Meet Information
Parking off Harrison Road at LCIMS. HAVE BUSES drop off between 4 and 4:30 please as the stadium is closed until 4 PM due to dismissal traffic.
COACHES ARE ASKED TO ENTER SEED TIMES FOR ALL RACES. USE YOUR BEST THOUGHTS HERE, BUT NO TIME DOES NOT SET UP GOOD RACES. If you need suggestions, please email me and i will give you some guidance.
QUESTIONS: email -
Coaches Meeting at 4:30.Please establish your team area along the outside of the track starting near the high jump and along the back side of the track,
Admission fee for spectators: $5 (CASH ONLY). Concessions available (CASH ONLY).
Max 3 events per athlete, including relays.
FIELD EVENTS: warm-up at 4:30. Begin at 4:45 PM.(MAX 3 all events)
If we have a large number of teams, coaches will be asked to help with field events.
Order: Girls Long/Boys High first, then switch when completed.
Shot and Discus will be determined based on number of entries.
RUNNING EVENTS: begin at 5:00 PM.
Order: girls first/then boys(limits - boys and girls separate):
Please keep to these number restrictions. You may run a B team relay.
RESTRICTIONS ON ENTRIES - DUE to the large number of schools there is a limit now of 2 per event per gender per school for all Field events and FAT timed races. An Open 400 m and Open 800 m using hand-timing will be available for extra athletes.