T3CA Board Meeting Feb. 3, 2007
Members present:
G. Gibson, S. Roberts, A. Ethridge, D. Milner, M. Smith(ex officio),
J. Presnell, J. Tyler, R. Lavender, R. Pruitt
Items voted on
1. Rotate A/AA, AAA, D2 – as previously agreed on Unanimous
2. Have race packet available at course preview Unanimous
3. Run up to 10 in the Region meet Unanimous
allowed by rule 9-5 (p.70), NFHS rule book, definition of team
Change tssaa Cross Country Regulation II (definition of team) to the following
A team will consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of ten. However, if a school does not have a team it may enter less than five runners in the individual division of the meet. No school shall enter more than ten participants in the regional cross country meet. Should the team qualify for the state meet, any seven of the 10 may run in the state meet.
Other action – remand suggestion of decreasing number of A/AA regions while still keeping number of teams at state at 24 back to A/AA coaches
Recommend that the members of the T3CA board request that the members of the State Track Committee request the establishment of a State Cross Country Committee that would meet yearly with the TSSAA.
Items for this committee to address
Yearly on-line rules education