Meet Information
9:00 am girls start and 9:45 boys start
Parking Plan for Johnson University High School Cross Country Meet - Saturday Sept 17
Coaches or parents with Team Tents and School buses need to go the ARC parking lot at 7957 Hodges Ferry Road. They will be allowed to park near the tennis courts which is close to the Team Tent area (please see attached map). Also those who need Handicap parking should go to the ARC parking lot.
For all others: early arrivals will be parked in a grass lot near the starting line. The turn off Kimberlin Heights Rd on to Boling Lane is before you see the campus. It is next to the Volunteer Fire Department building at 2135 Kimberlin Heights Rd. There will be an Officer or a Parking Attendant there directing traffic. After this lot is full cars will be parked in the ARC parking lot on Hodges Ferry. After the ARC lot is full we will use the dorm parking lots. There will be Officers or Parking Attendants giving directions.