CCS Middle School Invite 2025

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Cost: No Refunds $10 per athlete up to $40 per gender team; Cash or

checks (payable to CCS) accepted; receipts available upon request via


Pay at meet or mail payment to:

Chattanooga Christian School

c/o Katie Stanford

3354 Charger Dr.. Chattanooga, TN 37409

Gate Fee: $7/adult; under 5 free

Schedule of Events:

4:00: Coaches Meeting & Implement Weigh-In

4:15: Field Events Begin Round 1: girls discus, boys shot put, girls high jump, boys & girls long jump

Round 2: boys discus, girls shot put, boys high jump

5:30: Running Events Begin (girls followed by boys)

100-meter hurdles

 100-meter dash

 4 x 200 Relay

 1600-meter run

4X100 Relay

400-meter run

800-meter run

200-meter dash

4x400 meter relay

Entry Restrictions:1 scoring relay per school per

relay event, Limited to 3 athletes per team in each event Athlete may

compete in up to 3 events of any combination

Marks for Measurement: (NO minimum marks for ENTRY!

Throwing Events Procedures: Throwing Implement

Weigh-In: all implements must be weighed in and marked before use in

competition. Any under-weight implements will be held at the timing

table for teams to claim after throwing events have concluded.

Legal-weight implements may be borrowed as needed. Throwers using

un-weighed implements will be disqualified from competition.

Weights: Boys and girls discus: 1.0 kg Boys shot put: 4.0 kg Girls shot put: 6.0 lbs


Marking: A pin will be placed at the point of impact for each

attempt. The pin will be moved if athletes successive attempts are

better than their first attempts. One measurement will be made at the

conclusion of the flight to record athletes best throws. 3 attempts

Jumping Events Procedures: Reference Marks: NO CHALK; tennis balls and athletic tape may be used to set marks

Attempts: Long Jump & High Jump 3 attempts per height

Scratches/Substitutions: Scratches/Substitutions

must be made known at the conclusion of the coaches meeting. Please note

all scratches known at the beginning of the meet. This will prevent

wasted time in calling athletes who don't intend to compete. No

Substitutions permitted after 4:45. Absolutely NO new athletes added who

were not on original registration

Coaches Responsibilities: Coach your athletes. We

are working hard to minimize the amount of time we ask you to officiate.

Be with your team and enjoy the meet! A few of you will be asked to

serve on the Games Committee. This group will review controversial

incidents and issue rulings as needed. If you are interested in being

part of the committee, please notify Sonja Mullins

( you submit your registration. Officiate a field

event. We hope to have sufficient volunteers to staff most events, but

field events often need an experienced coach to ensure that the event is

run fairly.


1st place team plaque

1st - 3rd place individual medals