in their second year of existence.


Memphis School of Excellence currently has students in grades 7 through 10.  Plans are to add a grade each year.  The enrollment is 70 students in grades 9 and 10.  If approved, the school plans to offer basketball.


Memphis School of Excellence will compete in Division I, District 16, Class A in football (1A), basketball, baseball, softball, and volleyball, and in District 16A-AA in cross country, dual wrestling, golf, girls’ soccer, soccer, tennis, track and field as teams are added.


  1. Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy Requests TSSAA Membership


Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy is an all-girls charter school in Chattanooga Under the jurisdiction of the Hamilton County Board of Education.


Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy currently has students in grades 6-11  with approximately 180 total students.  Plans are to add a 12th grade class in 2012-13.  If approved, the school plans to offer basketball, volleyball, soccer, track, and softball.


Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy will compete in Division I, District 5, Class A in basketball, softball, and volleyball, and in Class A-AA, District 5 in cross country, golf, girls’ soccer, tennis, and trace and field as teams are added.


  1. Litigation Report


  1. Hardship Appeals