Meet Information
This year's meet is divided into a two-day meet to help with traffic flow. Middle Schools will run on Wednesday. High Schools will run on Thursday. Please register athletes correctly in MileSplit.
There will be a 15 team limit in each division due to a limited starting area. The first 15 teams registered will be entered. If a team registers and is a NO SHOW, you will be billed for the school maximum registration fee.
Race Schedule:
MS Boys Race @4:00 PM (Top 14 runners)
MS Girls Race @ 4:30 PM (top 14runners)
Mixed JV Race @ 5:00 PM for teams with more than 14 runners. (There will be an additional $15 fee for schools wishing to enter the JV race.)
HS Boys Race @ 5:30 PM
HS Girls Race @ 6:00 PM
There will be no JV races on Thursday. All high school runners will run in the Varsity race with the top seven finishers from each school counting in the scoring.
Tents MAY NOT be placed in the starting area. Tents are to be placed in a designated area near the start/finish area Please stay off of the course and away from the finish area.
Patrons will be directed to a parking area near the course.
A $2.00 per person (Walk-ins) or $5.00 per car donation (Onsite Parking) will be requested. This will be on the honor system. Donation containers will be located near entrance areas and the starting area. These funds contribute to course marking and timing. Please encourage all patrons to contribute.
All busses will be directed to separate bus parking. Location to be announced.
We hope you have a great experience at the THCCCC. We look forward to a great and safe day of competition.
Meet Director: Larry Blalock, cell# 423-329-7938, email