Daniel Boone Coed 8K Relay 2023

Gray, TN

Meet Information

It would be best if all teams and spectators would park next door at Crossroads Church. There will also be a soccer scrimmage going on in the stadium.

Each School can make up unlimited relay teams that consist of 3 boys

running 2K and 2 girls running 1K. Boys will run legs 1-3-5, Girls 2-4.

There will be an open 2K race for any and all extras so everyone can


Tentative Schedule may be, but could be adjusted to help those traveling:

5:30 Middle School Girls 2K

5:45 Middle School Boys 2K

6:00 Open Girls 2K

6:15 Open Boys 2K

6:30 Coed 8K Relay

There will be 5 races....Girls Open, Boys Open and Coed Relay. Tentatively they would be 15 minutes apart.

There will also be a Middle School race.