You are invited to compete in the Middle School ELITE 8 Invitational on Saturday May 14th at the USN River Campus on Briley Pkwy in west Nashville.
Entries are open to the top 8 middle Tennessee middle school athletes in the SP, DT, HJ, LJ, PV, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m, and 100/110m HH.
Davidson County AND surrounding middle Tennessee county athletes will be eligible to participate.
The entry fee is $2 / athlete / event (capped at 2 events) payable at the door.
Entry submissions can be made online with the meet Director Zaf Ahmed at
We will post a descending order entry list periodically to keep you apprised of qualified athletes, and the entries will close on Thursday May 12th at Noon.
Please post verifiable FAT marks, as we will NOT accept hand times for any entries.