Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

This meet will be open to all Chattanooga Area High School Athletes.

Tennessee Schools Only
We will take the top 16 entries in each event.
All performances for the seeding/entry will come from the TN Milesplit database only.  

Meet Information

1.  Automatic Timing provided by TXC Timing

2.  TSSAA Official Doug Dennett

3.  Starter:

4.  Meet Director: Beverly Blackwell

5.  4 Jumps/4Throws No Finals

6.  Running Events Have Priority

7.  Check-In will be at Clerk's Tent in Middle of Field

8.  Awards Tent will be next to the Clerk's Tent. Medals for 1st through 3rd.

9.  Pizza, snacks and water provided to coaches at tent near Clerk's Tent.

10.  Only competing athletes and coaches allowed on the field, put up tents in grassy areas around track or in stands.

11. Coaches will be assigned field events and relay zones for duty.

12. Games Committee will consist of Head Coaches from

13. Schools will be allowed 4 athletes in each event making top 16 qualifications.

14. Implement Weigh In will be at the Track Shed upon Entry. Pole Vault weigh-in/pole inspection at Pole Vault Pit area.

15. No Entry Fee for teams

16.  All relays and running events up to 800 two heats each.  1600 ad 3200 one heat.

17. Timeline:

April 23 at 6 pm cut off for entries

9:00 Coaches Meeting

9:15 Girls Pole Vault--Boys Pole Vault following

9:30 Field Events

Boys Shot Put, Girls Discus, Girls High Jump, Girls Long Jump, Boys Long Jump

10:30  Field Events

Girls Shot Put, Boys Discus, Boys High Jump, Girls Triple Jump, Boys Triple Jump

Running Events

12:00 Girls 4x800

12:15 Boys 4x800

12:30 Girls 100 Hurdles

12:35 Boys 110 Hurdles

12:45 Girls 100 

12:50 Boys 100

12:55 Girls 4x200

1:05 Boys 4x200

1:15 Girls 1600

1:25 Boys 1600

1:35 Girls 4x100

1:45 Boys 4x100

1:55 Girls 400

2:00 Boys 400

2:10 Girls 300 Hurdles

2:15 Boys 300 Hurdles

2:20 Girls 800

2:30 Boys 800

2:40 Girls 200

2:45 Boys 200

2:50 Girls 3200

3:05 Boys 3200

3:20 Girls 4x400

3:30 Boys 4x400